blob: 7acb3b2cb1067b521df26683465914577903954b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "default_session_connection.h"
#include "flutter/fml/make_copyable.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "vsync_waiter.h"
namespace flutter_runner {
// This function takes in all relevant information to determining when should
// the next frame be scheduled. It returns a pair of (frame_start_time,
// frame_end_time) to be passed into FireCallback().
// Importantly, there are two invariants for correct and performant scheduling
// that this function upholds:
// 1. Schedule the next frame at least half a vsync interval from the previous
// one. In practice, this means that every vsync interval Flutter produces
// exactly one frame in steady state behavior.
// 2. Only produce frames beginning in the future.
// |vsync_offset| - the time from the next vsync that the animator should begin
// working on the next frame. For instance if vsyncs are at 0ms, 16ms, and 33ms,
// and the |vsync_offset| is 5ms, then frames should begin at 11ms and 28ms.
// |vsync_interval| - the interval between vsyncs. Would be 16.6ms for a 60Hz
// display.
// |last_targeted_vsync| - the last vsync targeted, which is usually the
// frame_end_time returned from the last invocation of this function
// |now| - the current time
// |next_vsync| - the next vsync after |now|. This can be generated using the
// SnapToNextPhase function.
FlutterFrameTimes DefaultSessionConnection::GetTargetTimes(
fml::TimeDelta vsync_offset,
fml::TimeDelta vsync_interval,
fml::TimePoint last_targeted_vsync,
fml::TimePoint now,
fml::TimePoint next_vsync) {
FML_DCHECK(vsync_offset <= vsync_interval);
FML_DCHECK(vsync_interval > fml::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0));
FML_DCHECK(now < next_vsync && next_vsync < now + vsync_interval);
// This makes the math much easier below, since we live in a (mod
// vsync_interval) world.
if (vsync_offset == fml::TimeDelta::FromNanoseconds(0)) {
vsync_offset = vsync_interval;
// Start the frame after Scenic has finished its CPU work. This is
// accomplished using the vsync_offset.
fml::TimeDelta vsync_offset2 = vsync_interval - vsync_offset;
fml::TimePoint frame_start_time =
(next_vsync - vsync_interval) + vsync_offset2;
fml::TimePoint frame_end_time = next_vsync;
// Advance to next available slot, keeping in mind the two invariants.
while (frame_end_time < (last_targeted_vsync + (vsync_interval / 2)) ||
frame_start_time < now) {
frame_start_time = frame_start_time + vsync_interval;
frame_end_time = frame_end_time + vsync_interval;
// Useful knowledge for analyzing traces.
fml::TimePoint previous_vsync = next_vsync - vsync_interval;
"flutter", "DefaultSessionConnection::GetTargetTimes",
"previous_vsync(ms)", previous_vsync.ToEpochDelta().ToMilliseconds(),
"last_targeted(ms)", last_targeted_vsync.ToEpochDelta().ToMilliseconds(),
"now(ms)", fml::TimePoint::Now().ToEpochDelta().ToMilliseconds(),
"next_vsync(ms))", next_vsync.ToEpochDelta().ToMilliseconds(),
"frame_start_time(ms)", frame_start_time.ToEpochDelta().ToMilliseconds(),
"frame_end_time(ms)", frame_end_time.ToEpochDelta().ToMilliseconds());
return {frame_start_time, frame_end_time};
fml::TimePoint DefaultSessionConnection::CalculateNextLatchPoint(
fml::TimePoint present_requested_time,
fml::TimePoint now,
fml::TimePoint last_latch_point_targeted,
fml::TimeDelta flutter_frame_build_time,
fml::TimeDelta vsync_interval,
std::deque<std::pair<fml::TimePoint, fml::TimePoint>>&
future_presentation_infos) {
// The minimum latch point is the largest of:
// Now
// When we expect the Flutter work for the frame to be completed
// The last latch point targeted
fml::TimePoint minimum_latch_point_to_target =
std::max(std::max(now, present_requested_time + flutter_frame_build_time),
for (auto& info : future_presentation_infos) {
fml::TimePoint latch_point = info.first;
if (latch_point >= minimum_latch_point_to_target) {
return latch_point;
// We could not find a suitable latch point in the list given to us from
// Scenic, so aim for the smallest safe value.
return minimum_latch_point_to_target;
/// Returns the system time at which the next frame is likely to be presented.
