blob: 17fa23c4f7d18c954a5a9dd08ad013ebe8895e3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../../../engine.dart' show toMatrix32;
import '../../util.dart';
import '../../validators.dart';
import 'conic.dart';
import 'cubic.dart';
import 'path_iterator.dart';
import 'path_metrics.dart';
import 'path_ref.dart';
import 'path_utils.dart';
import 'path_windings.dart';
import 'tangent.dart';
/// A complex, one-dimensional subset of a plane.
/// Path consist of segments of various types, such as lines,
/// arcs, or beziers. Subpaths can be open or closed, and can
/// self-intersect.
/// Stores the verbs and points as they are given to us, with exceptions:
/// - we only record "Close" if it was immediately preceded by Move | Line | Quad | Cubic
/// - we insert a Move(0,0) if Line | Quad | Cubic is our first command
/// The iterator does more cleanup, especially if forceClose == true
/// 1. If we encounter degenerate segments, remove them
/// 2. if we encounter Close, return a cons'd up Line() first (if the curr-pt != start-pt)
/// 3. if we encounter Move without a preceding Close, and forceClose is true, goto #2
/// 4. if we encounter Line | Quad | Cubic after Close, cons up a Move
class SurfacePath implements ui.Path {
// Initial valid of last move to index so we can detect if a move to
// needs to be inserted after contour closure. See [close].
static const int kInitialLastMoveToIndexValue = 0;
PathRef pathRef;
ui.PathFillType _fillType = ui.PathFillType.nonZero;
// Skia supports inverse winding as part of path fill type.
// For Flutter inverse is always false.
bool _isInverseFillType = false;
// Store point index + 1 of last moveTo instruction.
// If contour has been closed or path is in initial state, the value is
// negated.
int fLastMoveToIndex = kInitialLastMoveToIndexValue;
int _convexityType = SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
int _firstDirection = SPathDirection.kUnknown;
SurfacePath() : pathRef = PathRef() {
void _resetFields() {
fLastMoveToIndex = kInitialLastMoveToIndexValue;
_fillType = ui.PathFillType.nonZero;
void _resetAfterEdit() {
_convexityType = SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
_firstDirection = SPathDirection.kUnknown;
/// Creates a copy of another [Path].
SurfacePath.from(SurfacePath source)
: pathRef = PathRef()..copy(source.pathRef, 0, 0) {
/// Creates a shifted copy of another [Path].
SurfacePath.shiftedFrom(SurfacePath source, double offsetX, double offsetY)
: pathRef = PathRef.shiftedFrom(source.pathRef, offsetX, offsetY) {
SurfacePath.shallowCopy(SurfacePath source)
: pathRef = PathRef.shallowCopy(source.pathRef) {
void _copyFields(SurfacePath source) {
_fillType = source._fillType;
fLastMoveToIndex = source.fLastMoveToIndex;
_convexityType = source._convexityType;
_firstDirection = source._firstDirection;
/// Determines how the interior of this path is calculated.
/// Defaults to the non-zero winding rule, [PathFillType.nonZero].
ui.PathFillType get fillType => _fillType;
set fillType(ui.PathFillType value) {
_fillType = value;
/// Returns true if [SurfacePath] contain equal verbs and equal weights.
bool isInterpolatable(SurfacePath compare) =>
compare.pathRef.countVerbs() == pathRef.countVerbs() &&
compare.pathRef.countPoints() == pathRef.countPoints() &&
compare.pathRef.countWeights() == pathRef.countWeights();
bool interpolate(SurfacePath ending, double weight, SurfacePath out) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount != ending.pathRef.countPoints()) {
return false;
if (pointCount == 0) {
return true;
out.addPathWithMode(this, 0, 0, null, SPathAddPathMode.kAppend);
PathRef.interpolate(ending.pathRef, weight, out.pathRef);
return true;
/// Clears the [Path] object, returning it to the
/// same state it had when it was created. The _current point_ is
/// reset to the origin.
void reset() {
if (pathRef.countVerbs() != 0) {
pathRef = PathRef();
/// Sets [SurfacePath] to its initial state, preserving internal storage.
/// Removes verb array, SkPoint array, and weights, and sets FillType to
/// kWinding. Internal storage associated with SkPath is retained.
/// Use rewind() instead of reset() if SkPath storage will be reused and
/// performance is critical.
void rewind() {
/// Returns if contour is closed.
/// Contour is closed if [SurfacePath] verb array was last modified by
/// close(). When stroked, closed contour draws join instead of cap at first
/// and last point.
bool get isLastContourClosed {
final int verbCount = pathRef.countVerbs();
return verbCount > 0 && (pathRef.atVerb(verbCount - 1) == SPathVerb.kClose);
/// Returns true for finite SkPoint array values between negative SK_ScalarMax
/// and positive SK_ScalarMax. Returns false for any SkPoint array value of
/// SK_ScalarInfinity, SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity, or SK_ScalarNaN.
bool get isFinite {
return pathRef.isFinite;
void _debugValidate() {
// TODO.
/// Return true if path is a single line and returns points in out.
bool isLine(Float32List out) {
assert(out.length >= 4);
final int verbCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (2 == verbCount &&
pathRef.atVerb(0) == SPathVerb.kMove &&
pathRef.atVerb(1) != SPathVerb.kLine) {
out[0] = pathRef.points[0];
out[1] = pathRef.points[1];
out[2] = pathRef.points[2];
out[3] = pathRef.points[3];
return true;
return false;
/// Starts a new subpath at the given coordinate.
void moveTo(double x, double y) {
// remember our index
final int pointIndex = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kMove, 0);
fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex + 1;
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex, x, y);
/// Starts a new subpath at the given offset from the current point.
void relativeMoveTo(double dx, double dy) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount == 0) {
moveTo(dx, dy);
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
final double lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
final double lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
moveTo(lastPointX + dx, lastPointY + dy);
void _injectMoveToIfNeeded() {
if (fLastMoveToIndex <= 0) {
double x, y;
if (pathRef.countPoints() == 0) {
x = y = 0.0;
} else {
int pointIndex = 2 * (-fLastMoveToIndex - 1);
x = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
y = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
moveTo(x, y);
/// Adds a straight line segment from the current point to the given
/// point.
void lineTo(double x, double y) {
if (fLastMoveToIndex <= 0) {
final int pointIndex = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kLine, 0);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex, x, y);
/// Adds a straight line segment from the current point to the point
/// at the given offset from the current point.
