blob: e549856dc1857a0f82f2cae15dd84fc2087736c7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/contents/solid_rrect_blur_contents.h"
#include <optional>
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/color.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path_builder.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/vertex_buffer_builder.h"
#include "impeller/tessellator/tessellator.h"
namespace impeller {
namespace {
// Generous padding to make sure blurs with large sigmas are fully visible.
// Used to expand the geometry around the rrect.
Scalar PadForSigma(Scalar sigma) {
return sigma * 4.0;
} // namespace
SolidRRectBlurContents::SolidRRectBlurContents() = default;
SolidRRectBlurContents::~SolidRRectBlurContents() = default;
void SolidRRectBlurContents::SetRRect(std::optional<Rect> rect,
Scalar corner_radius) {
rect_ = rect;
corner_radius_ = corner_radius;
void SolidRRectBlurContents::SetSigma(Sigma sigma) {
sigma_ = sigma;
void SolidRRectBlurContents::SetColor(Color color) {
color_ = color.Premultiply();
Color SolidRRectBlurContents::GetColor() const {
return color_;
std::optional<Rect> SolidRRectBlurContents::GetCoverage(
const Entity& entity) const {
if (!rect_.has_value()) {
return std::nullopt;
Scalar radius = PadForSigma(sigma_.sigma);
auto ltrb = rect_->GetLTRB();
Rect bounds = Rect::MakeLTRB(ltrb[0] - radius, ltrb[1] - radius,
ltrb[2] + radius, ltrb[3] + radius);
return bounds.TransformBounds(entity.GetTransformation());
bool SolidRRectBlurContents::Render(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const {
if (!rect_.has_value()) {
return true;
using VS = RRectBlurPipeline::VertexShader;
using FS = RRectBlurPipeline::FragmentShader;
VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData> vtx_builder;
// Clamp the max kernel width/height to 1000.
auto blur_sigma = std::min(sigma_.sigma, 250.0f);
// Increase quality by making the radius a bit bigger than the typical
// sigma->radius conversion we use for slower blurs.
auto blur_radius = PadForSigma(blur_sigma);
auto positive_rect = rect_->GetPositive();
auto left = -blur_radius;
auto top = -blur_radius;
auto right = positive_rect.size.width + blur_radius;
auto bottom = positive_rect.size.height + blur_radius;
{Point(left, top)},
{Point(right, top)},
{Point(left, bottom)},
{Point(right, bottom)},
Command cmd;
DEBUG_COMMAND_INFO(cmd, "RRect Shadow");
ContentContextOptions opts = OptionsFromPassAndEntity(pass, entity);
opts.primitive_type = PrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip;
Color color = color_;
if (entity.GetBlendMode() == BlendMode::kClear) {
opts.is_for_rrect_blur_clear = true;
color = Color::White();
cmd.pipeline = renderer.GetRRectBlurPipeline(opts);
cmd.stencil_reference = entity.GetClipDepth();
VS::FrameInfo frame_info;
frame_info.mvp = Matrix::MakeOrthographic(pass.GetRenderTargetSize()) *
entity.GetTransformation() *
VS::BindFrameInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(frame_info));
FS::FragInfo frag_info;
frag_info.color = color;
frag_info.blur_sigma = blur_sigma;
frag_info.rect_size = Point(positive_rect.size);
frag_info.corner_radius =
std::min(corner_radius_, std::min(positive_rect.size.width / 2.0f,
positive_rect.size.height / 2.0f));
FS::BindFragInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(frag_info));
if (!pass.AddCommand(std::move(cmd))) {
return false;
return true;
bool SolidRRectBlurContents::ApplyColorFilter(
const ColorFilterProc& color_filter_proc) {
color_ = color_filter_proc(color_);
return true;
} // namespace impeller