blob: 1d3cfff1dcb1978b4e0d9259f9fba6e0ac1e41f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Uses the `ImageDecoder` class supplied by the browser.
/// See also:
/// * `image_wasm_codecs.dart`, which uses codecs supplied by the CanvasKit WASM bundle.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show base64;
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../alarm_clock.dart';
import '../safe_browser_api.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'image.dart';
Duration _kDefaultWebDecoderExpireDuration = const Duration(seconds: 3);
Duration _kWebDecoderExpireDuration = _kDefaultWebDecoderExpireDuration;
/// Overrides the inactivity duration after which the web decoder is closed.
/// This should only be used in tests.
void debugOverrideWebDecoderExpireDuration(Duration override) {
_kWebDecoderExpireDuration = override;
/// Restores the web decoder inactivity expiry duration to its original value.
/// This should only be used in tests.
void debugRestoreWebDecoderExpireDuration() {
_kWebDecoderExpireDuration = _kDefaultWebDecoderExpireDuration;
/// Image decoder backed by the browser's `ImageDecoder`.
class CkBrowserImageDecoder implements ui.Codec {
static Future<CkBrowserImageDecoder> create({
required Uint8List data,
required String debugSource,
int? targetWidth,
int? targetHeight,
}) async {
// ImageDecoder does not detect image type automatically. It requires us to
// tell it what the image type is.
final String? contentType = detectContentType(data);
if (contentType == null) {
final String fileHeader;
if (data.isNotEmpty) {
fileHeader = '[' + bytesToHexString(data.sublist(0, math.min(10, data.length))) + ']';
} else {
fileHeader = 'empty';
throw ImageCodecException(
'Failed to detect image file format using the file header.\n'
'File header was $fileHeader.\n'
'Image source: $debugSource'
final CkBrowserImageDecoder decoder = CkBrowserImageDecoder._(
contentType: contentType,
targetWidth: targetWidth,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
data: data,
debugSource: debugSource,
// Call once to initialize the decoder and populate late fields.
await decoder._getOrCreateWebDecoder();
return decoder;
required this.contentType,
required this.targetWidth,
required this.targetHeight,
required this.debugSource,
final String contentType;
final int? targetWidth;
final int? targetHeight;
final Uint8List data;
final String debugSource;
late int frameCount;
late int repetitionCount;
/// Whether this decoder has been disposed of.
/// Once this turns true it stays true forever, and this decoder becomes
/// unusable.
bool _isDisposed = false;
void dispose() {
_isDisposed = true;
// This releases all resources, including any currently running decoding work.
_cachedWebDecoder = null;
void _debugCheckNotDisposed() {
'Cannot use this image decoder. It has been disposed of.'
/// The index of the frame that will be decoded on the next call of [getNextFrame];
int _nextFrameIndex = 0;
/// Creating a new decoder is expensive, so we cache the decoder for reuse.
/// This decoder is closed and the field is nulled out after some time of
/// inactivity.
ImageDecoder? _cachedWebDecoder;
/// The underlying image decoder used to decode images.
/// This value is volatile. It may be closed or become null any time.
/// This is only meant to be used in tests.
ImageDecoder? get debugCachedWebDecoder => _cachedWebDecoder;
final AlarmClock _cacheExpirationClock = AlarmClock(() =>;
Future<ImageDecoder> _getOrCreateWebDecoder() async {
if (_cachedWebDecoder != null) {
// Give the cached value some time for reuse, e.g. if the image is
// currently animating.
_cacheExpirationClock.datetime =;
return _cachedWebDecoder!;
// Null out the callback so the clock doesn't try to expire the decoder
// while it's initializing. There's no way to tell how long the
// initialization will take place. We just let it proceed at its own pace.
_cacheExpirationClock.callback = null;
try {
final ImageDecoder webDecoder = ImageDecoder(ImageDecoderOptions(
type: contentType,
data: data,
// Flutter always uses premultiplied alpha when decoding.
premultiplyAlpha: 'premultiply',
desiredWidth: targetWidth,
desiredHeight: targetHeight,
// "default" gives the browser the liberty to convert to display-appropriate
// color space, typically SRGB, which is what we want.
colorSpaceConversion: 'default',
// Flutter doesn't give the developer a way to customize this, so if this
// is an animated image we should prefer the animated track.
preferAnimation: true,
await promiseToFuture<void>(webDecoder.tracks.ready);
// Flutter doesn't have an API for progressive loading of images, so we
// wait until the image is fully decoded.
