blob: b929ab54d52d9575620e1ca4d649608adf55f1da [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/entity_pass.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "impeller/base/strings.h"
#include "impeller/base/validation.h"
#include "impeller/core/allocator.h"
#include "impeller/core/formats.h"
#include "impeller/core/texture.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/clip_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/color_filter_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/inputs/filter_input.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/framebuffer_blend_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/texture_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/entity/inline_pass_context.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/color.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path_builder.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/command.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/command_buffer.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/checkerboard_contents.h"
namespace impeller {
EntityPass::EntityPass() = default;
EntityPass::~EntityPass() = default;
void EntityPass::SetDelegate(std::unique_ptr<EntityPassDelegate> delegate) {
if (!delegate) {
delegate_ = std::move(delegate);
void EntityPass::AddEntity(Entity entity) {
if (entity.GetBlendMode() == BlendMode::kSourceOver &&
entity.GetContents()->IsOpaque()) {
if (entity.GetBlendMode() > Entity::kLastPipelineBlendMode) {
advanced_blend_reads_from_pass_texture_ += 1;
void EntityPass::SetElements(std::vector<Element> elements) {
elements_ = std::move(elements);
size_t EntityPass::GetSubpassesDepth() const {
size_t max_subpass_depth = 0u;
for (const auto& element : elements_) {
if (auto subpass = std::get_if<std::unique_ptr<EntityPass>>(&element)) {
max_subpass_depth =
std::max(max_subpass_depth, subpass->get()->GetSubpassesDepth());
return max_subpass_depth + 1u;
std::optional<Rect> EntityPass::GetElementsCoverage(
std::optional<Rect> coverage_limit) const {
std::optional<Rect> result;
for (const auto& element : elements_) {
std::optional<Rect> coverage;
if (auto entity = std::get_if<Entity>(&element)) {
coverage = entity->GetCoverage();
if (coverage.has_value() && coverage_limit.has_value()) {
coverage = coverage->Intersection(coverage_limit.value());
} else if (auto subpass =
std::get_if<std::unique_ptr<EntityPass>>(&element)) {
coverage = GetSubpassCoverage(*subpass->get(), coverage_limit);
} else {
if (!result.has_value() && coverage.has_value()) {
result = coverage;
if (!coverage.has_value()) {
result = result->Union(coverage.value());
return result;
std::optional<Rect> EntityPass::GetSubpassCoverage(
const EntityPass& subpass,
std::optional<Rect> coverage_limit) const {
auto entities_coverage = subpass.GetElementsCoverage(coverage_limit);
// The entities don't cover anything. There is nothing to do.
if (!entities_coverage.has_value()) {
return std::nullopt;
// The delegates don't have an opinion on what the entity coverage has to be.
// Just use that as-is.
auto delegate_coverage = subpass.delegate_->GetCoverageRect();
if (!delegate_coverage.has_value()) {
return entities_coverage;
// The delegate coverage hint is in given in local space, so apply the subpass
// transformation.
delegate_coverage = delegate_coverage->TransformBounds(subpass.xformation_);
// If the delegate tells us the coverage is smaller than it needs to be, then
// great. OTOH, if the delegate is being wasteful, limit coverage to what is
// actually needed.
return entities_coverage->Intersection(delegate_coverage.value());
EntityPass* EntityPass::GetSuperpass() const {
return superpass_;
EntityPass* EntityPass::AddSubpass(std::unique_ptr<EntityPass> pass) {
if (!pass) {
return nullptr;
FML_DCHECK(pass->superpass_ == nullptr);
pass->superpass_ = this;
if (pass->backdrop_filter_proc_.has_value()) {
backdrop_filter_reads_from_pass_texture_ += 1;
if (pass->blend_mode_ > Entity::kLastPipelineBlendMode) {
advanced_blend_reads_from_pass_texture_ += 1;
auto subpass_pointer = pass.get();
return subpass_pointer;
static RenderTarget::AttachmentConfig GetDefaultStencilConfig(bool readable) {
return RenderTarget::AttachmentConfig{
.storage_mode = readable ? StorageMode::kDevicePrivate
: StorageMode::kDeviceTransient,
.load_action = LoadAction::kDontCare,
.store_action = StoreAction::kDontCare,
static EntityPassTarget CreateRenderTarget(ContentContext& renderer,
ISize size,
bool readable,
const Color& clear_color) {
auto context = renderer.GetContext();
/// All of the load/store actions are managed by `InlinePassContext` when
/// `RenderPasses` are created, so we just set them to `kDontCare` here.
