blob: a4a9bcda114b85c2628bb4218939b89ef3f63b38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstring>
#include <cwchar>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/system_utils.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/mock_windows_proc_table.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
TEST(SystemUtils, GetPreferredLanguageInfo) {
WindowsProcTable proc_table;
std::vector<LanguageInfo> languages =
// There should be at least one language.
ASSERT_GE(languages.size(), 1);
// The info should have a valid languge.
EXPECT_GE(languages[0].language.size(), 2);
TEST(SystemUtils, GetPreferredLanguages) {
MockWindowsProcTable proc_table;
ON_CALL(proc_table, GetThreadPreferredUILanguages)
[](DWORD flags, PULONG count, PZZWSTR languages, PULONG size) {
// Languages string ends in a double-null.
static const wchar_t lang[] = L"en-US\0";
static const size_t lang_len = sizeof(lang) / sizeof(wchar_t);
static const int cnt = 1;
if (languages == nullptr) {
*size = lang_len;
*count = cnt;
} else if (*size >= lang_len) {
memcpy(languages, lang, lang_len * sizeof(wchar_t));
return TRUE;
std::vector<std::wstring> languages = GetPreferredLanguages(proc_table);
// There should be at least one language.
ASSERT_GE(languages.size(), 1);
// The language should be non-empty.
// There should not be a trailing null from the parsing step.
EXPECT_EQ(languages[0].size(), wcslen(languages[0].c_str()));
EXPECT_EQ(languages[0], L"en-US");
TEST(SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameGeneric) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLanguageName(L"en");
EXPECT_EQ(info.language, "en");
TEST(SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithRegion) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLanguageName(L"hu-HU");
EXPECT_EQ(info.language, "hu");
EXPECT_EQ(info.region, "HU");
TEST(SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithScript) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLanguageName(L"us-Latn");
EXPECT_EQ(info.language, "us");
EXPECT_EQ(info.script, "Latn");
TEST(SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithRegionAndScript) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLanguageName(L"uz-Latn-UZ");
EXPECT_EQ(info.language, "uz");
EXPECT_EQ(info.region, "UZ");
EXPECT_EQ(info.script, "Latn");
TEST(SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithSuplementalLanguage) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLanguageName(L"en-US-x-fabricam");
EXPECT_EQ(info.language, "en");
EXPECT_EQ(info.region, "US");
// Ensure that ISO 639-2/T codes are handled.
TEST(SystemUtils, ParseLanguageNameWithThreeCharacterLanguage) {
LanguageInfo info = ParseLanguageName(L"ale-ZZ");
EXPECT_EQ(info.language, "ale");
EXPECT_EQ(info.region, "ZZ");
TEST(SystemUtils, GetUserTimeFormat) {
// The value varies based on machine; just ensure that something is returned.
TEST(SystemUtils, Prefer24HourTimeHandlesEmptyFormat) {
TEST(SystemUtils, Prefer24HourTimeHandles12Hour) {
EXPECT_FALSE(Prefer24HourTime(L"h:mm:ss tt"));
TEST(SystemUtils, Prefer24HourTimeHandles24Hour) {
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter