blob: 4a839abcfe6978f610068a30fdd572d3bb1428f7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <DispatcherQueue.h>
#include <third_party/cppwinrt/generated/winrt/Windows.Graphics.Display.h>
#include <third_party/cppwinrt/generated/winrt/Windows.System.Profile.h>
#include <third_party/cppwinrt/generated/winrt/Windows.UI.Composition.h>
#include <third_party/cppwinrt/generated/winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h>
#include <third_party/cppwinrt/generated/winrt/Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core.h>
#include "third_party/cppwinrt/generated/winrt/Windows.System.Threading.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/flutter_windows_view.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/game_pad_winuwp.h"
namespace flutter {
struct WindowBoundsWinUWP {
float width;
float height;
// Helper that enables consumers to determine window bounds, DPI and some XBOX
// specific characteristics in the case when the current application is running
// on those devices.
class DisplayHelperWinUWP {
// physical = true
// Returns with the physical bounds of the active window.
WindowBoundsWinUWP GetPhysicalBounds();
// Returns with the logical bounds of the active window.
WindowBoundsWinUWP GetLogicalBounds();
// Returns a bounds structure containing width and height information
// for the backing CoreWindow in either view or physical pixels depending on
// |physical|.
WindowBoundsWinUWP GetBounds(
winrt::Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation const& disp,
bool physical);
// Returns a scaling factor representing the current DPI scale applied to the
// backing CoreWindow.
float GetDpiScale();
bool IsRunningOnLargeScreenDevice();
// Returns a value representing the overscan to correct for X.
float GetRenderTargetXOffset();
// Returns a value representing the overscan to correct for Y.
float GetRenderTargetYOffset();
// Test is current context is running on an xbox device and perform device
// specific initialization.
void ConfigureXboxSpecific();
// Most recent display information.
winrt::Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation current_display_info_{
// Is current context is executing on a large screen device.
bool large_screen_device_ = false;
// Current X overscan compensation factor.
float render_target_x_offset_ = 1.0f;
// Current Y overscan compensation factor.
float render_target_y_offset_ = 1.0f;
} // namespace flutter