blob: 32f4f01d6a15877e5331822ec841323f2cbcaa0e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
export '../common.dart';
/// Used in tests instead of [ProductionCollector] to control Skia object
/// collection explicitly, and to prevent leaks across tests.
/// See [TestCollector] for usage.
late TestCollector testCollector;
/// Common test setup for all CanvasKit unit-tests.
void setUpCanvasKitTest() {
setUpAll(() async {
expect(useCanvasKit, true, reason: 'This test must run in CanvasKit mode.');
await ui.webOnlyInitializePlatform(assetManager: WebOnlyMockAssetManager());
setUp(() async {
testCollector = TestCollector();
tearDown(() {
tearDownAll(() {
/// Utility function for CanvasKit tests to draw pictures without
/// the [CkPictureRecorder] boilerplate.
CkPicture paintPicture(
ui.Rect cullRect, void Function(CkCanvas canvas) painter) {
final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder();
final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(cullRect);
return recorder.endRecording();
class _TestFinalizerRegistration {
_TestFinalizerRegistration(this.wrapper, this.deletable, this.stackTrace);
final Object wrapper;
final SkDeletable deletable;
final StackTrace stackTrace;
class _TestCollection {
_TestCollection(this.deletable, this.stackTrace);
final SkDeletable deletable;
final StackTrace stackTrace;
/// Provides explicit synchronous API for collecting Skia objects in tests.
/// [ProductionCollector] relies on `FinalizationRegistry` and timers to
/// delete Skia objects, which makes it more precise and efficient. However,
/// it also makes it unpredictable. For example, an object created in one
/// test may be collected while running another test because the timing is
/// subject to browser-specific GC scheduling.
/// Tests should use [collectNow] and [collectAfterTest] to trigger collections.
class TestCollector implements Collector {
final List<_TestFinalizerRegistration> _activeRegistrations =
final List<_TestFinalizerRegistration> _collectedRegistrations =
final List<_TestCollection> _pendingCollections = <_TestCollection>[];
final List<_TestCollection> _completedCollections = <_TestCollection>[];
void register(Object wrapper, SkDeletable deletable) {
_TestFinalizerRegistration(wrapper, deletable, StackTrace.current),
void collect(SkDeletable deletable) {
_TestCollection(deletable, StackTrace.current),
/// Deletes all Skia objects scheduled for collection.
void collectNow() {
for (final _TestCollection collection in _pendingCollections) {
late final _TestFinalizerRegistration? activeRegistration;
for (final _TestFinalizerRegistration registration in _activeRegistrations) {
if (identical(registration.deletable, collection.deletable)) {
activeRegistration = registration;
if (activeRegistration == null) {
late final _TestFinalizerRegistration? collectedRegistration;
for (final _TestFinalizerRegistration registration
in _collectedRegistrations) {
if (identical(registration.deletable, collection.deletable)) {
collectedRegistration = registration;
if (collectedRegistration == null) {
'Attempted to collect an object that was never registered for finalization.\n'
'The collection was requested here:\n'
} else {
final _TestCollection firstCollection = _completedCollections
.firstWhere((_TestCollection completedCollection) {
return identical(
completedCollection.deletable, collection.deletable);
'Attempted to collect an object that was previously collected.\n'
'The object was registered for finalization here:\n'
'The first collection was requested here:\n'
'The second collection was requested here:\n'
} else {
if (!collection.deletable.isDeleted()) {
/// Deletes all Skia objects with registered finalizers.
/// This also deletes active objects that have not been scheduled for
/// collection, to prevent objects leaking across tests.
void cleanUpAfterTest() {
for (final _TestCollection collection in _pendingCollections) {
if (!collection.deletable.isDeleted()) {
for (final _TestFinalizerRegistration registration in _activeRegistrations) {
if (!registration.deletable.isDeleted()) {