blob: ac877a264d9858114432a929e7766924d97afbd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'conic.dart';
import 'cubic.dart';
import 'path_iterator.dart';
import 'path_ref.dart';
import 'path_utils.dart';
/// Computes winding number and onCurveCount for a path and point.
class PathWinding {
PathWinding(this.pathRef, this.x, this.y) {
final PathRef pathRef;
final double x;
final double y;
int _w = 0;
int _onCurveCount = 0;
int get w => _w;
int get onCurveCount => _onCurveCount;
/// Buffer used for max(iterator result, chopped 3 cubics).
final Float32List _buffer = Float32List(8 + 10);
/// Iterates through path and computes winding.
void _walkPath() {
final PathIterator iter = PathIterator(pathRef, true);
int verb;
while ((verb = != SPath.kDoneVerb) {
switch (verb) {
case SPath.kMoveVerb:
case SPath.kCloseVerb:
case SPath.kLineVerb:
case SPath.kQuadVerb:
case SPath.kConicVerb:
case SPath.kCubicVerb:
void _computeLineWinding() {
final double x0 = _buffer[0];
final double startY = _buffer[1];
double y0 = startY;
final double x1 = _buffer[2];
final double endY = _buffer[3];
double y1 = endY;
final double dy = y1 - y0;
int dir = 1;
// Swap so that y0 <= y1 holds.
if (y0 > y1) {
final double temp = y0;
y0 = y1;
y1 = temp;
dir = -1;
// If point is outside top/bottom bounds, winding is 0.
if (y < y0 || y > y1) {
if (_checkOnCurve(x, y, x0, startY, x1, endY)) {
if (y == y1) {
// c = ax*by − ay*bx where a is the line and b is line formed from start
// to the given point(x,y).
final double crossProduct = (x1 - x0) * (y - startY) - dy * (x - x0);
if (crossProduct == 0) {
// zero cross means the point is on the line, and since the case where
// y of the query point is at the end point is handled above, we can be
// sure that we're on the line (excluding the end point) here.
if (x != x1 || y != endY) {
dir = 0;
} else if (SPath.scalarSignedAsInt(crossProduct) == dir) {
// Direction of cross product and line the same.
dir = 0;
_w += dir;
// Check if point starts the line, handle special case for horizontal lines
// where and point except the end point is considered on curve.
static bool _checkOnCurve(double x, double y, double startX, double startY,
double endX, double endY) {
if (startY == endY) {
// Horizontal line.
return SPath.between(startX, x, endX) && x != endX;
} else {
return x == startX && y == startY;
void _computeQuadWinding() {
// Check if we need to chop quadratic at extrema to compute 2 separate
// windings.
int n = 0;
if (!_isQuadMonotonic(_buffer)) {
n = _chopQuadAtExtrema(_buffer);
int winding = _computeMonoQuadWinding(
_buffer[0], _buffer[1], _buffer[2], _buffer[3], _buffer[4], _buffer[5]);
if (n > 0) {
winding += _computeMonoQuadWinding(_buffer[4], _buffer[5], _buffer[6],
_buffer[7], _buffer[8], _buffer[9]);
_w += winding;
int _computeMonoQuadWinding(
double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
int dir = 1;
final double startY = y0;
final double endY = y2;
if (y0 > y2) {
final double temp = y0;
y0 = y2;
y2 = temp;
dir = -1;
if (y < y0 || y > y2) {
return 0;
if (_checkOnCurve(x, y, x0, startY, x2, endY)) {
return 0;
if (y == y2) {
return 0;
final QuadRoots quadRoots = QuadRoots();
final int n = quadRoots.findRoots(
startY - 2 * y1 + endY, 2 * (y1 - startY), startY - y);
assert(n <= 1);
double xt;
if (0 == n) {
// zero roots are returned only when y0 == y
xt = dir == 1 ? x0 : x2;
} else {
final double t = quadRoots.root0!;
final double C = x0;
final double A = x2 - 2 * x1 + C;
final double B = 2 * (x1 - C);
xt = polyEval(A, B, C, t);
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(xt, x)) {
if (x != x2 || y != endY) {
// don't test end points; they're start points
_onCurveCount += 1;
return 0;
return xt < x ? dir : 0;
/// Chops a non-monotonic quadratic curve, returns subdivisions and writes
/// result into [buffer].
static int _chopQuadAtExtrema(Float32List buffer) {
final double x0 = buffer[0];
final double y0 = buffer[1];
final double x1 = buffer[2];
final double y1 = buffer[3];
final double x2 = buffer[4];
final double y2 = buffer[5];
final double? tValueAtExtrema = validUnitDivide(y0 - y1, y0 - y1 - y1 + y2);
if (tValueAtExtrema != null) {
// Chop quad at t value by interpolating along p0-p1 and p1-p2.
