blob: dd563285e99fd8505b4ff261f5e41da7efe2101a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'environment.dart';
/// The port number for debugging.
const int kDevtoolsPort = 12345;
const int kMaxScreenshotWidth = 1024;
const int kMaxScreenshotHeight = 1024;
const double kMaxDiffRateFailure = 0.28 / 100; // 0.28%
abstract class PlatformBinding {
static PlatformBinding get instance {
return _instance ??= _createInstance();
static PlatformBinding? _instance;
static PlatformBinding _createInstance() {
if (io.Platform.isLinux) {
return _LinuxBinding();
if (io.Platform.isMacOS) {
return _MacBinding();
if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
return _WindowsBinding();
throw '${io.Platform.operatingSystem} is not supported';
int getChromeBuild(YamlMap chromeLock);
String getChromeDownloadUrl(String version);
String getFirefoxDownloadUrl(String version);
String getFirefoxDownloadFilename(String version);
String getChromeExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir);
String getFirefoxExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir);
String getFirefoxLatestVersionUrl();
String getMacApplicationLauncher();
String getCommandToRunEdge();
const String _kBaseDownloadUrl =
class _WindowsBinding implements PlatformBinding {
int getChromeBuild(YamlMap browserLock) {
final YamlMap chromeMap = browserLock['chrome'] as YamlMap;
return chromeMap['Win'] as int;
String getChromeDownloadUrl(String version) =>
String getChromeExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir) =>
path.join(versionDir.path, 'chrome-win', 'chrome.exe');
String getFirefoxDownloadUrl(String version) =>
String getFirefoxDownloadFilename(String version) => 'firefox-${version}.exe';
String getFirefoxExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir) =>
path.join(versionDir.path, 'firefox', 'firefox');
String getFirefoxLatestVersionUrl() =>
String getMacApplicationLauncher() =>
throw UnsupportedError('Safari is not supported on Windows');
String getCommandToRunEdge() => 'MicrosoftEdgeLauncher';
class _LinuxBinding implements PlatformBinding {
int getChromeBuild(YamlMap browserLock) {
final YamlMap chromeMap = browserLock['chrome'] as YamlMap;
return chromeMap['Linux'] as int;
String getChromeDownloadUrl(String version) =>
String getChromeExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir) =>
path.join(versionDir.path, 'chrome-linux', 'chrome');
String getFirefoxDownloadUrl(String version) =>
String getFirefoxDownloadFilename(String version) =>
String getFirefoxExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir) =>
path.join(versionDir.path, 'firefox', 'firefox');
String getFirefoxLatestVersionUrl() =>
String getMacApplicationLauncher() =>
throw UnsupportedError('Safari is not supported on Linux');
String getCommandToRunEdge() =>
throw UnsupportedError('Edge is not supported on Linux');
class _MacBinding implements PlatformBinding {
int getChromeBuild(YamlMap browserLock) {
final YamlMap chromeMap = browserLock['chrome'] as YamlMap;
return chromeMap['Mac'] as int;
String getChromeDownloadUrl(String version) =>
String getChromeExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir) => path.join(
String getFirefoxDownloadUrl(String version) =>
String getFirefoxDownloadFilename(String version) => 'Firefox ${version}.dmg';
String getFirefoxExecutablePath(io.Directory versionDir) =>
path.join(versionDir.path, '', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'firefox');
String getFirefoxLatestVersionUrl() =>
String getMacApplicationLauncher() => 'open';
String getCommandToRunEdge() =>
throw UnimplementedError('Tests for Edge are not implemented for MacOS.');
class BrowserInstallation {
const BrowserInstallation({
required this.version,
required this.executable,
/// Browser version.
final String version;
/// Path the browser executable.
final String executable;
abstract class BrowserArgParser {
const BrowserArgParser();
/// Populate options specific to a browser to the [ArgParser].
void populateOptions(ArgParser argParser);
/// Populate browser with results of the arguments passed.
void parseOptions(ArgResults argResults);
String get version;
/// Provides access to the contents of the `browser_lock.yaml` file.
class BrowserLock {
/// Initializes the [BrowserLock] singleton.
static final BrowserLock _singletonInstance = BrowserLock._();
/// The [Keyboard] singleton.
static BrowserLock get instance => _singletonInstance;
YamlMap _configuration = YamlMap();
YamlMap get configuration => _configuration;
BrowserLock._() {
final io.File lockFile = io.File(
path.join(environment.webUiRootDir.path, 'dev', 'browser_lock.yaml'));
this._configuration = loadYaml(lockFile.readAsStringSync()) as YamlMap;
/// A string sink that swallows all input.
class DevNull implements StringSink {
void write(Object? obj) {}
void writeAll(Iterable<dynamic> objects, [String separator = ""]) {}
void writeCharCode(int charCode) {}
void writeln([Object? obj = ""]) {}
/// Whether the felt command is running on Cirrus CI.
bool get isCirrus => io.Platform.environment['CIRRUS_CI'] == 'true';
/// Whether the felt command is running on LUCI.
bool get isLuci => io.Platform.environment['LUCI_CONTEXT'] != null;
/// Whether the felt command is running on one of the Continuous Integration
/// environements.
bool get isCi => isCirrus || isLuci;