blob: 22b5b6169558f9186aabc86638db65e86bdb4854 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is identical to ../../../../ui/channel_buffers.dart with the
// following exceptions:
// * All comments except this one are removed.
// * _invokeX is replaced with engine.invokeX (X=1,2)
// * _printDebug is replaced with print in an assert.
part of ui;
typedef DrainChannelCallback = Future<void> Function(ByteData? data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback);
typedef ChannelCallback = void Function(ByteData? data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback);
class _ChannelCallbackRecord {
_ChannelCallbackRecord(this._callback) : _zone = Zone.current;
final ChannelCallback _callback;
final Zone _zone;
void invoke(ByteData? dataArg, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callbackArg) {
engine.invoke2<ByteData?, PlatformMessageResponseCallback>(_callback, _zone, dataArg, callbackArg);
class _StoredMessage {
_StoredMessage(, this._callback) : _zone = Zone.current;
final ByteData? data;
final PlatformMessageResponseCallback _callback;
final Zone _zone;
void invoke(ByteData? dataArg) {
engine.invoke1(_callback, _zone, dataArg);
class _Channel {
_Channel([ this._capacity = ChannelBuffers.kDefaultBufferSize ])
: _queue = collection.ListQueue<_StoredMessage>(_capacity);
final collection.ListQueue<_StoredMessage> _queue;
int get length => _queue.length;
bool debugEnableDiscardWarnings = true;
int get capacity => _capacity;
int _capacity;
set capacity(int newSize) {
_capacity = newSize;
bool _draining = false;
bool push(_StoredMessage message) {
if (!_draining && _channelCallbackRecord != null) {
_channelCallbackRecord!.invoke(, message.invoke);
return false;
if (_capacity <= 0) {
return debugEnableDiscardWarnings;
final bool result = _dropOverflowMessages(_capacity - 1);
return result;
_StoredMessage pop() => _queue.removeFirst();
bool _dropOverflowMessages(int lengthLimit) {
bool result = false;
while (_queue.length > lengthLimit) {
final _StoredMessage message = _queue.removeFirst();
message.invoke(null); // send empty reply to the plugin side
result = true;
return result;
_ChannelCallbackRecord? _channelCallbackRecord;
void setListener(ChannelCallback callback) {
final bool needDrain = _channelCallbackRecord == null;
_channelCallbackRecord = _ChannelCallbackRecord(callback);
if (needDrain && !_draining)
void clearListener() {
_channelCallbackRecord = null;
void _drain() {
_draining = true;
void _drainStep() {
if (_queue.isNotEmpty && _channelCallbackRecord != null) {
final _StoredMessage message = pop();
_channelCallbackRecord!.invoke(, message.invoke);
} else {
_draining = false;
class ChannelBuffers {
static const int kDefaultBufferSize = 1;
static const String kControlChannelName = 'dev.flutter/channel-buffers';
final Map<String, _Channel> _channels = <String, _Channel>{};
void push(String name, ByteData? data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
final _Channel channel = _channels.putIfAbsent(name, () => _Channel());
if (channel.push(_StoredMessage(data, callback))) {
assert(() {
'A message on the $name channel was discarded before it could be handled.\n'
'This happens when a plugin sends messages to the framework side before the '
'framework has had an opportunity to register a listener. See the ChannelBuffers '
'API documentation for details on how to configure the channel to expect more '
'messages, or to expect messages to get discarded:\n'
return true;
void setListener(String name, ChannelCallback callback) {
final _Channel channel = _channels.putIfAbsent(name, () => _Channel());
void clearListener(String name) {
final _Channel? channel = _channels[name];
if (channel != null)
Future<void> drain(String name, DrainChannelCallback callback) async {
final _Channel? channel = _channels[name];
while (channel != null && !channel._queue.isEmpty) {
final _StoredMessage message = channel.pop();
await callback(, message.invoke);
void handleMessage(ByteData data) {
final Uint8List bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
if (bytes[0] == 0x07) { // 7 = value code for string
final int methodNameLength = bytes[1];
if (methodNameLength >= 254) // lengths greater than 253 have more elaborate encoding
throw Exception('Unrecognized message sent to $kControlChannelName (method name too long)');
int index = 2; // where we are in reading the bytes
final String methodName = utf8.decode(bytes.sublist(index, index + methodNameLength));
index += methodNameLength;
switch (methodName) {
case 'resize':
if (bytes[index] != 0x0C) // 12 = value code for list
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'resize\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and new capacity)');
index += 1;
if (bytes[index] < 0x02) // We ignore extra arguments, in case we need to support them in the future, hence <2 rather than !=2.
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'resize\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and new capacity)');
index += 1;
if (bytes[index] != 0x07) // 7 = value code for string
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'resize\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (first argument must be a string)');
index += 1;
final int channelNameLength = bytes[index];
if (channelNameLength >= 254) // lengths greater than 253 have more elaborate encoding
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'resize\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (channel name must be less than 254 characters long)');
index += 1;
final String channelName = utf8.decode(bytes.sublist(index, index + channelNameLength));
index += channelNameLength;
if (bytes[index] != 0x03) // 3 = value code for uint32
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'resize\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (second argument must be an integer in the range 0 to 2147483647)');
index += 1;
resize(channelName, data.getUint32(index,;
case 'overflow':
if (bytes[index] != 0x0C) // 12 = value code for list
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'overflow\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and flag state)');
index += 1;
if (bytes[index] < 0x02) // We ignore extra arguments, in case we need to support them in the future, hence <2 rather than !=2.
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'overflow\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and flag state)');
index += 1;
if (bytes[index] != 0x07) // 7 = value code for string
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'overflow\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (first argument must be a string)');
index += 1;
final int channelNameLength = bytes[index];
if (channelNameLength >= 254) // lengths greater than 253 have more elaborate encoding
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'overflow\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (channel name must be less than 254 characters long)');
index += 1;
final String channelName = utf8.decode(bytes.sublist(index, index + channelNameLength));
index += channelNameLength;
if (bytes[index] != 0x01 && bytes[index] != 0x02) // 1 = value code for true, 2 = value code for false
throw Exception('Invalid arguments for \'overflow\' method sent to $kControlChannelName (second argument must be a boolean)');
allowOverflow(channelName, bytes[index] == 0x01);
throw Exception('Unrecognized method \'$methodName\' sent to $kControlChannelName');
} else {
final List<String> parts = utf8.decode(bytes).split('\r');
if (parts.length == 1 + /*arity=*/2 && parts[0] == 'resize') {
resize(parts[1], int.parse(parts[2]));
} else {
throw Exception('Unrecognized message $parts sent to $kControlChannelName.');
void resize(String name, int newSize) {
_Channel? channel = _channels[name];
if (channel == null) {
channel = _Channel(newSize);
_channels[name] = channel;
} else {
channel.capacity = newSize;
void allowOverflow(String name, bool allowed) {
assert(() {
_Channel? channel = _channels[name];
if (channel == null && allowed) {
channel = _Channel();
_channels[name] = channel;
channel?.debugEnableDiscardWarnings = !allowed;
return true;
final ChannelBuffers channelBuffers = ChannelBuffers();