blob: acee8b3899c15e301f9afbb66260ac73419c46fa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
enum PipelineStatus {
typedef PipelineStep = Future<void> Function();
/// Represents a sequence of asynchronous tasks to be executed.
/// The pipeline can be executed by calling [start] and stopped by calling
/// [stop].
/// When a pipeline is stopped, it switches to the [PipelineStatus.stopping]
/// state and waits until the current task finishes.
class Pipeline {
Pipeline({@required this.steps});
final Iterable<PipelineStep> steps;
Future<dynamic> _currentStepFuture;
PipelineStatus get status => _status;
PipelineStatus _status = PipelineStatus.idle;
/// Starts executing tasks of the pipeline.
/// Returns a future that resolves after all steps have been performed.
Future<void> start() async {
_status = PipelineStatus.started;
try {
for (PipelineStep step in steps) {
if (status != PipelineStatus.started) {
_currentStepFuture = step();
await _currentStepFuture;
_status = PipelineStatus.done;
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
_status = PipelineStatus.error;
print('Error in the pipeline: $error');
} finally {
_currentStepFuture = null;
/// Stops executing any more tasks in the pipeline.
/// If a task is already being executed, it won't be interrupted.
Future<void> stop() {
_status = PipelineStatus.stopping;
return (_currentStepFuture ?? Future<void>.value(null)).then((_) {
_status = PipelineStatus.stopped;
/// Signature of functions to be called when a [WatchEvent] is received.
typedef WatchEventPredicate = bool Function(WatchEvent event);
/// Responsible for watching a directory [dir] and executing the given
/// [pipeline] whenever a change occurs in the directory.
/// The [ignore] callback can be used to customize the watching behavior to
/// ignore certain files.
class PipelineWatcher {
@required this.dir,
@required this.pipeline,
}) : watcher = DirectoryWatcher(dir);
/// The path of the directory to watch for changes.
final String dir;
/// The pipeline to be executed when an event is fired by the watcher.
final Pipeline pipeline;
/// Used to watch a directory for any file system changes.
final DirectoryWatcher watcher;
/// A callback that determines whether to rerun the pipeline or not for a
/// given [WatchEvent] instance.
final WatchEventPredicate ignore;
/// Activates the watcher.
void start() {;
int _pipelineRunCount = 0;
Timer _scheduledPipeline;
void _onEvent(WatchEvent event) {
if (ignore != null && ignore(event)) {
final String relativePath = path.relative(event.path, from: dir);
print('- [${event.type}] ${relativePath}');
_scheduledPipeline = Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), () {
_scheduledPipeline = null;
void _runPipeline() {
int runCount;
switch (pipeline.status) {
case PipelineStatus.started:
pipeline.stop().then((_) {
runCount = _pipelineRunCount;
pipeline.start().then((_) => _pipelineDone(runCount));
case PipelineStatus.stopping:
// We are already trying to stop the pipeline. No need to do anything.
runCount = _pipelineRunCount;
pipeline.start().then((_) => _pipelineDone(runCount));
void _pipelineDone(int pipelineRunCount) {
if (pipelineRunCount == _pipelineRunCount) {
print('*** Done! ***');