blob: 44d7fd01bfbe0009de8c116de9d766757cae57ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../font_change_util.dart';
import '../platform_dispatcher.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'fonts.dart';
import 'initialization.dart';
import 'interval_tree.dart';
/// Global static font fallback data.
class FontFallbackData {
static FontFallbackData get instance => _instance;
static FontFallbackData _instance = FontFallbackData();
/// Resets the fallback font data.
/// After calling this method fallback fonts will be loaded from scratch.
/// Used for tests.
static void debugReset() {
_instance = FontFallbackData();
/// Whether or not "Noto Sans Symbols" and "Noto Color Emoji" fonts have been
/// downloaded. We download these as fallbacks when no other font covers the
/// given code units.
bool registeredSymbolsAndEmoji = false;
/// Code units that no known font has a glyph for.
final Set<int> codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont = <int>{};
/// Code units which are known to be covered by at least one fallback font.
final Set<int> knownCoveredCodeUnits = <int>{};
/// Index of all font families by code unit range.
final IntervalTree<NotoFont> notoTree = createNotoFontTree();
static IntervalTree<NotoFont> createNotoFontTree() {
final Map<NotoFont, List<CodeunitRange>> ranges =
<NotoFont, List<CodeunitRange>>{};
for (final NotoFont font in _notoFonts) {
// TODO(yjbanov): instead of mutating the font tree during reset, it's
// better to construct an immutable tree of resolved fonts
// pointing back to the original NotoFont objects. Then
// resetting the tree would be a matter of reconstructing
// the new resolved tree.
// ignore: prefer_foreach
for (final CodeunitRange range in font.approximateUnicodeRanges) {
ranges.putIfAbsent(font, () => <CodeunitRange>[]).add(range);
return IntervalTree<NotoFont>.createFromRanges(ranges);
/// Fallback fonts which have been registered and loaded.
final List<RegisteredFont> registeredFallbackFonts = <RegisteredFont>[];
final List<String> globalFontFallbacks = <String>['Roboto'];
final Map<String, int> fontFallbackCounts = <String, int>{};
/// A list of code units to check against the global fallback fonts.
final Set<int> _codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts = <int>{};
/// This is [true] if we have scheduled a check for missing code units.
/// We only do this once a frame, since checking if a font supports certain
/// code units is very expensive.
bool _scheduledCodeUnitCheck = false;
/// Determines if the given [text] contains any code points which are not
/// supported by the current set of fonts.
void ensureFontsSupportText(String text, List<String> fontFamilies) {
// TODO(hterkelsen): Make this faster for the common case where the text
// is supported by the given fonts.
// If the text is ASCII, then skip this check.
bool isAscii = true;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (text.codeUnitAt(i) >= 160) {
isAscii = false;
if (isAscii) {
// We have a cache of code units which are known to be covered by at least
// one of our fallback fonts, and a cache of code units which are known not
// to be covered by any fallback font. From the given text, construct a set
// of code units which need to be checked.
final Set<int> runesToCheck = <int>{};
for (final int rune in text.runes) {
// Filter out code units which ASCII, known to be covered, or known not
// to be covered.
if (!(rune < 160 ||
knownCoveredCodeUnits.contains(rune) ||
codeUnitsWithNoKnownFont.contains(rune))) {
if (runesToCheck.isEmpty) {
final List<int> codeUnits = runesToCheck.toList();
final List<SkFont> fonts = <SkFont>[];
for (final String font in fontFamilies) {
final List<SkFont>? typefacesForFamily =
if (typefacesForFamily != null) {
final List<bool> codeUnitsSupported =
List<bool>.filled(codeUnits.length, false);
final String testString = String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
for (final SkFont font in fonts) {
final Uint8List glyphs = font.getGlyphIDs(testString);
assert(glyphs.length == codeUnitsSupported.length);
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) {
codeUnitsSupported[i] |= glyphs[i] != 0 || _isControlCode(codeUnits[i]);
if (codeUnitsSupported.any((bool x) => !x)) {
final List<int> missingCodeUnits = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < codeUnitsSupported.length; i++) {
if (!codeUnitsSupported[i]) {
if (!_scheduledCodeUnitCheck) {
_scheduledCodeUnitCheck = true;
// ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
/// Returns [true] if [codepoint] is a Unicode control code.
