blob: 86fee31da8d79a76ae5251efcf9b1c6abba3c9ac [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_platform_plugin.h"
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/public/flutter_linux/fl_json_method_codec.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/public/flutter_linux/fl_method_channel.h"
static constexpr char kChannelName[] = "flutter/platform";
static constexpr char kBadArgumentsError[] = "Bad Arguments";
static constexpr char kUnknownClipboardFormatError[] =
"Unknown Clipboard Format";
static constexpr char kFailedError[] = "Failed";
static constexpr char kGetClipboardDataMethod[] = "Clipboard.getData";
static constexpr char kSetClipboardDataMethod[] = "Clipboard.setData";
static constexpr char kClipboardHasStringsMethod[] = "Clipboard.hasStrings";
static constexpr char kPlaySoundMethod[] = "";
static constexpr char kSystemNavigatorPopMethod[] = "SystemNavigator.pop";
static constexpr char kTextKey[] = "text";
static constexpr char kValueKey[] = "value";
static constexpr char kTextPlainFormat[] = "text/plain";
static constexpr char kSoundTypeAlert[] = "SystemSoundType.alert";
static constexpr char kSoundTypeClick[] = "";
struct _FlPlatformPlugin {
GObject parent_instance;
FlMethodChannel* channel;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(FlPlatformPlugin, fl_platform_plugin, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
// Sends the method call response to Flutter.
static void send_response(FlMethodCall* method_call,
FlMethodResponse* response) {
g_autoptr(GError) error = nullptr;
if (!fl_method_call_respond(method_call, response, &error)) {
g_warning("Failed to send method call response: %s", error->message);
// Called when clipboard text received.
static void clipboard_text_cb(GtkClipboard* clipboard,
const gchar* text,
gpointer user_data) {
g_autoptr(FlMethodCall) method_call = FL_METHOD_CALL(user_data);
g_autoptr(FlValue) result = nullptr;
if (text != nullptr) {
result = fl_value_new_map();
fl_value_set_string_take(result, kTextKey, fl_value_new_string(text));
g_autoptr(FlMethodResponse) response =
send_response(method_call, response);
// Called when clipboard text received during has_strings.
static void clipboard_text_has_strings_cb(GtkClipboard* clipboard,
const gchar* text,
gpointer user_data) {
g_autoptr(FlMethodCall) method_call = FL_METHOD_CALL(user_data);
g_autoptr(FlValue) result = fl_value_new_map();
result, kValueKey,
fl_value_new_bool(text != nullptr && strlen(text) > 0));
g_autoptr(FlMethodResponse) response =
send_response(method_call, response);
// Called when Flutter wants to copy to the clipboard.
static FlMethodResponse* clipboard_set_data(FlPlatformPlugin* self,
FlValue* args) {
if (fl_value_get_type(args) != FL_VALUE_TYPE_MAP) {
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_error_response_new(
kBadArgumentsError, "Argument map missing or malformed", nullptr));
FlValue* text_value = fl_value_lookup_string(args, kTextKey);
if (text_value == nullptr ||
fl_value_get_type(text_value) != FL_VALUE_TYPE_STRING) {
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_error_response_new(
kBadArgumentsError, "Missing clipboard text", nullptr));
GtkClipboard* clipboard =
gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboard, fl_value_get_string(text_value), -1);
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_success_response_new(nullptr));
// Called when Flutter wants to paste from the clipboard.
static FlMethodResponse* clipboard_get_data_async(FlPlatformPlugin* self,
FlMethodCall* method_call) {
FlValue* args = fl_method_call_get_args(method_call);
if (fl_value_get_type(args) != FL_VALUE_TYPE_STRING) {
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_error_response_new(
kBadArgumentsError, "Expected string", nullptr));
const gchar* format = fl_value_get_string(args);
if (strcmp(format, kTextPlainFormat) != 0) {
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_error_response_new(
kUnknownClipboardFormatError, "GTK clipboard API only supports text",
GtkClipboard* clipboard =
gtk_clipboard_request_text(clipboard, clipboard_text_cb,
// Will respond later.
return nullptr;
// Called when Flutter wants to know if the content of the clipboard is able to
// be pasted, without actually accessing the clipboard content itself.
static FlMethodResponse* clipboard_has_strings_async(
FlPlatformPlugin* self,
FlMethodCall* method_call) {
GtkClipboard* clipboard =
gtk_clipboard_request_text(clipboard, clipboard_text_has_strings_cb,
// Will respond later.
return nullptr;
// Called when Flutter wants to play a sound.
static FlMethodResponse* system_sound_play(FlPlatformPlugin* self,
FlValue* args) {
if (fl_value_get_type(args) != FL_VALUE_TYPE_STRING) {
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_error_response_new(
kBadArgumentsError, "Expected string", nullptr));
const gchar* type = fl_value_get_string(args);
if (strcmp(type, kSoundTypeAlert) == 0) {
GdkDisplay* display = gdk_display_get_default();
if (display != nullptr) {
} else if (strcmp(type, kSoundTypeClick) == 0) {
// We don't make sounds for keyboard on desktops.
} else {
g_warning("Ignoring unknown sound type %s in\n", type);
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_not_implemented_response_new());
// Called when Flutter wants to quit the application.
static FlMethodResponse* system_navigator_pop(FlPlatformPlugin* self) {
GApplication* app = g_application_get_default();
if (app == nullptr) {
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_error_response_new(
kFailedError, "Unable to get GApplication", nullptr));
return FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_success_response_new(nullptr));
// Called when a method call is received from Flutter.
static void method_call_cb(FlMethodChannel* channel,
FlMethodCall* method_call,
gpointer user_data) {
FlPlatformPlugin* self = FL_PLATFORM_PLUGIN(user_data);
const gchar* method = fl_method_call_get_name(method_call);
FlValue* args = fl_method_call_get_args(method_call);
g_autoptr(FlMethodResponse) response = nullptr;
if (strcmp(method, kSetClipboardDataMethod) == 0) {
response = clipboard_set_data(self, args);
} else if (strcmp(method, kGetClipboardDataMethod) == 0) {
response = clipboard_get_data_async(self, method_call);
} else if (strcmp(method, kClipboardHasStringsMethod) == 0) {
response = clipboard_has_strings_async(self, method_call);
} else if (strcmp(method, kPlaySoundMethod) == 0) {
response = system_sound_play(self, args);
} else if (strcmp(method, kSystemNavigatorPopMethod) == 0) {
response = system_navigator_pop(self);
} else {
response = FL_METHOD_RESPONSE(fl_method_not_implemented_response_new());
if (response != nullptr) {
send_response(method_call, response);
static void fl_platform_plugin_dispose(GObject* object) {
FlPlatformPlugin* self = FL_PLATFORM_PLUGIN(object);
static void fl_platform_plugin_class_init(FlPlatformPluginClass* klass) {
G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->dispose = fl_platform_plugin_dispose;
static void fl_platform_plugin_init(FlPlatformPlugin* self) {}
FlPlatformPlugin* fl_platform_plugin_new(FlBinaryMessenger* messenger) {
g_return_val_if_fail(FL_IS_BINARY_MESSENGER(messenger), nullptr);
FlPlatformPlugin* self =
FL_PLATFORM_PLUGIN(g_object_new(fl_platform_plugin_get_type(), nullptr));
g_autoptr(FlJsonMethodCodec) codec = fl_json_method_codec_new();
self->channel =
fl_method_channel_new(messenger, kChannelName, FL_METHOD_CODEC(codec));
fl_method_channel_set_method_call_handler(self->channel, method_call_cb, self,
return self;