blob: e1f92415d14f303c9f4a451f76d384de52ec74df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../../util.dart';
import 'path_utils.dart';
/// Stores the path verbs, points and conic weights.
/// This is a Dart port of Skia SkPathRef class.
/// For reference Flutter Gallery average points array size is 5.9, max 25
/// we start with [_pointsCapacity] 10 to reduce allocations during growth.
/// Unlike native skia GenID is not supported since we don't have requirement
/// to update caches due to content changes.
class PathRef {
: fPoints = Float32List(kInitialPointsCapacity * 2),
_fVerbs = Uint8List(kInitialVerbsCapacity) {
_fPointsCapacity = kInitialPointsCapacity;
_fVerbsCapacity = kInitialVerbsCapacity;
// Value to use to check against to insert move(0,0) when a command
// is added without moveTo.
static const int kInitialLastMoveToIndex = -1;
// SerializationOffsets
static const int kLegacyRRectOrOvalStartIdx_SerializationShift =
28; // requires 3 bits, ignored.
static const int kLegacyRRectOrOvalIsCCW_SerializationShift =
27; // requires 1 bit, ignored.
static const int kLegacyIsRRect_SerializationShift =
26; // requires 1 bit, ignored.
static const int kIsFinite_SerializationShift = 25; // requires 1 bit
static const int kLegacyIsOval_SerializationShift =
24; // requires 1 bit, ignored.
static const int kSegmentMask_SerializationShift =
0; // requires 4 bits (deprecated)
static const int kInitialPointsCapacity = 8;
static const int kInitialVerbsCapacity = 8;
/// Bounds of points that define path.
ui.Rect? fBounds;
/// Computed tight bounds of path (may exclude curve control points).
ui.Rect? cachedBounds;
int _fPointsCapacity = 0;
int _fPointsLength = 0;
int _fVerbsCapacity = 0;
Float32List fPoints;
Uint8List _fVerbs;
int _fVerbsLength = 0;
int _conicWeightsCapacity = 0;
Float32List? _conicWeights;
int _conicWeightsLength = 0;
// Resets state to initial except points and verbs storage.
void _resetFields() {
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
fSegmentMask = 0;
fIsOval = false;
fIsRRect = false;
fIsRect = false;
// The next two values don't matter unless fIsOval or fIsRRect are true.
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = false;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 0xAC;
assert(() {
return true;
/// Given a point index stores [x],[y].
void setPoint(int pointIndex, double x, double y) {
assert(pointIndex < _fPointsLength);
final int index = pointIndex * 2;
fPoints[index] = x;
fPoints[index + 1] = y;
/// Creates a copy of the path by pointing new path to a current
/// points,verbs and weights arrays. If original path is mutated by adding
/// more verbs, this copy only returns path at the time of copy and shares
/// typed arrays of original path.
PathRef.shallowCopy(PathRef ref)
: fPoints = ref.fPoints,
_fVerbs = ref._fVerbs {
_fVerbsCapacity = ref._fVerbsCapacity;
_fVerbsLength = ref._fVerbsLength;
_fPointsCapacity = ref._fPointsCapacity;
_fPointsLength = ref._fPointsLength;
_conicWeightsCapacity = ref._conicWeightsCapacity;
_conicWeightsLength = ref._conicWeightsLength;
_conicWeights = ref._conicWeights;
fBoundsIsDirty = ref.fBoundsIsDirty;
if (!fBoundsIsDirty) {
fBounds = ref.fBounds;
cachedBounds = ref.cachedBounds;
fIsFinite = ref.fIsFinite;
fSegmentMask = ref.fSegmentMask;
fIsOval = ref.fIsOval;
fIsRRect = ref.fIsRRect;
fIsRect = ref.fIsRect;
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = ref.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = ref.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx;
Float32List get points => fPoints;
Float32List? get conicWeights => _conicWeights;
int countPoints() => _fPointsLength;
int countVerbs() => _fVerbsLength;
int countWeights() => _conicWeightsLength;
/// Convenience method for reading verb at index.
int atVerb(int index) {
return _fVerbs[index];
ui.Offset atPoint(int index) {
return ui.Offset(fPoints[index * 2], fPoints[index * 2 + 1]);
double pointXAt(int index) => fPoints[index * 2];
double pointYAt(int index) => fPoints[index * 2 + 1];
double atWeight(int index) {
return _conicWeights![index];
/// Returns true if all of the points in this path are finite, meaning
/// there are no infinities and no NaNs.
bool get isFinite {
if (fBoundsIsDirty) {
return fIsFinite;
/// Returns a mask, where each bit corresponding to a SegmentMask is
/// set if the path contains 1 or more segments of that type.