// package:js bindings don't work with getters that return a Promise, which
// is why js_util is used instead.
await promiseToFuture<void>(getJsProperty(webDecoder, 'completed'));
frameCount = webDecoder.tracks.selectedTrack!.frameCount;
repetitionCount = webDecoder.tracks.selectedTrack!.repetitionCount;
_cachedWebDecoder = webDecoder;
// Expire the decoder if it's not used for several seconds. If the image is
// not animated, it could mean that the framework has cached the frame and
// therefore doesn't need the decoder any more, or it could mean that the
// widget is gone and it's time to collect resources associated with it.
// If it's an animated image it means the animation has stopped, otherwise
// we'd see calls to [getNextFrame] which would update the expiry date on
// the decoder. If the animation is stopped for long enough, it's better
// to collect resources. If and when the animation resumes, a new decoder
// will be instantiated.
_cacheExpirationClock.callback = () {
_cachedWebDecoder = null;
_cacheExpirationClock.callback = null;
_cacheExpirationClock.datetime =;
return webDecoder;
} catch (error) {
if (error is html.DomException) {
if ( == html.DomException.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
throw ImageCodecException(
'Image file format ($contentType) is not supported by this browser\'s ImageDecoder API.\n'
'Image source: $debugSource',
throw ImageCodecException(
'Failed to decode image using the browser\'s ImageDecoder API.\n'
'Image source: $debugSource\n'
'Original browser error: $error'
Future<ui.FrameInfo> getNextFrame() async {
final ImageDecoder webDecoder = await _getOrCreateWebDecoder();
final DecodeResult result = await promiseToFuture<DecodeResult>(
webDecoder.decode(DecodeOptions(frameIndex: _nextFrameIndex)),
final VideoFrame frame = result.image;
_nextFrameIndex = (_nextFrameIndex + 1) % frameCount;
final SkImage? skImage = canvasKit.MakeLazyImageFromTextureSource(
alphaType: canvasKit.AlphaType.Premul,
colorType: canvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_8888,
colorSpace: SkColorSpaceSRGB,
width: frame.displayWidth,
height: frame.displayHeight,
// Duration can be null if the image is not animated. However, Flutter
// requires a non-null value. 0 indicates that the frame is meant to be
// displayed indefinitely, which is fine for a static image.
final Duration duration = Duration(microseconds: frame.duration ?? 0);
if (skImage == null) {
throw ImageCodecException(
'Failed to create image from pixel data decoded using the browser\'s ImageDecoder.',
final CkImage image = CkImage(skImage, videoFrame: frame);
return Future<ui.FrameInfo>.value(AnimatedImageFrameInfo(duration, image));
/// Represents an image file format, such as PNG or JPEG.
class ImageFileFormat {
const ImageFileFormat(this.header, this.contentType);
/// First few bytes in the file that uniquely identify the image file format.
/// Null elements are treated as wildcard values and are not checked. This is
/// used to detect formats whose header is split up into multiple disjoint
/// parts, such that the first part is not unique enough to identify the
/// format. For example, without this, WebP may be confused with .ani
/// (animated cursor), .cda, and other formats that start with "RIFF".
final List<int?> header;
/// The value that's passed as [_ImageDecoderOptions.type].
/// The server typically also uses this value as the "Content-Type" header,
/// but servers are not required to correctly detect the type. This value
/// is also known as MIME type.
final String contentType;
/// All image file formats known to the Flutter Web engine.
/// This list may need to be changed as browsers adopt new formats, and drop
/// support for obsolete ones.
/// This list is checked linearly from top to bottom when detecting an image
/// type. It should therefore contain the most popular file formats at the
/// top, and less popular towards the bottom.
static const List<ImageFileFormat> values = <ImageFileFormat>[
// ICO is not supported in Chrome. It is deemed too simple and too specific. See also:
// PNG
ImageFileFormat(<int?>[0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A], 'image/png'),
// GIF87a
ImageFileFormat(<int?>[0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x37, 0x61], 'image/gif'),
// GIF89a
ImageFileFormat(<int?>[0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61], 'image/gif'),
ImageFileFormat(<int?>[0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF], 'image/jpeg'),
// WebP
ImageFileFormat(<int?>[0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, null, null, null, null, 0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50], 'image/webp'),
// BMP
ImageFileFormat(<int?>[0x42, 0x4D], 'image/bmp'),
/// Function signature of [debugContentTypeDetector], which is the same as the
/// signature of [detectContentType].
typedef DebugContentTypeDetector = String? Function(Uint8List);
/// If not null, replaced the functionality of [detectContentType] with its own.
/// This is useful in tests, for example, to test unsupported content types.
DebugContentTypeDetector? debugContentTypeDetector;
/// Detects the image file format and returns the corresponding "Content-Type"
/// value (a.k.a. MIME type).