void relativeLineTo(double dx, double dy) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount == 0) {
lineTo(dx, dy);
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
final double lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
final double lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
lineTo(lastPointX + dx, lastPointY + dy);
/// Adds a quadratic bezier segment that curves from the current
/// point to the given point (x2,y2), using the control point
/// (x1,y1).
void quadraticBezierTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
_quadTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
/// Adds a quadratic bezier segment that curves from the current
/// point to the point at the offset (x2,y2) from the current point,
/// using the control point at the offset (x1,y1) from the current
/// point.
void relativeQuadraticBezierTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount == 0) {
quadraticBezierTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
final double lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
final double lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
x1 + lastPointX, y1 + lastPointY, x2 + lastPointX, y2 + lastPointY);
void _quadTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
final int pointIndex = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kQuad, 0);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex, x1, y1);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2);
/// Adds a bezier segment that curves from the current point to the
/// given point (x2,y2), using the control points (x1,y1) and the
/// weight w. If the weight is greater than 1, then the curve is a
/// hyperbola; if the weight equals 1, it's a parabola; and if it is
/// less than 1, it is an ellipse.
void conicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w) {
final int pointIndex = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kConic, w);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex, x1, y1);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2);
/// Adds a bezier segment that curves from the current point to the
/// point at the offset (x2,y2) from the current point, using the
/// control point at the offset (x1,y1) from the current point and
/// the weight w. If the weight is greater than 1, then the curve is
/// a hyperbola; if the weight equals 1, it's a parabola; and if it
/// is less than 1, it is an ellipse.
void relativeConicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount == 0) {
conicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, w);
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
final double lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
final double lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
conicTo(lastPointX + x1, lastPointY + y1, lastPointX + x2,
lastPointY + y2, w);
/// Adds a cubic bezier segment that curves from the current point
/// to the given point (x3,y3), using the control points (x1,y1) and
/// (x2,y2).
void cubicTo(
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) {
final int pointIndex = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kCubic, 0);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex, x1, y1);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex + 2, x3, y3);
/// Adds a cubic bezier segment that curves from the current point
/// to the point at the offset (x3,y3) from the current point, using
/// the control points at the offsets (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) from the
/// current point.
void relativeCubicTo(
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount == 0) {
cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
final double lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
final double lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
cubicTo(x1 + lastPointX, y1 + lastPointY, x2 + lastPointX,
y2 + lastPointY, x3 + lastPointX, y3 + lastPointY);
/// Closes the last subpath, as if a straight line had been drawn
/// from the current point to the first point of the subpath.
void close() {
// Don't add verb if it is the first instruction or close as already
// been added.
final int verbCount = pathRef.countVerbs();
if (verbCount != 0 && pathRef.atVerb(verbCount - 1) != SPathVerb.kClose) {
pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kClose, 0);
if (fLastMoveToIndex >= 0) {
// Signal that we need a moveTo to follow next if not specified.
fLastMoveToIndex = -fLastMoveToIndex;
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of four lines that outline the
/// given rectangle.
void addRect(ui.Rect rect) {
addRectWithDirection(rect, SPathDirection.kCW, 0);
bool _hasOnlyMoveTos() {
final int verbCount = pathRef.countVerbs();
for (int i = 0; i < verbCount; i++) {
switch (pathRef.atVerb(i)) {
case SPathVerb.kLine:
case SPathVerb.kQuad:
case SPathVerb.kConic:
case SPathVerb.kCubic:
return false;
return true;
void addRectWithDirection(ui.Rect rect, int direction, int startIndex) {
assert(direction != SPathDirection.kUnknown);
final bool isRect = _hasOnlyMoveTos();
// SkAutoDisableDirectionCheck.
final int finalDirection =
_hasOnlyMoveTos() ? direction : SPathDirection.kUnknown;
final int pointIndex0 = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kMove, 0);
fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
final int pointIndex1 = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kLine, 0);
final int pointIndex2 = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kLine, 0);
final int pointIndex3 = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kLine, 0);
pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kClose, 0);
if (direction == SPathDirection.kCW) {
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex0, rect.left,;
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex1, rect.right,;
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex2, rect.right, rect.bottom);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex3, rect.left, rect.bottom);
} else {
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex3, rect.left, rect.bottom);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex2, rect.right, rect.bottom);
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex1, rect.right,;
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex0, rect.left,;
pathRef.setIsRect(isRect, direction == SPathDirection.kCCW, 0);
// SkAutoDisableDirectionCheck.
_firstDirection = finalDirection;
// TODO: optimize by setting pathRef bounds if bounds are already computed.
/// If the `forceMoveTo` argument is false, adds a straight line
/// segment and an arc segment.
/// If the `forceMoveTo` argument is true, starts a new subpath
/// consisting of an arc segment.
/// In either case, the arc segment consists of the arc that follows
/// the edge of the oval bounded by the given rectangle, from
/// startAngle radians around the oval up to startAngle + sweepAngle
/// radians around the oval, with zero radians being the point on
/// the right hand side of the oval that crosses the horizontal line
/// that intersects the center of the rectangle and with positive
/// angles going clockwise around the oval.
/// The line segment added if `forceMoveTo` is false starts at the
/// current point and ends at the start of the arc.
void arcTo(
ui.Rect rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle, bool forceMoveTo) {
// If width or height is 0, we still stroke a line, only abort if both
// are empty.
if (rect.width == 0 && rect.height == 0) {
if (pathRef.countPoints() == 0) {
forceMoveTo = true;
final ui.Offset? lonePoint = _arcIsLonePoint(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
if (lonePoint != null) {
if (forceMoveTo) {
moveTo(lonePoint.dx, lonePoint.dy);
} else {
lineTo(lonePoint.dx, lonePoint.dy);
// Convert angles to unit vectors.
double stopAngle = startAngle + sweepAngle;
final double cosStart = math.cos(startAngle);
final double sinStart = math.sin(startAngle);
double cosStop = math.cos(stopAngle);
double sinStop = math.sin(stopAngle);
// If the sweep angle is nearly (but less than) 360, then due to precision
// loss in radians-conversion and/or sin/cos, we may end up with coincident
// vectors, which will fool quad arc build into doing nothing (bad) instead
// of drawing a nearly complete circle (good).
// e.g. canvas.drawArc(0, 359.99, ...)
// -vs- canvas.drawArc(0, 359.9, ...)
// Detect this edge case, and tweak the stop vector.
