blob: 5741436b2f4c225e4355440f3d8e04d7147a6781 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Checks and fixes format on files with changes.
// Run with --help for usage.
// TODO(gspencergoog): Support clang formatting on Windows.
// TODO(gspencergoog): Support Java formatting on Windows.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
// ignore: import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe
import 'package:isolate/isolate.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:process_runner/process_runner.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
class FormattingException implements Exception {
FormattingException(this.message, [this.result]);
final String message;
final ProcessResult? result;
int get exitCode => result?.exitCode ?? -1;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer output = StringBuffer(runtimeType.toString());
output.write(': $message');
final String stderr = result?.stderr! as String;
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
return output.toString();
enum MessageType {
enum FormatCheck {
FormatCheck nameToFormatCheck(String name) {
switch (name) {
case 'clang':
return FormatCheck.clang;
case 'java':
case 'whitespace':
return FormatCheck.whitespace;
case 'gn':
throw FormattingException('Unknown FormatCheck type $name');
String formatCheckToName(FormatCheck check) {
switch (check) {
case FormatCheck.clang:
return 'C++/ObjC';
return 'Java';
case FormatCheck.whitespace:
return 'Trailing whitespace';
return 'GN';
List<String> formatCheckNames() {
List<FormatCheck> allowed;
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
allowed = FormatCheck.values;
} else {
allowed = <FormatCheck>[, FormatCheck.whitespace];
return allowed
.map<String>((FormatCheck check) => check.toString().replaceFirst('$FormatCheck.', ''))
Future<String> _runGit(
List<String> args,
ProcessRunner processRunner, {
bool failOk = false,
}) async {
final ProcessRunnerResult result = await processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['git', ...args],
failOk: failOk,
return result.stdout;
typedef MessageCallback = Function(String? message, {MessageType type});
/// Base class for format checkers.
/// Provides services that all format checkers need.
abstract class FormatChecker {
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
required this.baseGitRef,
required this.repoDir,
required this.srcDir,
this.allFiles = false,
}) : _processRunner = ProcessRunner(
defaultWorkingDirectory: repoDir,
processManager: processManager,
/// Factory method that creates subclass format checkers based on the type of check.
factory FormatChecker.ofType(
FormatCheck check, {
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
required String baseGitRef,
required Directory repoDir,
required Directory srcDir,
bool allFiles = false,
MessageCallback? messageCallback,
}) {
switch (check) {
case FormatCheck.clang:
return ClangFormatChecker(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
return JavaFormatChecker(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
case FormatCheck.whitespace:
return WhitespaceFormatChecker(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
return GnFormatChecker(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
final ProcessRunner _processRunner;
final Directory srcDir;
final Directory repoDir;
final bool allFiles;
MessageCallback? messageCallback;
final String baseGitRef;
/// Override to provide format checking for a specific type.
Future<bool> checkFormatting();
/// Override to provide format fixing for a specific type.
Future<bool> fixFormatting();
void message(String? string) => messageCallback?.call(string, type: MessageType.message);
void error(String string) => messageCallback?.call(string, type: MessageType.error);
Future<String> runGit(List<String> args) async => _runGit(args, _processRunner);
/// Converts a given raw string of code units to a stream that yields those
/// code units.
/// Uses to convert the stdout of a previous command into an input stream for
/// the next command.
Stream<List<int>> codeUnitsAsStream(List<int>? input) async* {
if (input != null) {
yield input;
Future<bool> applyPatch(List<String> patches) async {
final ProcessPool patchPool = ProcessPool(
processRunner: _processRunner,
printReport: namedReport('patch'),
final List<WorkerJob> jobs =<WorkerJob>((String patch) {
return WorkerJob(
<String>['patch', '-p0'],
stdinRaw: codeUnitsAsStream(patch.codeUnits),
failOk: true,
final List<WorkerJob> completedJobs = await patchPool.runToCompletion(jobs);
if (patchPool.failedJobs != 0) {
error('${patchPool.failedJobs} patch${patchPool.failedJobs > 1 ? 'es' : ''} '
'failed to apply.');
.where((WorkerJob job) => job.result.exitCode != 0)
.map<String>((WorkerJob job) => job.result.output)
return patchPool.failedJobs == 0;
/// Gets the list of files to operate on.