/// What's important is the `StorageMode` of the textures, which cannot be
/// changed for the lifetime of the textures.
RenderTarget target;
if (context->GetCapabilities()->SupportsOffscreenMSAA()) {
target = RenderTarget::CreateOffscreenMSAA(
*context, // context
size, // size
"EntityPass", // label
.storage_mode = StorageMode::kDeviceTransient,
.resolve_storage_mode = StorageMode::kDevicePrivate,
.load_action = LoadAction::kDontCare,
.store_action = StoreAction::kMultisampleResolve,
.clear_color = clear_color}, // color_attachment_config
GetDefaultStencilConfig(readable) // stencil_attachment_config
} else {
target = RenderTarget::CreateOffscreen(
*context, // context
size, // size
"EntityPass", // label
.storage_mode = StorageMode::kDevicePrivate,
.load_action = LoadAction::kDontCare,
.store_action = StoreAction::kDontCare,
}, // color_attachment_config
GetDefaultStencilConfig(readable) // stencil_attachment_config
return EntityPassTarget(
target, renderer.GetDeviceCapabilities().SupportsReadFromResolve());
uint32_t EntityPass::GetTotalPassReads(ContentContext& renderer) const {
return renderer.GetDeviceCapabilities().SupportsFramebufferFetch()
? backdrop_filter_reads_from_pass_texture_
: backdrop_filter_reads_from_pass_texture_ +
bool EntityPass::Render(ContentContext& renderer,
const RenderTarget& render_target) const {
auto root_render_target = render_target;
if (root_render_target.GetColorAttachments().empty()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "The root RenderTarget must have a color attachment.";
return false;
StencilCoverageStack stencil_coverage_stack = {StencilCoverageLayer{
.coverage = Rect::MakeSize(root_render_target.GetRenderTargetSize()),
.stencil_depth = 0}};
bool supports_onscreen_backdrop_reads =
renderer.GetDeviceCapabilities().SupportsReadFromOnscreenTexture() &&
// If the backend doesn't have `SupportsReadFromResolve`, we need to flip
// between two textures when restoring a previous MSAA pass.
bool reads_from_onscreen_backdrop = GetTotalPassReads(renderer) > 0;
// In this branch path, we need to render everything to an offscreen texture
// and then blit the results onto the onscreen texture. If using this branch,
// there's no need to set up a stencil attachment on the root render target.
if (!supports_onscreen_backdrop_reads && reads_from_onscreen_backdrop) {
auto offscreen_target =
CreateRenderTarget(renderer, root_render_target.GetRenderTargetSize(),
true, clear_color_.Premultiply());
if (!OnRender(renderer, // renderer
.GetRenderTargetSize(), // root_pass_size
offscreen_target, // pass_target
Point(), // global_pass_position
Point(), // local_pass_position
0, // pass_depth
stencil_coverage_stack // stencil_coverage_stack
)) {
// Validation error messages are triggered for all `OnRender()` failure
// cases.
return false;
auto command_buffer = renderer.GetContext()->CreateCommandBuffer();
command_buffer->SetLabel("EntityPass Root Command Buffer");
// If the context supports blitting, blit the offscreen texture to the
// onscreen texture. Otherwise, draw it to the parent texture using a
// pipeline (slower).
if (renderer.GetContext()
->SupportsTextureToTextureBlits()) {
auto blit_pass = command_buffer->CreateBlitPass();
if (!blit_pass->EncodeCommands(
renderer.GetContext()->GetResourceAllocator())) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to encode root pass blit command.";
return false;
} else {
auto render_pass = command_buffer->CreateRenderPass(root_render_target);
render_pass->SetLabel("EntityPass Root Render Pass");
auto size_rect = Rect::MakeSize(
auto contents = TextureContents::MakeRect(size_rect);
Entity entity;
entity.Render(renderer, *render_pass);
if (!render_pass->EncodeCommands()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to encode root pass command buffer.";
return false;
if (!command_buffer->SubmitCommands()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to submit root pass command buffer.";
return false;
return true;
// If we make it this far, that means the context is capable of rendering
// everything directly to the onscreen texture.
