blob: 201ece69e03f3f43671cf79f4801e4441ebb6761 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dom.dart';
import 'text/font_collection.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// This class downloads assets over the network.
/// The assets are resolved relative to [assetsDir] inside the directory
/// containing the currently executing JS script.
class AssetManager {
static const String _defaultAssetsDir = 'assets';
/// The directory containing the assets.
final String assetsDir;
/// Initializes [AssetManager] with path to assets relative to baseUrl.
const AssetManager({this.assetsDir = _defaultAssetsDir});
String? get _baseUrl {
return domWindow.document
.where((DomElement domNode) => domInstanceOfString(domNode,
.map((DomElement domNode) => domNode as DomHTMLMetaElement)
(DomHTMLMetaElement element) => == 'assetBase')
/// Returns the URL to load the asset from, given the asset key.
/// We URL-encode the asset URL in order to correctly issue the right
/// HTTP request to the server.
/// For example, if you have an asset in the file "assets/hello world.png",
/// two things will happen. When the app is built, the asset will be copied
/// to an asset directory with the file name URL-encoded. So our asset will
/// be copied to something like "assets/hello%20world.png". To account for
/// the assets being copied over with a URL-encoded name, the Flutter
/// framework URL-encodes the asset key so when it sends a request to the
/// engine to load "assets/hello world.png", it actually sends a request to
/// load "assets/hello%20world.png". However, on the web, if we try to load
/// "assets/hello%20world.png", the request will be URL-decoded, we will
/// request "assets/hello world.png", and the request will 404. Therefore, we
/// must URL-encode the asset key *again* so when it is decoded, it is
/// requesting the once-URL-encoded asset key.
String getAssetUrl(String asset) {
if (Uri.parse(asset).hasScheme) {
return Uri.encodeFull(asset);
return Uri.encodeFull((_baseUrl ?? '') + '$assetsDir/$asset');
/// Loads an asset using an [html.HttpRequest] and returns data as [ByteData].
Future<ByteData> load(String asset) async {
final String url = getAssetUrl(asset);
try {
final html.HttpRequest request =
await html.HttpRequest.request(url, responseType: 'arraybuffer');
final ByteBuffer response = request.response as ByteBuffer;
return response.asByteData();
} on html.ProgressEvent catch (e) {
final html.EventTarget? target =;
if (target is html.HttpRequest) {
if (target.status == 404 && asset == 'AssetManifest.json') {
printWarning('Asset manifest does not exist at `$url` – ignoring.');
return Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('{}')).buffer.asByteData();
throw AssetManagerException(url, target.status!);
printWarning('Caught ProgressEvent with target: $target');
/// Thrown to indicate http failure during asset loading.
class AssetManagerException implements Exception {
/// Http request url for asset.
final String url;
/// Http status of response.
final int httpStatus;
/// Initializes exception with request url and http status.
AssetManagerException(this.url, this.httpStatus);
String toString() => 'Failed to load asset at "$url" ($httpStatus)';
/// An asset manager that gives fake empty responses for assets.
class WebOnlyMockAssetManager implements AssetManager {
/// Mock asset directory relative to base url.
String defaultAssetsDir = '';
/// Mock empty asset manifest.
String defaultAssetManifest = '{}';
/// Mock font manifest overridable for unit testing.
String defaultFontManifest = '''
String get assetsDir => defaultAssetsDir;
String get _baseUrl => '';
String getAssetUrl(String asset) => asset;
Future<ByteData> load(String asset) {
if (asset == getAssetUrl('AssetManifest.json')) {
return Future<ByteData>.value(
if (asset == getAssetUrl('FontManifest.json')) {
return Future<ByteData>.value(
throw AssetManagerException(asset, 404);
ByteData _toByteData(List<int> bytes) {
final ByteData byteData = ByteData(bytes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
byteData.setUint8(i, bytes[i]);
return byteData;