bool _isControlCode(int codepoint) {
return codepoint < 32 || (codepoint > 127 && codepoint < 160);
/// Checks the missing code units against the current set of fallback fonts
/// and starts downloading new fallback fonts if the current set can't cover
/// the code units.
void _ensureFallbackFonts() {
_scheduledCodeUnitCheck = false;
// We don't know if the remaining code units are covered by our fallback
// fonts. Check them and update the cache.
final List<int> codeUnits = _codeUnitsToCheckAgainstFallbackFonts.toList();
final List<bool> codeUnitsSupported =
List<bool>.filled(codeUnits.length, false);
final String testString = String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
for (final String font in globalFontFallbacks) {
final List<SkFont>? fontsForFamily =
if (fontsForFamily == null) {
printWarning('A fallback font was registered but we '
'cannot retrieve the typeface for it.');
for (final SkFont font in fontsForFamily) {
final Uint8List glyphs = font.getGlyphIDs(testString);
assert(glyphs.length == codeUnitsSupported.length);
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) {
final bool codeUnitSupported = glyphs[i] != 0;
if (codeUnitSupported) {
codeUnitsSupported[i] |=
codeUnitSupported || _isControlCode(codeUnits[i]);
// Once we've checked every typeface for this family, check to see if
// every code unit has been covered in order to avoid unnecessary checks.
bool keepGoing = false;
for (final bool supported in codeUnitsSupported) {
if (!supported) {
keepGoing = true;
if (!keepGoing) {
// If we reached here, then there are some code units which aren't covered
// by the global fallback fonts. Remove the ones which were covered and
// try to find fallback fonts which cover them.
for (int i = codeUnits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (codeUnitsSupported[i]) {
void registerFallbackFont(String family, Uint8List bytes) {
final SkTypeface? typeface =
if (typeface == null) {
printWarning('Failed to parse fallback font $family as a font.');
fontFallbackCounts.putIfAbsent(family, () => 0);
final int fontFallbackTag = fontFallbackCounts[family]!;
fontFallbackCounts[family] = fontFallbackCounts[family]! + 1;
final String countedFamily = '$family $fontFallbackTag';
// Insert emoji font before all other fallback fonts so we use the emoji
// whenever it's available.
registeredFallbackFonts.add(RegisteredFont(bytes, countedFamily, typeface));
// Insert emoji font before all other fallback fonts so we use the emoji
// whenever it's available.
if (family == 'Noto Color Emoji Compat') {
if (globalFontFallbacks.first == 'Roboto') {
globalFontFallbacks.insert(1, countedFamily);
} else {
globalFontFallbacks.insert(0, countedFamily);
} else {
Future<void> findFontsForMissingCodeunits(List<int> codeUnits) async {
final FontFallbackData data = FontFallbackData.instance;
Set<NotoFont> fonts = <NotoFont>{};
final Set<int> coveredCodeUnits = <int>{};
final Set<int> missingCodeUnits = <int>{};
for (final int codeUnit in codeUnits) {
final List<NotoFont> fontsForUnit = data.notoTree.intersections(codeUnit);
if (fontsForUnit.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
for (final NotoFont font in fonts) {
await font.ensureResolved();
// The call to `findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits` will remove all code units that
// were matched by `fonts` from `unmatchedCodeUnits`.
final Set<int> unmatchedCodeUnits = Set<int>.from(coveredCodeUnits);
fonts = findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits(unmatchedCodeUnits, fonts);
final Set<_ResolvedNotoSubset> resolvedFonts = <_ResolvedNotoSubset>{};
for (final int codeUnit in coveredCodeUnits) {
for (final NotoFont font in fonts) {
if (font.resolvedFont == null) {
// We failed to resolve the font earlier.
