blob: c6c1486a150ac2eb167104db4ce4da386751a334 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
executable("_font-subset") {
output_name = "font-subset"
sources = [
deps = [ "//third_party/harfbuzz" ]
if (is_mac) {
frameworks = [
generated_file("_font-subset-license") {
source_path = rebase_path(".", "//flutter")
license_path =
rebase_path("//flutter/sky/packages/sky_engine/LICENSE", "//flutter")
git_url = "$engine_version"
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/" ]
contents = [
"# font-subset",
"This tool is used by the Flutter SDK to tree shake icon fonts.",
"Source code for this tool: [flutter/engine/$source_path]($git_url/$source_path).",
"License for this tool: [flutter/engine/sky/packages/sky_engine/LICENSE]($git_url/$license_path).",
zip_bundle("font-subset") {
output = ""
font_subset_bin = "font-subset"
if (is_win) {
font_subset_bin = "${font_subset_bin}.exe"
files = [
source = "$root_build_dir/$font_subset_bin"
destination = font_subset_bin
source = "$root_gen_dir/const_finder.dart.snapshot"
destination = "const_finder.dart.snapshot"
source = "$target_gen_dir/"
destination = ""
deps = [