blob: fb830e45932bafda8ae997a6414fa72e8e1edc82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../engine.dart' show buildMode, registerHotRestartListener;
import 'browser_detection.dart';
import 'canvaskit/initialization.dart';
import 'host_node.dart';
import 'keyboard_binding.dart';
import 'platform_dispatcher.dart';
import 'pointer_binding.dart';
import 'semantics.dart';
import 'text/measurement.dart';
import 'text_editing/text_editing.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'window.dart';
class DomRenderer {
DomRenderer() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_debugFrameStatistics = DebugDomRendererFrameStatistics();
rulerCacheCapacity: 10,
root: _glassPaneShadow!.node,
assert(() {
return true;
static const int vibrateLongPress = 50;
static const int vibrateLightImpact = 10;
static const int vibrateMediumImpact = 20;
static const int vibrateHeavyImpact = 30;
static const int vibrateSelectionClick = 10;
// The tag name for the root view of the flutter app (glass-pane)
static const String _glassPaneTagName = 'flt-glass-pane';
/// Fires when browser language preferences change.
static const html.EventStreamProvider<html.Event> languageChangeEvent =
/// Listens to window resize events.
StreamSubscription<html.Event>? _resizeSubscription;
/// Listens to window locale events.
StreamSubscription<html.Event>? _localeSubscription;
/// Contains Flutter-specific CSS rules, such as default margins and
/// paddings.
html.StyleElement? _styleElement;
/// Configures the screen, such as scaling.
html.MetaElement? _viewportMeta;
/// The element that contains the [sceneElement].
/// This element is created and inserted in the HTML DOM once. It is never
/// removed or moved. However the [sceneElement] may be replaced inside it.
/// This element is inserted after the [semanticsHostElement] so that
/// platform views take precedence in DOM event handling.
html.Element? get sceneHostElement => _sceneHostElement;
html.Element? _sceneHostElement;
/// A child element of body outside the shadowroot that hosts
/// global resources such svg filters and clip paths when using webkit.
html.Element? _resourcesHost;
/// The element that contains the semantics tree.
/// This element is created and inserted in the HTML DOM once. It is never
/// removed or moved.
/// We render semantics inside the glasspane for proper focus and event
/// handling. If semantics is behind the glasspane, the phone will disable
/// focusing by touch, only by tabbing around the UI. If semantics is in
/// front of glasspane, then DOM event won't bubble up to the glasspane so
/// it can forward events to the framework.
/// This element is inserted before the [semanticsHostElement] so that
/// platform views take precedence in DOM event handling.
html.Element? get semanticsHostElement => _semanticsHostElement;
html.Element? _semanticsHostElement;
/// The last scene element rendered by the [render] method.
html.Element? get sceneElement => _sceneElement;
html.Element? _sceneElement;
/// This is state persistent across hot restarts that indicates what
/// to clear. We delay removal of old visible state to make the
/// transition appear smooth.
static const String _staleHotRestartStore = '__flutter_state';
List<html.Element?>? _staleHotRestartState;
/// Used to decide if the browser tab still has the focus.
/// This information is useful for deciding on the blur behavior.
/// See [DefaultTextEditingStrategy].
/// This getter calls the `hasFocus` method of the `Document` interface.
/// See for more details:
bool get windowHasFocus =>
js_util.callMethod(html.document, 'hasFocus', <dynamic>[]) ?? false;
void _setupHotRestart() {
// This persists across hot restarts to clear stale DOM.
_staleHotRestartState =
js_util.getProperty(html.window, _staleHotRestartStore);
if (_staleHotRestartState == null) {
_staleHotRestartState = <html.Element?>[];
html.window, _staleHotRestartStore, _staleHotRestartState);
registerHotRestartListener(() {
void _clearOnHotRestart() {
if (_staleHotRestartState!.isNotEmpty) {
for (final html.Element? element in _staleHotRestartState!) {
/// We don't want to unnecessarily move DOM nodes around. If a DOM node is
/// already in the right place, skip DOM mutation. This is both faster and
/// more correct, because moving DOM nodes loses internal state, such as
/// text selection.
void renderScene(html.Element? sceneElement) {
if (sceneElement != _sceneElement) {
_sceneElement = sceneElement;
append(_sceneHostElement!, sceneElement!);
assert(() {
return true;
/// The element that captures input events, such as pointer events.
