blob: 15a6a93834ee2f1d473dc197aab8cd88f0c74e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Uses image codecs supplied by the CanvasKit WASM bundle.
/// See also:
/// * `image_web_codecs.dart`, which uses the `ImageDecoder` supplied by the browser.
library image_wasm_codecs;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'image.dart';
import 'skia_object_cache.dart';
/// The CanvasKit implementation of [ui.Codec].
/// Wraps `SkAnimatedImage`.
class CkAnimatedImage extends ManagedSkiaObject<SkAnimatedImage>
implements ui.Codec {
/// Decodes an image from a list of encoded bytes.
CkAnimatedImage.decodeFromBytes(this._bytes, this.src);
final String src;
final Uint8List _bytes;
int _frameCount = 0;
int _repetitionCount = -1;
/// Current frame index.
int _currentFrameIndex = 0;
SkAnimatedImage createDefault() {
final SkAnimatedImage? animatedImage =
if (animatedImage == null) {
throw ImageCodecException(
'Failed to decode image data.\n'
'Image source: $src',
_frameCount = animatedImage.getFrameCount();
_repetitionCount = animatedImage.getRepetitionCount();
// Normally CanvasKit initializes `SkAnimatedImage` to point to the first
// frame in the animation. However, if the Skia object has been deleted then
// resurrected, the framework/app may already have advanced to one of the
// subsequent frames. When that happens the value of _currentFrameIndex will
// be something other than zero, and we need to tell the decoder to skip
// over the previous frames to point to the current one.
for (int i = 0; i < _currentFrameIndex; i++) {
return animatedImage;
SkAnimatedImage resurrect() => createDefault();
bool get isResurrectionExpensive => true;
void delete() {
bool _disposed = false;
bool get debugDisposed => _disposed;
bool _debugCheckIsNotDisposed() {
assert(!_disposed, 'This image has been disposed.');
return true;
void dispose() {
'Cannot dispose a codec that has already been disposed.',
_disposed = true;
int get frameCount {
return _frameCount;
int get repetitionCount {
return _repetitionCount;
Future<ui.FrameInfo> getNextFrame() {
final SkAnimatedImage animatedImage = skiaObject;
// SkAnimatedImage comes pre-initialized to point to the current frame (by
// default the first frame, and, with some special resurrection logic in
// `createDefault`, to a subsequent frame if resurrection happens in the
// middle of animation). Flutter's `Codec` semantics is to initialize to
// point to "just before the first frame", i.e. the first invocation of
// `getNextFrame` returns the first frame. Therefore, we have to read the
// current Skia frame, then advance SkAnimatedImage to the next frame, and
// return the current frame.
final ui.FrameInfo currentFrame = AnimatedImageFrameInfo(
Duration(milliseconds: animatedImage.currentFrameDuration()),
_currentFrameIndex = (_currentFrameIndex + 1) % _frameCount;
return Future<ui.FrameInfo>.value(currentFrame);