blob: 5bb6ab6b7c85b7c0e245005a0049783e829a4a6d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "ax_enums.h"
#include "ax_export.h"
#include "ax_node.h"
#include "ax_position.h"
#include "ax_tree_id.h"
namespace ui {
// AXNodePosition includes implementations of AXPosition methods which require
// knowledge of the AXPosition AXNodeType (which is unknown by AXPosition).
class AX_EXPORT AXNodePosition : public AXPosition<AXNodePosition, AXNode> {
// Creates either a text or a tree position, depending on the type of the node
// provided.
static AXPositionInstance CreatePosition(
const AXNode& node,
int child_index_or_text_offset,
ax::mojom::TextAffinity affinity = ax::mojom::TextAffinity::kDownstream);
~AXNodePosition() override;
AXNodePosition(const AXNodePosition& other);
AXPositionInstance Clone() const override;
std::u16string GetText() const override;
bool IsInLineBreak() const override;
bool IsInTextObject() const override;
bool IsInWhiteSpace() const override;
int MaxTextOffset() const override;
void AnchorChild(int child_index,
AXTreeID* tree_id,
AXNode::AXID* child_id) const override;
int AnchorChildCount() const override;
int AnchorUnignoredChildCount() const override;
int AnchorIndexInParent() const override;
int AnchorSiblingCount() const override;
std::stack<AXNode*> GetAncestorAnchors() const override;
AXNode* GetLowestUnignoredAncestor() const override;
void AnchorParent(AXTreeID* tree_id, AXNode::AXID* parent_id) const override;
AXNode* GetNodeInTree(AXTreeID tree_id, AXNode::AXID node_id) const override;
AXNode::AXID GetAnchorID(AXNode* node) const override;
AXTreeID GetTreeID(AXNode* node) const override;
bool IsEmbeddedObjectInParent() const override;
bool IsInLineBreakingObject() const override;
ax::mojom::Role GetAnchorRole() const override;
ax::mojom::Role GetRole(AXNode* node) const override;
AXNodeTextStyles GetTextStyles() const override;
std::vector<int32_t> GetWordStartOffsets() const override;
std::vector<int32_t> GetWordEndOffsets() const override;
AXNode::AXID GetNextOnLineID(AXNode::AXID node_id) const override;
AXNode::AXID GetPreviousOnLineID(AXNode::AXID node_id) const override;
// Returns the parent node of the provided child. Returns the parent
// node's tree id and node id through the provided output parameters,
// |parent_tree_id| and |parent_id|.
static AXNode* GetParent(AXNode* child,
AXTreeID child_tree_id,
AXTreeID* parent_tree_id,
AXNode::AXID* parent_id);
} // namespace ui