/// If semantics is enabled this element also contains the semantics DOM tree,
/// which captures semantics input events. The semantics DOM tree must be a
/// child of the glass pane element so that events bubble up to the glass pane
/// if they are not handled by semantics.
html.Element? get glassPaneElement => _glassPaneElement;
html.Element? _glassPaneElement;
/// The [HostNode] of the [glassPaneElement], which contains the whole Flutter app.
HostNode? get glassPaneShadow => _glassPaneShadow;
HostNode? _glassPaneShadow;
final html.Element rootElement = html.document.body!;
void addElementClass(html.Element element, String className) {
html.Element createElement(String tagName, {html.Element? parent}) {
final html.Element element = html.document.createElement(tagName);
return element;
void append(html.Element parent, html.Element child) {
void appendText(html.Element parent, String text) {
void detachElement(html.Element element) {
void removeElementClass(html.Element element, String className) {
void setElementAttribute(html.Element element, String name, String value) {
element.setAttribute(name, value);
void setElementProperty(html.Element element, String name, Object value) {
js_util.setProperty(element, name, value);
static void setElementStyle(
html.Element element, String name, String? value) {
if (value == null) {;
} else {, value);
static void setClipPath(html.Element element, String? value) {
if (browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit) {
if (value == null) {'-webkit-clip-path');
} else {'-webkit-clip-path', value);
if (value == null) {'clip-path');
} else {'clip-path', value);
static void setElementTransform(html.Element element, String transformValue) {
js_util.getProperty(element, 'style'), 'transform', transformValue);
void setText(html.Element element, String text) {
element.text = text;
void removeAllChildren(html.Element element) {
html.Element? getParent(html.Element element) => element.parent;
void setTitle(String title) {
html.document.title = title;
void setThemeColor(ui.Color color) {
html.MetaElement? theme =
html.document.querySelector('#flutterweb-theme') as html.MetaElement?;
if (theme == null) {
theme = html.MetaElement() = 'flutterweb-theme' = 'theme-color';
theme.content = colorToCssString(color)!;
static const String defaultFontStyle = 'normal';
static const String defaultFontWeight = 'normal';
static const double defaultFontSize = 14;
static const String defaultFontFamily = 'sans-serif';
static const String defaultCssFont =
'$defaultFontStyle $defaultFontWeight ${defaultFontSize}px $defaultFontFamily';
void reset() {
final bool isWebKit = browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit;
_styleElement = html.StyleElement();
_resourcesHost = null;
final html.CssStyleSheet sheet = _styleElement!.sheet! as html.CssStyleSheet;
browserEngine: browserEngine,
hasAutofillOverlay: browserHasAutofillOverlay(),
final html.BodyElement bodyElement = html.document.body!;
'${useCanvasKit ? 'canvaskit' : 'html'} (${flutterWebAutoDetect ? 'auto-selected' : 'requested explicitly'})',
setElementAttribute(bodyElement, 'flt-build-mode', buildMode);
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'position', 'fixed');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'top', '0');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'right', '0');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'bottom', '0');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'left', '0');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'overflow', 'hidden');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'padding', '0');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'margin', '0');
// TODO(yjbanov): fix this when we support KVM I/O. Currently we scroll
// using drag, and text selection interferes.
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'user-select', 'none');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, '-webkit-user-select', 'none');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, '-ms-user-select', 'none');
setElementStyle(bodyElement, '-moz-user-select', 'none');
// This is required to prevent the browser from doing any native touch
// handling. If we don't do this, the browser doesn't report 'pointermove'
// events properly.
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'touch-action', 'none');
// These are intentionally outrageous font parameters to make sure that the
// apps fully specify their text styles.
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'font', defaultCssFont);
setElementStyle(bodyElement, 'color', 'red');
// TODO(flutter_web): Disable spellcheck until changes in the framework and
// engine are complete.
bodyElement.spellcheck = false;
for (final html.Element viewportMeta
in html.document.head!.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]')) {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
// Filter out the meta tag that we ourselves placed on the page. This is
// to avoid UI flicker during hot restart. Hot restart will clean up the
// old meta tag synchronously with the first post-restart frame.
if (!viewportMeta.hasAttribute('flt-viewport')) {
'WARNING: found an existing <meta name="viewport"> tag. Flutter '
'Web uses its own viewport configuration for better compatibility '
'with Flutter. This tag will be replaced.',
// This removes a previously created meta tag. Note, however, that this does
// not remove the meta tag during hot restart. Hot restart resets all static
// variables, so this will be null upon hot restart. Instead, this tag is
// removed by _clearOnHotRestart.
