blob: c77173c59455353e4b83d56f043b4cf00db3f27d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../browser_detection.dart';
import '../platform_dispatcher.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import '../window.dart';
import 'canvas.dart';
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'initialization.dart';
import 'surface_factory.dart';
import 'util.dart';
typedef SubmitCallback = bool Function(SurfaceFrame, CkCanvas);
/// A frame which contains a canvas to be drawn into.
class SurfaceFrame {
final CkSurface skiaSurface;
final SubmitCallback submitCallback;
bool _submitted;
SurfaceFrame(this.skiaSurface, this.submitCallback)
: _submitted = false,
assert(skiaSurface != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(submitCallback != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
/// Submit this frame to be drawn.
bool submit() {
if (_submitted) {
return false;
return submitCallback(this, skiaCanvas);
CkCanvas get skiaCanvas => skiaSurface.getCanvas();
/// A surface which can be drawn into by the compositor.
/// The underlying representation is a [CkSurface], which can be reused by
/// successive frames if they are the same size. Otherwise, a new [CkSurface] is
/// created.
class Surface {
CkSurface? _surface;
/// If true, forces a new WebGL context to be created, even if the window
/// size is the same. This is used to restore the UI after the browser tab
/// goes dormant and loses the GL context.
bool _forceNewContext = true;
bool get debugForceNewContext => _forceNewContext;
bool _contextLost = false;
bool get debugContextLost => _contextLost;
/// A cached copy of the most recently created `webglcontextlost` listener.
/// We must cache this function because each time we access the tear-off it
/// creates a new object, meaning we won't be able to remove this listener
/// later.
void Function(html.Event)? _cachedContextLostListener;
/// A cached copy of the most recently created `webglcontextrestored`
/// listener.
/// We must cache this function because each time we access the tear-off it
/// creates a new object, meaning we won't be able to remove this listener
/// later.
void Function(html.Event)? _cachedContextRestoredListener;
SkGrContext? _grContext;
int? _glContext;
int? _skiaCacheBytes;
/// The root HTML element for this surface.
/// This element contains the canvas used to draw the UI. Unlike the canvas,
/// this element is permanent. It is never replaced or deleted, until this
/// surface is disposed of via [dispose].
/// Conversely, the canvas that lives inside this element can be swapped, for
/// example, when the screen size changes, or when the WebGL context is lost
/// due to the browser tab becoming dormant.
final html.Element htmlElement = html.Element.tag('flt-canvas-container');
/// The underlying `<canvas>` element used for this surface.
html.CanvasElement? htmlCanvas;
int _pixelWidth = -1;
int _pixelHeight = -1;
/// Specify the GPU resource cache limits.
void setSkiaResourceCacheMaxBytes(int bytes) {
_skiaCacheBytes = bytes;
void _syncCacheBytes() {
if (_skiaCacheBytes != null) {
bool _addedToScene = false;
/// Acquire a frame of the given [size] containing a drawable canvas.
/// The given [size] is in physical pixels.
SurfaceFrame acquireFrame(ui.Size size) {
final CkSurface surface = createOrUpdateSurfaces(size);
if (surface.context != null) {
final SubmitCallback submitCallback =
(SurfaceFrame surfaceFrame, CkCanvas canvas) {
return _presentSurface();
return SurfaceFrame(surface, submitCallback);
void addToScene() {
if (!_addedToScene) {
skiaSceneHost!.children.insert(0, htmlElement);
_addedToScene = true;
ui.Size? _currentCanvasPhysicalSize;
ui.Size? _currentSurfaceSize;
double _currentDevicePixelRatio = -1;
/// Creates a <canvas> and SkSurface for the given [size].
CkSurface createOrUpdateSurfaces(ui.Size size) {
if (size.isEmpty) {
throw CanvasKitError('Cannot create surfaces of empty size.');
// Check if the window is the same size as before, and if so, don't allocate
// a new canvas as the previous canvas is big enough to fit everything.
final ui.Size? previousSurfaceSize = _currentSurfaceSize;
if (!_forceNewContext &&
previousSurfaceSize != null &&
size.width == previousSurfaceSize.width &&
size.height == previousSurfaceSize.height) {
// The existing surface is still reusable.
if (window.devicePixelRatio != _currentDevicePixelRatio) {
return _surface!;
_currentDevicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
// If the current canvas size is smaller than the requested size then create
// a new, larger, canvas. Then update the GR context so we can create a new
// SkSurface.
final ui.Size? previousCanvasSize = _currentCanvasPhysicalSize;
if (_forceNewContext ||
previousCanvasSize == null ||
size.width > previousCanvasSize.width ||
size.height > previousCanvasSize.height) {
// Initialize a new, larger, canvas. If the size is growing, then make the
// new canvas larger than required to avoid many canvas creations.
final ui.Size newSize = previousCanvasSize == null ? size : size * 1.4;
// Only resources from the current context can be disposed.
if (_glContext != null && _glContext != 0) {
_surface = null;
_addedToScene = false;
_grContext = null;
_currentCanvasPhysicalSize = newSize;
_currentSurfaceSize = size;
return _surface = _createNewSurface(size);
/// Sets the CSS size of the canvas so that canvas pixels are 1:1 with device
/// pixels.