// We looked through the Noto font tree and didn't find any font families
// covering some code units, or we did find a font family, but when we
// downloaded the fonts we found that they actually didn't cover them. So
// we try looking them up in the symbols and emojis fonts.
if (missingCodeUnits.isNotEmpty || unmatchedCodeUnits.isNotEmpty) {
if (!data.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji) {
} else {
if (!notoDownloadQueue.isPending) {
'Could not find a set of Noto fonts to display all missing '
'characters. Please add a font asset for the missing characters.'
' See:');
/// Parse the CSS file for a font and make a list of resolved subsets.
/// A CSS file from Google Fonts looks like this:
/// /* [0] */
/// @font-face {
/// font-family: 'Noto Sans KR';
/// font-style: normal;
/// font-weight: 400;
/// src: url( format('woff2');
/// unicode-range: U+f9ca-fa0b, U+ff03-ff05, U+ff07, U+ff0a-ff0b, U+ff0d-ff19, U+ff1b, U+ff1d, U+ff20-ff5b, U+ff5d, U+ffe0-ffe3, U+ffe5-ffe6;
/// }
/// /* [1] */
/// @font-face {
/// font-family: 'Noto Sans KR';
/// font-style: normal;
/// font-weight: 400;
/// src: url( format('woff2');
/// unicode-range: U+f92f-f980, U+f982-f9c9;
/// }
/// /* [2] */
/// @font-face {
/// font-family: 'Noto Sans KR';
/// font-style: normal;
/// font-weight: 400;
/// src: url( format('woff2');
/// unicode-range: U+d723-d728, U+d72a-d733, U+d735-d748, U+d74a-d74f, U+d752-d753, U+d755-d757, U+d75a-d75f, U+d762-d764, U+d766-d768, U+d76a-d76b, U+d76d-d76f, U+d771-d787, U+d789-d78b, U+d78d-d78f, U+d791-d797, U+d79a, U+d79c, U+d79e-d7a3, U+f900-f909, U+f90b-f92e;
/// }
_ResolvedNotoFont? _makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss(String css, String name) {
final List<_ResolvedNotoSubset> subsets = <_ResolvedNotoSubset>[];
bool resolvingFontFace = false;
String? fontFaceUrl;
List<CodeunitRange>? fontFaceUnicodeRanges;
for (final String line in LineSplitter.split(css)) {
// Search for the beginning of a @font-face.
if (!resolvingFontFace) {
if (line == '@font-face {') {
resolvingFontFace = true;
} else {
} else {
// We are resolving a @font-face, read out the url and ranges.
if (line.startsWith(' src:')) {
final int urlStart = line.indexOf('url(');
if (urlStart == -1) {
printWarning('Unable to resolve Noto font URL: $line');
return null;
final int urlEnd = line.indexOf(')');
fontFaceUrl = line.substring(urlStart + 4, urlEnd);
} else if (line.startsWith(' unicode-range:')) {
fontFaceUnicodeRanges = <CodeunitRange>[];
final String rangeString = line.substring(17, line.length - 1);
final List<String> rawRanges = rangeString.split(', ');
for (final String rawRange in rawRanges) {
final List<String> startEnd = rawRange.split('-');
if (startEnd.length == 1) {
final String singleRange = startEnd.single;
final int rangeValue =
int.parse(singleRange.substring(2), radix: 16);
fontFaceUnicodeRanges.add(CodeunitRange(rangeValue, rangeValue));
} else {
assert(startEnd.length == 2);
final String startRange = startEnd[0];
final String endRange = startEnd[1];
final int startValue =
int.parse(startRange.substring(2), radix: 16);
final int endValue = int.parse(endRange, radix: 16);
fontFaceUnicodeRanges.add(CodeunitRange(startValue, endValue));
} else if (line == '}') {
if (fontFaceUrl == null || fontFaceUnicodeRanges == null) {
printWarning('Unable to parse Google Fonts CSS: $css');
return null;
.add(_ResolvedNotoSubset(fontFaceUrl, name, fontFaceUnicodeRanges));