_viewportMeta = html.MetaElement()
..setAttribute('flt-viewport', '') = 'viewport'
..content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, '
'maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no';
// IMPORTANT: the glass pane element must come after the scene element in the DOM node list so
// it can intercept input events.
final html.Element glassPaneElement = createElement(_glassPaneTagName);
_glassPaneElement = glassPaneElement;
..position = 'absolute' = '0'
..right = '0'
..bottom = '0'
..left = '0';
// This must be appended to the body, so we can create a host node properly.
// Create a [HostNode] under the glass pane element, and attach everything
// there, instead of directly underneath the glass panel.
final HostNode glassPaneElementHostNode = _createHostNode(glassPaneElement);
_glassPaneShadow = glassPaneElementHostNode;
// Don't allow the scene to receive pointer events.
_sceneHostElement = createElement('flt-scene-host') = 'none';
final html.Element semanticsHostElement =
..position = 'absolute'
..transformOrigin = '0 0 0';
_semanticsHostElement = semanticsHostElement;
final html.Element _accessibilityPlaceholder = EngineSemanticsOwner
// When debugging semantics, make the scene semi-transparent so that the
// semantics tree is visible.
if (debugShowSemanticsNodes) {
_sceneHostElement!.style.opacity = '0.3';
// Hide the DOM nodes used to render the scene from accessibility, because
// the accessibility tree is built from the SemanticsNode tree as a parallel
// DOM tree.
setElementAttribute(_sceneHostElement!, 'aria-hidden', 'true');
if (html.window.visualViewport == null && isWebKit) {
// Older Safari versions sometimes give us bogus innerWidth/innerHeight
// values when the page loads. When it changes the values to correct ones
// it does not notify of the change via `onResize`. As a workaround, we
// set up a temporary periodic timer that polls innerWidth and triggers
// the resizeListener so that the framework can react to the change.
// Safari 13 has implemented visualViewport API so it doesn't need this
// timer.
// VisualViewport API is not enabled in Firefox as well. On the other hand
// Firefox returns correct values for innerHeight, innerWidth.
// Firefox also triggers html.window.onResize therefore we don't need this
// timer to be set up for Firefox.
final int initialInnerWidth = html.window.innerWidth!;
// Counts how many times we checked screen size. We check up to 5 times.
int checkCount = 0;
Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), (Timer t) {
checkCount += 1;
if (initialInnerWidth != html.window.innerWidth) {
// Window size changed. Notify.
} else if (checkCount > 5) {
// Checked enough times. Stop.
if (html.window.visualViewport != null) {
_resizeSubscription =
} else {
_resizeSubscription = html.window.onResize.listen(_metricsDidChange);
_localeSubscription =
// Creates a [HostNode] into a `root` [html.Element].
HostNode _createHostNode(html.Element root) {
if (js_util.getProperty(root, 'attachShadow') != null) {
return ShadowDomHostNode(root);
} else {
// attachShadow not available, fall back to ElementHostNode.
return ElementHostNode(root);
/// The framework specifies semantics in physical pixels, but CSS uses
/// logical pixels. To compensate, we inject an inverse scale at the root
/// level.
void updateSemanticsScreenProperties() {
_semanticsHostElement!.style.transform =
'scale(${1 / html.window.devicePixelRatio})';
/// Called immediately after browser window metrics change.
/// When there is a text editing going on in mobile devices, do not change
/// the physicalSize, change the [window.viewInsets]. See:
/// Note: always check for rotations for a mobile device. Update the physical
/// size if the change is caused by a rotation.
void _metricsDidChange(html.Event? event) {
if (isMobile && !window.isRotation() && textEditing.isEditing) {
} else {
// When physical size changes this value has to be recalculated.
