blob: f3fb5f7dd87ceb90f477bdccd4d8f06ca2e2bb8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'font_fallbacks.dart' show CodeunitRange;
/// A tree which stores a set of intervals that can be queried for intersection.
class IntervalTree<T> {
/// The root node of the interval tree.
final IntervalTreeNode<T> root;
/// Creates an interval tree from a mapping of [T] values to a list of ranges.
/// When the interval tree is queried, it will return a list of [T]s which
/// have a range which contains the point.
factory IntervalTree.createFromRanges(Map<T, List<CodeunitRange>> rangesMap) {
// Get a list of all the ranges ordered by start index.
final List<IntervalTreeNode<T>> intervals = <IntervalTreeNode<T>>[];
rangesMap.forEach((T key, List<CodeunitRange> rangeList) {
for (final CodeunitRange range in rangeList) {
intervals.add(IntervalTreeNode<T>(key, range.start, range.end));
.sort((IntervalTreeNode<T> a, IntervalTreeNode<T> b) => a.low - b.low);
// Make a balanced binary search tree from the nodes sorted by low value.
IntervalTreeNode<T>? _makeBalancedTree(List<IntervalTreeNode<T>> nodes) {
if (nodes.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (nodes.length == 1) {
return nodes.single;
final int mid = nodes.length ~/ 2;
final IntervalTreeNode<T> root = nodes[mid];
root.left = _makeBalancedTree(nodes.sublist(0, mid));
root.right = _makeBalancedTree(nodes.sublist(mid + 1));
return root;
// Given a node, computes the highest `high` point of all of the subnodes.
// As a side effect, this also computes the high point of all subnodes.
void _computeHigh(IntervalTreeNode<T> root) {
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
root.computedHigh = root.high;
} else if (root.left == null) {
root.computedHigh = math.max(root.high, root.right!.computedHigh);
} else if (root.right == null) {
root.computedHigh = math.max(root.high, root.left!.computedHigh);
} else {
root.computedHigh = math.max(
final IntervalTreeNode<T> root = _makeBalancedTree(intervals)!;
return IntervalTree<T>._(root);
/// Returns the list of objects which have been associated with intervals that
/// intersect with [x].
List<T> intersections(int x) {
final List<T> results = <T>[];
root.searchForPoint(x, results);
return results;
/// Whether this tree contains at least one interval that includes [x].
bool containsDeep(int x) {
return root.containsDeep(x);
class IntervalTreeNode<T> {
final T value;
final int low;
final int high;
int computedHigh;
IntervalTreeNode<T>? left;
IntervalTreeNode<T>? right;
IntervalTreeNode(this.value, this.low, this.high) : computedHigh = high;
Iterable<T> enumerateAllElements() sync* {
if (left != null) {
yield* left!.enumerateAllElements();
yield value;
if (right != null) {
yield* right!.enumerateAllElements();
/// Whether this node contains [x].
/// Does not recursively check whether child nodes contain [x].
bool containsShallow(int x) {
return low <= x && x <= high;
/// Whether this sub-tree contains [x].
/// Recursively checks whether child nodes contain [x].
bool containsDeep(int x) {
if (x > computedHigh) {
// x is above the highest possible value stored in this subtree.
// Don't bother checking intervals.
return false;
if (containsShallow(x)) {
return true;
if (left?.containsDeep(x) == true) {
return true;
if (x < low) {
// The right tree can't possible contain x. Don't bother checking.
return false;
return right?.containsDeep(x) == true;
// Searches the tree rooted at this node for all T containing [x].
void searchForPoint(int x, List<T> result) {
if (x > computedHigh) {
left?.searchForPoint(x, result);
if (containsShallow(x)) {
if (x < low) {
right?.searchForPoint(x, result);