blob: 4c8a0ac4fc3e7c4b65de8d2e4531a173e0429992 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "./KeyCodeMap_internal.h"
// This file is generated by flutter/flutter@dev/tools/gen_keycodes/bin/gen_keycodes.dart and
// should not be edited directly.
// Edit the template dev/tools/gen_keycodes/data/keyboard_map_macos_cc.tmpl instead.
// See dev/tools/gen_keycodes/ for more information.
* Mask for the 32-bit value portion of the key code.
* This is used by platform-specific code to generate Flutter key codes.
const uint64_t kValueMask = 0x000FFFFFFFF;
* Mask for the platform prefix portion of the key code.
* This is used by platform-specific code to generate Flutter key codes.
const uint64_t kPlatformMask = 0x0FF00000000;
* The code prefix for keys which have a Unicode representation.
* This is used by platform-specific code to generate Flutter key codes.
const uint64_t kUnicodePlane = 0x00000000000;
* Mask for the auto-generated bit portion of the key code.
* This is used by platform-specific code to generate new Flutter key codes for
* keys which are not recognized.
const uint64_t kAutogeneratedMask = 0x10000000000;
* Mask for the synonym pseudo-keys generated for keys which appear in more than
* one place on the keyboard.
* IDs in this range are used to represent keys which appear in multiple places
* on the keyboard, such as the SHIFT, ALT, CTRL, and numeric keypad keys. These
* key codes will never be generated by the key event system, but may be used in
* key maps to represent the union of all the keys of each type in order to
* match them.
* To look up the synonyms that are defined, look in the [synonyms] map.
const uint64_t kSynonymMask = 0x20000000000;
* The code prefix for keys which do not have a Unicode representation.
* This is used by platform-specific code to generate Flutter key codes using
* HID Usage codes.
const uint64_t kHidPlane = 0x00100000000;
const NSDictionary* keyCodeToPhysicalKey = @{
@0x00000000 : @0x00070004, // keyA
@0x0000000b : @0x00070005, // keyB
@0x00000008 : @0x00070006, // keyC
@0x00000002 : @0x00070007, // keyD
@0x0000000e : @0x00070008, // keyE
@0x00000003 : @0x00070009, // keyF
@0x00000005 : @0x0007000a, // keyG
@0x00000004 : @0x0007000b, // keyH
@0x00000022 : @0x0007000c, // keyI
@0x00000026 : @0x0007000d, // keyJ
@0x00000028 : @0x0007000e, // keyK
@0x00000025 : @0x0007000f, // keyL
@0x0000002e : @0x00070010, // keyM
@0x0000002d : @0x00070011, // keyN
@0x0000001f : @0x00070012, // keyO
@0x00000023 : @0x00070013, // keyP
@0x0000000c : @0x00070014, // keyQ
@0x0000000f : @0x00070015, // keyR
@0x00000001 : @0x00070016, // keyS
@0x00000011 : @0x00070017, // keyT
@0x00000020 : @0x00070018, // keyU
@0x00000009 : @0x00070019, // keyV
@0x0000000d : @0x0007001a, // keyW
@0x00000007 : @0x0007001b, // keyX
@0x00000010 : @0x0007001c, // keyY
@0x00000006 : @0x0007001d, // keyZ
@0x00000012 : @0x0007001e, // digit1
@0x00000013 : @0x0007001f, // digit2
@0x00000014 : @0x00070020, // digit3
@0x00000015 : @0x00070021, // digit4
@0x00000017 : @0x00070022, // digit5
@0x00000016 : @0x00070023, // digit6
@0x0000001a : @0x00070024, // digit7
@0x0000001c : @0x00070025, // digit8
@0x00000019 : @0x00070026, // digit9
@0x0000001d : @0x00070027, // digit0
@0x00000024 : @0x00070028, // enter
@0x00000035 : @0x00070029, // escape
@0x00000033 : @0x0007002a, // backspace