/// Returns 0 for an empty path (no segments).
int get segmentMasks => fSegmentMask;
/// Returns start index if the path is an oval or -1 if not.
/// Tracking whether a path is an oval is considered an
/// optimization for performance and so some paths that are in
/// fact ovals can report false.
int get isOval => fIsOval ? fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1;
bool get isOvalCCW => fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
int get isRRect => fIsRRect ? fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1;
int get isRect => fIsRect ? fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1;
ui.RRect? getRRect() => fIsRRect ? _getRRect() : null;
ui.Rect? getRect() {
/// Use _detectRect() for detection if explicitly addRect was used (fIsRect) or
/// it is a potential due to moveTo + 3 lineTo verbs.
if (fIsRect) {
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
atPoint(0).dx, atPoint(0).dy, atPoint(1).dx, atPoint(2).dy);
} else {
return _fVerbsLength == 4 ? _detectRect() : null;
bool get isRectCCW => fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
bool get hasComputedBounds => !fBoundsIsDirty;
/// Returns the bounds of the path's points. If the path contains 0 or 1
/// points, the bounds is set to (0,0,0,0), and isEmpty() will return true.
/// Note: this bounds may be larger than the actual shape, since curves
/// do not extend as far as their control points.
ui.Rect getBounds() {
if (fBoundsIsDirty) {
return fBounds!;
/// Reconstructs Rect from path commands.
/// Detects clockwise starting with horizontal line.
ui.Rect? _detectRect() {
assert(_fVerbs[0] == SPath.kMoveVerb);
final double x0 = atPoint(0).dx;
final double y0 = atPoint(0).dy;
final double x1 = atPoint(1).dx;
final double y1 = atPoint(1).dy;
if (_fVerbs[1] != SPath.kLineVerb || y1 != y0) {
return null;
final double width = x1 - x0;
final double x2 = atPoint(2).dx;
final double y2 = atPoint(2).dy;
if (_fVerbs[2] != SPath.kLineVerb || x2 != x1) {
return null;
final double height = y2 - y1;
final double x3 = atPoint(3).dx;
final double y3 = atPoint(3).dy;
if (_fVerbs[3] != SPath.kLineVerb || y3 != y2) {
return null;
if ((x2 - x3) != width || (y3 - y0) != height) {
return null;
return ui.Rect.fromLTWH(x0, y0, width, height);
/// Returns horizontal/vertical line bounds or null if not a line.
ui.Rect? getStraightLine() {
if (_fVerbsLength != 2 || _fVerbs[0] != SPath.kMoveVerb ||
_fVerbs[1] != SPath.kLineVerb) {
return null;
final double x0 = fPoints[0];
final double y0 = fPoints[1];
final double x1 = fPoints[2];
final double y1 = fPoints[3];
if (y0 == y1 || x0 == x1) {
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(x0, y0, x1, y1);
return null;
/// Reconstructs RRect from path commands.
/// Expect 4 Conics and lines between.
/// Use conic points to calculate corner radius.
ui.RRect _getRRect() {
final ui.Rect bounds = getBounds();
// Radii x,y of 4 corners
final List<ui.Radius> radii = <ui.Radius>[];
final PathRefIterator iter = PathRefIterator(this);
final Float32List pts = Float32List(PathRefIterator.kMaxBufferSize);
int verb =;
assert(SPath.kMoveVerb == verb);
int cornerIndex = 0;
while ((verb = != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
if (SPath.kConicVerb == verb) {
final double controlPx = pts[2];
final double controlPy = pts[3];
final double vector1_0x = controlPx - pts[0];
final double vector1_0y = controlPy - pts[1];
final double vector2_1x = pts[4] - pts[2];
final double vector2_1y = pts[5] - pts[3];
double dx, dy;
// Depending on the corner we have control point at same
// horizontal position as startpoint or same vertical position.