// The safety check for fetching this color attachment is at the beginning of
// this method.
auto color0 = root_render_target.GetColorAttachments().find(0)->second;
// If a root stencil was provided by the caller, then verify that it has a
// configuration which can be used to render this pass.
if (root_render_target.GetStencilAttachment().has_value()) {
auto stencil_texture = root_render_target.GetStencilAttachment()->texture;
if (!stencil_texture) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "The root RenderTarget must have a stencil texture.";
return false;
auto stencil_storage_mode =
if (reads_from_onscreen_backdrop &&
stencil_storage_mode == StorageMode::kDeviceTransient) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "The given root RenderTarget stencil needs to be read, "
"but it's marked as transient.";
return false;
// Setup a new root stencil with an optimal configuration if one wasn't
// provided by the caller.
else {
*renderer.GetContext(), color0.texture->GetSize(),
// Set up the clear color of the root pass.
color0.clear_color = clear_color_.Premultiply();
root_render_target.SetColorAttachment(color0, 0);
EntityPassTarget pass_target(
return OnRender( //
renderer, // renderer
root_render_target.GetRenderTargetSize(), // root_pass_size
pass_target, // pass_target
Point(), // global_pass_position
Point(), // local_pass_position
0, // pass_depth
stencil_coverage_stack); // stencil_coverage_stack
EntityPass::EntityResult EntityPass::GetEntityForElement(
const EntityPass::Element& element,
ContentContext& renderer,
InlinePassContext& pass_context,
ISize root_pass_size,
Point global_pass_position,
uint32_t pass_depth,
StencilCoverageStack& stencil_coverage_stack,
size_t stencil_depth_floor) const {
Entity element_entity;
/// Setup entity element.
if (const auto& entity = std::get_if<Entity>(&element)) {
element_entity = *entity;
if (!global_pass_position.IsZero()) {
// If the pass image is going to be rendered with a non-zero position,
// apply the negative translation to entity copies before rendering them
// so that they'll end up rendering to the correct on-screen position.
Matrix::MakeTranslation(Vector3(-global_pass_position)) *
/// Setup subpass element.
else if (const auto& subpass_ptr =
std::get_if<std::unique_ptr<EntityPass>>(&element)) {
auto subpass = subpass_ptr->get();
if (subpass->delegate_->CanElide()) {
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
if (!subpass->backdrop_filter_proc_.has_value() &&
subpass->delegate_->CanCollapseIntoParentPass(subpass)) {
// Directly render into the parent target and move on.
if (!subpass->OnRender(
renderer, // renderer
root_pass_size, // root_pass_size
pass_context.GetPassTarget(), // pass_target
global_pass_position, // global_pass_position
Point(), // local_pass_position
pass_depth, // pass_depth
stencil_coverage_stack, // stencil_coverage_stack
stencil_depth_, // stencil_depth_floor
nullptr, // backdrop_filter_contents
pass_context.GetRenderPass(pass_depth) // collapsed_parent_pass
)) {
// Validation error messages are triggered for all `OnRender()` failure
// cases.
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Failure();
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
std::shared_ptr<Contents> backdrop_filter_contents = nullptr;
if (subpass->backdrop_filter_proc_.has_value()) {
auto texture = pass_context.GetTexture();
// Render the backdrop texture before any of the pass elements.
const auto& proc = subpass->backdrop_filter_proc_.value();
backdrop_filter_contents =
proc(FilterInput::Make(std::move(texture)), subpass->xformation_,
/*is_subpass*/ true);
// The subpass will need to read from the current pass texture when
// rendering the backdrop, so if there's an active pass, end it prior to
// rendering the subpass.
if (stencil_coverage_stack.empty() ||
!stencil_coverage_stack.back().coverage.has_value()) {
// The current clip is empty. This means the pass texture won't be
// visible, so skip it.