/// If [allFiles] is true, then returns all git controlled files in the repo
/// of the given types.
/// If [allFiles] is false, then only return those files of the given types
/// that have changed between the current working tree and the [baseGitRef].
Future<List<String>> getFileList(List<String> types) async {
String output;
if (allFiles) {
output = await runGit(<String>[
} else {
output = await runGit(<String>[
return output.split('\n').where((String line) => line.isNotEmpty).toList();
/// Generates a reporting function to supply to ProcessRunner to use instead
/// of the default reporting function.
ProcessPoolProgressReporter namedReport(String name) {
return (int total, int completed, int inProgress, int pending, int failed) {
final String percent =
total == 0 ? '100' : ((100 * completed) ~/ total).toString().padLeft(3);
final String completedStr = completed.toString().padLeft(3);
final String totalStr = total.toString().padRight(3);
final String inProgressStr = inProgress.toString().padLeft(2);
final String pendingStr = pending.toString().padLeft(3);
final String failedStr = failed.toString().padLeft(3);
stderr.write('$name Jobs: $percent% done, '
'$completedStr/$totalStr completed, '
'$inProgressStr in progress, '
'$pendingStr pending, '
'$failedStr failed.${' ' * 20}\r');
/// Clears the last printed report line so garbage isn't left on the terminal.
void reportDone() {
stderr.write('\r${' ' * 100}\r');
/// Checks and formats C++/ObjC files using clang-format.
class ClangFormatChecker extends FormatChecker {
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
required String baseGitRef,
required Directory repoDir,
required Directory srcDir,
bool allFiles = false,
MessageCallback? messageCallback,
}) : super(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
) {
/*late*/ String clangOs;
if (Platform.isLinux) {
clangOs = 'linux-x64';
} else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
clangOs = 'mac-x64';
} else {
throw FormattingException(
"Unknown operating system: don't know how to run clang-format here.");
clangFormat = File(
late final File clangFormat;
Future<bool> checkFormatting() async {
final List<String> failures = await _getCFormatFailures();;
return failures.isEmpty;
Future<bool> fixFormatting() async {
message('Fixing C++/ObjC formatting...');
final List<String> failures = await _getCFormatFailures(fixing: true);
if (failures.isEmpty) {
return true;
return applyPatch(failures);
Future<String> _getClangFormatVersion() async {
final ProcessRunnerResult result =
await _processRunner.runProcess(<String>[clangFormat.path, '--version']);
return result.stdout.trim();
Future<List<String>> _getCFormatFailures({bool fixing = false}) async {
message('Checking C++/ObjC formatting...');
const List<String> clangFiletypes = <String>[
final List<String> files = await getFileList(clangFiletypes);
if (files.isEmpty) {
message('No C++/ObjC files with changes, skipping C++/ObjC format check.');
return <String>[];
if (verbose) {
message('Using ${await _getClangFormatVersion()}');
final List<WorkerJob> clangJobs = <WorkerJob>[];
for (final String file in files) {
if (file.trim().isEmpty) {
clangJobs.add(WorkerJob(<String>[clangFormat.path, '--style=file', file.trim()]));
final ProcessPool clangPool = ProcessPool(
processRunner: _processRunner,
printReport: namedReport('clang-format'),
final Stream<WorkerJob> completedClangFormats = clangPool.startWorkers(clangJobs);
final List<WorkerJob> diffJobs = <WorkerJob>[];
await for (final WorkerJob completedJob in completedClangFormats) {
if (completedJob.result.exitCode == 0) {
WorkerJob(<String>['diff', '-u', completedJob.command.last, '-'],
stdinRaw: codeUnitsAsStream(completedJob.result.stdoutRaw), failOk: true),
final ProcessPool diffPool = ProcessPool(
processRunner: _processRunner,
printReport: namedReport('diff'),
final List<WorkerJob> completedDiffs = await diffPool.runToCompletion(diffJobs);
final Iterable<WorkerJob> failed = completedDiffs.where((WorkerJob job) {
return job.result.exitCode != 0;
if (failed.isNotEmpty) {
final bool plural = failed.length > 1;
if (fixing) {
message('Fixing ${failed.length} C++/ObjC file${plural ? 's' : ''}'
' which ${plural ? 'were' : 'was'} formatted incorrectly.');
} else {
error('Found ${failed.length} C++/ObjC file${plural ? 's' : ''}'
' which ${plural ? 'were' : 'was'} formatted incorrectly.');
for (final WorkerJob job in failed) {
} else {
message('Completed checking ${diffJobs.length} C++/ObjC files with no formatting problems.');
return<String>((WorkerJob job) {
return job.result.stdout;
/// Checks the format of Java files uing the Google Java format checker.