/// Consider the following scenarios, where in both the
/// scenarios the result will be the same.
/// Scenario 1:
/// presentation_interval is 2
/// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
/// + + + + +
/// 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--
/// + + +
/// | | +---------> result: next_presentation_time
/// | v
/// v now
/// last_presentation_time
/// Scenario 2:
/// presentation_interval is 2
/// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
/// + + + + +
/// 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--
/// + + +
/// | | +--------->result: next_presentation_time
/// | |
/// | +>now
/// |
/// +->last_presentation_time
fml::TimePoint DefaultSessionConnection::SnapToNextPhase(
const fml::TimePoint now,
const fml::TimePoint last_frame_presentation_time,
const fml::TimeDelta presentation_interval) {
if (presentation_interval <= fml::TimeDelta::Zero()) {
<< "Presentation interval must be positive. The value was: "
<< presentation_interval.ToMilliseconds() << "ms.";
return now;
if (last_frame_presentation_time >= now) {
<< "Last frame was presented in the future. Clamping to now.";
return now + presentation_interval;
const fml::TimeDelta time_since_last_presentation =
now - last_frame_presentation_time;
// this will be the most likely scenario if we are rendering at a good
// frame rate, short circuiting the other checks in this case.
if (time_since_last_presentation < presentation_interval) {
return last_frame_presentation_time + presentation_interval;
} else {
const int64_t num_phases_passed =
(time_since_last_presentation / presentation_interval);
return last_frame_presentation_time +
(presentation_interval * (num_phases_passed + 1));
std::string debug_label,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::ui::scenic::Session> session,
fml::closure session_error_callback,
on_frame_presented_event on_frame_presented_callback,
uint64_t max_frames_in_flight,
fml::TimeDelta vsync_offset)
: session_wrapper_(session.Bind(), nullptr),
vsync_offset_(vsync_offset) {
[callback = session_error_callback](zx_status_t status) { callback(); });
// Set the |fuchsia::ui::scenic::OnFramePresented()| event handler that will
// fire every time a set of one or more frames is presented.
[this](fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::FramePresentedInfo info) {
// Update Scenic's limit for our remaining frames in flight allowed.
size_t num_presents_handled = info.presentation_infos.size();
frames_in_flight_allowed_ = info.num_presents_allowed;
// A frame was presented: Update our |frames_in_flight| to match the
// updated unfinalized present requests.
frames_in_flight_ -= num_presents_handled;
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "OnFramePresented", "frames_in_flight",
frames_in_flight_, "max_frames_in_flight",
kMaxFramesInFlight, "num_presents_handled",
FML_DCHECK(frames_in_flight_ >= 0);
last_presentation_time_ = fml::TimePoint::FromEpochDelta(
// Call the client-provided callback once we are done using |info|.
if (present_session_pending_) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (fire_callback_request_pending_) {
} // callback
// Get information to finish initialization and only then allow Present()s.
[this](fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::FuturePresentationTimes info) {
frames_in_flight_allowed_ = info.remaining_presents_in_flight_allowed;
// If Scenic alloted us 0 frames to begin with, we should fail here.
FML_CHECK(frames_in_flight_allowed_ > 0);
next_presentation_info_ =
UpdatePresentationInfo(std::move(info), next_presentation_info_);
initialized_ = true;
FML_LOG(INFO) << "Flutter DefaultSessionConnection: Set vsync_offset to "
<< vsync_offset_.ToMicroseconds() << "us";
DefaultSessionConnection::~DefaultSessionConnection() = default;
void DefaultSessionConnection::Present() {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "DefaultSessionConnection::Present", "frames_in_flight",
frames_in_flight_, "max_frames_in_flight", kMaxFramesInFlight);
TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("gfx", "DefaultSessionConnection::PresentSession",
present_requested_time_ = fml::TimePoint::Now();
// Throttle frame submission to Scenic if we already have the maximum amount
// of frames in flight. This allows the paint tasks for this frame to execute
// in parallel with the presentation of previous frame but still provides
// back-pressure to prevent us from enqueuing even more work.
if (initialized_ && frames_in_flight_ < kMaxFramesInFlight) {
} else {
// We should never exceed the max frames in flight.