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(cosStart, cosStop) && SPath.nearlyEqual(sinStart, sinStop)) {
final double sweep = sweepAngle.abs() * 180.0 / math.pi;
if (sweep <= 360 && sweep > 359) {
// Use tiny angle (in radians) to tweak.
final double deltaRad = sweepAngle < 0 ? -1.0 / 512.0 : 1.0 / 512.0;
do {
stopAngle -= deltaRad;
cosStop = math.cos(stopAngle);
sinStop = math.sin(stopAngle);
} while (cosStart == cosStop && sinStart == sinStop);
final int dir = sweepAngle > 0 ? SPathDirection.kCW : SPathDirection.kCCW;
final double endAngle = startAngle + sweepAngle;
final double radiusX = rect.width / 2.0;
final double radiusY = rect.height / 2.0;
final double px = + (radiusX * math.cos(endAngle));
final double py = + (radiusY * math.sin(endAngle));
// At this point, we know that the arc is not a lone point, but
// startV == stopV indicates that the sweepAngle is too small such that
// angles_to_unit_vectors cannot handle it
if (cosStart == cosStop && sinStart == sinStop) {
// Add moveTo to start point if forceMoveTo is true. Otherwise a lineTo
// unless we're sufficiently close to start point currently. This prevents
// spurious lineTos when adding a series of contiguous arcs from the same
// oval.
if (forceMoveTo) {
moveTo(px, py);
} else {
_lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint(px, py);
// We are done with tiny sweep approximated by line.
// Convert arc defined by start/end unit vectors to conics (max 5).
// Dot product
final double x = (cosStart * cosStop) + (sinStart * sinStop);
// Cross product
double y = (cosStart * sinStop) - (sinStart * cosStop);
final double absY = y.abs();
// Check for coincident vectors (angle is nearly 0 or 180).
// The cross product for angles 0 and 180 will be zero, we use the
// dot product sign to distinguish between the two.
if (absY <= SPath.scalarNearlyZero &&
x > 0 &&
((y >= 0 && dir == SPathDirection.kCW) ||
(y <= 0 && dir == SPathDirection.kCCW))) {
// No conics, just use single line to connect point.
if (forceMoveTo) {
moveTo(px, py);
} else {
_lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint(px, py);
// Normalize to clockwise
if (dir == SPathDirection.kCCW) {
y = -y;
// Use 1 conic per quadrant of a circle.
// 0..90 -> quadrant 0
// 90..180 -> quadrant 1
// 180..270 -> quadrant 2
// 270..360 -> quadrant 3
const List<ui.Offset> quadPoints = <ui.Offset>[
ui.Offset(1, 0),
ui.Offset(1, 1),
ui.Offset(0, 1),
ui.Offset(-1, 1),
ui.Offset(-1, 0),
ui.Offset(-1, -1),
ui.Offset(0, -1),
ui.Offset(1, -1),
int quadrant = 0;
if (0 == y) {
// 180 degrees between vectors.
quadrant = 2;
assert((x + 1).abs() <= SPath.scalarNearlyZero);
} else if (0 == x) {
// Dot product 0 means 90 degrees between vectors.
assert((absY - 1) <= SPath.scalarNearlyZero);
quadrant = y > 0 ? 1 : 3; // 90 or 270
} else {
if (y < 0) {
quadrant += 2;
if ((x < 0) != (y < 0)) {
quadrant += 1;
final List<Conic> conics = <Conic>[];
const double quadrantWeight = SPath.scalarRoot2Over2;
int conicCount = quadrant;
for (int i = 0; i < conicCount; i++) {
final int quadPointIndex = i * 2;
final ui.Offset p0 = quadPoints[quadPointIndex];
final ui.Offset p1 = quadPoints[quadPointIndex + 1];
final ui.Offset p2 = quadPoints[quadPointIndex + 2];
.add(Conic(p0.dx, p0.dy, p1.dx, p1.dy, p2.dx, p2.dy, quadrantWeight));
// Now compute any remaining ( < 90degree ) arc for last conic.
final double finalPx = x;
final double finalPy = y;
final ui.Offset lastQuadrantPoint = quadPoints[quadrant * 2];
// Dot product between last quadrant vector and last point on arc.
final double dot = (x * lastQuadrantPoint.dx) + (y * lastQuadrantPoint.dy);
if (dot < 1) {
// Compute the bisector vector and then rescale to be the off curve point.
// Length is cos(theta/2) using half angle identity we get
// length = sqrt(2 / (1 + cos(theta)). We already have cos from computing
// dot. Computed weight is cos(theta/2).
double offCurveX = lastQuadrantPoint.dx + x;
double offCurveY = lastQuadrantPoint.dy + y;
final double cosThetaOver2 = math.sqrt((1.0 + dot) / 2.0);
final double unscaledLength =
math.sqrt((offCurveX * offCurveX) + (offCurveY * offCurveY));
assert(unscaledLength > SPath.scalarNearlyZero);
offCurveX /= cosThetaOver2 * unscaledLength;
offCurveY /= cosThetaOver2 * unscaledLength;
if (!SPath.nearlyEqual(offCurveX, lastQuadrantPoint.dx) ||
!SPath.nearlyEqual(offCurveY, lastQuadrantPoint.dy)) {
conics.add(Conic(lastQuadrantPoint.dx, lastQuadrantPoint.dy, offCurveX,
offCurveY, finalPx, finalPy, cosThetaOver2));
// Any points we generate based on unit vectors cos/sinStart , cos/sinStop
// we rotate to start vector, scale by rect.width/2 rect.height/2 and
// then translate to center point.
final double scaleX = rect.width / 2;
final bool ccw = dir == SPathDirection.kCCW;
final double scaleY = rect.height / 2;
final double centerX =;
final double centerY =;
for (final Conic conic in conics) {
double x = conic.p0x;
double y = ccw ? -conic.p0y : conic.p0y;
conic.p0x = (cosStart * x - sinStart * y) * scaleX + centerX;
conic.p0y = (cosStart * y + sinStart * x) * scaleY + centerY;
x = conic.p1x;
y = ccw ? -conic.p1y : conic.p1y;
conic.p1x = (cosStart * x - sinStart * y) * scaleX + centerX;
conic.p1y = (cosStart * y + sinStart * x) * scaleY + centerY;
x = conic.p2x;
y = ccw ? -conic.p2y : conic.p2y;
conic.p2x = (cosStart * x - sinStart * y) * scaleX + centerX;
conic.p2y = (cosStart * y + sinStart * x) * scaleY + centerY;
// Now output points.
final double firstConicPx = conics[0].p0x;
final double firstConicPy = conics[0].p0y;
if (forceMoveTo) {
moveTo(firstConicPx, firstConicPy);
} else {
_lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint(firstConicPx, firstConicPy);
for (int i = 0; i < conicCount; i++) {
final Conic conic = conics[i];
conicTo(conic.p1x, conic.p1y, conic.p2x, conic.p2y, conic.fW);
void _lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint(double px, double py) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
if (pointCount != 0) {
final ui.Offset lastPoint = pathRef.atPoint(pointCount - 1);
final double lastPointX = lastPoint.dx;
final double lastPointY = lastPoint.dy;
if (!SPath.nearlyEqual(px, lastPointX) || !SPath.nearlyEqual(py, lastPointY)) {
lineTo(px, py);
/// Appends up to four conic curves weighted to describe an oval of `radius`
/// and rotated by `rotation`.