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
// The maximum coverage of the subpass. Subpasses textures should never
// extend outside the parent pass texture or the current clip coverage.
auto coverage_limit =
Rect(global_pass_position, Size(pass_context.GetPassTarget()
if (!coverage_limit.has_value()) {
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
coverage_limit =
if (!coverage_limit.has_value()) {
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
auto subpass_coverage = (subpass->flood_clip_ || backdrop_filter_contents)
? coverage_limit
: GetSubpassCoverage(*subpass, coverage_limit);
if (!subpass_coverage.has_value()) {
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
auto subpass_size = ISize(subpass_coverage->size);
if (subpass_size.IsEmpty()) {
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Skip();
auto subpass_target = CreateRenderTarget(
renderer, // renderer
subpass_size, // size
subpass->GetTotalPassReads(renderer) > 0, // readable
clear_color_.Premultiply()); // clear_color
if (!subpass_target.IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Subpass render target is invalid.";
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Failure();
// Stencil textures aren't shared between EntityPasses (as much of the
// time they are transient).
if (!subpass->OnRender(renderer, // renderer
root_pass_size, // root_pass_size
subpass_target, // pass_target
subpass_coverage->origin, // global_pass_position
subpass_coverage->origin -
global_pass_position, // local_pass_position
++pass_depth, // pass_depth
stencil_coverage_stack, // stencil_coverage_stack
subpass->stencil_depth_, // stencil_depth_floor
backdrop_filter_contents // backdrop_filter_contents
)) {
// Validation error messages are triggered for all `OnRender()` failure
// cases.
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Failure();
// The subpass target's texture may have changed during OnRender.
auto subpass_texture =
auto offscreen_texture_contents =
Matrix::MakeTranslation(Vector3{-global_pass_position}) *
if (!offscreen_texture_contents) {
// This is an error because the subpass delegate said the pass couldn't
// be collapsed into its parent. Yet, when asked how it want's to
// postprocess the offscreen texture, it couldn't give us an answer.
// Theoretically, we could collapse the pass now. But that would be
// wasteful as we already have the offscreen texture and we don't want
// to discard it without ever using it. Just make the delegate do the
// right thing.
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Failure();
Vector3(subpass_coverage->origin - global_pass_position)));
} else {
return EntityPass::EntityResult::Success(element_entity);
bool EntityPass::OnRender(
ContentContext& renderer,
ISize root_pass_size,
EntityPassTarget& pass_target,
Point global_pass_position,
Point local_pass_position,
uint32_t pass_depth,
StencilCoverageStack& stencil_coverage_stack,
size_t stencil_depth_floor,
std::shared_ptr<Contents> backdrop_filter_contents,
const std::optional<InlinePassContext::RenderPassResult>&
collapsed_parent_pass) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", "EntityPass::OnRender");
auto context = renderer.GetContext();
InlinePassContext pass_context(
context, pass_target, GetTotalPassReads(renderer), collapsed_parent_pass);
if (!pass_context.IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << SPrintF("Pass context invalid (Depth=%d)", pass_depth);
return false;
if (!(clear_color_ == Color::BlackTransparent())) {
// Force the pass context to create at least one new pass if the clear color
// is present. The `EndPass` first ensures that the clear color will get
// applied even if this EntityPass is getting collapsed into the parent
// pass.
auto render_element = [&stencil_depth_floor, &pass_context, &pass_depth,
&renderer, &stencil_coverage_stack,
&global_pass_position](Entity& element_entity) {
auto result = pass_context.GetRenderPass(pass_depth);
if (!result.pass) {
// Failure to produce a render pass should be explained by specific errors
// in `InlinePassContext::GetRenderPass()`, so avoid log spam and don't
// append a validation log here.
return false;
// If the pass context returns a texture, we need to draw it to the current
// pass. We do this because it's faster and takes significantly less memory
// than storing/loading large MSAA textures.
