blob: a87a0f042bffc58633b0e8fb9ab2ae77b7b8526c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/keyboard_key_embedder_handler.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <codecvt>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/string_conversion.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace {
// An arbitrary size for the character cache in bytes.
// It should hold a UTF-32 character encoded in UTF-8 as well as the trailing
// '\0'.
constexpr size_t kCharacterCacheSize = 8;
constexpr SHORT kStateMaskToggled = 0x01;
constexpr SHORT kStateMaskPressed = 0x80;
const char* empty_character = "";
// Revert the "character" for a dead key to its normal value, or the argument
// unchanged otherwise.
// When a dead key is pressed, the WM_KEYDOWN's lParam is mapped to a special
// value: the "normal character" | 0x80000000. For example, when pressing
// "dead key caret" (one that makes the following e into ê), its mapped
// character is 0x8000005E. "Reverting" it gives 0x5E, which is character '^'.
uint32_t _UndeadChar(uint32_t ch) {
return ch & ~0x80000000;
// Get some bits of the char, from the start'th bit from the right (excluded)
// to the end'th bit from the right (included).
// For example, _GetBit(0x1234, 8, 4) => 0x3.
char _GetBit(char32_t ch, size_t start, size_t end) {
return (ch >> end) & ((1 << (start - end)) - 1);
} // namespace
std::string ConvertChar32ToUtf8(char32_t ch) {
std::string result;
assert(0 <= ch && ch <= 0x10FFFF);
if (ch <= 0x007F) {
} else if (ch <= 0x07FF) {
result.push_back(0b11000000 + _GetBit(ch, 11, 6));
result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 6, 0));
} else if (ch <= 0xFFFF) {
result.push_back(0b11100000 + _GetBit(ch, 16, 12));
result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 12, 6));
result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 6, 0));
} else {
result.push_back(0b11110000 + _GetBit(ch, 21, 18));
result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 18, 12));
result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 12, 6));
result.push_back(0b10000000 + _GetBit(ch, 6, 0));
return result;
SendEventHandler send_event,
GetKeyStateHandler get_key_state)
: perform_send_event_(send_event),
response_id_(1) {
KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::~KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler() = default;
static bool isEasciiPrintable(int codeUnit) {
return (codeUnit <= 0x7f && codeUnit >= 0x20) ||
(codeUnit <= 0xff && codeUnit >= 0x80);
// Converts upper letters to lower letters in ASCII and extended ASCII, and
// returns as-is otherwise.
// Independent of locale.
static uint64_t toLower(uint64_t n) {
constexpr uint64_t lower_a = 0x61;
constexpr uint64_t upper_a = 0x41;
constexpr uint64_t upper_z = 0x5a;
constexpr uint64_t lower_a_grave = 0xe0;
constexpr uint64_t upper_a_grave = 0xc0;
constexpr uint64_t upper_thorn = 0xde;
constexpr uint64_t division = 0xf7;
// ASCII range.
if (n >= upper_a && n <= upper_z) {
return n - upper_a + lower_a;
// EASCII range.
if (n >= upper_a_grave && n <= upper_thorn && n != division) {
return n - upper_a_grave + lower_a_grave;
return n;
// Transform scancodes sent by windows to scancodes written in Chromium spec.
static uint16_t normalizeScancode(int windowsScanCode, bool extended) {
// In Chromium spec the extended bit is shown as 0xe000 bit,
// e.g. PageUp is represented as 0xe049.
return (windowsScanCode & 0xff) | (extended ? 0xe000 : 0);
uint64_t KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::ApplyPlaneToId(uint64_t id,
uint64_t plane) {
return (id & valueMask) | plane;
uint64_t KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::GetPhysicalKey(int scancode,
bool extended) {
int chromiumScancode = normalizeScancode(scancode, extended);
auto resultIt = windowsToPhysicalMap_.find(chromiumScancode);
if (resultIt != windowsToPhysicalMap_.end())
return resultIt->second;
return ApplyPlaneToId(scancode, windowsPlane);
uint64_t KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::GetLogicalKey(int key,
bool extended,
int scancode) {
// Normally logical keys should only be derived from key codes, but since some
// key codes are either 0 or ambiguous (multiple keys using the same key
// code), these keys are resolved by scan codes.
auto numpadIter =
scanCodeToLogicalMap_.find(normalizeScancode(scancode, extended));
if (numpadIter != scanCodeToLogicalMap_.cend())
return numpadIter->second;
// Check if the keyCode is one we know about and have a mapping for.
auto logicalIt = windowsToLogicalMap_.find(key);
if (logicalIt != windowsToLogicalMap_.cend())
return logicalIt->second;
// Upper case letters should be normalized into lower case letters.
if (isEasciiPrintable(key)) {
return ApplyPlaneToId(toLower(key), unicodePlane);
return ApplyPlaneToId(toLower(key), windowsPlane);
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::KeyboardHookImpl(
int key,
int scancode,
int action,
char32_t character,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
std::function<void(bool)> callback) {
const uint64_t physical_key = GetPhysicalKey(scancode, extended);
const uint64_t logical_key = GetLogicalKey(key, extended, scancode);
assert(action == WM_KEYDOWN || action == WM_KEYUP);
const bool is_physical_down = action == WM_KEYDOWN;
auto last_logical_record_iter = pressingRecords_.find(physical_key);
const bool had_record = last_logical_record_iter != pressingRecords_.end();
const uint64_t last_logical_record =
had_record ? last_logical_record_iter->second : 0;
// The resulting event's `type`.
