blob: 892a747e64f673cdb36ca18345e0710237656cb9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'layout_service_helper.dart';
const ui.Color white = ui.Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
const ui.Color black = ui.Color(0xFF000000);
const ui.Color red = ui.Color(0xFFFF0000);
const ui.Color green = ui.Color(0xFF00FF00);
const ui.Color blue = ui.Color(0xFF0000FF);
final EngineParagraphStyle ahemStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
ui.ParagraphConstraints constrain(double width) {
return ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: width);
CanvasParagraph rich(
EngineParagraphStyle style,
void Function(CanvasParagraphBuilder) callback,
) {
final CanvasParagraphBuilder builder = CanvasParagraphBuilder(style);
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() async {
await ui.webOnlyInitializeTestDomRenderer();
test('does not crash on empty spans', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: red));
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
expect(() => paragraph.layout(constrain(double.infinity)), returnsNormally);
test('measures spans in the same line correctly', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 12.0));
// 12.0 * 6 = 72.0 (with spaces)
// 12.0 * 5 = 60.0 (without spaces)
builder.addText('Lorem ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 13.0));
// 13.0 * 6 = 78.0 (with spaces)
// 13.0 * 5 = 65.0 (without spaces)
builder.addText('ipsum ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 11.0));
// 11.0 * 5 = 55.0
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 205.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 65.0); // "ipsum"
expect(paragraph.width, double.infinity);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('Lorem ipsum dolor', 0, 17, hardBreak: true, width: 205.0, left: 0.0),
test('breaks lines correctly at the end of spans', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (builder) {
builder.addText('Lorem ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 15.0));
builder.addText('sit ');
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 130.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 50.0); // "Lorem"
expect(paragraph.width, 60.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('Lorem ', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('sit ', 6, 10, hardBreak: false, width: 45.0, left: 0.0),
l('.', 10, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 10.0, left: 0.0),
test('breaks lines correctly in the middle of spans', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (builder) {
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 11.0));
builder.addText('sit dolor');
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 219.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 55.0); // "dolor"
expect(paragraph.width, 100.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('Lorem ', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('ipsum sit ', 6, 16, hardBreak: false, width: 93.0, left: 0.0),
l('dolor', 16, 21, hardBreak: true, width: 55.0, left: 0.0),
test('handles space-only spans', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: red));
builder.addText('Lorem ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText(' ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.addText(' ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: black));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 160.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 50.0); // "Lorem" or "ipsum"
expect(paragraph.width, 80.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('Lorem ', 0, 11, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, widthWithTrailingSpaces: 110.0, left: 0.0),
l('ipsum', 11, 16, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
test('should not break at span end if it is not a line break', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: red));
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText(' ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: black));
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: white));
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 110.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 50.0); // "Lorem" or "ipsum"
expect(paragraph.width, 50.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('Lorem ', 0, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
l('ipsum', 6, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, left: 0.0),
test('should handle placeholder-only paragraphs', () {
final EngineParagraphStyle paragraphStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(paragraphStyle, (builder) {
builder.addPlaceholder(300.0, 50.0, ui.PlaceholderAlignment.baseline, baseline: ui.TextBaseline.alphabetic);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 300.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 300.0);
expect(paragraph.height, 50.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('', 0, 0, hardBreak: true, width: 300.0, left: 100.0),
test('correct maxIntrinsicWidth when paragraph ends with placeholder', () {
final EngineParagraphStyle paragraphStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(paragraphStyle, (builder) {
builder.addPlaceholder(300.0, 50.0, ui.PlaceholderAlignment.bottom);
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 340.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 300.0);
expect(paragraph.height, 50.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('abcd', 0, 4, hardBreak: true, width: 340.0, left: 30.0),
test('handles new line followed by a placeholder', () {
final EngineParagraphStyle paragraphStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(paragraphStyle, (builder) {
builder.addPlaceholder(300.0, 40.0, ui.PlaceholderAlignment.bottom);
// The placeholder's width + "ipsum"
expect(paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth, 300.0 + 50.0);
expect(paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth, 300.0);
expect(paragraph.height, 10.0 + 40.0 + 10.0);
expectLines(paragraph, [
l('Lorem', 0, 6, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, height: 10.0, left: 125.0),
l('', 6, 6, hardBreak: false, width: 300.0, height: 40.0, left: 0.0),
l('ipsum', 6, 11, hardBreak: true, width: 50.0, height: 10.0, left: 125.0),