blob: 695473265701a9f634b8099946904e22e82b97a3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Runs clang-tidy on files with changes.
// usage:
// dart lint.dart <path to compile_commands.json> <path to git repository> [clang-tidy checks]
// User environment variable FLUTTER_LINT_ALL to run on all files.
import 'dart:async' show Completer;
import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode, utf8, LineSplitter;
import 'dart:io' show File, exit, Directory, FileSystemEntity, Platform, stderr, exitCode;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:process_runner/process_runner.dart';
const String _linterOutputHeader = '''
│ Engine Clang Tidy Linter │
The following errors have been reported by the Engine Clang Tidy Linter. For
more information on addressing these issues please see:
const String issueUrlPrefix = '';
class Command {
Directory directory = Directory('');
String command = '';
File file = File('');
Command parseCommand(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
final Directory dir = Directory(map['directory'] as String).absolute;
return Command() = dir
..command = map['command'] as String
..file = File(path.normalize(path.join(dir.path, map['file'] as String)));
String calcTidyArgs(Command command) {
String result = command.command;
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\S*clang/bin/clang'), '');
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'-MF \S*'), '');
return result;
String calcTidyPath(Command command) {
final RegExp regex = RegExp(r'\S*clang/bin/clang');
return regex
?.replaceAll('clang/bin/clang', 'clang/bin/clang-tidy') ??
bool isNonEmptyString(String str) => str.isNotEmpty;
bool containsAny(File file, Iterable<File> queries) {
return queries.where((File query) => path.equals(query.path, file.path)).isNotEmpty;
/// Returns a list of all non-deleted files which differ from the nearest
/// merge-base with `master`. If it can't find a fork point, uses the default
/// merge-base.
Future<List<File>> getListOfChangedFiles(Directory repoPath) async {
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(defaultWorkingDirectory: repoPath);
final ProcessRunnerResult fetchResult = await processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['git', 'fetch', 'upstream', 'master'],
failOk: true,
if (fetchResult.exitCode != 0) {
await processRunner.runProcess(<String>['git', 'fetch', 'origin', 'master']);
final Set<String> result = <String>{};
ProcessRunnerResult mergeBaseResult = await processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['git', 'merge-base', '--fork-point', 'FETCH_HEAD', 'HEAD'],
failOk: true);
if (mergeBaseResult.exitCode != 0) {
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln("Didn't find a fork point, falling back to default merge base.");
mergeBaseResult = await processRunner
.runProcess(<String>['git', 'merge-base', 'FETCH_HEAD', 'HEAD'], failOk: false);
final String mergeBase = mergeBaseResult.stdout.trim();
final ProcessRunnerResult masterResult = await processRunner
.runProcess(<String>['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '--diff-filter=ACMRT', mergeBase]);
return<File>((String filePath) => File(path.join(repoPath.path, filePath))).toList();
Future<List<File>> dirContents(Directory dir) {
final List<File> files = <File>[];
final Completer<List<File>> completer = Completer<List<File>>();
final Stream<FileSystemEntity> lister = dir.list(recursive: true);
lister.listen((FileSystemEntity file) => file is File ? files.add(file) : null,
onError: (Object e) => completer.completeError(e), onDone: () => completer.complete(files));
return completer.future;
File buildFileAsRepoFile(String buildFile, Directory repoPath) {
// Removes the "../../flutter" from the build files to make it relative to the flutter
// dir.
final String relativeBuildFile = path.joinAll(path.split(buildFile).sublist(3));
final File result = File(path.join(repoPath.absolute.path, relativeBuildFile));
print('Build file: $buildFile => ${result.path}');
return result;
/// Lint actions to apply to a file.
enum LintAction {
/// Run the linter over the file.
/// Ignore files under third_party/.
/// Ignore due to a well-formed FLUTTER_NOLINT comment.
/// Fail due to a malformed FLUTTER_NOLINT comment.
bool isThirdPartyFile(File file) {
return path.split(file.path).contains('third_party');
Future<LintAction> getLintAction(File file) async {
if (isThirdPartyFile(file)) {
return LintAction.skipThirdParty;
// Check for FlUTTER_NOLINT at top of file.
final RegExp exp = RegExp('\/\/\\s*FLUTTER_NOLINT(: $issueUrlPrefix/\\d+)?');
final Stream<String> lines = file.openRead()
.transform(const LineSplitter());
await for (String line in lines) {
final RegExpMatch match = exp.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
return != null
? LintAction.skipNoLint
: LintAction.failMalformedNoLint;
} else if (line.isNotEmpty && line[0] != '\n' && line[0] != '/') {
// Quick out once we find a line that isn't empty or a comment. The
// FLUTTER_NOLINT must show up before the first real code.
