blob: d3facde9538685f04e96abe63c694b24c2b77871 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/layers/layer.h"
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/flow/testing/mock_raster_cache.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/testing/canvas_test.h"
#include "flutter/testing/mock_canvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkNWayCanvas.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
// This fixture allows generating tests which can |Paint()| and |Preroll()|
// |Layer|'s.
// |LayerTest| is a default implementation based on |::testing::Test|.
// By default the preroll and paint contexts will not use a raster cache.
// If a test needs to verify the proper operation of a layer in the presence
// of a raster cache then a number of options can be enabled by using the
// methods |LayerTestBase::use_null_raster_cache()|,
// |LayerTestBase::use_mock_raster_cache()| or
// |LayerTestBase::use_skia_raster_cache()|
// |BaseT| should be the base test type, such as |::testing::Test| below.
template <typename BaseT>
class LayerTestBase : public CanvasTestBase<BaseT> {
using TestT = CanvasTestBase<BaseT>;
: preroll_context_({
nullptr, /* raster_cache */
nullptr, /* gr_context */
nullptr, /* external_view_embedder */
mutators_stack_, TestT::mock_canvas().imageInfo().colorSpace(),
kGiantRect, /* cull_rect */
false, /* layer reads from surface */
raster_time_, ui_time_, texture_registry_,
false, /* checkerboard_offscreen_layers */
1.0f, /* frame_device_pixel_ratio */
false, /* has_platform_view */
TestT::mock_canvas().internal_canvas(), /* internal_nodes_canvas */
&TestT::mock_canvas(), /* leaf_nodes_canvas */
nullptr, /* gr_context */
nullptr, /* external_view_embedder */
raster_time_, ui_time_, texture_registry_,
nullptr, /* raster_cache */
false, /* checkerboard_offscreen_layers */
1.0f, /* frame_device_pixel_ratio */
TestT::mock_canvas().internal_canvas(), /* internal_nodes_canvas */
&TestT::mock_canvas(), /* leaf_nodes_canvas */
nullptr, /* gr_context */
nullptr, /* external_view_embedder */
raster_time_, ui_time_, texture_registry_,
nullptr, /* raster_cache */
true, /* checkerboard_offscreen_layers */
1.0f, /* frame_device_pixel_ratio */
}) {
* @brief Use no raster cache in the preroll_context() and
* paint_context() structures.
* This method must be called before using the preroll_context() and
* paint_context() structures in calls to the Layer::Preroll() and
* Layer::Paint() methods. This is the default mode of operation.
* @see use_mock_raster_cache()
* @see use_skia_raster_cache()
void use_null_raster_cache() { set_raster_cache_(nullptr); }
* @brief Use a mock raster cache in the preroll_context() and
* paint_context() structures.
* This method must be called before using the preroll_context() and
* paint_context() structures in calls to the Layer::Preroll() and
* Layer::Paint() methods. The mock raster cache behaves like a normal
* raster cache with respect to decisions about when layers and pictures
* should be cached, but it does not incur the overhead of rendering the
* layers or caching the resulting pixels.
* @see use_null_raster_cache()
* @see use_skia_raster_cache()
void use_mock_raster_cache() {
* @brief Use a normal raster cache in the preroll_context() and
* paint_context() structures.
* This method must be called before using the preroll_context() and
* paint_context() structures in calls to the Layer::Preroll() and
* Layer::Paint() methods. The Skia raster cache will behave identically
* to the raster cache typically used when handling a frame on a device
* including rendering the contents of pictures and layers to an
* SkImage, but using a software rather than a hardware renderer.
* @see use_null_raster_cache()
* @see use_mock_raster_cache()
void use_skia_raster_cache() {
TextureRegistry& texture_regitry() { return texture_registry_; }
RasterCache* raster_cache() { return raster_cache_.get(); }
PrerollContext* preroll_context() { return &preroll_context_; }
Layer::PaintContext& paint_context() { return paint_context_; }
Layer::PaintContext& check_board_context() { return check_board_context_; }
void set_raster_cache_(std::unique_ptr<RasterCache> raster_cache) {
raster_cache_ = std::move(raster_cache);
preroll_context_.raster_cache = raster_cache_.get();
paint_context_.raster_cache = raster_cache_.get();
Stopwatch raster_time_;
Stopwatch ui_time_;
MutatorsStack mutators_stack_;
TextureRegistry texture_registry_;
std::unique_ptr<RasterCache> raster_cache_;
PrerollContext preroll_context_;
Layer::PaintContext paint_context_;
Layer::PaintContext check_board_context_;
using LayerTest = LayerTestBase<::testing::Test>;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter