blob: 9dea67f8f60d96fa54c044c45c3cb3e24e816b5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart' hide window;
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'engine/history_test.dart';
import 'matchers.dart';
const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec();
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
late EngineSingletonFlutterWindow window;
setUp(() {
window = EngineSingletonFlutterWindow(0, EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance);
tearDown(() async {
await window.resetHistory();
test('window.defaultRouteName should not change', () async {
final TestUrlStrategy strategy = TestUrlStrategy.fromEntry(
TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/initial'),
await window.debugInitializeHistory(strategy, useSingle: true);
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
// Changing the URL in the address bar later shouldn't affect [window.defaultRouteName].
strategy.replaceState(null, '', '/newpath');
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
// window.defaultRouteName is now permanently decoupled from the history,
// even in subsequent tests, because the PlatformDispatcher caches it.
test('window.defaultRouteName should reset after navigation platform message',
() async {
await window.debugInitializeHistory(TestUrlStrategy.fromEntry(
// The URL here does not set the PlatformDispatcher's defaultRouteName,
// since it got cached as soon as we read it above.
TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/not-really-inital/THIS_IS_IGNORED'),
), useSingle: true);
// Reading it multiple times should return the same value.
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
Completer<void> callback = Completer<void>();
<String, dynamic>{'routeName': '/bar'},
(_) { callback.complete(); },
await callback.future;
// After a navigation platform message, the PlatformDispatcher's
// defaultRouteName resets to "/".
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/');
// window.defaultRouteName is now '/'.
test('can switch history mode', () async {
Completer<void> callback;
await window.debugInitializeHistory(TestUrlStrategy.fromEntry(
TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/initial'),
), useSingle: false);
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<MultiEntriesBrowserHistory>());
Future<void> check<T>(String method, Map<String, Object?> arguments) async {
callback = Completer<void>();
JSONMethodCodec().encodeMethodCall(MethodCall(method, arguments)),
(_) { callback.complete(); },
await callback.future;
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<T>());
await check<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>('selectSingleEntryHistory', <String, dynamic>{}); // -> single
await check<MultiEntriesBrowserHistory>('selectMultiEntryHistory', <String, dynamic>{}); // -> multi
await check<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>('routeUpdated', <String, dynamic>{'routeName': '/bar'}); // -> single
await check<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>('routeInformationUpdated', <String, dynamic>{'location': '/bar'}); // does not change mode
await check<MultiEntriesBrowserHistory>('selectMultiEntryHistory', <String, dynamic>{}); // -> multi
await check<MultiEntriesBrowserHistory>('routeInformationUpdated', <String, dynamic>{'location': '/bar'}); // does not change mode
test('should not throw when using nav1 and nav2 together',
() async {
await window.debugInitializeHistory(TestUrlStrategy.fromEntry(
TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/initial'),
), useSingle: false);
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<MultiEntriesBrowserHistory>());
// routeUpdated resets the history type
Completer<void> callback = Completer<void>();
<String, dynamic>{'routeName': '/bar'},
(_) { callback.complete(); },
await callback.future;
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>());
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy!.getPath(), '/bar');
// routeInformationUpdated does not
callback = Completer<void>();
<String, dynamic>{
'location': '/baz',
'state': null,
(_) { callback.complete(); },
await callback.future;
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>());
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy!.getPath(), '/baz');
// they can be interleaved safely
await window.handleNavigationMessage(
<String, dynamic>{'routeName': '/foo'},
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>());
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy!.getPath(), '/foo');
test('initialize browser history with default url strategy (single)', () async {
// On purpose, we don't initialize history on the window. We want to let the
// window to self-initialize when it receives a navigation message.
// Without initializing history, the default route name should be
// initialized to "/" in tests.
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/');
Completer<void> callback = Completer<void>();
<String, dynamic>{'routeName': '/bar'},
(_) { callback.complete(); },
await callback.future;
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<SingleEntryBrowserHistory>());
// The url strategy should've been set to the default, and the path
// should've been correctly set to "/bar".
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy, isNot(isNull));
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy!.getPath(), '/bar');
}, skip: true); //
test('initialize browser history with default url strategy (multiple)', () async {
// On purpose, we don't initialize history on the window. We want to let the
// window to self-initialize when it receives a navigation message.
// Without initializing history, the default route name should be
// initialized to "/" in tests.
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/');
Completer<void> callback = Completer<void>();
<String, dynamic>{
'location': '/baz',
'state': null,
(_) { callback.complete(); },
await callback.future;
expect(window.browserHistory, isA<MultiEntriesBrowserHistory>());
// The url strategy should've been set to the default, and the path
// should've been correctly set to "/baz".
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy, isNot(isNull));
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy!.getPath(), '/baz');
}, skip: true); //
test('can disable location strategy', () async {
// Disable URL strategy.
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy(null), returnsNormally);
// History should be initialized.
expect(window.browserHistory, isNotNull);
// But without a URL strategy.
expect(window.browserHistory.urlStrategy, isNull);
// Current path is always "/" in this case.
expect(window.browserHistory.currentPath, '/');
// Perform some navigation operations.
await routeInformationUpdated('/foo/bar', null);
// Path should not be updated because URL strategy is disabled.
expect(window.browserHistory.currentPath, '/');
}, skip: true);
test('js interop throws on wrong type', () {
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy(123), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy('foo'), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy(false), throwsA(anything));
test('cannot set url strategy after it is initialized', () async {
final testStrategy = TestUrlStrategy.fromEntry(
TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/'),
await window.debugInitializeHistory(testStrategy, useSingle: true);
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy(null), throwsA(isAssertionError));
test('cannot set url strategy more than once', () async {
// First time is okay.
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy(null), returnsNormally);
// Second time is not allowed.
expect(() => jsSetUrlStrategy(null), throwsA(isAssertionError));
// Regression test for
test('window.locale(s) are not nullable', () {
// If the getters were nullable, these expressions would result in compiler errors.
void jsSetUrlStrategy(dynamic strategy) {