/// The logical size of the canvas is not based on the size of the window
/// but on the size of the canvas, which, due to `ceil()` above, may not be
/// the same as the window. We do not round/floor/ceil the logical size as
/// CSS pixels can contain more than one physical pixel and therefore to
/// match the size of the window precisely we use the most precise floating
/// point value we can get.
void _updateLogicalHtmlCanvasSize() {
final double logicalWidth = _pixelWidth / window.devicePixelRatio;
final double logicalHeight = _pixelHeight / window.devicePixelRatio;
..width = '${logicalWidth}px'
..height = '${logicalHeight}px';
/// Translate the canvas so the surface covers the visible portion of the
/// screen.
/// The <canvas> may be larger than the visible screen, but the SkSurface is
/// exactly the size of the visible screen. Unfortunately, the SkSurface is
/// drawn in the lower left corner of the <canvas>, and without translation,
/// only the top left of the <canvas> is visible. So we shift the canvas up so
/// the bottom left corner is visible.
void _translateCanvas() {
final int surfaceHeight = _currentSurfaceSize!.height.ceil();
final double offset =
(_pixelHeight - surfaceHeight) / window.devicePixelRatio;
htmlCanvas!.style.transform = 'translate(0, -${offset}px)';
void _contextRestoredListener(html.Event event) {
'Received "webglcontextrestored" event but never received '
'a "webglcontextlost" event.');
_contextLost = false;
// Force the framework to rerender the frame.
void _contextLostListener(html.Event event) {
assert( == htmlCanvas,
'Received a context lost event for a disposed canvas');
final SurfaceFactory factory = SurfaceFactory.instance;
_contextLost = true;
if (factory.isLive(this)) {
_forceNewContext = true;
} else {
/// This function is expensive.
/// It's better to reuse canvas if possible.
void _createNewCanvas(ui.Size physicalSize) {
// Clear the container, if it's not empty. We're going to create a new <canvas>.
if (this.htmlCanvas != null) {
_cachedContextRestoredListener = null;
_cachedContextLostListener = null;
// If `physicalSize` is not precise, use a slightly bigger canvas. This way
// we ensure that the rendred picture covers the entire browser window.
_pixelWidth = physicalSize.width.ceil();
_pixelHeight = physicalSize.height.ceil();
final html.CanvasElement htmlCanvas = html.CanvasElement(
width: _pixelWidth,
height: _pixelHeight,
this.htmlCanvas = htmlCanvas; = 'absolute';
// When the browser tab using WebGL goes dormant the browser and/or OS may
// decide to clear GPU resources to let other tabs/programs use the GPU.
// When this happens, the browser sends the "webglcontextlost" event as a
// notification. When we receive this notification we force a new context.
// See also:
_cachedContextRestoredListener = _contextRestoredListener;
_cachedContextLostListener = _contextLostListener;
_forceNewContext = false;
_contextLost = false;
if (webGLVersion != -1 && !canvasKitForceCpuOnly) {
final int glContext = canvasKit.GetWebGLContext(
// Default to no anti-aliasing. Paint commands can be explicitly
// anti-aliased by setting their `Paint` object's `antialias` property.
antialias: 0,
majorVersion: webGLVersion,
_glContext = glContext;
if (_glContext != 0) {
_grContext = canvasKit.MakeGrContext(glContext);
if (_grContext == null) {
throw CanvasKitError('Failed to initialize CanvasKit. '
'CanvasKit.MakeGrContext returned null.');
// Set the cache byte limit for this grContext, if not specified it will
// use CanvasKit's default.
CkSurface _createNewSurface(ui.Size size) {
assert(htmlCanvas != null);
if (webGLVersion == -1) {
return _makeSoftwareCanvasSurface(
htmlCanvas!, 'WebGL support not detected');
} else if (canvasKitForceCpuOnly) {
return _makeSoftwareCanvasSurface(
htmlCanvas!, 'CPU rendering forced by application');
} else if (_glContext == 0) {
return _makeSoftwareCanvasSurface(
htmlCanvas!, 'Failed to initialize WebGL context');
} else {
final SkSurface? skSurface = canvasKit.MakeOnScreenGLSurface(
if (skSurface == null) {
return _makeSoftwareCanvasSurface(
htmlCanvas!, 'Failed to initialize WebGL surface');
return CkSurface(skSurface, _glContext);
static bool _didWarnAboutWebGlInitializationFailure = false;
CkSurface _makeSoftwareCanvasSurface(
html.CanvasElement htmlCanvas, String reason) {
if (!_didWarnAboutWebGlInitializationFailure) {
printWarning('WARNING: Falling back to CPU-only rendering. $reason.');
_didWarnAboutWebGlInitializationFailure = true;
return CkSurface(
bool _presentSurface() {
if (_surface!.context != null) {
return true;
void dispose() {
'webglcontextlost', _cachedContextLostListener, false);
'webglcontextrestored', _cachedContextRestoredListener, false);
_cachedContextLostListener = null;
_cachedContextRestoredListener = null;
/// A Dart wrapper around Skia's CkSurface.
class CkSurface {
final SkSurface _surface;
final int? _glContext;
CkSurface(this._surface, this._glContext);
CkCanvas getCanvas() {
assert(!_isDisposed, 'Attempting to use the canvas of a disposed surface');
return CkCanvas(_surface.getCanvas());
/// Flushes the graphics to be rendered on screen.
void flush() {
int? get context => _glContext;
int width() => _surface.width();
int height() => _surface.height();
void dispose() {
if (_isDisposed) {
_isDisposed = true;
bool _isDisposed = false;