// The location delta of control point specifies corner radius.
if (vector1_0x != 0.0) {
// For CW : Top right or bottom left corners.
assert(vector2_1x == 0.0 && vector1_0y == 0.0);
dx = vector1_0x.abs();
dy = vector2_1y.abs();
} else if (vector1_0y != 0.0) {
assert(vector2_1x == 0.0 || vector2_1y == 0.0);
dx = vector2_1x.abs();
dy = vector1_0y.abs();
} else {
assert(vector2_1y == 0.0);
dx = vector1_0x.abs();
dy = vector1_0y.abs();
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final int checkCornerIndex = SPath.nearlyEqual(controlPx, bounds.left)
? (SPath.nearlyEqual(controlPy,
? _Corner.kUpperLeft
: _Corner.kLowerLeft)
: (SPath.nearlyEqual(controlPy,
? _Corner.kUpperRight
: _Corner.kLowerRight);
assert(checkCornerIndex == cornerIndex);
radii.add(ui.Radius.elliptical(dx, dy));
} else {
assert((verb == SPath.kLineVerb &&
((pts[2] - pts[0]) == 0 || (pts[3] - pts[1]) == 0)) ||
verb == SPath.kCloseVerb);
return ui.RRect.fromRectAndCorners(bounds,
topLeft: radii[_Corner.kUpperLeft],
topRight: radii[_Corner.kUpperRight],
bottomRight: radii[_Corner.kLowerRight],
bottomLeft: radii[_Corner.kLowerLeft]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is PathRef && equals(other);
int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(fSegmentMask,
fPoints, _conicWeights, _fVerbs);
bool equals(PathRef ref) {
// We explicitly check fSegmentMask as a quick-reject. We could skip it,
// since it is only a cache of info in the fVerbs, but its a fast way to
// notice a difference
if (fSegmentMask != ref.fSegmentMask) {
return false;
final int pointCount = countPoints();
if (pointCount != ref.countPoints()) {
return false;
final int len = pointCount * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (fPoints[i] != ref.fPoints[i]) {
return false;
if (_conicWeights == null) {
if (ref._conicWeights != null) {
return false;
} else {
if (ref._conicWeights == null) {
return false;
final int weightCount = _conicWeights!.length;
if (ref._conicWeights!.length != weightCount) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < weightCount; i++) {
if (_conicWeights![i] != ref._conicWeights![i]) {
return false;
final int verbCount = countVerbs();
if (verbCount != ref.countVerbs()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < verbCount; i++) {
if (_fVerbs[i] != ref._fVerbs[i]) {
return false;
if (ref.countVerbs() == 0) {
assert(ref.countPoints() == 0);
return true;
static Float32List _fPointsFromSource(
PathRef source, double offsetX, double offsetY) {
final int sourceLength = source._fPointsLength;
final int sourceCapacity = source._fPointsCapacity;
final Float32List dest = Float32List(sourceCapacity * 2);
final Float32List sourcePoints = source.points;
final int len = sourceLength * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
dest[i] = sourcePoints[i] + offsetX;
dest[i + 1] = sourcePoints[i + 1] + offsetY;
return dest;
static Uint8List _fVerbsFromSource(PathRef source) {
final Uint8List verbs = Uint8List(source._fVerbsCapacity);
verbs.setAll(0, source._fVerbs);
return verbs;
/// Returns a new path by translating [source] by [offsetX], [offsetY].
PathRef.shiftedFrom(PathRef source, double offsetX, double offsetY)
: fPoints = _fPointsFromSource(source, offsetX, offsetY),
_fVerbs = _fVerbsFromSource(source) {
_conicWeightsCapacity = source._conicWeightsCapacity;
_conicWeightsLength = source._conicWeightsLength;
if (source._conicWeights != null) {
_conicWeights = Float32List(_conicWeightsCapacity);
_conicWeights!.setAll(0, source._conicWeights!);
_fVerbsCapacity = source._fVerbsCapacity;
_fVerbsLength = source._fVerbsLength;
_fPointsCapacity = source._fPointsCapacity;
_fPointsLength = source._fPointsLength;
fBoundsIsDirty = source.fBoundsIsDirty;
if (!fBoundsIsDirty) {
fBounds = source.fBounds!.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
cachedBounds = source.cachedBounds?.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
fIsFinite = source.fIsFinite;
fSegmentMask = source.fSegmentMask;
fIsOval = source.fIsOval;
fIsRRect = source.fIsRRect;
fIsRect = source.fIsRect;
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = source.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = source.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx;
/// Copies contents from a source path [ref].