/// The first curve begins from the last point in the path and the last ends
/// at `arcEnd`. The curves follow a path in a direction determined by
/// `clockwise` and `largeArc` in such a way that the sweep angle
/// is always less than 360 degrees.
/// A simple line is appended if either either radii are zero or the last
/// point in the path is `arcEnd`. The radii are scaled to fit the last path
/// point if both are greater than zero but too small to describe an arc.
/// See Conversion from endpoint to center parametrization described in
/// as reference for implementation.
void arcToPoint(
ui.Offset arcEnd, {
ui.Radius radius =,
double rotation = 0.0,
bool largeArc = false,
bool clockwise = true,
}) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
double lastPointX, lastPointY;
if (pointCount == 0) {
lastPointX = lastPointY = 0;
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
// lastPointX, lastPointY are the coordinates of start point on path,
// x,y is final point of arc.
final double x = arcEnd.dx;
final double y = arcEnd.dy;
// rx,ry are the radii of the eclipse (semi-major/semi-minor axis)
double rx = radius.x.abs();
double ry = radius.y.abs();
// If the current point and target point for the arc are identical, it
// should be treated as a zero length path. This ensures continuity in
// animations.
final bool isSamePoint = lastPointX == x && lastPointY == y;
// If rx = 0 or ry = 0 then this arc is treated as a straight line segment
// (a "lineto") joining the endpoints.
if (isSamePoint || rx.toInt() == 0 || ry.toInt() == 0) {
if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) {
lineTo(x, y);
// As an intermediate point to finding center parametrization, place the
// origin on the midpoint between start/end points and rotate to align
// coordinate axis with axes of the ellipse.
final double midPointX = (lastPointX - x) / 2.0;
final double midPointY = (lastPointY - y) / 2.0;
// Convert rotation or radians.
final double xAxisRotation = math.pi * rotation / 180.0;
// Cache cos/sin value.
final double cosXAxisRotation = math.cos(xAxisRotation);
final double sinXAxisRotation = math.sin(xAxisRotation);
// Calculate rotated midpoint.
final double xPrime =
(cosXAxisRotation * midPointX) + (sinXAxisRotation * midPointY);
final double yPrime =
(-sinXAxisRotation * midPointX) + (cosXAxisRotation * midPointY);
// Check if the radii are big enough to draw the arc, scale radii if not.
double rxSquare = rx * rx;
double rySquare = ry * ry;
final double xPrimeSquare = xPrime * xPrime;
final double yPrimeSquare = yPrime * yPrime;
double radiiScale = (xPrimeSquare / rxSquare) + (yPrimeSquare / rySquare);
if (radiiScale > 1) {
radiiScale = math.sqrt(radiiScale);
rx *= radiiScale;
ry *= radiiScale;
rxSquare = rx * rx;
rySquare = ry * ry;
// Switch to unit vectors
double unitPts0x =
(lastPointX * cosXAxisRotation + lastPointY * sinXAxisRotation) / rx;
double unitPts0y =
(lastPointY * cosXAxisRotation - lastPointX * sinXAxisRotation) / ry;
double unitPts1x = (x * cosXAxisRotation + y * sinXAxisRotation) / rx;
double unitPts1y = (y * cosXAxisRotation - x * sinXAxisRotation) / ry;
double deltaX = unitPts1x - unitPts0x;
double deltaY = unitPts1y - unitPts0y;
final double d = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
double scaleFactor = math.sqrt(math.max(1 / d - 0.25, 0.0));
// largeArc is false if arc is spanning less than or equal to 180 degrees.
// clockwise is false if arc sweeps through decreasing angles or true
// if sweeping through increasing angles.
// rotation is the angle from the x-axis of the current coordinate
// system to the x-axis of the eclipse.
if (largeArc == clockwise) {
scaleFactor = -scaleFactor;
deltaX *= scaleFactor;
deltaY *= scaleFactor;
// Compute transformed center. eq. 5.2
final double centerPointX = (unitPts0x + unitPts1x) / 2 - deltaY;
final double centerPointY = (unitPts0y + unitPts1y) / 2 + deltaX;
unitPts0x -= centerPointX;
unitPts0y -= centerPointY;
unitPts1x -= centerPointX;
unitPts1y -= centerPointY;
// Calculate start angle and sweep.
final double theta1 = math.atan2(unitPts0y, unitPts0x);
final double theta2 = math.atan2(unitPts1y, unitPts1x);
double thetaArc = theta2 - theta1;
if (clockwise && thetaArc < 0) {
thetaArc += math.pi * 2.0;
} else if (!clockwise && thetaArc > 0) {
thetaArc -= math.pi * 2.0;
// Guard against tiny angles. See
if (thetaArc.abs() < (math.pi / (1000.0 * 1000.0))) {
lineTo(x, y);
// The arc may be slightly bigger than 1/4 circle, so allow up to 1/3rd.
final int segments =
(thetaArc / (2.0 * math.pi / 3.0)).abs().ceil().toInt();
final double thetaWidth = thetaArc / segments;
final double t = math.tan(thetaWidth / 2.0);
if (!t.isFinite) {
final double w = math.sqrt(0.5 + math.cos(thetaWidth) * 0.5);
double startTheta = theta1;
// Computing the arc width introduces rounding errors that cause arcs
// to start outside their marks. A round rect may lose convexity as a
// result. If the input values are on integers, place the conic on
// integers as well.
