blob: b9d971e6a0e1100798c1aa19113964c1d5493ab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'js_interop/js_loader.dart';
import 'js_interop/js_promise.dart';
/// A class that controls the coarse lifecycle of a Flutter app.
class AppBootstrap {
/// Construct a FlutterLoader
AppBootstrap({required Function initEngine, required Function runApp}) :
_initEngine = initEngine, _runApp = runApp;
// TODO(dit): Be more strict with the below typedefs, so we can add incoming params for each function.
// A function to initialize the engine
final Function _initEngine;
// A function to run the app
final Function _runApp;
/// Immediately bootstraps the app.
/// This calls `initEngine` and `runApp` in succession.
Future<void> autoStart() async {
await _initEngine();
await _runApp();
/// Creates an engine initializer that runs our encapsulated initEngine function.
FlutterEngineInitializer prepareEngineInitializer() {
return FlutterEngineInitializer(
// This is a convenience method that lets the programmer call "autoStart"
// from JavaScript immediately after the main.dart.js has loaded.
// Returns a promise that resolves to the Flutter app that was started.
autoStart: allowInterop(() {
return Promise<FlutterApp>(allowInterop((
PromiseResolver<FlutterApp> resolve,
PromiseRejecter _,
) async {
await autoStart();
// Return the App that was just started
// Calls [_initEngine], and returns a JS Promise that resolves to an
// app runner object.
initializeEngine: allowInterop(([InitializeEngineFnParameters? params]) {
// `params` coming from Javascript may be used to configure the engine intialization.
// The internal `initEngine` function must accept those params, and then this
// code needs to be slightly modified to pass them to the initEngine call below.
return Promise<FlutterAppRunner>(allowInterop((
PromiseResolver<FlutterAppRunner> resolve,
PromiseRejecter _,
) async {
await _initEngine();
// Return an app runner object
/// Creates an appRunner that runs our encapsulated runApp function.
FlutterAppRunner _prepareAppRunner() {
return FlutterAppRunner(runApp: allowInterop(([RunAppFnParameters? params]) {
// `params` coming from JS may be used to configure the run app method.
return Promise<FlutterApp>(allowInterop((
PromiseResolver<FlutterApp> resolve,
PromiseRejecter _,
) async {
await _runApp();
// Return the App that was just started
/// Represents the App that was just started, and its JS API.
FlutterApp _prepareFlutterApp() {
return FlutterApp();