blob: 30d3261e8b2a6df9a1d46abe2b893109e7e5ca49 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "flutter_export.h"
#include "flutter_messenger.h"
#include "flutter_plugin_registrar.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
// Indicates that any value is acceptable for an otherwise required property.
extern const int32_t kFlutterDesktopDontCare;
// Opaque reference to a Flutter window controller.
typedef struct FlutterDesktopWindowControllerState*
// Opaque reference to a Flutter window.
typedef struct FlutterDesktopWindow* FlutterDesktopWindowRef;
// Opaque reference to a Flutter engine instance.
typedef struct FlutterDesktopEngineState* FlutterDesktopEngineRef;
// Properties representing a generic rectangular size.
typedef struct {
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
} FlutterDesktopSize;
// Properties for configuring a Flutter engine instance.
typedef struct {
// The path to the flutter_assets folder for the application to be run.
// This can either be an absolute path, or on Windows or Linux, a path
// relative to the directory containing the executable.
const char* assets_path;
// The path to the icudtl.dat file for the version of Flutter you are using.
// This can either be an absolute path, or on Windows or Linux, a path
// relative to the directory containing the executable.
const char* icu_data_path;
// The path to the file for the application to be run.
// This can either be an absolute path or a path relative to the directory
// containing the executable.
const char* aot_library_path;
// The switches to pass to the Flutter engine.
// See:
// for details. Not all arguments will apply to desktop.
const char** switches;
// The number of elements in |switches|.
size_t switches_count;
} FlutterDesktopEngineProperties;
// Properties for configuring the initial settings of a Flutter window.
typedef struct {
// The display title.
const char* title;
// Width in screen coordinates.
int32_t width;
// Height in screen coordinates.
int32_t height;
// Whether or not the user is prevented from resizing the window.
// Reversed so that the default for a cleared struct is to allow resizing.
bool prevent_resize;
} FlutterDesktopWindowProperties;
// Sets up the library's graphic context. Must be called before any other
// methods.
// Note: Internally, this library uses GLFW, which does not support multiple
// copies within the same process. Internally this calls glfwInit, which will
// fail if you have called glfwInit elsewhere in the process.
FLUTTER_EXPORT bool FlutterDesktopInit();
// Tears down library state. Must be called before the process terminates.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopTerminate();
// Creates a Window running a Flutter Application.
// FlutterDesktopInit() must be called prior to this function.
// This will set up and run an associated Flutter engine using the settings in
// |engine_properties|.
// Returns a null pointer in the event of an error. Otherwise, the pointer is
// valid until FlutterDesktopDestroyWindow is called.
// Note that calling FlutterDesktopCreateWindow without later calling
// FlutterDesktopDestroyWindow on the returned reference is a memory leak.
FLUTTER_EXPORT FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef FlutterDesktopCreateWindow(
const FlutterDesktopWindowProperties& window_properties,
const FlutterDesktopEngineProperties& engine_properties);
// Shuts down the engine instance associated with |controller|, and cleans up
// associated state.
// |controller| is no longer valid after this call.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopDestroyWindow(
FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef controller);
// Waits for and processes the next event before |timeout_milliseconds|.
// If |timeout_milliseconds| is zero, it will wait for the next event
// indefinitely. A non-zero timeout is needed only if processing unrelated to
// the event loop is necessary (e.g., to handle events from another source).
// Returns false if the window should be closed as a result of the last event
// processed.
FLUTTER_EXPORT bool FlutterDesktopRunWindowEventLoopWithTimeout(
FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef controller,
uint32_t timeout_milliseconds);
// Returns the window handle for the window associated with
// FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef.
// Its lifetime is the same as the |controller|'s.
FLUTTER_EXPORT FlutterDesktopWindowRef
FlutterDesktopGetWindow(FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef controller);
// Returns the handle for the engine running in
// FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef.
// Its lifetime is the same as the |controller|'s.
FLUTTER_EXPORT FlutterDesktopEngineRef
FlutterDesktopGetEngine(FlutterDesktopWindowControllerRef controller);
// Returns the plugin registrar handle for the plugin with the given name.
// The name must be unique across the application.
FLUTTER_EXPORT FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef
FlutterDesktopGetPluginRegistrar(FlutterDesktopEngineRef engine,
const char* plugin_name);
// Enables or disables hover tracking.
// If hover is enabled, mouse movement will send hover events to the Flutter
// engine, rather than only tracking the mouse while the button is pressed.
// Defaults to on.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowSetHoverEnabled(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
bool enabled);
// Sets the displayed title for |flutter_window|.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowSetTitle(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
const char* title);
// Sets the displayed icon for |flutter_window|.
// The pixel format is 32-bit RGBA. The provided image data only needs to be
// valid for the duration of the call to this method. Pass a nullptr to revert
// to the default icon.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowSetIcon(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
uint8_t* pixel_data,
int width,
int height);
// Gets the position and size of |flutter_window| in screen coordinates.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowGetFrame(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
int* x,
int* y,
int* width,
int* height);
// Sets the position and size of |flutter_window| in screen coordinates.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowSetFrame(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height);
// Returns the scale factor--the number of pixels per screen coordinate--for
// |flutter_window|.
FLUTTER_EXPORT double FlutterDesktopWindowGetScaleFactor(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window);
// Forces a specific pixel ratio for Flutter rendering in |flutter_window|,
// rather than one computed automatically from screen information.
// To clear a previously set override, pass an override value of zero.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowSetPixelRatioOverride(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
double pixel_ratio);
// Sets the min/max size of |flutter_window| in screen coordinates. Use
// kFlutterDesktopDontCare for any dimension you wish to leave unconstrained.
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopWindowSetSizeLimits(
FlutterDesktopWindowRef flutter_window,
FlutterDesktopSize minimum_size,
FlutterDesktopSize maximum_size);
// Runs an instance of a headless Flutter engine.
// Returns a null pointer in the event of an error.
FLUTTER_EXPORT FlutterDesktopEngineRef
FlutterDesktopRunEngine(const FlutterDesktopEngineProperties& properties);
// Waits for and processes the next event before |timeout_milliseconds|.
// If |timeout_milliseconds| is zero, it will wait for the next event
// indefinitely. A non-zero timeout is needed only if processing unrelated to
// the event loop is necessary (e.g., to handle events from another source).
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopRunEngineEventLoopWithTimeout(
FlutterDesktopEngineRef engine,
uint32_t timeout_milliseconds);
// Shuts down the given engine instance. Returns true if the shutdown was
// successful. |engine_ref| is no longer valid after this call.
FLUTTER_EXPORT bool FlutterDesktopShutDownEngine(
FlutterDesktopEngineRef engine);
// Returns the window associated with this registrar's engine instance.
// This is a GLFW shell-specific extension to flutter_plugin_registrar.h
FLUTTER_EXPORT FlutterDesktopWindowRef FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarGetWindow(
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar);
// Enables input blocking on the given channel.
// If set, then the Flutter window will disable input callbacks
// while waiting for the handler for messages on that channel to run. This is
// useful if handling the message involves showing a modal window, for instance.
// This must be called after FlutterDesktopSetMessageHandler, as setting a
// handler on a channel will reset the input blocking state back to the
// default of disabled.
// This is a GLFW shell-specific extension to flutter_plugin_registrar.h
FLUTTER_EXPORT void FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarEnableInputBlocking(
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar,
const char* channel);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"