resolvingFontFace = false;
} else {
if (resolvingFontFace) {
printWarning('Unable to parse Google Fonts CSS: $css');
return null;
final Map<_ResolvedNotoSubset, List<CodeunitRange>> rangesMap =
<_ResolvedNotoSubset, List<CodeunitRange>>{};
for (final _ResolvedNotoSubset subset in subsets) {
// ignore: prefer_foreach
for (final CodeunitRange range in subset.ranges) {
rangesMap.putIfAbsent(subset, () => <CodeunitRange>[]).add(range);
if (rangesMap.isEmpty) {
printWarning('Parsed Google Fonts CSS was empty: $css');
return null;
final IntervalTree<_ResolvedNotoSubset> tree =
return _ResolvedNotoFont(name, subsets, tree);
/// In the case where none of the known Noto Fonts cover a set of code units,
/// try the Symbols and Emoji fonts. We don't know the exact range of code units
/// that are covered by these fonts, so we download them and hope for the best.
Future<void> _registerSymbolsAndEmoji() async {
final FontFallbackData data = FontFallbackData.instance;
if (data.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji) {
data.registeredSymbolsAndEmoji = true;
const String emojiUrl =
const String symbolsUrl =
final String emojiCss =
await notoDownloadQueue.downloader.downloadAsString(emojiUrl);
final String symbolsCss =
await notoDownloadQueue.downloader.downloadAsString(symbolsUrl);
String? extractUrlFromCss(String css) {
for (final String line in LineSplitter.split(css)) {
if (line.startsWith(' src:')) {
final int urlStart = line.indexOf('url(');
if (urlStart == -1) {
printWarning('Unable to resolve Noto font URL: $line');
return null;
final int urlEnd = line.indexOf(')');
return line.substring(urlStart + 4, urlEnd);
printWarning('Unable to determine URL for Noto font');
return null;
final String? emojiFontUrl = extractUrlFromCss(emojiCss);
final String? symbolsFontUrl = extractUrlFromCss(symbolsCss);
if (emojiFontUrl != null) {
emojiFontUrl, 'Noto Color Emoji Compat', const <CodeunitRange>[]));
} else {
printWarning('Error parsing CSS for Noto Emoji font.');
if (symbolsFontUrl != null) {
symbolsFontUrl, 'Noto Sans Symbols', const <CodeunitRange>[]));
} else {
printWarning('Error parsing CSS for Noto Symbols font.');
/// Finds the minimum set of fonts which covers all of the [codeUnits].
/// Removes all code units covered by [fonts] from [codeUnits]. The code
/// units remaining in the [codeUnits] set after calling this function do not
/// have a font that covers them and can be omitted next time to avoid
/// searching for fonts unnecessarily.
/// Since set cover is NP-complete, we approximate using a greedy algorithm
/// which finds the font which covers the most code units. If multiple CJK
/// fonts match the same number of code units, we choose one based on the user's
/// locale.
Set<NotoFont> findMinimumFontsForCodeUnits(
Set<int> codeUnits, Set<NotoFont> fonts) {
assert(fonts.isNotEmpty || codeUnits.isEmpty);
final Set<NotoFont> minimumFonts = <NotoFont>{};
final List<NotoFont> bestFonts = <NotoFont>[];
final String language = html.window.navigator.language;
while (codeUnits.isNotEmpty) {
int maxCodeUnitsCovered = 0;
for (final NotoFont font in fonts) {
int codeUnitsCovered = 0;
for (final int codeUnit in codeUnits) {
if (font.resolvedFont?.tree.containsDeep(codeUnit) == true) {
if (codeUnitsCovered > maxCodeUnitsCovered) {
maxCodeUnitsCovered = codeUnitsCovered;
} else if (codeUnitsCovered == maxCodeUnitsCovered) {
if (maxCodeUnitsCovered == 0) {
// Fonts cannot cover remaining unmatched characters.