final bool expectIntegers = SPath.nearlyEqual(math.pi / 2 - thetaWidth.abs(), 0) &&
SPath.isInteger(rx) &&
SPath.isInteger(ry) &&
SPath.isInteger(x) &&
for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
final double endTheta = startTheta + thetaWidth;
final double sinEndTheta = SPath.snapToZero(math.sin(endTheta));
final double cosEndTheta = SPath.snapToZero(math.cos(endTheta));
double unitPts1x = cosEndTheta + centerPointX;
double unitPts1y = sinEndTheta + centerPointY;
double unitPts0x = unitPts1x + t * sinEndTheta;
double unitPts0y = unitPts1y - t * cosEndTheta;
unitPts0x = unitPts0x * rx;
unitPts0y = unitPts0y * ry;
unitPts1x = unitPts1x * rx;
unitPts1y = unitPts1y * ry;
double xStart =
unitPts0x * cosXAxisRotation - unitPts0y * sinXAxisRotation;
double yStart =
unitPts0y * cosXAxisRotation + unitPts0x * sinXAxisRotation;
double xEnd = unitPts1x * cosXAxisRotation - unitPts1y * sinXAxisRotation;
double yEnd = unitPts1y * cosXAxisRotation + unitPts1x * sinXAxisRotation;
if (expectIntegers) {
xStart = (xStart + 0.5).floorToDouble();
yStart = (yStart + 0.5).floorToDouble();
xEnd = (xEnd + 0.5).floorToDouble();
yEnd = (yEnd + 0.5).floorToDouble();
conicTo(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, w);
startTheta = endTheta;
/// Appends up to four conic curves weighted to describe an oval of `radius`
/// and rotated by `rotation`.
/// The last path point is described by (px, py).
/// The first curve begins from the last point in the path and the last ends
/// at `arcEndDelta.dx + px` and `arcEndDelta.dy + py`. The curves follow a
/// path in a direction determined by `clockwise` and `largeArc`
/// in such a way that the sweep angle is always less than 360 degrees.
/// A simple line is appended if either either radii are zero, or, both
/// `arcEndDelta.dx` and `arcEndDelta.dy` are zero. The radii are scaled to
/// fit the last path point if both are greater than zero but too small to
/// describe an arc.
void relativeArcToPoint(
ui.Offset arcEndDelta, {
ui.Radius radius =,
double rotation = 0.0,
bool largeArc = false,
bool clockwise = true,
}) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
double lastPointX, lastPointY;
if (pointCount == 0) {
lastPointX = lastPointY = 0;
} else {
int pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
lastPointX = pathRef.points[pointIndex++];
lastPointY = pathRef.points[pointIndex];
ui.Offset(lastPointX + arcEndDelta.dx, lastPointY + arcEndDelta.dy),
radius: radius,
rotation: rotation,
largeArc: largeArc,
clockwise: clockwise);
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of a curve that forms the
/// ellipse that fills the given rectangle.
/// To add a circle, pass an appropriate rectangle as `oval`.
/// [Rect.fromCircle] can be used to easily describe the circle's center
/// [Offset] and radius.
void addOval(ui.Rect oval) {
_addOval(oval, SPathDirection.kCW, 0);
void _addOval(ui.Rect oval, int direction, int startIndex) {
assert(direction != SPathDirection.kUnknown);
final bool isOval = _hasOnlyMoveTos();
const double weight = SPath.scalarRoot2Over2;
final double left = oval.left;
final double right = oval.right;
final double centerX = (left + right) / 2.0;
final double top =;
final double bottom = oval.bottom;
final double centerY = (top + bottom) / 2.0;
if (direction == SPathDirection.kCW) {
moveTo(right, centerY);
conicTo(right, bottom, centerX, bottom, weight);
conicTo(left, bottom, left, centerY, weight);
conicTo(left, top, centerX, top, weight);
conicTo(right, top, right, centerY, weight);
} else {
moveTo(right, centerY);
conicTo(right, top, centerX, top, weight);
conicTo(left, top, left, centerY, weight);
conicTo(left, bottom, centerX, bottom, weight);
conicTo(right, bottom, right, centerY, weight);
pathRef.setIsOval(isOval, direction == SPathDirection.kCCW, 0);
// AutoDisableDirectionCheck
if (isOval) {
_firstDirection = direction;
} else {
_firstDirection = SPathDirection.kUnknown;
/// Appends arc to path, as the start of new contour. Arc added is part of
/// ellipse bounded by oval, from startAngle through sweepAngle. Both
/// startAngle and sweepAngle are measured in degrees,
/// where zero degrees is aligned with the positive x-axis,
/// and positive sweeps extends arc clockwise.
/// If sweepAngle <= -360, or sweepAngle >= 360; and startAngle modulo 90
/// is nearly zero, append oval instead of arc. Otherwise, sweepAngle values
/// are treated modulo 360, and arc may or may not draw depending on numeric
/// rounding.
void addArc(ui.Rect oval, double startAngle, double sweepAngle) {
if (0 == sweepAngle) {
const double kFullCircleAngle = math.pi * 2;
if (sweepAngle >= kFullCircleAngle || sweepAngle <= -kFullCircleAngle) {
// We can treat the arc as an oval if it begins at one of our legal starting positions.
final double startOver90 = startAngle / (math.pi / 2.0);
final double startOver90I = (startOver90 + 0.5).floorToDouble();
final double error = startOver90 - startOver90I;
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(error, 0)) {
// Index 1 is at startAngle == 0.
double startIndex = startOver90I + 1.0 % 4.0;
startIndex = startIndex < 0 ? startIndex + 4.0 : startIndex;
sweepAngle > 0 ? SPathDirection.kCW : SPathDirection.kCCW,
arcTo(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, true);
/// Adds a new subpath with a sequence of line segments that connect the given
/// points.
/// If `close` is true, a final line segment will be added that connects the
/// last point to the first point.
/// The `points` argument is interpreted as offsets from the origin.
void addPolygon(List<ui.Offset> points, bool close) {
final int pointCount = points.length;
if (pointCount <= 0) {
final int pointIndex = pathRef.growForVerb(SPathVerb.kMove, 0);
fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex + 1;
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex, points[0].dx, points[0].dy);
pathRef.growForRepeatedVerb(SPathVerb.kLine, pointCount - 1);
for (int i = 1; i < pointCount; i++) {
pathRef.setPoint(pointIndex + i, points[i].dx, points[i].dy);
if (close) {
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of the straight lines and
/// curves needed to form the rounded rectangle described by the
/// argument.
void addRRect(ui.RRect rrect) {
_addRRect(rrect, SPathDirection.kCW, 6);
void _addRRect(ui.RRect rrect, int direction, int startIndex) {
assert(direction != SPathDirection.kUnknown);
final bool isRRect = _hasOnlyMoveTos();
final ui.Rect bounds = rrect.outerRect;
if (rrect.isRect || rrect.isEmpty) {
// degenerate(rect) => radii points are collapsing.
addRectWithDirection(bounds, direction, (startIndex + 1) ~/ 2);
} else if (isRRectOval(rrect)) {
// degenerate(oval) => line points are collapsing.