void copy(
PathRef ref, int additionalReserveVerbs, int additionalReservePoints) {
final int verbCount = ref.countVerbs();
final int pointCount = ref.countPoints();
final int weightCount = ref.countWeights();
resetToSize(verbCount, pointCount, weightCount, additionalReserveVerbs,
js_util.callMethod(_fVerbs, 'set', <dynamic>[ref._fVerbs]);
js_util.callMethod(fPoints, 'set', <dynamic>[ref.fPoints]);
if (ref._conicWeights == null) {
_conicWeights = null;
} else {
_conicWeights!.setAll(0, ref._conicWeights!);
assert(verbCount == 0 || _fVerbs[0] == ref._fVerbs[0]);
fBoundsIsDirty = ref.fBoundsIsDirty;
if (!fBoundsIsDirty) {
fBounds = ref.fBounds;
cachedBounds = ref.cachedBounds;
fIsFinite = ref.fIsFinite;
fSegmentMask = ref.fSegmentMask;
fIsOval = ref.fIsOval;
fIsRRect = ref.fIsRRect;
fIsRect = ref.fIsRect;
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = ref.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = ref.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx;
void _resizePoints(int newLength) {
if (newLength > _fPointsCapacity) {
_fPointsCapacity = newLength + 10;
final Float32List newPoints = Float32List(_fPointsCapacity * 2);
js_util.callMethod(newPoints, 'set', <dynamic>[fPoints]);
fPoints = newPoints;
_fPointsLength = newLength;
void _resizeVerbs(int newLength) {
if (newLength > _fVerbsCapacity) {
_fVerbsCapacity = newLength + 8;
final Uint8List newVerbs = Uint8List(_fVerbsCapacity);
js_util.callMethod(newVerbs, 'set', <dynamic>[_fVerbs]);
_fVerbs = newVerbs;
_fVerbsLength = newLength;
void _resizeConicWeights(int newLength) {
if (newLength > _conicWeightsCapacity) {
_conicWeightsCapacity = newLength + 4;
final Float32List newWeights = Float32List(_conicWeightsCapacity);
if (_conicWeights != null) {
js_util.callMethod(newWeights, 'set', <dynamic>[_conicWeights]);
_conicWeights = newWeights;
_conicWeightsLength = newLength;
void append(PathRef source) {
final int pointCount = source.countPoints();
final int curLength = _fPointsLength;
final int newPointCount = curLength + pointCount;
final Float32List sourcePoints = source.points;
for (int source = pointCount * 2 - 1, dst = newPointCount * 2 - 1;
source >= 0;
source--, dst--) {
fPoints[dst] = sourcePoints[source];
final int verbCount = countVerbs();
final int newVerbCount = source.countVerbs();
_resizeVerbs(verbCount + newVerbCount);
for (int i = 0; i < newVerbCount; i++) {
_fVerbs[verbCount + i] = source._fVerbs[i];
if (source._conicWeights != null) {
final int weightCount = countWeights();
final int newWeightCount = source.countWeights();
_resizeConicWeights(weightCount + newWeightCount);
final Float32List sourceWeights = source._conicWeights!;
final Float32List dest = _conicWeights!;
for (int i = 0; i < newWeightCount; i++) {
dest[weightCount + i] = sourceWeights[i];
fBoundsIsDirty = true;
/// Doesn't read fSegmentMask, but (re)computes it from the verbs array
int computeSegmentMask() {
final Uint8List verbs = _fVerbs;
int mask = 0;
final int verbCount = countVerbs();
for (int i = 0; i < verbCount; ++i) {
switch (verbs[i]) {
case SPath.kLineVerb:
mask |= SPath.kLineSegmentMask;
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
mask |= SPath.kQuadSegmentMask;
case SPath.kConicVerb:
mask |= SPath.kConicSegmentMask;
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
mask |= SPath.kCubicSegmentMask;
return mask;
/// This is incorrectly defined as instance method on SkPathRef although
/// SkPath instance method first makes a copy of itself into out and
/// then interpolates based on weight.
static void interpolate(PathRef ending, double weight, PathRef out) {
assert(out.countPoints() == ending.countPoints());
final int count = out.countPoints() * 2;
final Float32List outValues = out.points;
final Float32List inValues = ending.points;
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
outValues[index] =
outValues[index] * weight + inValues[index] * (1.0 - weight);
out.fBoundsIsDirty = true;
/// Computes bounds and fIsFinite based on points.
