blob: 401d34b8e81bcea9fcbbe08a61b9d40edaf39aff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io show Directory, File, Platform, stderr;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
// Path to root of the flutter/engine repository containing this script.
final String _engineRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.fromUri(io.Platform.script)))));
/// Adds warnings as errors for only specific runs. This is helpful if migrating one platform at a time.
String? _platformSpecificWarningsAsErrors(ArgResults options) {
if (options['target-variant'] == 'host_debug' && io.Platform.isMacOS) {
return options['mac-host-warnings-as-errors'] as String?;
return null;
/// A class for organizing the options to the Engine linter, and the files
/// that it operates on.
class Options {
/// Builds an instance of [Options] from the arguments.
required this.buildCommandsPath, = false,
this.verbose = false,
this.checksArg = '',
this.lintAll = false,
this.lintHead = false,
this.fix = false,
this.shardCommandsPaths = const <io.File>[],
this.enableCheckProfile = false,
StringSink? errSink,
}) : checks = checksArg.isNotEmpty ? '--checks=$checksArg' : null,
_errSink = errSink ?? io.stderr;
factory Options._error(
String message, {
StringSink? errSink,
}) {
return Options(
errorMessage: message,
buildCommandsPath: io.File('none'),
errSink: errSink,
factory Options._help({
StringSink? errSink,
}) {
return Options(
help: true,
buildCommandsPath: io.File('none'),
errSink: errSink,
/// Builds an [Options] instance with an [ArgResults] instance.
factory Options._fromArgResults(
ArgResults options, {
required io.File buildCommandsPath,
StringSink? errSink,
required List<io.File> shardCommandsPaths,
int? shardId,
}) {
return Options(
help: options['help'] as bool,
verbose: options['verbose'] as bool,
buildCommandsPath: buildCommandsPath,
checksArg: options.wasParsed('checks') ? options['checks'] as String : '',
lintAll: io.Platform.environment['FLUTTER_LINT_ALL'] != null ||
options['lint-all'] as bool,
lintHead: options['lint-head'] as bool,
fix: options['fix'] as bool,
errSink: errSink,
warningsAsErrors: _platformSpecificWarningsAsErrors(options),
shardCommandsPaths: shardCommandsPaths,
shardId: shardId,
enableCheckProfile: options['enable-check-profile'] as bool,
/// Builds an instance of [Options] from the given `arguments`.
factory Options.fromCommandLine(
List<String> arguments, {
StringSink? errSink,
}) {
final ArgResults argResults = _argParser.parse(arguments);
String? buildCommandsPath = argResults['compile-commands'] as String?;
String variantToBuildCommandsFilePath(String variant) =>
argResults['src-dir'] as String,
// path/to/engine/src/out/variant/compile_commands.json
buildCommandsPath ??= variantToBuildCommandsFilePath(argResults['target-variant'] as String);
final io.File buildCommands = io.File(buildCommandsPath);
final List<io.File> shardCommands =
(argResults['shard-variants'] as String? ?? '')
.where((String element) => element.isNotEmpty)
.map((String variant) =>
final String? message = _checkArguments(argResults, buildCommands);
if (message != null) {
return Options._error(message, errSink: errSink);
if (argResults['help'] as bool) {
return Options._help(errSink: errSink);
final String? shardIdString = argResults['shard-id'] as String?;
final int? shardId = shardIdString == null ? null : int.parse(shardIdString);
if (shardId != null && (shardId > shardCommands.length || shardId < 0)) {
return Options._error('Invalid shard-id value: $shardId.', errSink: errSink);
return Options._fromArgResults(
buildCommandsPath: buildCommands,
errSink: errSink,
shardCommandsPaths: shardCommands,
shardId: shardId,
static final ArgParser _argParser = ArgParser()
abbr: 'h',
help: 'Print help.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Lint all of the sources, regardless of FLUTTER_NOLINT.',
help: 'Lint files changed in the tip-of-tree commit.',
help: 'Apply suggested fixes.',
help: 'Print verbose output.',
help: 'When used with the shard-commands option this identifies which shard will execute.',
valueHelp: 'A number less than 1 + the number of shard-commands arguments.',
help: 'Comma separated list of other targets, this invocation '
'will only execute a subset of the intersection and the difference of the '
'compile commands. Use with `shard-id`.'
help: 'Use the given path as the source of compile_commands.json. This '
'file is created by running "tools/gn". Cannot be used with --target-variant '
'or --src-dir.',
aliases: <String>['variant'],
help: 'The engine variant directory containing compile_commands.json '
'created by running "tools/gn". Cannot be used with --compile-commands.',
valueHelp: 'host_debug|android_debug_unopt|ios_debug|ios_debug_sim_unopt',
defaultsTo: 'host_debug',
'checks that will be treated as errors when running debug_host on mac.')
help: 'Path to the engine src directory. Cannot be used with --compile-commands.',
valueHelp: 'path/to/engine/src',
defaultsTo: path.dirname(_engineRoot),
help: 'Perform the given checks on the code. Defaults to the empty '
'string, indicating all checks should be performed.',
defaultsTo: '',
help: 'Enable per-check timing profiles and print a report to stderr.',
negatable: false,
/// Whether to print a help message and exit.
final bool help;
/// Whether to run with verbose output.
final bool verbose;
/// The location of the compile_commands.json file.
final io.File buildCommandsPath;
/// The location of shard compile_commands.json files.
final List<io.File> shardCommandsPaths;
/// The identifier of the shard.
final int? shardId;
/// The root of the flutter/engine repository.
final io.Directory repoPath = io.Directory(_engineRoot);
/// Argument sent as `warnings-as-errors` to clang-tidy.
final String? warningsAsErrors;
/// Checks argument as supplied to the command-line.
final String checksArg;
/// Check argument to be supplied to the clang-tidy subprocess.
final String? checks;
/// Whether all files should be linted.
final bool lintAll;
/// Whether to lint only files changed in the tip-of-tree commit.
final bool lintHead;
/// Whether checks should apply available fix-ups to the working copy.
final bool fix;
/// Whether to enable per-check timing profiles and print a report to stderr.
final bool enableCheckProfile;
/// If there was a problem with the command line arguments, this string
/// contains the error message.
final String? errorMessage;
final StringSink _errSink;
/// Print command usage with an additional message.
void printUsage({String? message}) {
if (message != null) {
'Usage: bin/main.dart [--help] [--lint-all] [--lint-head] [--fix] [--verbose] '
'[--diff-branch] [--target-variant variant] [--src-dir path/to/engine/src]',
/// Command line argument validation.
static String? _checkArguments(ArgResults argResults, io.File buildCommandsPath) {
if (argResults.wasParsed('help')) {
return null;
final bool compileCommandsParsed = argResults.wasParsed('compile-commands');
if (compileCommandsParsed && argResults.wasParsed('target-variant')) {
return 'ERROR: --compile-commands option cannot be used with --target-variant.';
if (compileCommandsParsed && argResults.wasParsed('src-dir')) {
return 'ERROR: --compile-commands option cannot be used with --src-dir.';
if (argResults.wasParsed('lint-all') && argResults.wasParsed('lint-head')) {
return 'ERROR: At most one of --lint-all and --lint-head can be passed.';
if (!buildCommandsPath.existsSync()) {
return "ERROR: Build commands path ${buildCommandsPath.absolute.path} doesn't exist.";
if (argResults.wasParsed('shard-variants') && !argResults.wasParsed('shard-id')) {
return 'ERROR: a `shard-id` must be specified with `shard-variants`.';
return null;