return LintAction.lint;
return LintAction.lint;
WorkerJob createLintJob(Command command, String checks, String tidyPath) {
final String tidyArgs = calcTidyArgs(command);
final List<String> args = <String>[command.file.path, checks, '--'];
args.addAll(tidyArgs?.split(' ') ?? <String>[]);
return WorkerJob(
<String>[tidyPath, ...args],
name: 'clang-tidy on ${command.file.path}',
void _usage(ArgParser parser, {int exitCode = 1}) {
stderr.writeln('lint.dart [--help] [--lint-all] [--verbose] [--diff-branch]');
bool verbose = false;
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
final ArgParser parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('help', help: 'Print help.');
help: 'lint all of the sources, regardless of FLUTTER_NOLINT.', defaultsTo: false);
parser.addFlag('verbose', help: 'Print verbose output.', defaultsTo: verbose);
parser.addOption('repo', help: 'Use the given path as the repo path');
help: 'Use the given path as the source of compile_commands.json. This '
'file is created by running tools/gn');
help: 'Perform the given checks on the code. Defaults to the empty '
'string, indicating all checks should be performed.',
defaultsTo: '');
final ArgResults options = parser.parse(arguments);
verbose = options['verbose'] as bool;
if (options['help'] as bool) {
_usage(parser, exitCode: 0);
if (!options.wasParsed('compile-commands')) {
stderr.writeln('ERROR: The --compile-commands argument is requried.');
if (!options.wasParsed('repo')) {
stderr.writeln('ERROR: The --repo argument is requried.');
final File buildCommandsPath = File(options['compile-commands'] as String);
if (!buildCommandsPath.existsSync()) {
stderr.writeln("ERROR: Build commands path ${buildCommandsPath.absolute.path} doesn't exist.");
final Directory repoPath = Directory(options['repo'] as String);
if (!repoPath.existsSync()) {
stderr.writeln("ERROR: Repo path ${repoPath.absolute.path} doesn't exist.");
final String checksArg = options.wasParsed('checks') ? options['checks'] as String : '';
final String checks = checksArg.isNotEmpty ? '--checks=$checksArg' : '--config=';
final bool lintAll =
Platform.environment['FLUTTER_LINT_ALL'] != null || options['lint-all'] as bool;
final List<File> changedFiles =
lintAll ? await dirContents(repoPath) : await getListOfChangedFiles(repoPath);
if (verbose) {
print('Checking lint in repo at $repoPath.');
if (checksArg.isNotEmpty) {
print('Checking for specific checks: $checks.');
if (lintAll) {
print('Checking all ${changedFiles.length} files the repo dir.');
} else {
print('Dectected ${changedFiles.length} files that have changed');
final List<dynamic> buildCommandMaps =
jsonDecode(await buildCommandsPath.readAsString()) as List<dynamic>;
final List<Command> buildCommands = buildCommandMaps
.map<Command>((dynamic x) => parseCommand(x as Map<String, dynamic>))
final Command firstCommand = buildCommands[0];
final String tidyPath = calcTidyPath(firstCommand);
final List<Command> changedFileBuildCommands =
buildCommands.where((Command x) => containsAny(x.file, changedFiles)).toList();
if (changedFileBuildCommands.isEmpty) {
print('No changed files that have build commands associated with them '
'were found.');
if (verbose) {
print('Found ${changedFileBuildCommands.length} files that have build '
'commands associated with them and can be lint checked.');
final List<WorkerJob> jobs = <WorkerJob>[];
for (Command command in changedFileBuildCommands) {
final String relativePath = path.relative(command.file.path, from: repoPath.parent.path);
final LintAction action = await getLintAction(command.file);
switch (action) {
case LintAction.skipNoLint:
print('🔷 ignoring $relativePath (FLUTTER_NOLINT)');
case LintAction.failMalformedNoLint:
print('❌ malformed opt-out $relativePath');
print(' Required format: // FLUTTER_NOLINT: $issueUrlPrefix/ISSUE_ID');
exitCode = 1;
case LintAction.lint:
print('🔶 linting $relativePath');
jobs.add(createLintJob(command, checks, tidyPath));
case LintAction.skipThirdParty:
print('🔷 ignoring $relativePath (third_party)');
final ProcessPool pool = ProcessPool();
await for (final WorkerJob job in pool.startWorkers(jobs)) {
if (job.result?.exitCode == 0) {
if (job.result == null) {
print('\n❗ A clang-tidy job failed to run, aborting:\n${job.exception}');
exitCode = 1;
} else {
print('❌ Failures for ${}:');
exitCode = 1;
if (exitCode == 0) {
print('No lint problems found.');
} else {
print('Lint problems found.');