/// Used by getBounds() and cached.
void _computeBounds() {
final int pointCount = countPoints();
fBoundsIsDirty = false;
cachedBounds = null;
double accum = 0;
if (pointCount == 0) {
fBounds =;
fIsFinite = true;
} else {
double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
minX = maxX = fPoints[0];
accum *= minX;
minY = maxY = fPoints[1];
accum *= minY;
final int len = 2 * pointCount;
for (int i = 2; i < len; i += 2) {
final double x = fPoints[i];
accum *= x;
final double y = fPoints[i + 1];
accum *= y;
minX = math.min(minX, x);
minY = math.min(minY, y);
maxX = math.max(maxX, x);
maxY = math.max(maxY, y);
final bool allFinite = accum * 0 == 0;
if (allFinite) {
fBounds = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
fIsFinite = true;
} else {
fBounds =;
fIsFinite = false;
/// Sets to initial state preserving internal storage.
void rewind() {
_fPointsLength = 0;
_fVerbsLength = 0;
_conicWeightsLength = 0;
/// Resets the path ref with verbCount verbs and pointCount points, all
/// uninitialized. Also allocates space for reserveVerb additional verbs
/// and reservePoints additional points.
void resetToSize(int verbCount, int pointCount, int conicCount,
[int reserveVerbs = 0, int reservePoints = 0]) {
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
fSegmentMask = 0;
_resizePoints(pointCount + reservePoints);
_resizeVerbs(verbCount + reserveVerbs);
/// Increases the verb count 1, records the new verb, and creates room for
/// the requisite number of additional points. A pointer to the first point
/// is returned. Any new points are uninitialized.
int growForVerb(int verb, double weight) {
int pCnt;
int mask = 0;
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
pCnt = 1;
case SPath.kLineVerb:
mask = SPath.kLineSegmentMask;
pCnt = 1;
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
mask = SPath.kQuadSegmentMask;
pCnt = 2;
case SPath.kConicVerb:
mask = SPath.kConicSegmentMask;
pCnt = 2;
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
mask = SPath.kCubicSegmentMask;
pCnt = 3;
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
pCnt = 0;
case SPath.kDoneVerb:
if (assertionsEnabled) {
throw Exception("growForVerb called for kDone");
pCnt = 0;
if (assertionsEnabled) {
throw Exception("default is not reached");
pCnt = 0;
fSegmentMask |= mask;
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
final int verbCount = countVerbs();
_resizeVerbs(verbCount + 1);
_fVerbs[verbCount] = verb;
if (SPath.kConicVerb == verb) {
final int weightCount = countWeights();
_resizeConicWeights(weightCount + 1);
_conicWeights![weightCount] = weight;
final int ptsIndex = _fPointsLength;
_resizePoints(ptsIndex + pCnt);
return ptsIndex;
/// Increases the verb count by numVbs and point count by the required amount.
/// The new points are uninitialized. All the new verbs are set to the
/// specified verb. If 'verb' is kConic_Verb, 'weights' will return a
/// pointer to the uninitialized conic weights.
/// This is an optimized version for [SPath.addPolygon].
int growForRepeatedVerb(int /*SkPath::Verb*/ verb, int numVbs) {
int pCnt;
int mask = 0;
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
pCnt = numVbs;
case SPath.kLineVerb:
mask = SPath.kLineSegmentMask;
pCnt = numVbs;
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
mask = SPath.kQuadSegmentMask;
pCnt = 2 * numVbs;
case SPath.kConicVerb:
mask = SPath.kConicSegmentMask;
pCnt = 2 * numVbs;
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
mask = SPath.kCubicSegmentMask;
pCnt = 3 * numVbs;
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
pCnt = 0;
case SPath.kDoneVerb:
if (assertionsEnabled) {
throw Exception("growForVerb called for kDone");
pCnt = 0;
if (assertionsEnabled) {
throw Exception("default is not reached");
pCnt = 0;
fSegmentMask |= mask;
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
if (SPath.kConicVerb == verb) {
_resizeConicWeights(countWeights() + numVbs);
final int verbCount = countVerbs();
_resizeVerbs(verbCount + numVbs);
for (int i = 0; i < numVbs; i++) {
_fVerbs[verbCount + i] = verb;
final int ptsIndex = _fPointsLength;
_resizePoints(ptsIndex + pCnt);
return ptsIndex;
/// Concatenates all verbs from 'path' onto our own verbs array. Increases the point count by the
/// number of points in 'path', and the conic weight count by the number of conics in 'path'.