_addOval(bounds, direction, startIndex ~/ 2);
} else {
const double weight = SPath.scalarRoot2Over2;
final double left = bounds.left;
final double right = bounds.right;
final double top =;
final double bottom = bounds.bottom;
final double width = right - left;
final double height = bottom - top;
// Proportionally scale down all radii to fit. Find the minimum ratio
// of a side and the radii on that side (for all four sides) and use
// that to scale down _all_ the radii. This algorithm is from the
// W3 spec ( section 5.5
final double tlRadiusX = math.max(0, rrect.tlRadiusX);
final double trRadiusX = math.max(0, rrect.trRadiusX);
final double blRadiusX = math.max(0, rrect.blRadiusX);
final double brRadiusX = math.max(0, rrect.brRadiusX);
final double tlRadiusY = math.max(0, rrect.tlRadiusY);
final double trRadiusY = math.max(0, rrect.trRadiusY);
final double blRadiusY = math.max(0, rrect.blRadiusY);
final double brRadiusY = math.max(0, rrect.brRadiusY);
double scale = _computeMinScale(tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, width, 1.0);
scale = _computeMinScale(blRadiusX, brRadiusX, width, scale);
scale = _computeMinScale(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY, height, scale);
scale = _computeMinScale(blRadiusY, brRadiusY, height, scale);
// Inlined version of:
moveTo(left, bottom - scale * blRadiusY);
lineTo(left, top + scale * tlRadiusY);
conicTo(left, top, left + scale * tlRadiusX, top, weight);
lineTo(right - scale * trRadiusX, top);
conicTo(right, top, right, top + scale * trRadiusY, weight);
lineTo(right, bottom - scale * brRadiusY);
conicTo(right, bottom, right - scale * brRadiusX, bottom, weight);
lineTo(left + scale * blRadiusX, bottom);
conicTo(left, bottom, left, bottom - scale * blRadiusY, weight);
// SkAutoDisableDirectionCheck.
_firstDirection = isRRect ? direction : SPathDirection.kUnknown;
isRRect, direction == SPathDirection.kCCW, startIndex % 8, rrect);
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of the given `path` offset by the given
/// `offset`.
/// If `matrix4` is specified, the path will be transformed by this matrix
/// after the matrix is translated by the given offset. The matrix is a 4x4
/// matrix stored in column major order.
void addPath(ui.Path path, ui.Offset offset, {Float64List? matrix4}) {
addPathWithMode(path, offset.dx, offset.dy,
matrix4 == null ? null : toMatrix32(matrix4), SPathAddPathMode.kAppend);
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of the given `path` offset by the given
/// `offset`, and using the given [mode].
/// If `matrix4` is not null, the path will be transformed by this matrix
/// after the matrix is translated by the given offset.
void addPathWithMode(ui.Path path, double offsetX, double offsetY,
Float32List? matrix4, int mode) {
SurfacePath source = path as SurfacePath;
if (source.pathRef.isEmpty) {
// Detect if we're trying to add ourself, set source to a copy.
if (source.pathRef == pathRef) {
source = SurfacePath.from(this);
final int previousPointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
// Fast path add points,verbs if matrix doesn't have perspective and
// we are not extending.
if (mode == SPathAddPathMode.kAppend &&
(matrix4 == null || _isSimple2dTransform(matrix4))) {
} else {
bool firstVerb = true;
final PathRefIterator iter = PathRefIterator(source.pathRef);
final Float32List outPts = Float32List(PathRefIterator.kMaxBufferSize);
int verb;
while ((verb = != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
final double point0X = matrix4 == null
? outPts[0] + offsetX
: (matrix4[0] * (outPts[0] + offsetX)) +
(matrix4[4] * (outPts[1] + offsetY)) +
final double point0Y = matrix4 == null
? outPts[1] + offsetY
: (matrix4[1] * (outPts[0] + offsetX)) +
(matrix4[5] * (outPts[1] + offsetY)) +
matrix4[13] +
if (firstVerb && !pathRef.isEmpty) {
assert(mode == SPathAddPathMode.kExtend);
// In case last contour is closed inject move to.
double lastPointX;
double lastPointY;
if (previousPointCount == 0) {
lastPointX = lastPointY = 0;
} else {
int listIndex = 2 * (previousPointCount - 1);
lastPointX = pathRef.points[listIndex++];
lastPointY = pathRef.points[listIndex];
// don't add lineTo if it is degenerate.
if (fLastMoveToIndex <= 0 ||
(previousPointCount != 0) ||
lastPointX != point0X ||
lastPointY != point0Y) {
lineTo(outPts[0], outPts[1]);
} else {
moveTo(outPts[0], outPts[1]);
case SPath.kLineVerb:
lineTo(outPts[2], outPts[3]);
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
_quadTo(outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5]);
case SPath.kConicVerb:
outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5], iter.conicWeight);
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
cubicTo(outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5], outPts[6],
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
firstVerb = false;
// Shift [fLastMoveToIndex] by existing point count.
if (source.fLastMoveToIndex >= 0) {
fLastMoveToIndex = previousPointCount + source.fLastMoveToIndex;
// Translate/transform all points.
final int newPointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
final Float32List points = pathRef.points;
for (int p = previousPointCount * 2; p < (newPointCount * 2); p += 2) {
if (matrix4 == null) {
points[p] += offsetX;
points[p + 1] += offsetY;
} else {
final double x = offsetX + points[p];
final double y = offsetY + points[p + 1];
points[p] = (matrix4[0] * x) + (matrix4[4] * y) + matrix4[12];
points[p + 1] = (matrix4[1] * x) + (matrix4[5] * y) + matrix4[13];
/// Adds the given path to this path by extending the current segment of this
/// path with the first segment of the given path.
/// If `matrix4` is specified, the path will be transformed by this matrix
/// after the matrix is translated by the given `offset`. The matrix is a 4x4
/// matrix stored in column major order.
void extendWithPath(ui.Path path, ui.Offset offset, {Float64List? matrix4}) {
addPathWithMode(path, offset.dx, offset.dy,
matrix4 == null ? null : toMatrix32(matrix4), SPathAddPathMode.kExtend);
/// Tests to see if the given point is within the path. (That is, whether the
/// point would be in the visible portion of the path if the path was used
/// with [Canvas.clipPath].)
/// The `point` argument is interpreted as an offset from the origin.
/// Returns true if the point is in the path, and false otherwise.