/// The returned value can be passed to `ImageDecoder` when decoding an image.
/// Returns null if [data] cannot be mapped to a known content type.
String? detectContentType(Uint8List data) {
if (debugContentTypeDetector != null) {
return debugContentTypeDetector!.call(data);
formatLoop: for (final ImageFileFormat format in ImageFileFormat.values) {
if (data.length < format.header.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < format.header.length; i++) {
final int? magicByte = format.header[i];
if (magicByte == null) {
// Wildcard, accepts everything.
final int headerByte = data[i];
if (headerByte != magicByte) {
continue formatLoop;
return format.contentType;
if (isAvif(data)) {
return 'image/avif';
return null;
/// A string of bytes that every AVIF image contains somehwere in its first 16
/// bytes.
/// This signature is necessary but not sufficient, which may lead to false
/// positives. For example, the file may be HEIC or a video. This is OK,
/// because in the worst case, the image decoder fails to decode the file.
/// This is something we must anticipate regardless of this detection logic.
/// The codec must already protect itself from downloaded files lying about
/// their contents.
/// The alternative would be to implement a more precise detection, which would
/// add complexity and code size. This is how Chromium does it:
final List<int> _avifSignature = 'ftyp'.codeUnits;
/// Optimistically detects whether [data] is an AVIF image file.
bool isAvif(Uint8List data) {
firstByteLoop: for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < _avifSignature.length; j += 1) {
if (i + j >= data.length) {
// Reached EOF without finding the signature.
return false;
if (data[i + j] != _avifSignature[j]) {
continue firstByteLoop;
return true;
return false;
Future<ByteData> readPixelsFromVideoFrame(VideoFrame videoFrame, ui.ImageByteFormat format) async {
if (format == ui.ImageByteFormat.png) {
final Uint8List png = await encodeVideoFrameAsPng(videoFrame);
return png.buffer.asByteData();
final ByteBuffer pixels = await readVideoFramePixelsUnmodified(videoFrame);
// Check if the pixels are already in the right format and if so, return the
// original pixels without modification.
if (_shouldReadPixelsUnmodified(videoFrame, format)) {
return pixels.asByteData();
// At this point we know we want to read unencoded pixels, and that the video
// frame is _not_ using the same format as the requested one.
final bool isBgrFrame = videoFrame.format == 'BGRA' || videoFrame.format == 'BGRX';
if (format == ui.ImageByteFormat.rawRgba && isBgrFrame) {
return pixels.asByteData();
// Last resort, just return the original pixels.
return pixels.asByteData();
/// Mutates the [pixels], converting them from BGRX/BGRA to RGBA.
void _bgrToRgba(ByteBuffer pixels) {
final int pixelCount = pixels.lengthInBytes ~/ 4;
final Uint8List pixelBytes = pixels.asUint8List();
for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i += 4) {
// It seems even in little-endian machines the BGR_ pixels are encoded as
// big-endian, i.e. the blue byte is written into the lowest byte in the
// memory address space.
final int b = pixelBytes[i];
final int r = pixelBytes[i + 2];
// So far the codec has reported 255 for the X component, so there's no
// special treatment for alpha. This may need to change if we ever face
// codecs that do something different.
pixelBytes[i] = r;
pixelBytes[i + 2] = b;
bool _shouldReadPixelsUnmodified(VideoFrame videoFrame, ui.ImageByteFormat format) {
if (format == ui.ImageByteFormat.rawUnmodified) {
return true;
// Do not convert if the requested format is RGBA and the video frame is
// encoded as either RGBA or RGBX.
final bool isRgbFrame = videoFrame.format == 'RGBA' || videoFrame.format == 'RGBX';
return format == ui.ImageByteFormat.rawRgba && isRgbFrame;
Future<ByteBuffer> readVideoFramePixelsUnmodified(VideoFrame videoFrame) async {
final int size = videoFrame.allocationSize();
final Uint8List destination = Uint8List(size);
final JsPromise copyPromise = videoFrame.copyTo(destination);
await promiseToFuture<void>(copyPromise);
return destination.buffer;
Future<Uint8List> encodeVideoFrameAsPng(VideoFrame videoFrame) async {
final int width = videoFrame.displayWidth;
final int height = videoFrame.displayHeight;
final html.CanvasElement canvas = html.CanvasElement()
..width = width
..height = height;
final html.CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
ctx.drawImage(videoFrame, 0, 0);
final String pngBase64 = canvas.toDataUrl().substring('data:image/png;base64,'.length);
return base64.decode(pngBase64);