/// Returns pointers to the uninitialized points and conic weights data.
void growForVerbsInPath(PathRef path) {
fSegmentMask |= path.fSegmentMask;
fBoundsIsDirty = true; // this also invalidates fIsFinite
final int numVerbs = path.countVerbs();
if (numVerbs != 0) {
final int curLength = countVerbs();
_resizePoints(curLength + numVerbs);
_fVerbs.setAll(curLength, path._fVerbs);
final int numPts = path.countPoints();
if (numPts != 0) {
final int curLength = countPoints();
_resizePoints(curLength + numPts);
fPoints.setAll(curLength * 2, path.fPoints);
final int numConics = path.countWeights();
if (numConics != 0) {
final int curLength = countWeights();
_resizeConicWeights(curLength + numConics);
final Float32List sourceWeights = path._conicWeights!;
final Float32List destWeights = _conicWeights!;
for (int i = 0; i < numConics; i++) {
destWeights[curLength + i] = sourceWeights[i];
/// Resets higher level curve detection before a new edit is started.
/// SurfacePath.addOval, addRRect will set these flags after the verbs and
/// points are added.
void startEdit() {
fIsOval = false;
fIsRRect = false;
fIsRect = false;
cachedBounds = null;
fBoundsIsDirty = true;
void setIsOval(bool isOval, bool isCCW, int start) {
fIsOval = isOval;
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = isCCW;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = start;
void setIsRRect(bool isRRect, bool isCCW, int start, ui.RRect rrect) {
fIsRRect = isRRect;
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = isCCW;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = start;
void setIsRect(bool isRect, bool isCCW, int start) {
fIsRect = isRect;
fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = isCCW;
fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = start;
Float32List getPoints() {
return fPoints;
static const int kMinSize = 256;
bool fBoundsIsDirty = true;
bool fIsFinite = true; // only meaningful if bounds are valid
bool fIsOval = false;
bool fIsRRect = false;
bool fIsRect = false;
// Both the circle and rrect special cases have a notion of direction and starting point
// The next two variables store that information for either.
bool fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = false;
int fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = -1;
int fSegmentMask = 0;
bool get isValid {
if (fIsOval || fIsRRect) {
// Currently we don't allow both of these to be set.
if (fIsOval == fIsRRect) {
return false;
if (fIsOval) {
if (fRRectOrOvalStartIdx >= 4) {
return false;
} else {
if (fRRectOrOvalStartIdx >= 8) {
return false;
if (fIsRect) {
if (fIsOval || fIsRRect) {
return false;
if (fRRectOrOvalStartIdx >= 4) {
return false;
if (!fBoundsIsDirty && !fBounds!.isEmpty) {
bool isFinite = true;
final ui.Rect bounds = fBounds!;
final double boundsLeft = bounds.left;
final double boundsTop =;
final double boundsRight = bounds.right;
final double boundsBottom = bounds.bottom;
final int len = _fPointsLength * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
final double pointX = fPoints[i];
final double pointY = fPoints[i + 1];
const double tolerance = 0.0001;
final bool pointIsFinite = pointX.isFinite && pointY.isFinite;
if (pointIsFinite &&
(pointX + tolerance < boundsLeft ||
pointY + tolerance < boundsTop ||
pointX - tolerance > boundsRight ||
pointY - tolerance > boundsBottom)) {
return false;
if (!pointIsFinite) {
isFinite = false;
if (fIsFinite != isFinite) {
// Inconsistent state. Cached [fIsFinite] doesn't match what we found.
return false;
return true;
bool get isEmpty => countVerbs() == 0;
void debugValidate() {
/// Returns point index of maximum y in path points.
int findMaxY(int pointIndex, int count) {
assert(count > 0);
// move to y component.
double max = fPoints[pointIndex * 2 + 1];
int firstIndex = pointIndex;
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
final double y = fPoints[(pointIndex + i) * 2];
if (y > max) {
max = y;
firstIndex = pointIndex + i;
return firstIndex;
/// Returns index of point that is different from point at [index].