/// Note: Not very efficient, it creates a canvas, plays path and calls
/// Context2D isPointInPath. If performance becomes issue, retaining
/// RawRecordingCanvas can remove create/remove rootElement cost.
bool contains(ui.Offset point) {
final bool isInverse = _isInverseFillType;
if (pathRef.isEmpty) {
return isInverse;
// Check bounds including right/bottom.
final ui.Rect bounds = getBounds();
final double x = point.dx;
final double y = point.dy;
if (x < bounds.left || y < || x > bounds.right ||
y > bounds.bottom) {
return isInverse;
final PathWinding windings = PathWinding(pathRef, point.dx, point.dy);
final bool evenOddFill = ui.PathFillType.evenOdd == _fillType;
int w = windings.w;
if (evenOddFill) {
w &= 1;
if (w != 0) {
return !isInverse;
final int onCurveCount = windings.onCurveCount;
if (onCurveCount <= 1) {
return (onCurveCount != 0) ^ isInverse;
if ((onCurveCount & 1) != 0 || evenOddFill) {
return (onCurveCount & 1) != 0 ^ (isInverse ? 1 : 0);
// If the point touches an even number of curves, and the fill is winding,
// check for coincidence. Count coincidence as places where the on curve
// points have identical tangents.
final PathIterator iter = PathIterator(pathRef, true);
final Float32List _buffer = Float32List(8 + 10);
final List<ui.Offset> tangents = <ui.Offset>[];
bool done = false;
do {
final int oldCount = tangents.length;
switch ( {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
case SPath.kLineVerb:
tangentLine(_buffer, x, y, tangents);
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
tangentQuad(_buffer, x, y, tangents);
case SPath.kConicVerb:
tangentConic(_buffer, x, y, iter.conicWeight, tangents);
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
tangentCubic(_buffer, x, y, tangents);
case SPath.kDoneVerb:
done = true;
if (tangents.length > oldCount) {
final int last = tangents.length - 1;
final ui.Offset tangent = tangents[last];
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(lengthSquaredOffset(tangent), 0)) {
} else {
for (int index = 0; index < last; ++index) {
final ui.Offset test = tangents[index];
final double crossProduct = test.dx * tangent.dy - test.dy * tangent.dx;
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(crossProduct, 0) &&
SPath.scalarSignedAsInt(tangent.dx * test.dx) <= 0 &&
SPath.scalarSignedAsInt(tangent.dy * test.dy) <= 0) {
final ui.Offset offset = tangents.removeAt(last);
if (index != tangents.length) {
tangents[index] = offset;
} while (!done);
return tangents.isEmpty ? isInverse : !isInverse;
/// Returns a copy of the path with all the segments of every
/// subpath translated by the given offset.
SurfacePath shift(ui.Offset offset) =>
SurfacePath.shiftedFrom(this, offset.dx, offset.dy);
/// Returns a copy of the path with all the segments of every
/// sub path transformed by the given matrix.
SurfacePath transform(Float64List matrix4) {
final SurfacePath newPath = SurfacePath.from(this);
return newPath;
void _transform(Float64List m) {
final int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
final Float32List points = pathRef.points;
final int len = pointCount * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
final double x = points[i];
final double y = points[i + 1];
final double w = 1.0 / ((m[3] * x) + (m[7] * y) + m[15]);
final double transformedX = ((m[0] * x) + (m[4] * y) + m[12]) * w;
final double transformedY = ((m[1] * x) + (m[5] * y) + m[13]) * w;
points[i] = transformedX;
points[i + 1] = transformedY;
// TODO: optimize for axis aligned or scale/translate type transforms.
_convexityType = SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
void setConvexityType(int value) {
_convexityType = value;
int _setComputedConvexity(int value) {
assert(value != SPathConvexityType.kUnknown);
return value;
/// Returns the convexity type, computing if needed. Never returns kUnknown.
int get convexityType {
if (_convexityType != SPathConvexityType.kUnknown) {
return _convexityType;
return _internalGetConvexity();
/// Returns the current convexity type, skips computing if unknown.
/// Provides a signal to path users if convexity has been calculated in
/// which case _firstDirection is a valid result.
int getConvexityTypeOrUnknown() => _convexityType;
/// Returns true if the path is convex. If necessary, it will first compute
/// the convexity.
bool get isConvex => SPathConvexityType.kConvex == convexityType;
// Computes convexity and first direction.
int _internalGetConvexity() {
final Float32List pts = Float32List(20);
PathIterator iter = PathIterator(pathRef, true);
// Check to see if path changes direction more than three times as quick
// concave test.
int pointCount = pathRef.countPoints();
// Last moveTo index may exceed point count if data comes from fuzzer.
if (0 < fLastMoveToIndex && fLastMoveToIndex < pointCount) {
pointCount = fLastMoveToIndex;
if (pointCount > 3) {
int pointIndex = 0;
// only consider the last of the initial move tos
while (SPath.kMoveVerb == {
final int convexity =
Convexicator.bySign(pathRef, pointIndex, pointCount - pointIndex);
if (SPathConvexityType.kConcave == convexity) {
return SPathConvexityType.kConcave;
} else if (SPathConvexityType.kUnknown == convexity) {
return SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
iter = PathIterator(pathRef, true);
} else if (!pathRef.isFinite) {
return SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
// Path passed quick concave check, now compute actual convexity.
int contourCount = 0;
int count;
final Convexicator state = Convexicator();
int verb;
while ((verb = != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
// If we have more than 1 contour bail out.
if (++contourCount > 1) {
return _setComputedConvexity(SPathConvexityType.kConcave);
state.setMovePt(pts[0], pts[1]);
count = 0;
case SPath.kLineVerb:
count = 1;
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
count = 2;
case SPath.kConicVerb:
count = 2;
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
count = 3;
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
if (!state.close()) {
if (!state.isFinite) {
return SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
return _setComputedConvexity(SPathConvexityType.kConcave);
count = 0;
return _setComputedConvexity(SPathConvexityType.kConcave);
final int len = count * 2;
for (int i = 2; i <= len; i += 2) {
if (!state.addPoint(pts[i], pts[i + 1])) {
if (!state.isFinite) {
return SPathConvexityType.kUnknown;
return _setComputedConvexity(SPathConvexityType.kConcave);
if (_firstDirection == SPathDirection.kUnknown) {
if (state.firstDirection == SPathDirection.kUnknown &&
!pathRef.getBounds().isEmpty) {
return _setComputedConvexity(state.reversals < 3
? SPathConvexityType.kConvex
: SPathConvexityType.kConcave);
_firstDirection = state.firstDirection;
return _convexityType;
/// Computes the bounding rectangle for this path.