// If the list of best fonts are all CJK fonts, choose the best one based
// on locale. Otherwise just choose the first font.
NotoFont bestFont = bestFonts.first;
if (bestFonts.length > 1) {
if (bestFonts.every((NotoFont font) => _cjkFonts.contains(font))) {
if (language == 'zh-Hans' ||
language == 'zh-CN' ||
language == 'zh-SG' ||
language == 'zh-MY') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansSC)) {
bestFont = _notoSansSC;
} else if (language == 'zh-Hant' ||
language == 'zh-TW' ||
language == 'zh-MO') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansTC)) {
bestFont = _notoSansTC;
} else if (language == 'zh-HK') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansHK)) {
bestFont = _notoSansHK;
} else if (language == 'ja') {
if (bestFonts.contains(_notoSansJP)) {
bestFont = _notoSansJP;
codeUnits.removeWhere((int codeUnit) {
return bestFont.resolvedFont!.tree.containsDeep(codeUnit);
return minimumFonts;
class NotoFont {
final String name;
final List<CodeunitRange> approximateUnicodeRanges;
Completer<void>? _decodingCompleter;
_ResolvedNotoFont? resolvedFont;
NotoFont(, this.approximateUnicodeRanges);
String get googleFontsCssUrl =>
'${name.replaceAll(' ', '+')}';
Future<void> ensureResolved() async {
if (resolvedFont == null) {
if (_decodingCompleter == null) {
_decodingCompleter = Completer<void>();
final String googleFontCss = await notoDownloadQueue.downloader
final _ResolvedNotoFont? googleFont =
_makeResolvedNotoFontFromCss(googleFontCss, name);
resolvedFont = googleFont;
} else {
await _decodingCompleter!.future;
void reset() {
resolvedFont = null;
_decodingCompleter = null;
class CodeunitRange {
final int start;
final int end;
const CodeunitRange(this.start, this.end);
bool contains(int codeUnit) {
return start <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= end;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! CodeunitRange) {
return false;
final CodeunitRange range = other;
return range.start == start && range.end == end;
int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(start, end);
String toString() => '[$start, $end]';
class _ResolvedNotoFont {
final String name;
final List<_ResolvedNotoSubset> subsets;
final IntervalTree<_ResolvedNotoSubset> tree;
const _ResolvedNotoFont(, this.subsets, this.tree);
class _ResolvedNotoSubset {
final String url;
final String family;
final List<CodeunitRange> ranges;
_ResolvedNotoSubset(this.url,, this.ranges);
String toString() => '_ResolvedNotoSubset($family, $url)';
NotoFont _notoSansSC = NotoFont('Noto Sans SC', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(12288, 12591),
const CodeunitRange(12800, 13311),
const CodeunitRange(19968, 40959),
const CodeunitRange(65072, 65135),
const CodeunitRange(65280, 65519),
NotoFont _notoSansTC = NotoFont('Noto Sans TC', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(12288, 12351),
const CodeunitRange(12549, 12585),
const CodeunitRange(19968, 40959),
NotoFont _notoSansHK = NotoFont('Noto Sans HK', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(12288, 12351),
const CodeunitRange(12549, 12585),
const CodeunitRange(19968, 40959),
NotoFont _notoSansJP = NotoFont('Noto Sans JP', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(12288, 12543),
const CodeunitRange(19968, 40959),
const CodeunitRange(65280, 65519),
List<NotoFont> _cjkFonts = <NotoFont>[
List<NotoFont> _notoFonts = <NotoFont>[
NotoFont('Noto Naskh Arabic UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(1536, 1791),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8206),
const CodeunitRange(8208, 8209),
const CodeunitRange(8271, 8271),
const CodeunitRange(11841, 11841),
const CodeunitRange(64336, 65023),
const CodeunitRange(65132, 65276),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Armenian', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(1328, 1424),
const CodeunitRange(64275, 64279),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Bengali UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(2433, 2555),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Myanmar UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(4096, 4255),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(77824, 78894),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Ethiopic', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(4608, 5017),