/// Used to get previous/next points that dont coincide for calculating
/// cross product at a point.
int findDiffPoint(int index, int n, int inc) {
int i = index;
for (;;) {
i = (i + inc) % n;
if (i == index) {
// we wrapped around, so abort
if (fPoints[index * 2] != fPoints[i * 2] ||
fPoints[index * 2 + 1] != fPoints[i * 2 + 1]) {
// found a different point, success!
return i;
class PathRefIterator {
final PathRef pathRef;
int _conicWeightIndex = -1;
int _verbIndex = 0;
int _pointIndex = 0;
PathRefIterator(this.pathRef) {
_pointIndex = 0;
if (!pathRef.isFinite) {
// Don't allow iteration through non-finite points, prepare to return
// done verb.
_verbIndex = pathRef.countVerbs();
/// Maximum buffer size required for points in [next] calls.
static const int kMaxBufferSize = 8;
int iterIndex = 0;
/// Returns current point index.
int get pointIndex => _pointIndex ~/ 2;
/// Advances to start of next contour (move verb).
/// Usage:
/// int startPointIndex = PathRefIterator._pointIndex;
/// int nextContourPointIndex = iter.skipToNextContour();
/// int pointCountInContour = nextContourPointIndex - startPointIndex;
int skipToNextContour() {
int verb = -1;
int curPointIndex = _pointIndex;
do {
curPointIndex = _pointIndex;
verb = nextIndex();
} while (
verb != SPath.kDoneVerb && (iterIndex == 0 || verb != SPath.kMoveVerb));
return (verb == SPath.kDoneVerb ? _pointIndex : curPointIndex) ~/ 2;
/// Returns next verb and [iterIndex] with location of first point.
int nextIndex() {
if (_verbIndex == pathRef.countVerbs()) {
return SPath.kDoneVerb;
final int verb = pathRef._fVerbs[_verbIndex++];
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
iterIndex = _pointIndex;
_pointIndex += 2;
case SPath.kLineVerb:
iterIndex = _pointIndex - 2;
_pointIndex += 2;
case SPath.kConicVerb:
iterIndex = _pointIndex - 2;
_pointIndex += 4;
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
iterIndex = _pointIndex - 2;
_pointIndex += 4;
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
iterIndex = _pointIndex - 2;
_pointIndex += 6;
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
case SPath.kDoneVerb:
assert(_verbIndex == pathRef.countVerbs());
throw FormatException('Unsupport Path verb $verb');
return verb;
// Returns next verb and reads associated points into [outPts].
int next(Float32List outPts) {
if (_verbIndex == pathRef.countVerbs()) {
return SPath.kDoneVerb;
final int verb = pathRef._fVerbs[_verbIndex++];
final Float32List points = pathRef.points;
int pointIndex = _pointIndex;
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
outPts[0] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[1] = points[pointIndex++];
case SPath.kLineVerb:
outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
outPts[2] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[3] = points[pointIndex++];
case SPath.kConicVerb:
outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
outPts[2] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[3] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[4] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[5] = points[pointIndex++];
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
outPts[2] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[3] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[4] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[5] = points[pointIndex++];
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
outPts[2] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[3] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[4] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[5] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[6] = points[pointIndex++];
outPts[7] = points[pointIndex++];
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
case SPath.kDoneVerb:
assert(_verbIndex == pathRef.countVerbs());
throw FormatException('Unsupport Path verb $verb');
_pointIndex = pointIndex;
return verb;
double get conicWeight => pathRef._conicWeights![_conicWeightIndex];
int peek() => _verbIndex < pathRef.countVerbs()
? pathRef._fVerbs[_verbIndex]
: SPath.kDoneVerb;
class _Corner {
static const int kUpperLeft = 0;
static const int kUpperRight = 1;
static const int kLowerRight = 2;
static const int kLowerLeft = 3;