blob: 6be6914ceaf22ead7f79af5a63c41e765e8b0332 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'browser_detection.dart';
import 'dom.dart';
import 'text_editing/text_editing.dart';
// Applies the required global CSS to an incoming [DomCSSStyleSheet] `sheet`.
void applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(
DomHTMLStyleElement styleElement, {
required bool hasAutofillOverlay,
String cssSelectorPrefix = '',
required String defaultCssFont,
}) {
// TODO(web): use more efficient CSS selectors; descendant selectors are slow.
// More info:
assert(styleElement.sheet != null);
final DomCSSStyleSheet sheet = styleElement.sheet! as DomCSSStyleSheet;
// These are intentionally outrageous font parameters to make sure that the
// apps fully specify their text styles.
// Fixes #115216 by ensuring that our parameters only affect the flt-scene-host children.
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-scene-host {
color: red;
font: $defaultCssFont;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// By default on iOS, Safari would highlight the element that's being tapped
// on using gray background. This CSS rule disables that.
if (isSafari) {
$cssSelectorPrefix * {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
if (isFirefox) {
// For firefox set line-height, otherwise text at same font-size will
// measure differently in ruler.
// - See:
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-paragraph,
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-span {
line-height: 100%;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// This undoes browser's default painting and layout attributes of range
// input, which is used in semantics.
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-semantics input[type=range] {
appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
border: none;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
if (isSafari) {
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-semantics input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
-webkit-appearance: none;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// The invisible semantic text field may have a visible cursor and selection
// highlight. The following 2 CSS rules force everything to be transparent.
$cssSelectorPrefix input::selection {
background-color: transparent;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
$cssSelectorPrefix textarea::selection {
background-color: transparent;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-semantics input,
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-semantics textarea,
$cssSelectorPrefix flt-semantics [contentEditable="true"] {
caret-color: transparent;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// Hide placeholder text
$cssSelectorPrefix .flt-text-editing::placeholder {
opacity: 0;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// This CSS makes the autofill overlay transparent in order to prevent it
// from overlaying on top of Flutter-rendered text inputs.
// See:
if (browserHasAutofillOverlay()) {
$cssSelectorPrefix .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill,
$cssSelectorPrefix .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:hover,
$cssSelectorPrefix .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:focus,
$cssSelectorPrefix .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:active {
opacity: 0 !important;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
// Removes password reveal icon for text inputs in Edge browsers.
// Non-Edge browsers will crash trying to parse -ms-reveal CSS selector,
// so we guard it behind an isEdge check.
// Fixes:
if (isEdge) {
// We try-catch this, because in testing, we fake Edge via the UserAgent,
// so the below will throw an exception (because only real Edge understands
// the ::-ms-reveal pseudo-selector).
try {
$cssSelectorPrefix input::-ms-reveal {
display: none;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
} on DomException catch (e) {
// Browsers that don't understand ::-ms-reveal throw a DOMException
// of type SyntaxError.
// Add a fake rule if our code failed because we're under testing
assert(() {
$cssSelectorPrefix input.fallback-for-fakey-browser-in-ci {
display: none;
''', sheet.cssRules.length);
return true;