blob: 0227246be5157871cdd055676e6cfeb8a67e2d5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../profiler.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'canvas.dart';
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'image.dart';
import 'skia_object_cache.dart';
/// Implements [ui.Picture] on top of [SkPicture].
/// Unlike most other [ManagedSkiaObject] implementations, instances of this
/// class may have their Skia counterparts deleted before finalization registry
/// or [SkiaObjectCache] decide to delete it.
class CkPicture extends ManagedSkiaObject<SkPicture> implements ui.Picture {
final ui.Rect? cullRect;
final CkPictureSnapshot? _snapshot;
CkPicture(SkPicture picture, this.cullRect, this._snapshot) :
browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry && _snapshot == null ||
_snapshot != null,
'If the browser does not support FinalizationRegistry (WeakRef), then we must have a picture snapshot to be able to resurrect it.',
), super(picture);
int get approximateBytesUsed => 0;
bool get debugDisposed {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return _isDisposed;
throw StateError('Picture.debugDisposed is only available when asserts are enabled.');
/// This is set to true when [dispose] is called and is never reset back to
/// false.
/// This extra flag is necessary on top of [rawSkiaObject] because
/// [rawSkiaObject] being null does not indicate permanent deletion. See
/// similar flag [SkiaObjectBox.isDeletedPermanently].
bool _isDisposed = false;
/// The stack trace taken when [dispose] was called.
/// Returns null if [dispose] has not been called. Returns null in non-debug
/// modes.
StackTrace? _debugDisposalStackTrace;
/// Throws an [AssertionError] if this picture was disposed.
/// The [mainErrorMessage] is used as the first line in the error message. It
/// is expected to end with a period, e.g. "Failed to draw picture." The full
/// message will also explain that the error is due to the fact that the
/// picture was disposed and include the stack trace taken when the picture
/// was disposed.
bool debugCheckNotDisposed(String mainErrorMessage) {
if (_isDisposed) {
throw StateError(
'The picture has been disposed. When the picture was disposed the '
'stack trace was:\n'
return true;
void dispose() {
assert(debugCheckNotDisposed('Cannot dispose picture.'));
assert(() {
_debugDisposalStackTrace = StackTrace.current;
return true;
if (Instrumentation.enabled) {
Instrumentation.instance.incrementCounter('Picture disposed');
_isDisposed = true;
// Emulate what SkiaObjectCache does.
rawSkiaObject = null;
Future<ui.Image> toImage(int width, int height) async {
assert(debugCheckNotDisposed('Cannot convert picture to image.'));
final SkSurface skSurface = canvasKit.MakeSurface(width, height);
final SkCanvas skCanvas = skSurface.getCanvas();
final SkImage skImage = skSurface.makeImageSnapshot();
return CkImage(skImage);
bool get isResurrectionExpensive => true;
SkPicture createDefault() {
// The default object is supplied in the constructor.
throw StateError('Unreachable code');
SkPicture resurrect() {
// If a picture has been explicitly disposed of, it can no longer be
// resurrected. An attempt to resurrect after the framework told the
// engine to dispose of the picture likely indicates a bug in the engine.
assert(debugCheckNotDisposed('Cannot resurrect picture.'));
return _snapshot!.toPicture();
void delete() {
// This method may be called after [dispose], in which case there's nothing
// left to do. The Skia object is deleted permanently.
if (!_isDisposed) {