blob: 6ecfec10b68a3b4151c7c51386b8ab10d5d7df2b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ax_base_export.h"
#include "ax_enums.h"
namespace ui {
// Describes what caused an accessibility event to be raised. For example, a
// character could have been typed, a word replaced, or a line deleted. Or, the
// selection could have been extended to the beginning of the previous word, or
// it could have been moved to the end of the next line.
struct AX_BASE_EXPORT AXEventIntent final {
AXEventIntent(ax::mojom::Command command,
ax::mojom::TextBoundary text_boundary,
ax::mojom::MoveDirection move_direction);
virtual ~AXEventIntent();
AXEventIntent(const AXEventIntent& intent);
AXEventIntent& operator=(const AXEventIntent& intent);
friend AX_BASE_EXPORT bool operator==(const AXEventIntent& a,
const AXEventIntent& b);
friend AX_BASE_EXPORT bool operator!=(const AXEventIntent& a,
const AXEventIntent& b);
ax::mojom::Command command = ax::mojom::Command::kType;
// TODO(nektar): Split TextBoundary into TextUnit and TextBoundary.
ax::mojom::TextBoundary text_boundary = ax::mojom::TextBoundary::kCharacter;
ax::mojom::MoveDirection move_direction = ax::mojom::MoveDirection::kForward;
// Returns a string representation of this data, for debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
} // namespace ui