@0x00000030 : @0x0007002b, // tab
@0x00000031 : @0x0007002c, // space
@0x0000001b : @0x0007002d, // minus
@0x00000018 : @0x0007002e, // equal
@0x00000021 : @0x0007002f, // bracketLeft
@0x0000001e : @0x00070030, // bracketRight
@0x0000002a : @0x00070031, // backslash
@0x00000029 : @0x00070033, // semicolon
@0x00000027 : @0x00070034, // quote
@0x00000032 : @0x00070035, // backquote
@0x0000002b : @0x00070036, // comma
@0x0000002f : @0x00070037, // period
@0x0000002c : @0x00070038, // slash
@0x00000039 : @0x00070039, // capsLock
@0x0000007a : @0x0007003a, // f1
@0x00000078 : @0x0007003b, // f2
@0x00000063 : @0x0007003c, // f3
@0x00000076 : @0x0007003d, // f4
@0x00000060 : @0x0007003e, // f5
@0x00000061 : @0x0007003f, // f6
@0x00000062 : @0x00070040, // f7
@0x00000064 : @0x00070041, // f8
@0x00000065 : @0x00070042, // f9
@0x0000006d : @0x00070043, // f10
@0x00000067 : @0x00070044, // f11
@0x0000006f : @0x00070045, // f12
@0x00000072 : @0x00070049, // insert
@0x00000073 : @0x0007004a, // home
@0x00000074 : @0x0007004b, // pageUp
@0x00000075 : @0x0007004c, // delete
@0x00000077 : @0x0007004d, // end
@0x00000079 : @0x0007004e, // pageDown
@0x0000007c : @0x0007004f, // arrowRight
@0x0000007b : @0x00070050, // arrowLeft
@0x0000007d : @0x00070051, // arrowDown
@0x0000007e : @0x00070052, // arrowUp
@0x00000047 : @0x00070053, // numLock
@0x0000004b : @0x00070054, // numpadDivide
@0x00000043 : @0x00070055, // numpadMultiply
@0x0000004e : @0x00070056, // numpadSubtract
@0x00000045 : @0x00070057, // numpadAdd
@0x0000004c : @0x00070058, // numpadEnter
@0x00000053 : @0x00070059, // numpad1
@0x00000054 : @0x0007005a, // numpad2
@0x00000055 : @0x0007005b, // numpad3
@0x00000056 : @0x0007005c, // numpad4
@0x00000057 : @0x0007005d, // numpad5
@0x00000058 : @0x0007005e, // numpad6
@0x00000059 : @0x0007005f, // numpad7
@0x0000005b : @0x00070060, // numpad8
@0x0000005c : @0x00070061, // numpad9
@0x00000052 : @0x00070062, // numpad0
@0x00000041 : @0x00070063, // numpadDecimal
@0x0000000a : @0x00070064, // intlBackslash
@0x0000006e : @0x00070065, // contextMenu
@0x00000051 : @0x00070067, // numpadEqual
@0x00000069 : @0x00070068, // f13
@0x0000006b : @0x00070069, // f14
@0x00000071 : @0x0007006a, // f15
@0x0000006a : @0x0007006b, // f16
@0x00000040 : @0x0007006c, // f17
@0x0000004f : @0x0007006d, // f18
@0x00000050 : @0x0007006e, // f19
@0x0000005a : @0x0007006f, // f20
@0x0000004a : @0x0007007f, // audioVolumeMute
@0x00000048 : @0x00070080, // audioVolumeUp
@0x00000049 : @0x00070081, // audioVolumeDown
@0x0000005f : @0x00070085, // numpadComma
@0x0000005e : @0x00070087, // intlRo
@0x0000005d : @0x00070089, // intlYen
@0x00000068 : @0x00070090, // lang1
@0x00000066 : @0x00070091, // lang2
@0x0000003b : @0x000700e0, // controlLeft
@0x00000038 : @0x000700e1, // shiftLeft
@0x0000003a : @0x000700e2, // altLeft
@0x00000037 : @0x000700e3, // metaLeft
@0x0000003e : @0x000700e4, // controlRight
@0x0000003c : @0x000700e5, // shiftRight
@0x0000003d : @0x000700e6, // altRight
@0x00000036 : @0x000700e7, // metaRight
@0x0000003f : @0x00000012, // fn
const NSDictionary* keyCodeToLogicalKey = @{
@0x00000033 : @0x0000000008, // Backspace
@0x00000035 : @0x000000001b, // Escape
@0x00000075 : @0x000000007f, // Delete
@0x00000039 : @0x0000000104, // CapsLock
@0x0000003f : @0x0000000106, // Fn
@0x00000047 : @0x000000010a, // NumLock