/// Called immediately after browser window language change.
void _languageDidChange(html.Event event) {
if (ui.window.onLocaleChanged != null) {
void focus(html.Element element) {
/// Removes all children of a DOM node.
void clearDom(html.Node node) {
while (node.lastChild != null) {
static bool? _ellipseFeatureDetected;
/// Draws CanvasElement ellipse with fallback.
static void ellipse(
html.CanvasRenderingContext2D context,
double centerX,
double centerY,
double radiusX,
double radiusY,
double rotation,
double startAngle,
double endAngle,
bool antiClockwise) {
_ellipseFeatureDetected ??= js_util.getProperty(context, 'ellipse') != null;
if (_ellipseFeatureDetected!) {
context.ellipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle,
endAngle, antiClockwise);
} else {;
context.translate(centerX, centerY);
context.scale(radiusX, radiusY);
context.arc(0, 0, 1, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise);
static const String orientationLockTypeAny = 'any';
static const String orientationLockTypeNatural = 'natural';
static const String orientationLockTypeLandscape = 'landscape';
static const String orientationLockTypePortrait = 'portrait';
static const String orientationLockTypePortraitPrimary = 'portrait-primary';
static const String orientationLockTypePortraitSecondary =
static const String orientationLockTypeLandscapePrimary = 'landscape-primary';
static const String orientationLockTypeLandscapeSecondary =
/// Sets preferred screen orientation.
/// Specifies the set of orientations the application interface can be
/// displayed in.
/// The [orientations] argument is a list of DeviceOrientation values.
/// The empty list uses Screen unlock api and causes the application to
/// defer to the operating system default.
/// See w3c screen api:
Future<bool> setPreferredOrientation(List<dynamic> orientations) {
final html.Screen screen = html.window.screen!;
if (!unsafeIsNull(screen)) {
final html.ScreenOrientation? screenOrientation = screen.orientation;
if (!unsafeIsNull(screenOrientation)) {
if (orientations.isEmpty) {
return Future<bool>.value(true);
} else {
final String? lockType =
if (lockType != null) {
final Completer<bool> completer = Completer<bool>();
try {
screenOrientation!.lock(lockType).then((dynamic _) {
}).catchError((dynamic error) {
// On Chrome desktop an error with 'not supported on this device
// error' is fired.
} catch (_) {
return Future<bool>.value(false);
return completer.future;
// API is not supported on this browser return false.
return Future<bool>.value(false);
// Converts device orientation to w3c OrientationLockType enum.
static String? _deviceOrientationToLockType(String? deviceOrientation) {
switch (deviceOrientation) {
case 'DeviceOrientation.portraitUp':
return orientationLockTypePortraitPrimary;
case 'DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft':
return orientationLockTypePortraitSecondary;
case 'DeviceOrientation.portraitDown':
return orientationLockTypeLandscapePrimary;
case 'DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight':
return orientationLockTypeLandscapeSecondary;
return null;
/// The element corresponding to the only child of the root surface.
html.Element? get _rootApplicationElement {
final html.Element lastElement = rootElement.children.last;
for (final html.Element child in lastElement.children) {
if (child.tagName == 'FLT-SCENE') {
return child;
return null;
/// Add an element as a global resource to be referenced by CSS.
/// This call create a global resource host element on demand and either
/// place it as first element of body(webkit), or as a child of
/// glass pane element for other browsers to make sure url resolution
/// works correctly when content is inside a shadow root.
void addResource(html.Element element) {
final bool isWebKit = browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit;
if (_resourcesHost == null) {
_resourcesHost = html.DivElement() = 'hidden';
if (isWebKit) {
final html.Node bodyNode = html.document.body!;
bodyNode.insertBefore(_resourcesHost!, bodyNode.firstChild);
} else {
_resourcesHost!, _glassPaneShadow!.node.firstChild);
/// Removes a global resource element.
void removeResource(html.Element? element) {
/// Provides haptic feedback.
