blob: 0ec8c2198dd546fe3cd9fe9b91812b48519d8788 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
void main() {
test('GestureSettings has a reasonable toString', () {
const GestureSettings gestureSettings = GestureSettings(physicalDoubleTapSlop: 2.0, physicalTouchSlop: 1.0);
expect(gestureSettings.toString(), 'GestureSettings(physicalTouchSlop: 1.0, physicalDoubleTapSlop: 2.0)');
test('GestureSettings has a correct equality', () {
// don't refactor these to be const, that defeats the point!
final double value = nonconst(2.0);
final GestureSettings settingsA = GestureSettings(physicalDoubleTapSlop: value, physicalTouchSlop: 1.0);
final GestureSettings settingsB = GestureSettings(physicalDoubleTapSlop: value, physicalTouchSlop: 3.0);
final GestureSettings settingsC = GestureSettings(physicalDoubleTapSlop: value, physicalTouchSlop: 1.0);
expect(settingsA, equals(settingsC));
expect(settingsC, equals(settingsA));
expect(settingsA, notEquals(settingsB));
expect(settingsC, notEquals(settingsB));
expect(settingsB, notEquals(settingsA));
expect(settingsB, notEquals(settingsC));
test('GestureSettings copyWith preserves already set values', () {
const GestureSettings initial = GestureSettings(physicalDoubleTapSlop: 1.0, physicalTouchSlop: 1.0);
final GestureSettings copyA = initial.copyWith();
expect(copyA.physicalDoubleTapSlop, 1.0);
expect(copyA.physicalTouchSlop, 1.0);
final GestureSettings copyB = copyA.copyWith(physicalDoubleTapSlop: 2.0, physicalTouchSlop: 2.0);
expect(copyB.physicalDoubleTapSlop, 2.0);
expect(copyB.physicalTouchSlop, 2.0);
test('GestureSettings constructor defaults to null', () {
const GestureSettings settings = GestureSettings();
expect(settings.physicalDoubleTapSlop, null);
expect(settings.physicalTouchSlop, null);
// Prevent the linter from complaining about a const value so that
// non-identical equality can be tested.
T nonconst<T>(T value) => value;