blob: 686484421561caab7d7c87a2d499368918d2377f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/display_list/effects/dl_color_filter.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_color.h"
namespace flutter {
std::shared_ptr<DlColorFilter> DlBlendColorFilter::Make(DlColor color,
DlBlendMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case DlBlendMode::kDst: {
return nullptr;
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOver: {
if (color.isTransparent()) {
return nullptr;
if (color.isOpaque()) {
mode = DlBlendMode::kSrc;
case DlBlendMode::kDstOver:
case DlBlendMode::kDstOut:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcATop:
case DlBlendMode::kXor:
case DlBlendMode::kDarken: {
if (color.isTransparent()) {
return nullptr;
case DlBlendMode::kDstIn: {
if (color.isOpaque()) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_shared<DlBlendColorFilter>(color, mode);
bool DlBlendColorFilter::modifies_transparent_black() const {
switch (mode_) {
// These modes all act like kSrc when the dest is all 0s.
// So they modify transparent black when the src color is
// not transparent.
case DlBlendMode::kSrc:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOver:
case DlBlendMode::kDstOver:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOut:
case DlBlendMode::kDstATop:
case DlBlendMode::kXor:
case DlBlendMode::kPlus:
case DlBlendMode::kScreen:
case DlBlendMode::kOverlay:
case DlBlendMode::kDarken:
case DlBlendMode::kLighten:
case DlBlendMode::kColorDodge:
case DlBlendMode::kColorBurn:
case DlBlendMode::kHardLight:
case DlBlendMode::kSoftLight:
case DlBlendMode::kDifference:
case DlBlendMode::kExclusion:
case DlBlendMode::kMultiply:
case DlBlendMode::kHue:
case DlBlendMode::kSaturation:
case DlBlendMode::kColor:
case DlBlendMode::kLuminosity:
return !color_.isTransparent();
// These modes are all like kDst when the dest is all 0s.
// So they never modify transparent black.
case DlBlendMode::kClear:
case DlBlendMode::kDst:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcIn:
case DlBlendMode::kDstIn:
case DlBlendMode::kDstOut:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcATop:
case DlBlendMode::kModulate:
return false;
bool DlBlendColorFilter::can_commute_with_opacity() const {
switch (mode_) {
case DlBlendMode::kClear:
case DlBlendMode::kDst:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcIn:
case DlBlendMode::kDstIn:
case DlBlendMode::kDstOut:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcATop:
case DlBlendMode::kModulate:
return true;
case DlBlendMode::kSrc:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOver:
case DlBlendMode::kDstOver:
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOut:
case DlBlendMode::kDstATop:
case DlBlendMode::kXor:
case DlBlendMode::kPlus:
case DlBlendMode::kScreen:
case DlBlendMode::kOverlay:
case DlBlendMode::kDarken:
case DlBlendMode::kLighten:
case DlBlendMode::kColorDodge:
case DlBlendMode::kColorBurn:
case DlBlendMode::kHardLight:
case DlBlendMode::kSoftLight:
case DlBlendMode::kDifference:
case DlBlendMode::kExclusion:
case DlBlendMode::kMultiply:
case DlBlendMode::kHue:
case DlBlendMode::kSaturation:
case DlBlendMode::kColor:
case DlBlendMode::kLuminosity:
return color_.isTransparent();
std::shared_ptr<DlColorFilter> DlMatrixColorFilter::Make(
const float matrix[20]) {
float product = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
product *= matrix[i];
// If any of the elements of the matrix are infinity or NaN, then
// |product| will be NaN, otherwise 0.
if (product == 0) {
return std::make_shared<DlMatrixColorFilter>(matrix);
return nullptr;
bool DlMatrixColorFilter::modifies_transparent_black() const {
// Values are considered in non-premultiplied form when the matrix is
// applied, but we only care about this answer for whether it leaves
// an incoming color with a transparent alpha as transparent on output.
// Thus, we only need to consider the alpha part of the matrix equation,
// which is the last row. Since the incoming alpha value is 0, the last
// equation ends up becoming A' = matrix_[19]. Negative results will be
// clamped to the range [0,1] so we only care about positive values.
// Non-finite values are clamped to a zero alpha.
return (SkScalarIsFinite(matrix_[19]) && matrix_[19] > 0);
bool DlMatrixColorFilter::can_commute_with_opacity() const {
// We need to check if:
// filter(color) * opacity == filter(color * opacity).
// filter(RGBA) = R' = [ R*m[ 0] + G*m[ 1] + B*m[ 2] + A*m[ 3] + m[ 4] ]
// G' = [ R*m[ 5] + G*m[ 6] + B*m[ 7] + A*m[ 8] + m[ 9] ]
// B' = [ R*m[10] + G*m[11] + B*m[12] + A*m[13] + m[14] ]
// A' = [ R*m[15] + G*m[16] + B*m[17] + A*m[18] + m[19] ]
// Applying the opacity only affects the alpha value since the operations
// are performed on non-premultiplied colors. (If the data is stored in
// premultiplied form, though, there may be rounding errors due to
// premul->unpremul->premul conversions.)
// We test for the successful cases and return false if they fail so that
// we fail and return false if any matrix values are NaN.
// If any of the alpha column are non-zero then the prior alpha affects
// the result color, so applying opacity before the filter will change
// the incoming alpha and therefore the colors that are produced.
if (!(matrix_[3] == 0 && // A does not affect R'
matrix_[8] == 0 && // A does not affect G'
matrix_[13] == 0)) { // A does not affect B'
return false;
// Similarly, if any of the alpha row are non-zero then the prior colors
// affect the result alpha in a way that prevents opacity from commuting
// through the filter operation.
if (!(matrix_[15] == 0 && // R does not affect A'
matrix_[16] == 0 && // G does not affect A'
matrix_[17] == 0 && // B does not affect A'
matrix_[19] == 0)) { // A' is not offset by an absolute value
return false;
return true;
const std::shared_ptr<DlSrgbToLinearGammaColorFilter>
DlSrgbToLinearGammaColorFilter::kInstance =
const std::shared_ptr<DlLinearToSrgbGammaColorFilter>
DlLinearToSrgbGammaColorFilter::kInstance =
} // namespace flutter