// Also, it's not possible to blit the non-MSAA resolve texture of the
// previous pass to MSAA textures (let alone a transient one).
if (result.backdrop_texture) {
auto size_rect = Rect::MakeSize(result.pass->GetRenderTargetSize());
auto msaa_backdrop_contents = TextureContents::MakeRect(size_rect);
msaa_backdrop_contents->SetLabel("MSAA backdrop");
Entity msaa_backdrop_entity;
if (!msaa_backdrop_entity.Render(renderer, *result.pass)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to render MSAA backdrop filter entity.";
return false;
auto current_stencil_coverage = stencil_coverage_stack.back().coverage;
if (current_stencil_coverage.has_value()) {
// Entity transforms are relative to the current pass position, so we need
// to check stencil coverage in the same space.
current_stencil_coverage->origin -= global_pass_position;
if (!element_entity.ShouldRender(current_stencil_coverage)) {
return true; // Nothing to render.
auto stencil_coverage =
if (stencil_coverage.coverage.has_value()) {
stencil_coverage.coverage->origin += global_pass_position;
// The coverage hint tells the rendered Contents which portion of the
// rendered output will actually be used, and so we set this to the current
// stencil coverage (which is the max clip bounds). The contents may
// optionally use this hint to avoid unnecessary rendering work.
switch (stencil_coverage.type) {
case Contents::StencilCoverage::Type::kNoChange:
case Contents::StencilCoverage::Type::kAppend: {
auto op = stencil_coverage_stack.back().coverage;
.coverage = stencil_coverage.coverage,
.stencil_depth = element_entity.GetStencilDepth() + 1});
FML_DCHECK(stencil_coverage_stack.back().stencil_depth ==
stencil_coverage_stack.size() - 1);
if (!op.has_value()) {
// Running this append op won't impact the stencil because the whole
// screen is already being clipped, so skip it.
return true;
} break;
case Contents::StencilCoverage::Type::kRestore: {
if (stencil_coverage_stack.back().stencil_depth <=
element_entity.GetStencilDepth()) {
// Drop stencil restores that will do nothing.
return true;
auto restoration_depth = element_entity.GetStencilDepth();
FML_DCHECK(restoration_depth < stencil_coverage_stack.size());
// We only need to restore the area that covers the coverage of the
// stencil rect at target depth + 1.
std::optional<Rect> restore_coverage =
(restoration_depth + 1 < stencil_coverage_stack.size())
? stencil_coverage_stack[restoration_depth + 1].coverage
: std::nullopt;
if (restore_coverage.has_value()) {
// Make the coverage rectangle relative to the current pass.
restore_coverage->origin -= global_pass_position;
stencil_coverage_stack.resize(restoration_depth + 1);
if (!stencil_coverage_stack.back().coverage.has_value()) {
// Running this restore op won't make anything renderable, so skip it.
return true;
auto restore_contents = static_cast<ClipRestoreContents*>(
} break;
element_entity.SetStencilDepth(element_entity.GetStencilDepth() -
if (!element_entity.Render(renderer, *result.pass)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to render entity.";
return false;
return true;
if (backdrop_filter_proc_.has_value()) {
if (!backdrop_filter_contents) {
<< "EntityPass contains a backdrop filter, but no backdrop filter "
"contents was supplied by the parent pass at render time. This is "
"a bug in EntityPass. Parent passes are responsible for setting "
"up backdrop filters for their children.";
return false;
Entity backdrop_entity;
for (const auto& element : elements_) {
EntityResult result =
GetEntityForElement(element, // element
renderer, // renderer
pass_context, // pass_context
root_pass_size, // root_pass_size
global_pass_position, // global_pass_position
pass_depth, // pass_depth
stencil_coverage_stack, // stencil_coverage_stack
stencil_depth_floor); // stencil_depth_floor
switch (result.status) {
case EntityResult::kSuccess:
case EntityResult::kFailure:
// All failure cases should be covered by specific validation messages
// in `GetEntityForElement()`.
return false;
case EntityResult::kSkip:
/// Setup advanced blends.