FlutterKeyEventType type;
// The resulting event's `logical_key`.
uint64_t result_logical_key;
// What pressingRecords_[physical_key] should be after the KeyboardHookImpl
// returns (0 if the entry should be removed).
uint64_t eventual_logical_record;
char character_bytes[kCharacterCacheSize];
character = _UndeadChar(character);
if (is_physical_down) {
if (had_record) {
if (was_down) {
// A normal repeated key.
type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeRepeat;
ConvertUtf32ToUtf8_(character_bytes, character);
eventual_logical_record = last_logical_record;
result_logical_key = last_logical_record;
} else {
// A non-repeated key has been pressed that has the exact physical key
// as a currently pressed one, usually indicating multiple keyboards are
// pressing keys with the same physical key, or the up event was lost
// during a loss of focus. The down event is ignored.
} else {
// A normal down event (whether the system event is a repeat or not).
type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown;
ConvertUtf32ToUtf8_(character_bytes, character);
eventual_logical_record = logical_key;
result_logical_key = logical_key;
} else { // isPhysicalDown is false
if (last_logical_record == 0) {
// The physical key has been released before. It might indicate a missed
// event due to loss of focus, or multiple keyboards pressed keys with the
// same physical key. Ignore the up event.
} else {
// A normal up event.
type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp;
// Up events never have character.
character_bytes[0] = '\0';
eventual_logical_record = 0;
result_logical_key = last_logical_record;
UpdateLastSeenCritialKey(key, physical_key, result_logical_key);
// Synchronize the toggled states of critical keys (such as whether CapsLocks
// is enabled). Toggled states can only be changed upon a down event, so if
// the recorded toggled state does not match the true state, this function
// will synthesize (an up event if the key is recorded pressed, then) a down
// event.
// After this function, all critical keys will have their toggled state
// updated to the true state, while the critical keys whose toggled state have
// been changed will be pressed regardless of their true pressed state.
// Updating the pressed state will be done by SynchronizeCritialPressedStates.
SynchronizeCritialToggledStates(key, type == kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown);
// Synchronize the pressed states of critical keys (such as whether CapsLocks
// is pressed).
// After this function, all critical keys except for the target key will have
// their toggled state and pressed state matched with their true states. The
// target key's pressed state will be updated immediately after this.
SynchronizeCritialPressedStates(key, type != kFlutterKeyEventTypeRepeat);
if (eventual_logical_record != 0) {
pressingRecords_[physical_key] = eventual_logical_record;
} else {
if (result_logical_key == VK_PROCESSKEY) {
// VK_PROCESSKEY means that the key press is used by an IME. These key
// presses are considered handled and not sent to Flutter. These events must
// be filtered by result_logical_key because the key up event of such
// presses uses the "original" logical key.
FlutterKeyEvent key_data{
.struct_size = sizeof(FlutterKeyEvent),
.timestamp = static_cast<double>(
.type = type,
.physical = physical_key,
.logical = result_logical_key,
.character = character_bytes,
.synthesized = false,
response_id_ += 1;
uint64_t response_id = response_id_;
PendingResponse pending{
.callback =
[this, callback = std::move(callback)](bool handled,
uint64_t response_id) {
auto found = pending_responses_.find(response_id);
if (found != pending_responses_.end()) {
.response_id = response_id,
auto pending_ptr = std::make_unique<PendingResponse>(std::move(pending));
pending_responses_[response_id] = std::move(pending_ptr);
SendEvent(key_data, KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::HandleResponse,
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::KeyboardHook(
int key,
int scancode,
int action,
char32_t character,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
std::function<void(bool)> callback) {
sent_any_events = false;
KeyboardHookImpl(key, scancode, action, character, extended, was_down,
if (!sent_any_events) {
FlutterKeyEvent empty_event{
.struct_size = sizeof(FlutterKeyEvent),
.timestamp = static_cast<double>(
.type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown,
.physical = 0,
.logical = 0,
.character = empty_character,
.synthesized = false,
SendEvent(empty_event, nullptr, nullptr);
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::UpdateLastSeenCritialKey(
int virtual_key,
uint64_t physical_key,
uint64_t logical_key) {
auto found = critical_keys_.find(virtual_key);
if (found != critical_keys_.end()) {
found->second.physical_key = physical_key;
found->second.logical_key = logical_key;
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::SynchronizeCritialToggledStates(
int this_virtual_key,
bool is_down_event) {
// TODO(dkwingsmt) consider adding support for synchronizing key state for UWP
#ifdef WINUWP
for (auto& kv : critical_keys_) {
UINT virtual_key = kv.first;
CriticalKey& key_info = kv.second;
if (key_info.physical_key == 0) {
// Never seen this key.
