blob: dfc01f281977966408076345017f9231b76d1043 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'split_lib_test.dart' deferred as splitlib;
void main() {}
void sayHi() {
void throwExceptionNow() {
throw 'Hello';
void canRegisterNativeCallback() async {
print('In function canRegisterNativeCallback');
print('Called native method from canRegisterNativeCallback');
Future<void>? splitLoadFuture = null;
void canCallDeferredLibrary() {
print('In function canCallDeferredLibrary');
splitLoadFuture = splitlib.loadLibrary()
.then((_) {
print('Deferred load complete');
notifySuccess(splitlib.splitAdd(10, 23) == 33);
.catchError((_) {
print('Deferred load error');
void notifyNative() native 'NotifyNative';
void testIsolateShutdown() { }
void testCanSaveCompilationTrace() {
void notifyResult(bool success) native 'NotifyNative';
void passMessage(String message) native 'PassMessage';
void secondaryIsolateMain(String message) {
print('Secondary isolate got message: ' + message);
passMessage('Hello from code is secondary isolate.');
void testCanLaunchSecondaryIsolate() {
final onExit = RawReceivePort((_) { notifyNative(); });
Isolate.spawn(secondaryIsolateMain, 'Hello from root isolate.', onExit: onExit.sendPort);
void testCanRecieveArguments(List<String> args) {
notifyResult(args.length == 1 && args[0] == 'arg1');
void trampoline() {
void notifySuccess(bool success) native 'NotifySuccess';
void testCanConvertEmptyList(List<int> args){
notifySuccess(args.length == 0);
void testCanConvertListOfStrings(List<String> args){
notifySuccess(args.length == 4 &&
args[0] == 'tinker' &&
args[1] == 'tailor' &&
args[2] == 'soldier' &&
args[3] == 'sailor');
void testCanConvertListOfDoubles(List<double> args){
notifySuccess(args.length == 4 &&
args[0] == 1.0 &&
args[1] == 2.0 &&
args[2] == 3.0 &&
args[3] == 4.0);
void testCanConvertListOfInts(List<int> args){
notifySuccess(args.length == 4 &&
args[0] == 1 &&
args[1] == 2 &&
args[2] == 3 &&
args[3] == 4);
bool didCallRegistrantBeforeEntrypoint = false;
// Test the Dart plugin registrant.
class _PluginRegistrant {
static void register() {
if (didCallRegistrantBeforeEntrypoint) {
throw '_registerPlugins is being called twice';
didCallRegistrantBeforeEntrypoint = true;
void mainForPluginRegistrantTest() { // ignore: unused_element
if (didCallRegistrantBeforeEntrypoint) {
passMessage('_PluginRegistrant.register() was called');
} else {
passMessage('_PluginRegistrant.register() was not called');