const CodeunitRange(11648, 11742),
const CodeunitRange(43777, 43822),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Georgian', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(1417, 1417),
const CodeunitRange(4256, 4351),
const CodeunitRange(11520, 11567),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Gujarati UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(2688, 2815),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
const CodeunitRange(43056, 43065),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(2561, 2677),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
const CodeunitRange(9772, 9772),
const CodeunitRange(43056, 43065),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Hebrew', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(1424, 1535),
const CodeunitRange(8362, 8362),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
const CodeunitRange(64285, 64335),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Devanagari UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2304, 2431),
const CodeunitRange(7376, 7414),
const CodeunitRange(7416, 7417),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8360, 8360),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
const CodeunitRange(43056, 43065),
const CodeunitRange(43232, 43259),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Kannada UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(3202, 3314),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Khmer UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(6016, 6143),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8204),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans KR', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(12593, 12686),
const CodeunitRange(12800, 12828),
const CodeunitRange(12896, 12923),
const CodeunitRange(44032, 55215),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Lao UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(3713, 3807),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Malayalam UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(775, 775),
const CodeunitRange(803, 803),
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(3330, 3455),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Sinhala', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(3458, 3572),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Tamil UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(2946, 3066),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(8377, 8377),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Telugu UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(2385, 2386),
const CodeunitRange(2404, 2405),
const CodeunitRange(3072, 3199),
const CodeunitRange(7386, 7386),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans Thai UI', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(3585, 3675),
const CodeunitRange(8204, 8205),
const CodeunitRange(9676, 9676),
NotoFont('Noto Sans', <CodeunitRange>[
const CodeunitRange(0, 255),
const CodeunitRange(305, 305),
const CodeunitRange(338, 339),
const CodeunitRange(699, 700),
const CodeunitRange(710, 710),
const CodeunitRange(730, 730),
const CodeunitRange(732, 732),
const CodeunitRange(8192, 8303),
const CodeunitRange(8308, 8308),
const CodeunitRange(8364, 8364),
const CodeunitRange(8482, 8482),
const CodeunitRange(8593, 8593),
const CodeunitRange(8595, 8595),
const CodeunitRange(8722, 8722),
const CodeunitRange(8725, 8725),
const CodeunitRange(65279, 65279),
const CodeunitRange(65533, 65533),
const CodeunitRange(1024, 1119),
const CodeunitRange(1168, 1169),
const CodeunitRange(1200, 1201),
const CodeunitRange(8470, 8470),
const CodeunitRange(1120, 1327),
const CodeunitRange(7296, 7304),
const CodeunitRange(8372, 8372),
const CodeunitRange(11744, 11775),
const CodeunitRange(42560, 42655),
const CodeunitRange(65070, 65071),
const CodeunitRange(880, 1023),
const CodeunitRange(7936, 8191),
const CodeunitRange(256, 591),
const CodeunitRange(601, 601),
const CodeunitRange(7680, 7935),
const CodeunitRange(8224, 8224),
const CodeunitRange(8352, 8363),
const CodeunitRange(8365, 8399),
const CodeunitRange(8467, 8467),
const CodeunitRange(11360, 11391),
const CodeunitRange(42784, 43007),
const CodeunitRange(258, 259),
const CodeunitRange(272, 273),
const CodeunitRange(296, 297),
const CodeunitRange(360, 361),