final double p01x = x0 + (tValueAtExtrema * (x1 - x0));
final double p01y = y0 + (tValueAtExtrema * (y1 - y0));
final double p12x = x1 + (tValueAtExtrema * (x2 - x1));
final double p12y = y1 + (tValueAtExtrema * (y2 - y1));
final double cx = p01x + (tValueAtExtrema * (p12x - p01x));
final double cy = p01y + (tValueAtExtrema * (p12y - p01y));
buffer[2] = p01x;
buffer[3] = p01y;
buffer[4] = cx;
buffer[5] = cy;
buffer[6] = p12x;
buffer[7] = p12y;
buffer[8] = x2;
buffer[9] = y2;
return 1;
// if we get here, we need to force output to be monotonic, even though
// we couldn't compute a unit divide value (probably underflow).
buffer[3] = (y0 - y1).abs() < (y1 - y2).abs() ? y0 : y2;
return 0;
static bool _isQuadMonotonic(Float32List quad) {
final double y0 = quad[1];
final double y1 = quad[3];
final double y2 = quad[5];
if (y0 == y1) {
return true;
if (y0 < y1) {
return y1 <= y2;
} else {
return y1 >= y2;
void _computeConicWinding(double weight) {
final Conic conic = Conic(_buffer[0], _buffer[1], _buffer[2], _buffer[3],
_buffer[4], _buffer[5], weight);
// If the data points are very large, the conic may not be monotonic but may also
// fail to chop. Then, the chopper does not split the original conic in two.
final bool isMono = _isQuadMonotonic(_buffer);
final List<Conic> conics = <Conic>[];
if (!isMono && conics.length == 2) {
void _computeMonoConicWinding(Conic conic) {
double y0 = conic.p0y;
double y2 = conic.p2y;
int dir = 1;
if (y0 > y2) {
final double swap = y0;
y0 = y2;
y2 = swap;
dir = -1;
if (y < y0 || y > y2) {
if (_checkOnCurve(x, y, conic.p0x, conic.p0y, conic.p2x, conic.p2y)) {
_onCurveCount += 1;
if (y == y2) {
double A = conic.p2y;
double B = conic.p1y * conic.fW - y * conic.fW + y;
double C = conic.p0y;
// A = a + c - 2*(b*w - yCept*w + yCept)
A += C - 2 * B;
// B = b*w - w * yCept + yCept - a
B -= C;
C -= y;
final QuadRoots quadRoots = QuadRoots();
final int n = quadRoots.findRoots(A, 2 * B, C);
assert(n <= 1);
double xt;
if (0 == n) {
// zero roots are returned only when y0 == y
// Need [0] if dir == 1
// and [2] if dir == -1
xt = dir == 1 ? conic.p0x : conic.p2x;
} else {
final double root = quadRoots.root0!;
xt =
Conic.evalNumerator(conic.p0x, conic.p1x, conic.p2x, conic.fW, root) /
Conic.evalDenominator(conic.fW, root);
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(xt, x)) {
if (x != conic.p2x || y != conic.p2y) {
// don't test end points; they're start points
_onCurveCount += 1;
_w += xt < x ? dir : 0;
void _computeCubicWinding() {
final int n = chopCubicAtYExtrema(_buffer, _buffer);
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
_windingMonoCubic(i * 3 * 2);
void _windingMonoCubic(int bufferIndex) {
final int bufferStartPos = bufferIndex;
final double px0 = _buffer[bufferIndex++];
final double py0 = _buffer[bufferIndex++];
final double px1 = _buffer[bufferIndex++];
final double px2 = _buffer[bufferIndex++];
final double px3 = _buffer[bufferIndex++];
final double py3 = _buffer[bufferIndex++];
double y0 = py0;
double y3 = py3;
int dir = 1;
if (y0 > y3) {
final double swap = y0;
y0 = y3;
y3 = swap;
dir = -1;
if (y < y0 || y > y3) {
if (_checkOnCurve(x, y, px0, py0, px3, py3)) {
_onCurveCount += 1;
if (y == y3) {
// Quickly reject or accept
final double min = math.min(px0, math.min(px1, math.min(px2, px3)));
final double max = math.max(px0, math.max(px1, math.max(px2, px3)));
if (x < min) {
if (x > max) {
_w += dir;
// Compute the actual x(t) value.
final double? t = chopMonoAtY(_buffer, bufferStartPos, y);
if (t == null) {
final double xt = evalCubicPts(px0, px1, px2, px3, t);
if (SPath.nearlyEqual(xt, x)) {
if (x != px3 || y != py3) {
// don't test end points; they're start points
_onCurveCount += 1;
_w += xt < x ? dir : 0;