blob: c539ed423228fbb2b6e57c1f37a8c6b07adc1338 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/compiler/switches.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include "flutter/fml/file.h"
#include "impeller/compiler/types.h"
#include "impeller/compiler/utilities.h"
namespace impeller {
namespace compiler {
static const std::map<std::string, TargetPlatform> kKnownPlatforms = {
{"metal-desktop", TargetPlatform::kMetalDesktop},
{"metal-ios", TargetPlatform::kMetalIOS},
{"vulkan", TargetPlatform::kVulkan},
{"opengl-es", TargetPlatform::kOpenGLES},
{"opengl-desktop", TargetPlatform::kOpenGLDesktop},
{"sksl", TargetPlatform::kSkSL},
{"runtime-stage-metal", TargetPlatform::kRuntimeStageMetal},
{"runtime-stage-gles", TargetPlatform::kRuntimeStageGLES},
{"runtime-stage-vulkan", TargetPlatform::kRuntimeStageVulkan},
static const std::map<std::string, SourceType> kKnownSourceTypes = {
{"vert", SourceType::kVertexShader},
{"frag", SourceType::kFragmentShader},
{"tesc", SourceType::kTessellationControlShader},
{"tese", SourceType::kTessellationEvaluationShader},
{"comp", SourceType::kComputeShader},
void Switches::PrintHelp(std::ostream& stream) {
stream << std::endl;
stream << "ImpellerC is an offline shader processor and reflection engine."
<< std::endl;
stream << "---------------------------------------------------------------"
<< std::endl;
stream << "Valid Argument are:" << std::endl;
stream << "One of [";
for (const auto& platform : kKnownPlatforms) {
stream << " --" << platform.first;
stream << " ]" << std::endl;
stream << "--input=<source_file>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --input-type={";
for (const auto& source_type : kKnownSourceTypes) {
stream << source_type.first << ", ";
stream << "}" << std::endl;
stream << "--sl=<sl_output_file>" << std::endl;
stream << "--spirv=<spirv_output_file>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --source-language=glsl|hlsl (default: glsl)"
<< std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --entry-point=<entry_point_name> (default: main; "
"ignored for glsl)"
<< std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --iplr (causes --sl file to be emitted in iplr format)"
<< std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --reflection-json=<reflection_json_file>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --reflection-header=<reflection_header_file>"
<< std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --reflection-cc=<reflection_cc_file>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional,multiple] --include=<include_directory>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional,multiple] --define=<define>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --depfile=<depfile_path>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --gles-language-version=<number>" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --json" << std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --use-half-textures (force openGL semantics when "
"targeting metal)"
<< std::endl;
stream << "[optional] --require-framebuffer-fetch" << std::endl;
Switches::Switches() = default;
Switches::~Switches() = default;
static TargetPlatform TargetPlatformFromCommandLine(
const fml::CommandLine& command_line) {
auto target = TargetPlatform::kUnknown;
for (const auto& platform : kKnownPlatforms) {
if (command_line.HasOption(platform.first)) {
// If the platform has already been determined, the caller may have
// specified multiple platforms. This is an error and only one must be
// selected.
if (target != TargetPlatform::kUnknown) {
return TargetPlatform::kUnknown;
target = platform.second;
// Keep going to detect duplicates.
return target;
static SourceType SourceTypeFromCommandLine(
const fml::CommandLine& command_line) {
auto source_type_option =
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("input-type", "");
auto source_type_search = kKnownSourceTypes.find(source_type_option);
if (source_type_search == kKnownSourceTypes.end()) {
return SourceType::kUnknown;
return source_type_search->second;
Switches::Switches(const fml::CommandLine& command_line)
: target_platform(TargetPlatformFromCommandLine(command_line)),
false, // create if necessary,
source_file_name(command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("input", "")),
sl_file_name(command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("sl", "")),
spirv_file_name(command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("spirv", "")),
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("reflection-json", "")),
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("reflection-header", "")),
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("reflection-cc", "")),
depfile_path(command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("depfile", "")),
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("metal-version", "1.2")),
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("entry-point", "main")),
command_line.HasOption("require-framebuffer-fetch")) {
auto language =
command_line.GetOptionValueWithDefault("source-language", "glsl");
std::transform(language.begin(), language.end(), language.begin(),
[](char x) { return std::tolower(x); });
if (language == "glsl") {
source_language = SourceLanguage::kGLSL;
} else if (language == "hlsl") {
source_language = SourceLanguage::kHLSL;
if (!working_directory || !working_directory->is_valid()) {
for (const auto& include_dir_path : command_line.GetOptionValues("include")) {
if (! {
// fml::OpenDirectoryReadOnly for Windows doesn't handle relative paths
// beginning with `../` well, so we build an absolute path.
// Get the current working directory as a utf8 encoded string.
// Note that the `include_dir_path` is already utf8 encoded, and so we
// mustn't attempt to double-convert it to utf8 lest multi-byte characters
// will become mangled.
std::filesystem::path include_dir_absolute;
if (std::filesystem::path(include_dir_path).is_absolute()) {
include_dir_absolute = std::filesystem::path(include_dir_path);
} else {
auto cwd = Utf8FromPath(std::filesystem::current_path());
include_dir_absolute = std::filesystem::absolute(
std::filesystem::path(cwd) / include_dir_path);
auto dir = std::make_shared<fml::UniqueFD>(fml::OpenDirectoryReadOnly(
*working_directory, include_dir_absolute.string().c_str()));
if (!dir || !dir->is_valid()) {
IncludeDir dir_entry; = include_dir_path;
dir_entry.dir = std::move(dir);
for (const auto& define : command_line.GetOptionValues("define")) {
bool Switches::AreValid(std::ostream& explain) const {
bool valid = true;
if (target_platform == TargetPlatform::kUnknown) {
explain << "The target platform (only one) was not specified." << std::endl;
valid = false;
if (source_language == SourceLanguage::kUnknown) {
explain << "Invalid source language type." << std::endl;
valid = false;
if (!working_directory || !working_directory->is_valid()) {
explain << "Could not open the working directory: \""
<< Utf8FromPath(std::filesystem::current_path()).c_str() << "\""
<< std::endl;
valid = false;
if (source_file_name.empty()) {
explain << "Input file name was empty." << std::endl;
valid = false;
if (sl_file_name.empty()) {
explain << "Target shading language file name was empty." << std::endl;
valid = false;
if (spirv_file_name.empty()) {
explain << "Spirv file name was empty." << std::endl;
valid = false;
return valid;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace impeller