const CodeunitRange(416, 417),
const CodeunitRange(431, 432),
const CodeunitRange(7840, 7929),
const CodeunitRange(8363, 8363),
class FallbackFontDownloadQueue {
NotoDownloader downloader = NotoDownloader();
final Set<_ResolvedNotoSubset> downloadedSubsets = <_ResolvedNotoSubset>{};
final Map<String, _ResolvedNotoSubset> pendingSubsets =
<String, _ResolvedNotoSubset>{};
bool get isPending => pendingSubsets.isNotEmpty || _fontsLoading != null;
Future<void>? _fontsLoading;
bool get debugIsLoadingFonts => _fontsLoading != null;
Future<void> debugWhenIdle() async {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
await Future<void>.delayed(;
while (isPending) {
if (_fontsLoading != null) {
await _fontsLoading;
if (pendingSubsets.isNotEmpty) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
if (pendingSubsets.isEmpty) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
} else {
throw UnimplementedError();
void add(_ResolvedNotoSubset subset) {
if (downloadedSubsets.contains(subset) ||
pendingSubsets.containsKey(subset.url)) {
final bool firstInBatch = pendingSubsets.isEmpty;
pendingSubsets[subset.url] = subset;
if (firstInBatch) {;
Future<void> startDownloads() async {
final Map<String, Future<void>> downloads = <String, Future<void>>{};
final Map<String, Uint8List> downloadedData = <String, Uint8List>{};
for (final _ResolvedNotoSubset subset in pendingSubsets.values) {
downloads[subset.url] = Future<void>(() async {
ByteBuffer buffer;
try {
buffer = await downloader.downloadAsBytes(subset.url,
} catch (e) {
printWarning('Failed to load font ${} at ${subset.url}');
downloadedData[subset.url] = buffer.asUint8List();
await Future.wait<void>(downloads.values);
// Register fallback fonts in a predictable order. Otherwise, the fonts
// change their precedence depending on the download order causing
// visual differences between app reloads.
final List<String> downloadOrder =
for (final String url in downloadOrder) {
final _ResolvedNotoSubset subset = pendingSubsets.remove(url)!;
final Uint8List bytes = downloadedData[url]!;
FontFallbackData.instance.registerFallbackFont(, bytes);
if (pendingSubsets.isEmpty) {
_fontsLoading = skiaFontCollection.ensureFontsLoaded();
try {
await _fontsLoading;
} finally {
_fontsLoading = null;
if (pendingSubsets.isNotEmpty) {
await startDownloads();
class NotoDownloader {
int get debugActiveDownloadCount => _debugActiveDownloadCount;
int _debugActiveDownloadCount = 0;
/// Returns a future that resolves when there are no pending downloads.
/// Useful in tests to make sure that fonts are loaded before working with
/// text.
Future<void> debugWhenIdle() async {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
// Some downloads begin asynchronously in a microtask or in a
// Let those run before waiting for downloads to finish.
await Future<void>.delayed(;
while (_debugActiveDownloadCount > 0) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
// If we started with a non-zero count and hit zero while waiting, wait a
// little more to make sure another download doesn't get chained after
// the last one (e.g. font file download after font CSS download).
if (_debugActiveDownloadCount == 0) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
} else {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Downloads the [url] and returns it as a [ByteBuffer].
/// Override this for testing.
Future<ByteBuffer> downloadAsBytes(String url, {String? debugDescription}) {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_debugActiveDownloadCount += 1;
final Future<ByteBuffer> result = httpFetch(url).then(
(html.Body fetchResult) => fetchResult
.then<ByteBuffer>((dynamic x) => x as ByteBuffer));
if (assertionsEnabled) {
result.whenComplete(() {
_debugActiveDownloadCount -= 1;
return result;
/// Downloads the [url] and returns is as a [String].
/// Override this for testing.
Future<String> downloadAsString(String url, {String? debugDescription}) {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_debugActiveDownloadCount += 1;
final Future<String> result = httpFetch(url).then(
(html.Body response) =>
response.text().then<String>((dynamic x) => x as String));
if (assertionsEnabled) {
result.whenComplete(() {
_debugActiveDownloadCount -= 1;
return result;
FallbackFontDownloadQueue notoDownloadQueue = FallbackFontDownloadQueue();