blob: 476cb829c93764e78f54778b1ca38981b89dad0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library window;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../engine.dart' show registerHotRestartListener;
import 'browser_detection.dart';
import 'dom.dart';
import 'navigation/history.dart';
import 'navigation/js_url_strategy.dart';
import 'navigation/url_strategy.dart';
import 'platform_dispatcher.dart';
import 'services.dart';
import 'test_embedding.dart';
import 'util.dart';
typedef _HandleMessageCallBack = Future<bool> Function();
/// When set to true, all platform messages will be printed to the console.
const bool debugPrintPlatformMessages = false;
/// Whether [_customUrlStrategy] has been set or not.
/// It is valid to set [_customUrlStrategy] to null, so we can't use a null
/// check to determine whether it was set or not. We need an extra boolean.
bool _isUrlStrategySet = false;
/// A custom URL strategy set by the app before running.
UrlStrategy? _customUrlStrategy;
set customUrlStrategy(UrlStrategy? strategy) {
assert(!_isUrlStrategySet, 'Cannot set URL strategy more than once.');
_isUrlStrategySet = true;
_customUrlStrategy = strategy;
/// The Web implementation of [ui.SingletonFlutterWindow].
class EngineFlutterWindow extends ui.SingletonFlutterWindow {
EngineFlutterWindow(this._windowId, this.platformDispatcher) {
final EnginePlatformDispatcher engineDispatcher =
platformDispatcher as EnginePlatformDispatcher;[_windowId] = this;
engineDispatcher.windowConfigurations[_windowId] = const ui.ViewConfiguration();
if (_isUrlStrategySet) {
_browserHistory = createHistoryForExistingState(_customUrlStrategy);
registerHotRestartListener(() {
final Object _windowId;
final ui.PlatformDispatcher platformDispatcher;
/// Handles the browser history integration to allow users to use the back
/// button, etc.
BrowserHistory get browserHistory {
return _browserHistory ??=
UrlStrategy? get _urlStrategyForInitialization {
final UrlStrategy? urlStrategy =
_isUrlStrategySet ? _customUrlStrategy : _createDefaultUrlStrategy();
// Prevent any further customization of URL strategy.
_isUrlStrategySet = true;
return urlStrategy;
_browserHistory; // Must be either SingleEntryBrowserHistory or MultiEntriesBrowserHistory.
Future<void> _useSingleEntryBrowserHistory() async {
// Recreate the browser history mode that's appropriate for the existing
// history state.
// If it happens to be a single-entry one, then there's nothing further to do.
// But if it's a multi-entry one, it will be torn down below and replaced
// with a single-entry history.
// See:
_browserHistory ??=
if (_browserHistory is SingleEntryBrowserHistory) {
// At this point, we know that `_browserHistory` is a non-null
// `MultiEntriesBrowserHistory` instance.
final UrlStrategy? strategy = _browserHistory?.urlStrategy;
await _browserHistory?.tearDown();
_browserHistory = SingleEntryBrowserHistory(urlStrategy: strategy);
Future<void> _useMultiEntryBrowserHistory() async {
// Recreate the browser history mode that's appropriate for the existing
// history state.
// If it happens to be a multi-entry one, then there's nothing further to do.
// But if it's a single-entry one, it will be torn down below and replaced
// with a multi-entry history.
// See:
_browserHistory ??=
if (_browserHistory is MultiEntriesBrowserHistory) {
// At this point, we know that `_browserHistory` is a non-null
// `SingleEntryBrowserHistory` instance.
final UrlStrategy? strategy = _browserHistory?.urlStrategy;
await _browserHistory?.tearDown();
_browserHistory = MultiEntriesBrowserHistory(urlStrategy: strategy);
Future<void> debugInitializeHistory(
UrlStrategy? strategy, {
required bool useSingle,
}) async {
// Prevent any further customization of URL strategy.