/// A path containing only axis-aligned points on the same straight line will
/// have no area, and therefore `Rect.isEmpty` will return true for such a
/// path. Consider checking `rect.width + rect.height > 0.0` instead, or
/// using the [computeMetrics] API to check the path length.
/// For many more elaborate paths, the bounds may be inaccurate. For example,
/// when a path contains a circle, the points used to compute the bounds are
/// the circle's implied control points, which form a square around the
/// circle; if the circle has a transformation applied using [transform] then
/// that square is rotated, and the (axis-aligned, non-rotated) bounding box
/// therefore ends up grossly overestimating the actual area covered by the
/// circle.
// see
ui.Rect getBounds() {
if (pathRef.isRRect != -1 || pathRef.isOval != -1) {
return pathRef.getBounds();
if (!pathRef.fBoundsIsDirty && pathRef.cachedBounds != null) {
return pathRef.cachedBounds!;
bool ltrbInitialized = false;
double left = 0.0, top = 0.0, right = 0.0, bottom = 0.0;
double minX = 0.0, maxX = 0.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.0;
final PathRefIterator iter = PathRefIterator(pathRef);
final Float32List points = pathRef.points;
int verb;
CubicBounds? cubicBounds;
QuadBounds? quadBounds;
ConicBounds? conicBounds;
while ((verb = iter.nextIndex()) != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
final int pIndex = iter.iterIndex;
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
minX = maxX = points[pIndex];
minY = maxY = points[pIndex + 1];
case SPath.kLineVerb:
minX = maxX = points[pIndex + 2];
minY = maxY = points[pIndex + 3];
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
quadBounds ??= QuadBounds();
quadBounds.calculateBounds(points, pIndex);
minX = quadBounds.minX;
minY = quadBounds.minY;
maxX = quadBounds.maxX;
maxY = quadBounds.maxY;
case SPath.kConicVerb:
conicBounds ??= ConicBounds();
conicBounds.calculateBounds(points, iter.conicWeight, pIndex);
minX = conicBounds.minX;
minY = conicBounds.minY;
maxX = conicBounds.maxX;
maxY = conicBounds.maxY;
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
cubicBounds ??= CubicBounds();
cubicBounds.calculateBounds(points, pIndex);
minX = cubicBounds.minX;
minY = cubicBounds.minY;
maxX = cubicBounds.maxX;
maxY = cubicBounds.maxY;
if (!ltrbInitialized) {
left = minX;
right = maxX;
top = minY;
bottom = maxY;
ltrbInitialized = true;
} else {
left = math.min(left, minX);
right = math.max(right, maxX);
top = math.min(top, minY);
bottom = math.max(bottom, maxY);
final ui.Rect newBounds = ltrbInitialized
? ui.Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom)
pathRef.cachedBounds = newBounds;
return newBounds;
/// Creates a [PathMetrics] object for this path.
/// If `forceClosed` is set to true, the contours of the path will be measured
/// as if they had been closed, even if they were not explicitly closed.
SurfacePathMetrics computeMetrics({bool forceClosed = false}) {
return SurfacePathMetrics(pathRef, forceClosed);
/// Detects if path is rounded rectangle.
/// Returns rounded rectangle or null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div.
ui.RRect? toRoundedRect() => pathRef.getRRect();
/// Detects if path is simple rectangle.
/// Returns rectangle or null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div. !Warning it does not detect if closed, don't use this
/// for optimizing strokes.
ui.Rect? toRect() => pathRef.getRect();
/// Detects if path is a vertical or horizontal line.
/// Returns LTRB or null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div.
ui.Rect? toStraightLine() => pathRef.getStraightLine();
/// Detects if path is simple oval.
/// Returns bounding rectangle or null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div.
ui.Rect? toCircle() =>
pathRef.isOval == -1 ? null : pathRef.getBounds();
/// Returns if Path is empty.
/// Empty Path may have FillType but has no points, verbs or weights.
/// Constructor, reset and rewind makes SkPath empty.
bool get isEmpty => 0 == pathRef.countVerbs();
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
final PathRefIterator iter = PathRefIterator(pathRef);
final Float32List points = pathRef.points;
int verb;
while ((verb = iter.nextIndex()) != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
final int pIndex = iter.iterIndex;
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
sb.write('MoveTo(${points[pIndex]}, ${points[pIndex + 1]})');
case SPath.kLineVerb:
sb.write('LineTo(${points[pIndex + 2]}, ${points[pIndex + 3]})');
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
sb.write('Quad(${points[pIndex + 2]}, ${points[pIndex + 3]},'
' ${points[pIndex + 3]}, ${points[pIndex + 4]})');
case SPath.kConicVerb:
sb.write('Conic(${points[pIndex + 2]}, ${points[pIndex + 3]},'
' ${points[pIndex + 3]}, ${points[pIndex + 4]}, w = ${iter.conicWeight})');
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
sb.write('Cubic(${points[pIndex + 2]}, ${points[pIndex + 3]},'
' ${points[pIndex + 3]}, ${points[pIndex + 4]}, '
' ${points[pIndex + 5]}, ${points[pIndex + 6]})');
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
if (iter.peek() != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
sb.write(' ');
return sb.toString();
} else {
return super.toString();
// Returns Offset if arc is lone point and should be approximated with
// moveTo/lineTo.
ui.Offset? _arcIsLonePoint(ui.Rect oval, double startAngle, double sweepAngle) {
if (0 == sweepAngle && (0 == startAngle || 360.0 == startAngle)) {
// This path can be used to move into and out of ovals. If not
// treated as a special case the moves can distort the oval's
// bounding box (and break the circle special case).
return ui.Offset(oval.right,;
return null;
// Computed scaling factor for opposing sides with corner radius given
// a [limit] max width or height.
double _computeMinScale(
double radius1, double radius2, double limit, double scale) {
final double totalRadius = radius1 + radius2;
if (totalRadius <= limit) {
// Radii fit within the limit so return existing scale factor.
return scale;
return math.min(limit / totalRadius, scale);
bool _isSimple2dTransform(Float32List m) =>
m[15] ==
1.0 && // start reading from the last element to eliminate range checks in subsequent reads.
m[14] == 0.0 && // z translation is NOT simple
// m[13] - y translation is simple
// m[12] - x translation is simple
m[11] == 0.0 &&
m[10] == 1.0 &&
m[9] == 0.0 &&
m[8] == 0.0 &&
m[7] == 0.0 &&
m[6] == 0.0 &&
// m[5] - scale y is simple
// m[4] - 2D rotation is simple
m[3] == 0.0 &&
m[2] == 0.0;
// m[1] - 2D rotation is simple
// m[0] - scale x is simple