blob: 512c152d6e0bf0b7b9f2d207a83d33d55e07264e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "impeller/core/formats.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/command.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/command_buffer.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_target.h"
namespace impeller {
class HostBuffer;
class Allocator;
/// @brief Render passes encode render commands directed as one specific
/// render target into an underlying command buffer.
/// Render passes can be obtained from the command buffer in which
/// the pass is meant to encode commands into.
/// @see `CommandBuffer`
class RenderPass {
virtual ~RenderPass();
const std::weak_ptr<const Context>& GetContext() const;
const RenderTarget& GetRenderTarget() const;
ISize GetRenderTargetSize() const;
virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;
void SetLabel(std::string label);
/// @brief Reserve [command_count] commands in the HAL command buffer.
/// Note: this is not the native command buffer.
void ReserveCommands(size_t command_count) {
HostBuffer& GetTransientsBuffer();
/// @brief Record a command for subsequent encoding to the underlying
/// command buffer. No work is encoded into the command buffer at
/// this time.
/// @param[in] command The command
/// @return If the command was valid for subsequent commitment.
bool AddCommand(Command&& command);
/// @brief Encode the recorded commands to the underlying command buffer.
/// @return If the commands were encoded to the underlying command
/// buffer.
bool EncodeCommands() const;
/// @brief Accessor for the current Commands.
/// @details Visible for testing.
const std::vector<Command>& GetCommands() const { return commands_; }
/// @brief The sample count of the attached render target.
SampleCount GetSampleCount() const;
/// @brief The pixel format of the attached render target.
PixelFormat GetRenderTargetPixelFormat() const;
/// @brief Whether the render target has an stencil attachment.
bool HasStencilAttachment() const;
const std::weak_ptr<const Context> context_;
// The following properties: sample_count, pixel_format,
// has_stencil_attachment, and render_target_size are cached on the
// RenderTarget to speed up numerous lookups during rendering. This is safe as
// the RenderTarget itself is copied into the RenderTarget and only exposed as
// a const reference.
const SampleCount sample_count_;
const PixelFormat pixel_format_;
const bool has_stencil_attachment_;
const ISize render_target_size_;
const RenderTarget render_target_;
std::shared_ptr<HostBuffer> transients_buffer_;
std::vector<Command> commands_;
RenderPass(std::weak_ptr<const Context> context, const RenderTarget& target);
virtual void OnSetLabel(std::string label) = 0;
virtual bool OnEncodeCommands(const Context& context) const = 0;
RenderPass(const RenderPass&) = delete;
RenderPass& operator=(const RenderPass&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller