blob: dcd688039d3252cba3e0046bd016177bfd31cfd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathlib;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:web_test_utils/goldens.dart';
import '../environment.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../pipeline.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// Compiles web tests and their dependencies.
/// Includes:
/// * compile the test code itself
/// * compile the page that hosts the tests
/// * fetch the golden repo for screenshot comparison
class CompileTestsStep implements PipelineStep {
this.skipGoldensRepoFetch = false,
final bool skipGoldensRepoFetch;
final List<FilePath>? testFiles;
String get description => 'compile_tests';
bool get isSafeToInterrupt => true;
Future<void> interrupt() async {
await cleanup();
Future<void> run() async {
if (!skipGoldensRepoFetch) {
await fetchGoldensRepo();
await buildHostPage();
await compileTests(testFiles ?? findAllTests());
/// Compiles the specified unit tests.
Future<void> compileTests(List<FilePath> testFiles) async {
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
// Separate HTML targets from CanvasKit targets because the two use
// different dart2js options.
final List<FilePath> htmlTargets = <FilePath>[];
final List<FilePath> canvasKitTargets = <FilePath>[];
final String canvasKitTestDirectory =
pathlib.join(environment.webUiTestDir.path, 'canvaskit');
for (final FilePath testFile in testFiles) {
if (pathlib.isWithin(canvasKitTestDirectory, testFile.absolute)) {
} else {
await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[
if (htmlTargets.isNotEmpty)
_compileTestsInParallel(targets: htmlTargets, forCanvasKit: false),
if (canvasKitTargets.isNotEmpty)
_compileTestsInParallel(targets: canvasKitTargets, forCanvasKit: true),
final int targetCount = htmlTargets.length + canvasKitTargets.length;
'Built $targetCount tests in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds ~/ 1000} '
'seconds using $_dart2jsConcurrency concurrent dart2js processes.',
// Maximum number of concurrent dart2js processes to use.
const int _dart2jsConcurrency = int.fromEnvironment('FELT_DART2JS_CONCURRENCY', defaultValue: 8);
final Pool _dart2jsPool = Pool(_dart2jsConcurrency);
/// Spawns multiple dart2js processes to compile [targets] in parallel.
Future<void> _compileTestsInParallel({
required List<FilePath> targets,
required bool forCanvasKit,
}) async {
final Stream<bool> results = _dart2jsPool.forEach(
(FilePath file) => compileUnitTest(file, forCanvasKit: forCanvasKit),
await for (final bool isSuccess in results) {
if (!isSuccess) {
throw ToolExit('Failed to compile tests.');
/// Compiles one unit test using `dart2js`.
/// When building for CanvasKit we have to use extra argument
/// Dart2js creates the following outputs:
/// - target.browser_test.dart.js
/// - target.browser_test.dart.js.deps
/// - target.browser_test.dart.js.maps
/// under the same directory with test file. If all these files are not in
/// the same directory, Chrome dev tools cannot load the source code during
/// debug.
/// All the files under test already copied from /test directory to /build
/// directory before test are build. See [_copyFilesFromTestToBuild].
/// Later the extra files will be deleted in [_cleanupExtraFilesUnderTestDir].
Future<bool> compileUnitTest(FilePath input, { required bool forCanvasKit }) async {
final String targetFileName = pathlib.join(
final io.Directory directoryToTarget = io.Directory(pathlib.join(
if (!directoryToTarget.existsSync()) {
directoryToTarget.createSync(recursive: true);
final List<String> arguments = <String>[
// We do not want to auto-select a renderer in tests. As of today, tests
// are designed to run in one specific mode. So instead, we specify the
// renderer explicitly.
targetFileName, // target path.
input.relativeToWebUi, // current path.
final int exitCode = await runProcess(
workingDirectory: environment.webUiRootDir.path,
if (exitCode != 0) {
io.stderr.writeln('ERROR: Failed to compile test $input. '
'Dart2js exited with exit code $exitCode');
return false;
} else {
return true;
Future<void> buildHostPage() async {
final String hostDartPath = pathlib.join('lib', 'static', 'host.dart');
final io.File hostDartFile = io.File(pathlib.join(
final io.File timestampFile = io.File(pathlib.join(
final String timestamp =
if (timestampFile.existsSync()) {
final String lastBuildTimestamp = timestampFile.readAsStringSync();
if (lastBuildTimestamp == timestamp) {
// The file is still fresh. No need to rebuild.
} else {
// Record new timestamp, but don't return. We need to rebuild.
print('${hostDartFile.path} timestamp changed. Rebuilding.');
} else {
print('Building ${hostDartFile.path}.');
final int exitCode = await runProcess(
workingDirectory: environment.webEngineTesterRootDir.path,
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw ToolExit(
'Failed to compile ${hostDartFile.path}. Compiler '
'exited with exit code $exitCode',
exitCode: exitCode,
// Record the timestamp to avoid rebuilding unless the file changes.
Future<void> fetchGoldensRepo() async {
print('INFO: Fetching goldens repo');
final GoldensRepoFetcher goldensRepoFetcher = GoldensRepoFetcher(
pathlib.join(environment.webUiDevDir.path, 'goldens_lock.yaml'));
await goldensRepoFetcher.fetch();