if (result.entity.GetBlendMode() > Entity::kLastPipelineBlendMode) {
if (renderer.GetDeviceCapabilities().SupportsFramebufferFetch()) {
auto src_contents = result.entity.GetContents();
auto contents = std::make_shared<FramebufferBlendContents>();
} else {
// End the active pass and flush the buffer before rendering "advanced"
// blends. Advanced blends work by binding the current render target
// texture as an input ("destination"), blending with a second texture
// input ("source"), writing the result to an intermediate texture, and
// finally copying the data from the intermediate texture back to the
// render target texture. And so all of the commands that have written
// to the render target texture so far need to execute before it's bound
// for blending (otherwise the blend pass will end up executing before
// all the previous commands in the active pass).
if (!pass_context.EndPass()) {
<< "Failed to end the current render pass in order to read from "
"the backdrop texture and apply an advanced blend.";
return false;
// Amend an advanced blend filter to the contents, attaching the pass
// texture.
auto texture = pass_context.GetTexture();
if (!texture) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to fetch the color texture in order to "
"apply an advanced blend.";
return false;
FilterInput::Vector inputs = {
auto contents = ColorFilterContents::MakeBlend(
result.entity.GetBlendMode(), inputs);
/// Render the Element.
if (!render_element(result.entity)) {
// Specific validation logs are handled in `render_element()`.
return false;
/// Draw debug checkerboard over offscreen textures.
// When the pass depth is > 0, this EntityPass is being rendered to an
// offscreen texture.
if (enable_offscreen_debug_checkerboard_ &&
!collapsed_parent_pass.has_value() && pass_depth > 0) {
auto result = pass_context.GetRenderPass(pass_depth);
if (!result.pass) {
// Failure to produce a render pass should be explained by specific errors
// in `InlinePassContext::GetRenderPass()`.
return false;
auto checkerboard = CheckerboardContents();
auto color = ColorHSB(0, // hue
1, // saturation
std::max(0.0, 0.6 - pass_depth / 5), // brightness
0.25); // alpha
checkerboard.Render(renderer, {}, *result.pass);
return true;
void EntityPass::IterateAllEntities(
const std::function<bool(Entity&)>& iterator) {
if (!iterator) {
for (auto& element : elements_) {
if (auto entity = std::get_if<Entity>(&element)) {
if (!iterator(*entity)) {
if (auto subpass = std::get_if<std::unique_ptr<EntityPass>>(&element)) {
bool EntityPass::IterateUntilSubpass(
const std::function<bool(Entity&)>& iterator) {
if (!iterator) {
return true;
for (auto& element : elements_) {
if (auto entity = std::get_if<Entity>(&element)) {
if (!iterator(*entity)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
size_t EntityPass::GetElementCount() const {
return elements_.size();
std::unique_ptr<EntityPass> EntityPass::Clone() const {
std::vector<Element> new_elements;
for (const auto& element : elements_) {
if (auto entity = std::get_if<Entity>(&element)) {
if (auto subpass = std::get_if<std::unique_ptr<EntityPass>>(&element)) {
auto pass = std::make_unique<EntityPass>();
return pass;
void EntityPass::SetTransformation(Matrix xformation) {
xformation_ = xformation;
void EntityPass::SetStencilDepth(size_t stencil_depth) {
stencil_depth_ = stencil_depth;
void EntityPass::SetBlendMode(BlendMode blend_mode) {
blend_mode_ = blend_mode;
flood_clip_ = Entity::IsBlendModeDestructive(blend_mode);
void EntityPass::SetClearColor(Color clear_color) {
clear_color_ = clear_color;
Color EntityPass::GetClearColor() const {
return clear_color_;
void EntityPass::SetBackdropFilter(std::optional<BackdropFilterProc> proc) {
if (superpass_) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Backdrop filters cannot be set on EntityPasses that "
"have already been appended to another pass.";
backdrop_filter_proc_ = std::move(proc);
void EntityPass::SetEnableOffscreenCheckerboard(bool enabled) {
enable_offscreen_debug_checkerboard_ = enabled;
} // namespace impeller