@0x0000007d : @0x0000000301, // ArrowDown
@0x0000007b : @0x0000000302, // ArrowLeft
@0x0000007c : @0x0000000303, // ArrowRight
@0x0000007e : @0x0000000304, // ArrowUp
@0x00000077 : @0x0000000305, // End
@0x00000073 : @0x0000000306, // Home
@0x00000079 : @0x0000000307, // PageDown
@0x00000074 : @0x0000000308, // PageUp
@0x00000072 : @0x0000000407, // Insert
@0x0000006e : @0x0000000505, // ContextMenu
@0x0000007a : @0x0000000801, // F1
@0x00000078 : @0x0000000802, // F2
@0x00000063 : @0x0000000803, // F3
@0x00000076 : @0x0000000804, // F4
@0x00000060 : @0x0000000805, // F5
@0x00000061 : @0x0000000806, // F6
@0x00000062 : @0x0000000807, // F7
@0x00000064 : @0x0000000808, // F8
@0x00000065 : @0x0000000809, // F9
@0x0000006d : @0x000000080a, // F10
@0x00000067 : @0x000000080b, // F11
@0x0000006f : @0x000000080c, // F12
@0x00000069 : @0x000000080d, // F13
@0x0000006b : @0x000000080e, // F14
@0x00000071 : @0x000000080f, // F15
@0x0000006a : @0x0000000810, // F16
@0x00000040 : @0x0000000811, // F17
@0x0000004f : @0x0000000812, // F18
@0x00000050 : @0x0000000813, // F19
@0x0000005a : @0x0000000814, // F20
@0x00000049 : @0x0000000a0f, // AudioVolumeDown
@0x00000048 : @0x0000000a10, // AudioVolumeUp
@0x0000004a : @0x0000000a11, // AudioVolumeMute
@0x0000005e : @0x0100070087, // IntlRo
@0x0000005d : @0x0100070089, // IntlYen
@0x00000068 : @0x0100070090, // Lang1
@0x00000066 : @0x0100070091, // Lang2
@0x0000004c : @0x020000000d, // NumpadEnter
@0x00000043 : @0x020000002a, // NumpadMultiply
@0x00000045 : @0x020000002b, // NumpadAdd
@0x0000005f : @0x020000002c, // NumpadComma
@0x0000004e : @0x020000002d, // NumpadSubtract
@0x00000041 : @0x020000002e, // NumpadDecimal
@0x0000004b : @0x020000002f, // NumpadDivide
@0x00000052 : @0x0200000030, // Numpad0
@0x00000053 : @0x0200000031, // Numpad1
@0x00000054 : @0x0200000032, // Numpad2
@0x00000055 : @0x0200000033, // Numpad3
@0x00000056 : @0x0200000034, // Numpad4
@0x00000057 : @0x0200000035, // Numpad5
@0x00000058 : @0x0200000036, // Numpad6
@0x00000059 : @0x0200000037, // Numpad7
@0x0000005b : @0x0200000038, // Numpad8
@0x0000005c : @0x0200000039, // Numpad9
@0x00000051 : @0x020000003d, // NumpadEqual
@0x0000003a : @0x0300000102, // AltLeft
@0x0000003b : @0x0300000105, // ControlLeft
@0x00000037 : @0x0300000109, // MetaLeft
@0x00000038 : @0x030000010d, // ShiftLeft
@0x0000003d : @0x0400000102, // AltRight
@0x0000003e : @0x0400000105, // ControlRight
@0x00000036 : @0x0400000109, // MetaRight
@0x0000003c : @0x040000010d, // ShiftRight
const NSDictionary* keyCodeToModifierFlag = @{
@0x00000038 : @(kModifierFlagShiftLeft),
@0x0000003c : @(kModifierFlagShiftRight),
@0x0000003b : @(kModifierFlagControlLeft),
@0x0000003e : @(kModifierFlagControlRight),
@0x0000003a : @(kModifierFlagAltLeft),
@0x0000003d : @(kModifierFlagAltRight),
@0x00000037 : @(kModifierFlagMetaLeft),
@0x00000036 : @(kModifierFlagMetaRight),
const NSDictionary* modifierFlagToKeyCode = @{
@(kModifierFlagShiftLeft) : @0x00000038,
@(kModifierFlagShiftRight) : @0x0000003c,
@(kModifierFlagControlLeft) : @0x0000003b,
@(kModifierFlagControlRight) : @0x0000003e,
@(kModifierFlagAltLeft) : @0x0000003a,
@(kModifierFlagAltRight) : @0x0000003d,
@(kModifierFlagMetaLeft) : @0x00000037,
@(kModifierFlagMetaRight) : @0x00000036,
const uint64_t kCapsLockPhysicalKey = 0x00070039;
const uint64_t kCapsLockLogicalKey = 0x00000104;