class JavaFormatChecker extends FormatChecker {
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
required String baseGitRef,
required Directory repoDir,
required Directory srcDir,
bool allFiles = false,
MessageCallback? messageCallback,
}) : super(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
) {
googleJavaFormatJar = File(
late final File googleJavaFormatJar;
Future<String> _getGoogleJavaFormatVersion() async {
final ProcessRunnerResult result = await _processRunner
.runProcess(<String>['java', '-jar', googleJavaFormatJar.path, '--version']);
return result.stderr.trim();
Future<bool> checkFormatting() async {
final List<String> failures = await _getJavaFormatFailures();;
return failures.isEmpty;
Future<bool> fixFormatting() async {
message('Fixing Java formatting...');
final List<String> failures = await _getJavaFormatFailures(fixing: true);
if (failures.isEmpty) {
return true;
return applyPatch(failures);
Future<String> _getJavaVersion() async {
final ProcessRunnerResult result =
await _processRunner.runProcess(<String>['java', '-version']);
return result.stderr.trim().split('\n')[0];
Future<List<String>> _getJavaFormatFailures({bool fixing = false}) async {
message('Checking Java formatting...');
final List<WorkerJob> formatJobs = <WorkerJob>[];
final List<String> files = await getFileList(<String>['*.java']);
if (files.isEmpty) {
message('No Java files with changes, skipping Java format check.');
return <String>[];
String javaVersion = '<unknown>';
String javaFormatVersion = '<unknown>';
try {
javaVersion = await _getJavaVersion();
} on ProcessRunnerException {
error('Cannot run Java, skipping Java file formatting!');
return const <String>[];
try {
javaFormatVersion = await _getGoogleJavaFormatVersion();
} on ProcessRunnerException {
error('Cannot find google-java-format, skipping Java format check.');
return const <String>[];
if (verbose) {
message('Using $javaFormatVersion with Java $javaVersion');
for (final String file in files) {
if (file.trim().isEmpty) {
<String>['java', '-jar', googleJavaFormatJar.path, file.trim()],
final ProcessPool formatPool = ProcessPool(
processRunner: _processRunner,
printReport: namedReport('Java format'),
final Stream<WorkerJob> completedClangFormats = formatPool.startWorkers(formatJobs);
final List<WorkerJob> diffJobs = <WorkerJob>[];
await for (final WorkerJob completedJob in completedClangFormats) {
if (completedJob.result.exitCode == 0) {
<String>['diff', '-u', completedJob.command.last, '-'],
stdinRaw: codeUnitsAsStream(completedJob.result.stdoutRaw),
failOk: true,
final ProcessPool diffPool = ProcessPool(
processRunner: _processRunner,
printReport: namedReport('diff'),
final List<WorkerJob> completedDiffs = await diffPool.runToCompletion(diffJobs);
final Iterable<WorkerJob> failed = completedDiffs.where((WorkerJob job) {
return job.result.exitCode != 0;
if (failed.isNotEmpty) {
final bool plural = failed.length > 1;
if (fixing) {
error('Fixing ${failed.length} Java file${plural ? 's' : ''}'
' which ${plural ? 'were' : 'was'} formatted incorrectly.');
} else {
error('Found ${failed.length} Java file${plural ? 's' : ''}'
' which ${plural ? 'were' : 'was'} formatted incorrectly.');
for (final WorkerJob job in failed) {
} else {
message('Completed checking ${diffJobs.length} Java files with no formatting problems.');
return<String>((WorkerJob job) {
return job.result.stdout;
/// Checks the format of any files using the "gn format" command.
class GnFormatChecker extends FormatChecker {
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
required String baseGitRef,
required Directory repoDir,
required Directory srcDir,
bool allFiles = false,
MessageCallback? messageCallback,
}) : super(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
) {
gnBinary = File(
Platform.isWindows ? 'gn.exe' : 'gn',
late final File gnBinary;
Future<bool> checkFormatting() async {
message('Checking GN formatting...');
return (await _runGnCheck(fixing: false)) == 0;
Future<bool> fixFormatting() async {
message('Fixing GN formatting...');
await _runGnCheck(fixing: true);
// The GN script shouldn't fail when fixing errors.
