blob: 325d0ca81315e3278885aa7ef80dabb8db0d3292 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/mock_win32_window.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using testing::_;
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
namespace {
// Creates a valid Windows LPARAM for WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP from parameters
// given.
static LPARAM CreateKeyEventLparam(USHORT ScanCode,
bool extended = false,
USHORT RepeatCount = 1,
bool ContextCode = 0,
bool PreviousKeyState = 1,
bool TransitionState = 1) {
return ((LPARAM(TransitionState) << 31) | (LPARAM(PreviousKeyState) << 30) |
(LPARAM(ContextCode) << 29) | (LPARAM(extended ? 0x1 : 0x0) << 24) |
(LPARAM(ScanCode) << 16) | LPARAM(RepeatCount));
} // namespace
TEST(MockWin32Window, CreateDestroy) {
MockWin32Window window;
TEST(MockWin32Window, GetDpiAfterCreate) {
MockWin32Window window;
ASSERT_TRUE(window.GetDpi() > 0);
TEST(MockWin32Window, VerticalScroll) {
MockWin32Window window;
const int scroll_amount = 10;
// Vertical scroll should be passed along, adjusted for scroll tick size
// and direction.
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnScroll(0, -scroll_amount / 120.0)).Times(1);
window.InjectWindowMessage(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, MAKEWPARAM(0, scroll_amount), 0);
TEST(MockWin32Window, HorizontalScroll) {
MockWin32Window window;
const int scroll_amount = 10;
// Vertical scroll should be passed along, adjusted for scroll tick size.
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnScroll(scroll_amount / 120.0, 0)).Times(1);
window.InjectWindowMessage(WM_MOUSEHWHEEL, MAKEWPARAM(0, scroll_amount), 0);
TEST(MockWin32Window, KeyDown) {
MockWin32Window window;
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnKey(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(1);
LPARAM lparam = CreateKeyEventLparam(42);
// send a "Shift" key down event.
window.InjectWindowMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, 16, lparam);
TEST(MockWin32Window, KeyUp) {
MockWin32Window window;
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnKey(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(1);
LPARAM lparam = CreateKeyEventLparam(42);
// send a "Shift" key up event.
window.InjectWindowMessage(WM_KEYUP, 16, lparam);
TEST(MockWin32Window, KeyDownPrintable) {
MockWin32Window window;
LPARAM lparam = CreateKeyEventLparam(30);
// OnKey shouldn't be called until the WM_CHAR message.
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnKey(65, 30, WM_KEYDOWN, 65, false)).Times(0);
// send a "A" key down event.
window.InjectWindowMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, 65, lparam);
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnKey(65, 30, WM_KEYDOWN, 65, false)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(window, OnText(_)).Times(1);
window.InjectWindowMessage(WM_CHAR, 65, lparam);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter