blob: cafe9b475c8e11accedfd98b3f9ac22a576e00f5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/view_holder.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include "flutter/fml/thread_local.h"
namespace {
using ViewHolderBindings =
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, std::unique_ptr<flutter::ViewHolder>>;
FML_THREAD_LOCAL fml::ThreadLocalUniquePtr<ViewHolderBindings>
// Rather than expend the effort to compute the proper amount of "airspace" to
// give to the child view, just pick an arbitrarily large number. This works
// fine in all current production cases, and the hack of using depth to order
// things in Z is going away with Flatland.
constexpr float kArbitraryLargeDepth = -1000.f;
} // namespace
namespace flutter {
void ViewHolder::Create(zx_koid_t id,
ViewIdCallback on_view_created,
fuchsia::ui::views::ViewHolderToken view_holder_token) {
// This raster thread contains at least 1 ViewHolder. Initialize the
// per-thread bindings.
if (tls_view_holder_bindings.get() == nullptr) {
tls_view_holder_bindings.reset(new ViewHolderBindings());
auto* bindings = tls_view_holder_bindings.get();
FML_DCHECK(bindings->find(id) == bindings->end());
auto view_holder = std::unique_ptr<ViewHolder>(
new ViewHolder(std::move(view_holder_token), std::move(on_view_created)));
bindings->emplace(id, std::move(view_holder));
void ViewHolder::Destroy(zx_koid_t id, ViewIdCallback on_view_destroyed) {
auto* bindings = tls_view_holder_bindings.get();
auto binding = bindings->find(id);
FML_DCHECK(binding != bindings->end());
if (binding->second->view_holder_ && on_view_destroyed) {
ViewHolder* ViewHolder::FromId(zx_koid_t id) {
auto* bindings = tls_view_holder_bindings.get();
if (!bindings) {
return nullptr;
auto binding = bindings->find(id);
if (binding == bindings->end()) {
return nullptr;
return binding->second.get();
ViewHolder::ViewHolder(fuchsia::ui::views::ViewHolderToken view_holder_token,
ViewIdCallback on_view_created)
: pending_view_holder_token_(std::move(view_holder_token)),
on_view_created_(std::move(on_view_created)) {
void ViewHolder::UpdateScene(scenic::Session* session,
scenic::ContainerNode& container_node,
const SkPoint& offset,
SkAlpha opacity) {
if (pending_view_holder_token_.value) {
entity_node_ = std::make_unique<scenic::EntityNode>(session);
opacity_node_ = std::make_unique<scenic::OpacityNodeHACK>(session);
view_holder_ = std::make_unique<scenic::ViewHolder>(
session, std::move(pending_view_holder_token_), "Flutter SceneHost");
// Inform the rest of Flutter about the view being created.
// As long as we do this before calling `Present` on the session,
// View-related messages sent to the UI thread will never be processed
// before this internal message is delivered to the UI thread.
if (on_view_created_) {
opacity_node_->SetOpacity(opacity / 255.0f);
entity_node_->SetTranslation(offset.x(), offset.y(), -0.1f);
if (view_properties_changed_) {
view_properties_changed_ = false;
void ViewHolder::SetProperties(double width,
double height,
double insetTop,
double insetRight,
double insetBottom,
double insetLeft,
bool focusable) {
set_size(SkSize::Make(width, height));
SkRect::MakeLTRB(insetLeft, insetTop, insetRight, insetBottom));
void ViewHolder::set_hit_testable(bool value) {
hit_test_behavior_ = value ? fuchsia::ui::gfx::HitTestBehavior::kDefault
: fuchsia::ui::gfx::HitTestBehavior::kSuppress;
void ViewHolder::set_focusable(bool value) {
if (view_properties_.focus_change != value) {
view_properties_.focus_change = value;
view_properties_changed_ = true;
void ViewHolder::set_size(const SkSize& size) {
if (size.width() > 0.f && size.height() > 0.f) {
if (view_properties_.bounding_box.max.x != size.width()) {
view_properties_.bounding_box.max.x = size.width();
view_properties_changed_ = true;
if (view_properties_.bounding_box.max.y != size.height()) {
view_properties_.bounding_box.max.y = size.height();
view_properties_changed_ = true;
// TODO(dworsham): The Z-bound should be derived from elevation. We should be
// able to Z-limit the view's box but otherwise it uses all of the available
// airspace.
view_properties_.bounding_box.min.z = kArbitraryLargeDepth;
void ViewHolder::set_occlusion_hint(const SkRect& occlusion_hint) {
if (view_properties_.inset_from_min.x != occlusion_hint.fLeft) {
view_properties_.inset_from_min.x = occlusion_hint.fLeft;
view_properties_changed_ = true;
if (view_properties_.inset_from_min.y != occlusion_hint.fTop) {
view_properties_.inset_from_min.y = occlusion_hint.fTop;
view_properties_changed_ = true;
if (view_properties_.inset_from_max.x != occlusion_hint.fRight) {
view_properties_.inset_from_max.x = occlusion_hint.fRight;
view_properties_changed_ = true;
if (view_properties_.inset_from_max.y != occlusion_hint.fBottom) {
view_properties_.inset_from_max.y = occlusion_hint.fBottom;
view_properties_changed_ = true;
} // namespace flutter