return true;
Future<int> _runGnCheck({required bool fixing}) async {
final List<String> filesToCheck = await getFileList(<String>['*.gn', '*.gni']);
final List<String> cmd = <String>[
if (!fixing) '--dry-run',
final List<WorkerJob> jobs = <WorkerJob>[];
for (final String file in filesToCheck) {
jobs.add(WorkerJob(<String>[...cmd, file]));
final ProcessPool gnPool = ProcessPool(
processRunner: _processRunner,
printReport: namedReport('gn format'),
final List<WorkerJob> completedJobs = await gnPool.runToCompletion(jobs);
final List<String> incorrect = <String>[];
for (final WorkerJob job in completedJobs) {
if (job.result.exitCode == 2) {
incorrect.add(' ${job.command.last}');
if (job.result.exitCode == 1) {
// GN has exit code 1 if it had some problem formatting/checking the
// file.
throw FormattingException(
'Unable to format ${job.command.last}:\n${job.result.output}',
if (incorrect.isNotEmpty) {
final bool plural = incorrect.length > 1;
if (fixing) {
message('Fixed ${incorrect.length} GN file${plural ? 's' : ''}'
' which ${plural ? 'were' : 'was'} formatted incorrectly.');
} else {
error('Found ${incorrect.length} GN file${plural ? 's' : ''}'
' which ${plural ? 'were' : 'was'} formatted incorrectly:');
} else {
message('All GN files formatted correctly.');
return incorrect.length;
class _GrepResult {
const _GrepResult(this.file, [this.hits = const <String>[], this.lineNumbers = const <int>[]]);
bool get isEmpty => hits.isEmpty && lineNumbers.isEmpty;
final File file;
final List<String> hits;
final List<int> lineNumbers;
/// Checks for trailing whitspace in Dart files.
class WhitespaceFormatChecker extends FormatChecker {
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
required String baseGitRef,
required Directory repoDir,
required Directory srcDir,
bool allFiles = false,
MessageCallback? messageCallback,
}) : super(
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: allFiles,
messageCallback: messageCallback,
Future<bool> checkFormatting() async {
final List<File> failures = await _getWhitespaceFailures();
return failures.isEmpty;
static final RegExp trailingWsRegEx = RegExp(r'[ \t]+$', multiLine: true);
Future<bool> fixFormatting() async {
final List<File> failures = await _getWhitespaceFailures();
if (failures.isNotEmpty) {
for (final File file in failures) {
stderr.writeln('Fixing $file');
String contents = file.readAsStringSync();
contents = contents.replaceAll(trailingWsRegEx, '');
return true;
static Future<_GrepResult> _hasTrailingWhitespace(File file) async {
final List<String> hits = <String>[];
final List<int> lineNumbers = <int>[];
int lineNumber = 0;
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (trailingWsRegEx.hasMatch(line)) {
if (hits.isEmpty) {
return _GrepResult(file);
return _GrepResult(file, hits, lineNumbers);
Stream<_GrepResult> _whereHasTrailingWhitespace(Iterable<File> files) async* {
final LoadBalancer pool =
await LoadBalancer.create(Platform.numberOfProcessors, IsolateRunner.spawn);
for (final File file in files) {
yield await<_GrepResult, File>(_hasTrailingWhitespace, file);
Future<List<File>> _getWhitespaceFailures() async {
final List<String> files = await getFileList(<String>[
if (files.isEmpty) {
message('No files that differ, skipping whitespace check.');
return <File>[];
message('Checking for trailing whitespace on ${files.length} source '
'file${files.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}...');
final ProcessPoolProgressReporter reporter = namedReport('whitespace');
final List<_GrepResult> found = <_GrepResult>[];
final int total = files.length;
int completed = 0;
int inProgress = Platform.numberOfProcessors;
int pending = total;
int failed = 0;
await for (final _GrepResult result in _whereHasTrailingWhitespace(<File>(
(String file) => File(
path.join(repoDir.absolute.path, file),
)) {
if (result.isEmpty) {
} else {
inProgress = pending < Platform.numberOfProcessors ? pending : Platform.numberOfProcessors;
reporter(total, completed, inProgress, pending, failed);
if (found.isNotEmpty) {
error('Whitespace check failed. The following files have trailing spaces:');
for (final _GrepResult result in found) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.hits.length; ++i) {
message(' ${result.file.path}:${result.lineNumbers[i]}:${result.hits[i]}');
} else {
message('No trailing whitespace found.');
return<File>((_GrepResult result) => result.file).toList();
Future<String> _getDiffBaseRevision(ProcessManager processManager, Directory repoDir) async {
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(
defaultWorkingDirectory: repoDir,
processManager: processManager,
String upstream = 'upstream';
final String upstreamUrl = await _runGit(
<String>['remote', 'get-url', upstream],
failOk: true,
if (upstreamUrl.isEmpty) {
upstream = 'origin';
await _runGit(<String>['fetch', upstream, 'master'], processRunner);
String result = '';
try {
// This is the preferred command to use, but developer checkouts often do
// not have a clear fork point, so we fall back to just the regular
// merge-base in that case.
result = await _runGit(
<String>['merge-base', '--fork-point', 'FETCH_HEAD', 'HEAD'],
} on ProcessRunnerException {
result = await _runGit(<String>['merge-base', 'FETCH_HEAD', 'HEAD'], processRunner);
return result.trim();
void _usage(ArgParser parser, {int exitCode = 1}) {
stderr.writeln('format.dart [--help] [--fix] [--all-files] '
'[--check <${formatCheckNames().join('|')}>]');
bool verbose = false;
Future<int> main(List<String> arguments) async {
final ArgParser parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('help', help: 'Print help.', abbr: 'h');
abbr: 'f',
help: 'Instead of just checking for formatting errors, fix them in place.',
defaultsTo: false);
abbr: 'a',
help: 'Instead of just checking for formatting errors in changed files, '
'check for them in all files.',
defaultsTo: false);
abbr: 'c',
allowed: formatCheckNames(),
defaultsTo: formatCheckNames(),
help: 'Specifies which checks will be performed. Defaults to all checks. '
'May be specified more than once to perform multiple types of checks. '
'On Windows, only whitespace and gn checks are currently supported.');
parser.addFlag('verbose', help: 'Print verbose output.', defaultsTo: verbose);
late final ArgResults options;
try {
options = parser.parse(arguments);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
stderr.writeln('ERROR: $e');
_usage(parser, exitCode: 0);
verbose = options['verbose'] as bool;
if (options['help'] as bool) {
_usage(parser, exitCode: 0);
final File script = File.fromUri(Platform.script).absolute;
final Directory repoDir = script.parent.parent.parent;
final Directory srcDir = repoDir.parent;
if (verbose) {
stderr.writeln('Repo: $repoDir');
stderr.writeln('Src: $srcDir');
void message(String? message, {MessageType type = MessageType.message}) {
message ??= '';
switch (type) {
case MessageType.message:
case MessageType.error:
stderr.writeln('ERROR: $message');
case MessageType.warning:
stderr.writeln('WARNING: $message');
const ProcessManager processManager = LocalProcessManager();
final String baseGitRef = await _getDiffBaseRevision(processManager, repoDir);
bool result = true;
final List<String> checks = options['check'] as List<String>;
try {
for (final String checkName in checks) {
final FormatCheck check = nameToFormatCheck(checkName);
final String humanCheckName = formatCheckToName(check);
final FormatChecker checker = FormatChecker.ofType(check,
processManager: processManager,
baseGitRef: baseGitRef,
repoDir: repoDir,
srcDir: srcDir,
allFiles: options['all-files'] as bool,
messageCallback: message);
bool stepResult;
if (options['fix'] as bool) {
message('Fixing any $humanCheckName format problems');
stepResult = await checker.fixFormatting();
if (!stepResult) {
message('Unable to apply $humanCheckName format fixes.');
} else {
message('Performing $humanCheckName format check');
stepResult = await checker.checkFormatting();
if (!stepResult) {
message('Found $humanCheckName format problems.');
result = result && stepResult;
} on FormattingException catch (e) {
message('ERROR: $e', type: MessageType.error);
exit(result ? 0 : 1);