void vibrate(int durationMs) {
final html.Navigator navigator = html.window.navigator;
if (js_util.hasProperty(navigator, 'vibrate')) {
js_util.callMethod(navigator, 'vibrate', <num>[durationMs]);
String get currentHtml => _rootApplicationElement?.outerHtml ?? '';
DebugDomRendererFrameStatistics? _debugFrameStatistics;
DebugDomRendererFrameStatistics? debugFlushFrameStatistics() {
if (!assertionsEnabled) {
throw Exception('This code should not be reachable in production.');
final DebugDomRendererFrameStatistics? current = _debugFrameStatistics;
_debugFrameStatistics = DebugDomRendererFrameStatistics();
return current;
void debugRulerCacheHit() => _debugFrameStatistics!.paragraphRulerCacheHits++;
void debugRulerCacheMiss() =>
void debugRichTextLayout() => _debugFrameStatistics!.richTextLayouts++;
void debugPlainTextLayout() => _debugFrameStatistics!.plainTextLayouts++;
// Applies the required global CSS to an incoming [html.CssStyleSheet] `sheet`.
void applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(
html.CssStyleSheet sheet, {
required BrowserEngine browserEngine,
required bool hasAutofillOverlay,
String glassPaneTagName = DomRenderer._glassPaneTagName,
}) {
final bool isWebKit = browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit;
final bool isFirefox = browserEngine == BrowserEngine.firefox;
// TODO(web): use more efficient CSS selectors; descendant selectors are slow.
// More info:
// This undoes browser's default layout attributes for paragraphs. We
// compute paragraph layout ourselves.
if (isFirefox) {
// For firefox set line-height, otherwise textx at same font-size will
// measure differently in ruler.
'flt-ruler-host p, flt-scene p '
'{ margin: 0; line-height: 100%;}',
} else {
'flt-ruler-host p, flt-scene p '
'{ margin: 0; }',
// This undoes browser's default painting and layout attributes of range
// input, which is used in semantics.
flt-semantics input[type=range] {
appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
border: none;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
}''', sheet.cssRules.length);
if (isWebKit) {
'flt-semantics input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {'
' -webkit-appearance: none;'
if (isFirefox) {
'input::-moz-selection {'
' background-color: transparent;'
'textarea::-moz-selection {'
' background-color: transparent;'
} else {
// On iOS, the invisible semantic text field has a visible cursor and
// selection highlight. The following 2 CSS rules force everything to be
// transparent.
'input::selection {'
' background-color: transparent;'
'textarea::selection {'
' background-color: transparent;'
flt-semantics input,
flt-semantics textarea,
flt-semantics [contentEditable="true"] {
caret-color: transparent;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// By default on iOS, Safari would highlight the element that's being tapped
// on using gray background. This CSS rule disables that.
if (isWebKit) {
$glassPaneTagName * {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// This css prevents an autofill overlay brought by the browser during
// text field autofill by delaying the transition effect.
// See:
if (browserHasAutofillOverlay()) {
.transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:active {
-webkit-transition-delay: 99999s;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
/// Miscellaneous statistics collecting during a single frame's execution.
/// This is useful when profiling the app. This class should only be used when
/// assertions are enabled and therefore is not suitable for collecting any
/// time measurements. It is mostly useful for counting certain events.
class DebugDomRendererFrameStatistics {
/// The number of times we reused a previously initialized paragraph ruler to
/// measure a paragraph of text.
int paragraphRulerCacheHits = 0;
/// The number of times we had to create a new paragraph ruler to measure a
/// paragraph of text.
int paragraphRulerCacheMisses = 0;
/// The number of times we used a paragraph ruler to measure a paragraph of
/// text.
int get totalParagraphRulerAccesses =>
paragraphRulerCacheHits + paragraphRulerCacheMisses;
/// The number of times a paragraph of rich text was laid out this frame.
int richTextLayouts = 0;
/// The number of times a paragraph of plain text was laid out this frame.
int plainTextLayouts = 0;
String toString() {
return '''
Frame statistics:
Paragraph ruler cache hits: $paragraphRulerCacheHits
Paragraph ruler cache misses: $paragraphRulerCacheMisses
Paragraph ruler accesses: $totalParagraphRulerAccesses
Rich text layouts: $richTextLayouts
Plain text layouts: $plainTextLayouts
/// Singleton DOM renderer.
DomRenderer get domRenderer => ensureDomRendererInitialized();
/// Initializes the [DomRenderer], if it's not already initialized.
DomRenderer ensureDomRendererInitialized() => _domRenderer ??= DomRenderer();
DomRenderer? _domRenderer;