_isUrlStrategySet = true;
await _browserHistory?.tearDown();
if (useSingle) {
_browserHistory = SingleEntryBrowserHistory(urlStrategy: strategy);
} else {
_browserHistory = MultiEntriesBrowserHistory(urlStrategy: strategy);
Future<void> resetHistory() async {
await _browserHistory?.tearDown();
_browserHistory = null;
// Reset the globals too.
_isUrlStrategySet = false;
_customUrlStrategy = null;
Future<void> _endOfTheLine = Future<void>.value(null);
Future<bool> _waitInTheLine(_HandleMessageCallBack callback) async {
final Future<void> currentPosition = _endOfTheLine;
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
_endOfTheLine = completer.future;
await currentPosition;
bool result = false;
try {
result = await callback();
} finally {
return result;
Future<bool> handleNavigationMessage(ByteData? data) async {
return _waitInTheLine(() async {
final MethodCall decoded = const JSONMethodCodec().decodeMethodCall(data);
final Map<String, dynamic>? arguments = decoded.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>?;
switch (decoded.method) {
case 'selectMultiEntryHistory':
await _useMultiEntryBrowserHistory();
return true;
case 'selectSingleEntryHistory':
await _useSingleEntryBrowserHistory();
return true;
// the following cases assert that arguments are not null
case 'routeUpdated': // deprecated
assert(arguments != null);
await _useSingleEntryBrowserHistory();
return true;
case 'routeInformationUpdated':
assert(arguments != null);
state: arguments['state'],
replace: arguments.tryBool('replace') ?? false,
return true;
return false;
ui.ViewConfiguration get viewConfiguration {
final EnginePlatformDispatcher engineDispatcher =
platformDispatcher as EnginePlatformDispatcher;
return engineDispatcher.windowConfigurations[_windowId] ??
const ui.ViewConfiguration();
ui.Size get physicalSize {
if (_physicalSize == null) {
assert(_physicalSize != null);
return _physicalSize!;
/// Computes the physical size of the screen from [domWindow].
/// This function is expensive. It triggers browser layout if there are
/// pending DOM writes.
void computePhysicalSize() {
bool override = false;
assert(() {
if (webOnlyDebugPhysicalSizeOverride != null) {
_physicalSize = webOnlyDebugPhysicalSizeOverride;
override = true;
return true;
if (!override) {
double windowInnerWidth;
double windowInnerHeight;
final DomVisualViewport? viewport = domWindow.visualViewport;
if (viewport != null) {
if (operatingSystem == OperatingSystem.iOs) {
/// Chrome on iOS reports incorrect viewport.height when app
/// starts in portrait orientation and the phone is rotated to
/// landscape.
/// We instead use documentElement clientWidth/Height to read
/// accurate physical size. VisualViewport api is only used during
/// text editing to make sure inset is correctly reported to
/// framework.
final double docWidth =
final double docHeight =
windowInnerWidth = docWidth * devicePixelRatio;
windowInnerHeight = docHeight * devicePixelRatio;
} else {
windowInnerWidth = viewport.width!.toDouble() * devicePixelRatio;
windowInnerHeight = viewport.height!.toDouble() * devicePixelRatio;
} else {
windowInnerWidth = domWindow.innerWidth! * devicePixelRatio;
windowInnerHeight = domWindow.innerHeight! * devicePixelRatio;
_physicalSize = ui.Size(
/// Forces the window to recompute its physical size. Useful for tests.
void debugForceResize() {
void computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets(bool isEditingOnMobile) {
double windowInnerHeight;
final DomVisualViewport? viewport = domWindow.visualViewport;
if (viewport != null) {
if (operatingSystem == OperatingSystem.iOs && !isEditingOnMobile) {
windowInnerHeight =
domDocument.documentElement!.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio;
} else {
windowInnerHeight = viewport.height!.toDouble() * devicePixelRatio;
} else {
windowInnerHeight = domWindow.innerHeight! * devicePixelRatio;
final double bottomPadding = _physicalSize!.height - windowInnerHeight;
_viewInsets =
WindowPadding(bottom: bottomPadding, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0);
/// Uses the previous physical size and current innerHeight/innerWidth
/// values to decide if a device is rotating.
