blob: 6bf2d70052b78a8bc38e7867af9bafe5d0885d3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:gen_web_keyboard_keymap/benchmark_planner.dart';
import 'package:gen_web_keyboard_keymap/common.dart';
import 'package:gen_web_keyboard_keymap/github.dart';
import 'package:gen_web_keyboard_keymap/layout_types.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
const String kEnvGithubToken = 'GITHUB_TOKEN';
String _renderTemplate(String template, Map<String, String> dictionary) {
String result = template;
dictionary.forEach((String key, String value) {
final String localResult = result.replaceAll('@@@$key@@@', value);
if (localResult == result) {
print('Template key $key is not used.');
result = localResult;
return result;
void _writeFileTo(String outputDir, String outputFileName, String body) {
final String outputPath = path.join(outputDir, outputFileName);
Directory(outputDir).createSync(recursive: true);
String _readSharedSegment(String path) {
const String kSegmentStartMark = '/*@@@ SHARED SEGMENT START @@@*/';
const String kSegmentEndMark = '/*@@@ SHARED SEGMENT END @@@*/';
final List<String> lines = File(path).readAsStringSync().split('\n');
// Defining the two variables as `late final` ensures that each mark is found
// once and only once, otherwise assertion errors will be thrown.
late final int startLine;
late final int endLine;
for (int lineNo = 0; lineNo < lines.length; lineNo += 1) {
if (lines[lineNo] == kSegmentStartMark) {
startLine = lineNo;
} else if (lines[lineNo] == kSegmentEndMark) {
endLine = lineNo;
assert(startLine < endLine);
return lines.sublist(startLine + 1, endLine).join('\n').trimRight();
typedef _ForEachAction<V> = void Function(String key, V value);
void _sortedForEach<V>(Map<String, V> map, _ForEachAction<V> action) {
..sort((MapEntry<String, V> a, MapEntry<String, V> b) => a.key.compareTo(b.key))
..forEach((MapEntry<String, V> entry) {
action(entry.key, entry.value);
String _escapeStringToDart(String origin) {
// If there is no `'`, we can use the raw string surrounded by `'`.
if (!origin.contains("'")) {
return "r'$origin'";
} else {
// If there is no `"`, we can use the raw string surrounded by `"`.
if (!origin.contains('"')) {
return 'r"$origin"';
} else {
// If there are both kinds of quotes, we have to use non-raw string
// and escape necessary characters.
final String beforeQuote = origin
.replaceAll(r'\', r'\\')
.replaceAll(r'$', r'\$')
.replaceAll("'", r"\'");
return "'$beforeQuote'";
typedef _ValueCompare<T> = void Function(T?, T?, String path);
void _mapForEachEqual<T>(Map<String, T> a, Map<String, T> b, _ValueCompare<T> body, String path) {
assert(a.length == b.length, '$path.length: ${a.length} vs ${b.length}');
for (final String key in a.keys) {
body(a[key], b[key], key);
// Ensure that two maps are deeply equal.
// Differences will be thrown as assertion.
bool _verifyMap(Map<String, Map<String, int>> a, Map<String, Map<String, int>> b) {
_mapForEachEqual(a, b, (Map<String, int>? aMap, Map<String, int>? bMap, String path) {
_mapForEachEqual(aMap!, bMap!, (int? aValue, int? bValue, String path) {
assert(aValue == bValue && aValue != null, '$path: $aValue vs $bValue');
}, path);
}, '');
return true;
String _buildMapString(Iterable<Layout> layouts) {
final Map<String, Map<String, int>> originalMap = combineLayouts(layouts);
final List<String> compressed = marshallMappingData(originalMap);
final Map<String, Map<String, int>> uncompressed = unmarshallMappingData(compressed.join());
assert(_verifyMap(originalMap, uncompressed));
return ' return unmarshallMappingData(\n'
'${ line) => ' ${_escapeStringToDart(line)}\n').join()}'
' ); // ${compressed.join().length} characters';
String _buildTestCasesString(List<Layout> layouts) {
final List<String> layoutsString = <String>[];
for (final Layout layout in layouts) {
final List<String> layoutEntries = <String>[];
_sortedForEach(planLayout(layout.entries), (String eventCode, int logicalKey) {
final LayoutEntry entry = layout.entries[eventCode]!;
layoutEntries.add(" verifyEntry(mapping, '$eventCode', <String>["
'${', ')}'
"], '${String.fromCharCode(logicalKey)}');");
group('${layout.language}', () {
return layoutsString.join('\n').trimRight();
Future<void> main(List<String> rawArguments) async {
final Map<String, String> env = Platform.environment;
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
abbr: 'f',
negatable: false,
help: 'Make a new request to GitHub even if a cache is detected',
abbr: 'h',
negatable: false,
help: 'Print help for this command.',
final ArgResults parsedArguments = argParser.parse(rawArguments);
if (parsedArguments['help'] as bool) {
bool enabledAssert = false;
assert(() {
enabledAssert = true;
return true;
if (!enabledAssert) {
print('Error: This script must be run with assert enabled. Please rerun with --enable-asserts.');
final String? envGithubToken = env[kEnvGithubToken];
if (envGithubToken == null) {
print('Error: Environment variable $kEnvGithubToken not found.\n\n'
'Set the environment variable $kEnvGithubToken as a GitHub personal access\n'
'token for authentication. This token is only used for quota controlling\n'
'and does not need any scopes. Create one at\n'
// The root of this package. The folder that is called
// 'gen_web_locale_keymap' and contains 'pubspec.yaml'.
final Directory packageRoot = Directory(path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath())).parent;
// The root of the output package. The folder that is called
// 'web_locale_keymap' and contains 'pubspec.yaml'.
final String outputRoot = path.join(packageRoot.parent.parent.path,
'third_party', 'web_locale_keymap');
final GithubResult githubResult = await fetchFromGithub(
githubToken: envGithubToken,
force: parsedArguments['force'] as bool,
cacheRoot: path.join(packageRoot.path, '.cache'),
final List<Layout> winLayouts = githubResult.layouts.where((Layout layout) =>
layout.platform ==;
final List<Layout> linuxLayouts = githubResult.layouts.where((Layout layout) =>
layout.platform == LayoutPlatform.linux).toList();
final List<Layout> darwinLayouts = githubResult.layouts.where((Layout layout) =>
layout.platform == LayoutPlatform.darwin).toList();
// Generate the definition file.
path.join(outputRoot, 'lib', 'web_locale_keymap'),
File(path.join(packageRoot.path, 'data', 'key_mappings.dart.tmpl')).readAsStringSync(),
<String, String>{
'COMMIT_URL': githubResult.url,
'WIN_MAPPING': _buildMapString(winLayouts),
'LINUX_MAPPING': _buildMapString(linuxLayouts),
'DARWIN_MAPPING': _buildMapString(darwinLayouts),
'COMMON': _readSharedSegment(path.join(packageRoot.path, 'lib', 'common.dart')),
// Generate the test cases.
path.join(outputRoot, 'test'),
File(path.join(packageRoot.path, 'data', 'test_cases.dart.tmpl')).readAsStringSync(),
<String, String>{
'WIN_CASES': _buildTestCasesString(winLayouts),
'LINUX_CASES': _buildTestCasesString(linuxLayouts),
'DARWIN_CASES': _buildTestCasesString(darwinLayouts),