blob: 773a5b7f586d1cbab8b90fd08ae3e3c97ec59ec5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:simulators/simulator_manager.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
class SafariArgParser extends BrowserArgParser {
static final SafariArgParser _singletonInstance = SafariArgParser._();
/// The [SafariArgParser] singleton.
static SafariArgParser get instance => _singletonInstance;
String _version;
void populateOptions(ArgParser argParser) {
defaultsTo: 'system',
help: 'The Safari version to use while running tests. The Safari '
'browser installed on the system is used as the only option now.'
'Soon we will add support for using different versions using the '
'tech previews.',
// Populate options for Ios Safari.
void parseOptions(ArgResults argResults) {
_version = argResults['safari-version'] as String;
assert(_version == 'system');
final String browser = argResults['browser'] as String;
_isMobileBrowser = browser == 'ios-safari' ? true : false;
String get version => _version;
bool _isMobileBrowser;
bool get isMobileBrowser => _isMobileBrowser;
class IosSafariArgParser extends BrowserArgParser {
static final IosSafariArgParser _singletonInstance = IosSafariArgParser._();
/// The [IosSafariArgParser] singleton.
static IosSafariArgParser get instance => _singletonInstance;
String get version => 'iOS ${iosMajorVersion}.${iosMinorVersion}';
int _pinnedIosMajorVersion;
int _iosMajorVersion;
int get iosMajorVersion => _iosMajorVersion ?? _pinnedIosMajorVersion;
int _pinnedIosMinorVersion;
int _iosMinorVersion;
int get iosMinorVersion => _iosMinorVersion ?? _pinnedIosMinorVersion;
String _pinnedIosDevice;
String _iosDevice;
String get iosDevice => _iosDevice ?? _pinnedIosDevice;
/// Returns [IosSimulator] if the [Platform] is `macOS` and simulator
/// is started.
/// Throws an [StateError] if these two conditions are not met.
IosSimulator get iosSimulator => io.Platform.isMacOS
? (_iosSimulator != null
? _iosSimulator
: throw StateError('iosSimulator not started. Please first call '
'initIOSSimulator method'))
: throw StateError('iOS Simulator is only available on macOS machines.');
IosSimulator _iosSimulator;
/// Inializes and boots an [IosSimulator] using the [iosMajorVersion],
/// [iosMinorVersion] and [iosDevice] arguments.
Future<void> initIosSimulator() async {
if (_iosSimulator != null) {
throw StateError('_iosSimulator can only be initialized once');
final IosSimulatorManager iosSimulatorManager = IosSimulatorManager();
try {
_iosSimulator = await iosSimulatorManager.getSimulator(
} catch (e) {
throw Exception('Error getting requested simulator. Try running '
'`felt create` command first before running the tests. Exception: '
if (!_iosSimulator.booted) {
await _iosSimulator.boot();
print('INFO: Simulator ${} booted.');
cleanupCallbacks.add(() async {
await _iosSimulator.shutdown();
print('INFO: Simulator ${} shutdown.');
void populateOptions(ArgParser argParser) {
final YamlMap browserLock = BrowserLock.instance.configuration;
_pinnedIosMajorVersion = browserLock['ios-safari']['majorVersion'] as int;
_pinnedIosMinorVersion = browserLock['ios-safari']['minorVersion'] as int;
final pinnedIosVersion =
_pinnedIosDevice = browserLock['ios-safari']['device'] as String;
defaultsTo: '$pinnedIosVersion',
help: 'The version for the iOS operating system the iOS Simulator '
'will use for tests. For example for testing with iOS 13.2, '
'use `13.2`. Use command: '
'`xcrun simctl list runtimes` to list available versions. Use '
'XCode to install more versions: Xcode > Preferences > Components'
'If this value is not filled version locked in the '
'browser_lock.yaml file will be user.')
defaultsTo: '$_pinnedIosDevice',
help: 'The device to be used for the iOS Simulator during the tests. '
'Use `.` instead of space for separating the words. '
'Common examples: iPhone.8, iPhone.8.Plus, iPhone.11, '
'iPhone 11 Pro. Use command: '
'`xcrun simctl list devices` for listing the available '
'devices. If this value is not filled device locked in the '
'browser_lock.yaml file will be user.');
void parseOptions(ArgResults argResults) {
final String iosVersion = argResults['version'] as String;
// The version will contain major and minor version separated by a comma,
// for example: 13.1, 12.2
assert(iosVersion.split('.').length == 2,
'The version should be in format 13.5');
_iosMajorVersion = int.parse(iosVersion.split('.')[0]);
_iosMinorVersion = int.parse(iosVersion.split('.')[1]);
_iosDevice = (argResults['device'] as String).replaceAll('.', ' ');
/// Returns the installation of Safari.
/// Currently uses the Safari version installed on the operating system.
/// Latest Safari version for Catalina, Mojave, High Siera is 13.
/// Latest Safari version for Sierra is 12.
// TODO(nurhan): user latest version to download and install the latest
// technology preview.
Future<BrowserInstallation> getOrInstallSafari(
String requestedVersion, {
StringSink infoLog,
}) async {
// These tests are aimed to run only on macOS machines local or on LUCI.
if (!io.Platform.isMacOS) {
throw UnimplementedError('Safari on ${io.Platform.operatingSystem} is'
' not supported. Safari is only supported on macOS.');
infoLog ??= io.stdout;
if (requestedVersion == 'system') {
// Since Safari is included in macOS, always assume there will be one on the
// system.
infoLog.writeln('Using the system version that is already installed.');
return BrowserInstallation(
version: 'system',
executable: PlatformBinding.instance.getMacApplicationLauncher(),
} else {
infoLog.writeln('Unsupported version $requestedVersion.');
throw UnimplementedError();