assert(key_info.logical_key != 0);
// Check toggling state first, because it might alter pressing state.
if (key_info.check_toggled) {
SHORT state = get_key_state_(virtual_key);
bool should_toggled = state & kStateMaskToggled;
if (virtual_key == this_virtual_key && is_down_event) {
key_info.toggled_on = !key_info.toggled_on;
if (key_info.toggled_on != should_toggled) {
// If the key is pressed, release it first.
if (pressingRecords_.find(key_info.physical_key) !=
pressingRecords_.end()) {
kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp, key_info.physical_key,
key_info.logical_key, empty_character),
nullptr, nullptr);
// Synchronizing toggle state always ends with the key being pressed.
pressingRecords_[key_info.physical_key] = key_info.logical_key;
key_info.logical_key, empty_character),
nullptr, nullptr);
key_info.toggled_on = should_toggled;
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::SynchronizeCritialPressedStates(
int this_virtual_key,
bool pressed_state_will_change) {
// TODO(dkwingsmt) consider adding support for synchronizing key state for UWP
#ifdef WINUWP
for (auto& kv : critical_keys_) {
UINT virtual_key = kv.first;
CriticalKey& key_info = kv.second;
if (key_info.physical_key == 0) {
// Never seen this key.
assert(key_info.logical_key != 0);
if (key_info.check_pressed) {
SHORT state = get_key_state_(virtual_key);
auto recorded_pressed_iter = pressingRecords_.find(key_info.physical_key);
bool recorded_pressed = recorded_pressed_iter != pressingRecords_.end();
bool should_pressed = state & kStateMaskPressed;
if (virtual_key == this_virtual_key && pressed_state_will_change) {
should_pressed = !should_pressed;
if (recorded_pressed != should_pressed) {
if (recorded_pressed) {
} else {
pressingRecords_[key_info.physical_key] = key_info.logical_key;
const char* empty_character = "";
SynthesizeSimpleEvent(recorded_pressed ? kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp
: kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown,
key_info.physical_key, key_info.logical_key,
nullptr, nullptr);
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::HandleResponse(bool handled, void* user_data) {
PendingResponse* pending = reinterpret_cast<PendingResponse*>(user_data);
auto callback = std::move(pending->callback);
callback(handled, pending->response_id);
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::InitCriticalKeys() {
// TODO(dkwingsmt) consider adding support for synchronizing key state for UWP
#ifdef WINUWP
auto createCheckedKey = [this](UINT virtual_key, bool extended,
bool check_pressed,
bool check_toggled) -> CriticalKey {
UINT scan_code = MapVirtualKey(virtual_key, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC);
return CriticalKey{
.physical_key = GetPhysicalKey(scan_code, extended),
.logical_key = GetLogicalKey(virtual_key, extended, scan_code),
.check_pressed = check_pressed || check_toggled,
.check_toggled = check_toggled,
.toggled_on = check_toggled
? !!(get_key_state_(virtual_key) & kStateMaskToggled)
: false,
// TODO(dkwingsmt): Consider adding more critical keys here.
createCheckedKey(VK_LSHIFT, false, true, false));
createCheckedKey(VK_RSHIFT, false, true, false));
createCheckedKey(VK_LCONTROL, false, true, false));
createCheckedKey(VK_RCONTROL, true, true, false));
createCheckedKey(VK_CAPITAL, false, true, true));
createCheckedKey(VK_SCROLL, false, true, true));
createCheckedKey(VK_NUMLOCK, true, true, true));
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::ConvertUtf32ToUtf8_(char* out, char32_t ch) {
if (ch == 0) {
out[0] = '\0';
std::string result = ConvertChar32ToUtf8(ch);
strcpy_s(out, kCharacterCacheSize, result.c_str());
FlutterKeyEvent KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::SynthesizeSimpleEvent(
FlutterKeyEventType type,
uint64_t physical,
uint64_t logical,
const char* character) {
return FlutterKeyEvent{
.struct_size = sizeof(FlutterKeyEvent),
.timestamp = static_cast<double>(
.type = type,
.physical = physical,
.logical = logical,
.character = character,
.synthesized = true,
void KeyboardKeyEmbedderHandler::SendEvent(const FlutterKeyEvent& event,
FlutterKeyEventCallback callback,
void* user_data) {
sent_any_events = true;
perform_send_event_(event, callback, user_data);
} // namespace flutter