/// During a rotation the height and width values will (almost) swap place.
/// Values can slightly differ due to space occupied by the browser header.
/// For example the following values are collected for Pixel 3 rotation:
/// height: 658 width: 393
/// new height: 313 new width: 738
/// The following values are from a changed caused by virtual keyboard.
/// height: 658 width: 393
/// height: 368 width: 393
bool isRotation() {
double height = 0;
double width = 0;
if (domWindow.visualViewport != null) {
height =
domWindow.visualViewport!.height!.toDouble() * devicePixelRatio;
width = domWindow.visualViewport!.width!.toDouble() * devicePixelRatio;
} else {
height = domWindow.innerHeight! * devicePixelRatio;
width = domWindow.innerWidth! * devicePixelRatio;
// This method compares the new dimensions with the previous ones.
// Return false if the previous dimensions are not set.
if (_physicalSize != null) {
// First confirm both height and width are effected.
if (_physicalSize!.height != height && _physicalSize!.width != width) {
// If prior to rotation height is bigger than width it should be the
// opposite after the rotation and vice versa.
if ((_physicalSize!.height > _physicalSize!.width && height < width) ||
(_physicalSize!.width > _physicalSize!.height && width < height)) {
// Rotation detected
return true;
return false;
WindowPadding get viewInsets => _viewInsets;
WindowPadding _viewInsets = as WindowPadding;
/// Lazily populated and cleared at the end of the frame.
ui.Size? _physicalSize;
/// Overrides the value of [physicalSize] in tests.
ui.Size? webOnlyDebugPhysicalSizeOverride;
typedef _JsSetUrlStrategy = void Function(JsUrlStrategy?);
/// A JavaScript hook to customize the URL strategy of a Flutter app.
// Keep this js name in sync with flutter_web_plugins. Find it at:
// TODO(mdebbar): Add integration test
external set jsSetUrlStrategy(_JsSetUrlStrategy? newJsSetUrlStrategy);
UrlStrategy? _createDefaultUrlStrategy() {
return ui.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment
? TestUrlStrategy.fromEntry(const TestHistoryEntry('default', null, '/'))
: const HashUrlStrategy();
/// The Web implementation of [ui.SingletonFlutterWindow].
class EngineSingletonFlutterWindow extends EngineFlutterWindow {
Object windowId, ui.PlatformDispatcher platformDispatcher)
: super(windowId, platformDispatcher);
double get devicePixelRatio =>
_debugDevicePixelRatio ??
/// Overrides the default device pixel ratio.
/// This is useful in tests to emulate screens of different dimensions.
void debugOverrideDevicePixelRatio(double value) {
_debugDevicePixelRatio = value;
double? _debugDevicePixelRatio;
/// A type of [FlutterView] that can be hosted inside of a [FlutterWindow].
class EngineFlutterWindowView extends ui.FlutterWindow {
EngineFlutterWindowView._(this._viewId, this.platformDispatcher);
final Object _viewId;
final ui.PlatformDispatcher platformDispatcher;
ui.ViewConfiguration get viewConfiguration {
final EnginePlatformDispatcher engineDispatcher =
platformDispatcher as EnginePlatformDispatcher;
return engineDispatcher.windowConfigurations[_viewId] ??
const ui.ViewConfiguration();
/// The window singleton.
/// `dart:ui` window delegates to this value. However, this value has a wider
/// API surface, providing Web-specific functionality that the standard
/// `dart:ui` version does not.
final EngineSingletonFlutterWindow window =
EngineSingletonFlutterWindow(0, EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance);
/// The Web implementation of [ui.WindowPadding].
class WindowPadding implements ui.WindowPadding {
const WindowPadding({
required this.left,
required this.right,
required this.bottom,
final double left;
final double top;
final double right;
final double bottom;