FML_CHECK(frames_in_flight_ <= kMaxFramesInFlight);
present_session_pending_ = true;
void DefaultSessionConnection::AwaitVsync(FireCallbackCallback callback) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "DefaultSessionConnection::AwaitVsync");
fire_callback_ = callback;
void DefaultSessionConnection::AwaitVsyncForSecondaryCallback(
FireCallbackCallback callback) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
fire_callback_ = callback;
FlutterFrameTimes times = GetTargetTimesHelper(/*secondary_callback=*/true);
fire_callback_(times.frame_start, times.frame_target);
void DefaultSessionConnection::PresentSession() {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "DefaultSessionConnection::PresentSession");
// If we cannot call Present2() because we have no more Scenic frame budget,
// then we must wait until the OnFramePresented() event fires so we can
// continue our work.
if (frames_in_flight_allowed_ == 0) {
FML_CHECK(!initialized_ || present_session_pending_);
present_session_pending_ = false;
while (processed_present_session_trace_id_ < next_present_session_trace_id_) {
TRACE_FLOW_END("gfx", "DefaultSessionConnection::PresentSession",
TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("gfx", "Session::Present", next_present_trace_id_);
// Flush all session ops. Paint tasks may not yet have executed but those are
// fenced. The compositor can start processing ops while we finalize paint
// tasks.
fml::TimeDelta presentation_interval =
fml::TimePoint next_latch_point = CalculateNextLatchPoint(
fml::TimePoint::Now(), present_requested_time_,
fml::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(0), // flutter_frame_build_time
presentation_interval, future_presentation_infos_);
last_latch_point_targeted_ = next_latch_point;
/*requested_prediction_span=*/presentation_interval.ToNanoseconds() * 10,
[this](fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::FuturePresentationTimes info) {
// Clear |future_presentation_infos_| and replace it with the updated
// information.
std::deque<std::pair<fml::TimePoint, fml::TimePoint>>().swap(
for (fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::PresentationInfo& presentation_info :
info.future_presentations) {
frames_in_flight_allowed_ = info.remaining_presents_in_flight_allowed;
next_presentation_info_ =
UpdatePresentationInfo(std::move(info), next_presentation_info_);
// Postcondition: Either a frame is scheduled or fire_callback_request_pending_
// is set to true, meaning we will attempt to schedule a frame on the next
// |OnVsync|.
void DefaultSessionConnection::FireCallbackMaybe() {
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "FireCallbackMaybe");
if (frames_in_flight_ < kMaxFramesInFlight) {
FlutterFrameTimes times =
last_targeted_vsync_ = times.frame_target;
fire_callback_request_pending_ = false;
fire_callback_(times.frame_start, times.frame_target);
} else {
fire_callback_request_pending_ = true;
// A helper function for GetTargetTimes(), since many of the fields it takes
// have to be derived from other state.
FlutterFrameTimes DefaultSessionConnection::GetTargetTimesHelper(
bool secondary_callback) {
fml::TimeDelta presentation_interval =
fml::TimePoint next_vsync = GetCurrentVsyncInfo().presentation_time;
fml::TimePoint now = fml::TimePoint::Now();
fml::TimePoint last_presentation_time = last_presentation_time_;
if (next_vsync <= now) {
next_vsync =
SnapToNextPhase(now, last_presentation_time, presentation_interval);
fml::TimePoint last_targeted_vsync =
secondary_callback ? fml::TimePoint::Min() : last_targeted_vsync_;
return GetTargetTimes(vsync_offset_, presentation_interval,
last_targeted_vsync, now, next_vsync);
fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::FuturePresentationTimes future_info,
fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::PresentationInfo& presentation_info) {
fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::PresentationInfo new_presentation_info;
auto next_time = presentation_info.presentation_time();
// Get the earliest vsync time that is after our recorded |presentation_time|.
for (auto& presentation_info : future_info.future_presentations) {
auto current_time = presentation_info.presentation_time();
if (current_time > next_time) {
return new_presentation_info;
return new_presentation_info;
VsyncInfo DefaultSessionConnection::GetCurrentVsyncInfo() const {
return {fml::TimePoint::FromEpochDelta(fml::TimeDelta::FromNanoseconds(
} // namespace flutter_runner