blob: 0f557d7b3f89b3354f88f3325626563e0a9bb676 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/keyboard_key_handler.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace {} // namespace
// A delegate of |KeyboardKeyHandler| that handles events by sending
// converted |FlutterKeyEvent|s through the embedder API.
// This class communicates with the HardwareKeyboard API in the framework.
class KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler
: public KeyboardKeyHandler::KeyboardKeyHandlerDelegate {
using SendEvent = std::function<void(const FlutterKeyEvent& /* event */,
FlutterKeyEventCallback /* callback */,
void* /* user_data */)>;
using GetKeyStateHandler = std::function<SHORT(int /* nVirtKey */)>;
// Build a KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler.
// Use `send_event` to define how the class should dispatch converted
// flutter events, as well as how to receive the response, to the engine. It's
// typically FlutterWindowsEngine::SendKeyEvent. The 2nd and 3rd parameter
// of the SendEvent call might be nullptr.
// Use `get_key_state` to define how the class should get a reliable result of
// the state for a virtual key. It's typically Win32's GetKeyState, but can
// also be nullptr (for UWP).
explicit KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler(SendEvent send_event,
GetKeyStateHandler get_key_state);
virtual ~KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler();
// |KeyboardHandlerBase|
void KeyboardHook(int key,
int scancode,
int action,
char32_t character,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
std::function<void(bool)> callback) override;
struct PendingResponse {
std::function<void(bool, uint64_t)> callback;
uint64_t response_id;
// The information for a virtual key that's important enough that its
// state is checked after every event.
struct CriticalKey {
// Last seen value of physical key and logical key for the virtual key.
// Used to synthesize down events.
uint64_t physical_key;
uint64_t logical_key;
// Whether to ensure the pressing state of the key (usually for modifier
// keys).
bool check_pressed;
// Whether to ensure the toggled state of the key (usually for lock keys).
// If this is true, `check_pressed` must be true.
bool check_toggled;
// Whether the lock key is currently toggled on.
bool toggled_on;
// Assign |critical_keys_| with basic information.
void InitCriticalKeys();
// Update |critical_keys_| with last seen logical and physical key.
void UpdateLastSeenCritialKey(int virtual_key,
uint64_t physical_key,
uint64_t logical_key);
// Check each key's state from |get_key_state_| and synthesize events
// if their toggling states have been desynchronized.
void SynchronizeCritialToggledStates(int this_virtual_key);
// Check each key's state from |get_key_state_| and synthesize events
// if their pressing states have been desynchronized.
void SynchronizeCritialPressedStates();
std::function<void(const FlutterKeyEvent&, FlutterKeyEventCallback, void*)>
GetKeyStateHandler get_key_state_;
// A map from physical keys to logical keys, each entry indicating a pressed
// key.
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> pressingRecords_;
// Information for key events that have been sent to the framework but yet
// to receive the response. Indexed by response IDs.
std::map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<PendingResponse>> pending_responses_;
// A self-incrementing integer, used as the ID for the next entry for
// |pending_responses_|.
uint64_t response_id_;
// Important keys whose states are checked and guaranteed synchronized
// on every key event.
// The following maps map Win32 virtual key to the physical key and logical
// key they're last seen.
std::map<UINT, CriticalKey> critical_keys_;
static uint64_t getPhysicalKey(int scancode, bool extended);
static uint64_t getLogicalKey(int key, bool extended, int scancode);
static void HandleResponse(bool handled, void* user_data);
static void ConvertUtf32ToUtf8_(char* out, char32_t ch);
static FlutterKeyEvent SynthesizeSimpleEvent(FlutterKeyEventType type,
uint64_t physical,
uint64_t logical,
const char* character);
static std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> windowsToPhysicalMap_;
static std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> windowsToLogicalMap_;
static std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> scanCodeToLogicalMap_;
} // namespace flutter