blob: 48f12a7d2432da51ddf531ea5732115eae88e01b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/core/formats.h"
namespace impeller {
class Capabilities {
virtual ~Capabilities();
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports attaching offscreen MSAA
/// color/stencil textures.
virtual bool SupportsOffscreenMSAA() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports multisampled rendering to
/// the on-screen surface without requiring an explicit resolve of
/// the MSAA color attachment.
virtual bool SupportsImplicitResolvingMSAA() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports binding Shader Storage Buffer
/// Objects (SSBOs) to pipelines.
virtual bool SupportsSSBO() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports blitting from a given
/// `DeviceBuffer` view to a texture region (via the relevant
/// `BlitPass::AddCopy` overloads).
virtual bool SupportsBufferToTextureBlits() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports blitting from one texture
/// region to another texture region (via the relevant
/// `BlitPass::AddCopy` overloads).
virtual bool SupportsTextureToTextureBlits() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend is able to support pipelines with
/// shaders that read from the framebuffer (i.e. pixels that have been
/// written by previous draw calls in the current render pass).
/// Example of reading from the first color attachment in a GLSL
/// shader:
/// ```
/// uniform subpassInput subpass_input;
/// out vec4 frag_color;
/// void main() {
/// vec4 color = subpassLoad(subpass_input);
/// // Invert the colors drawn to the framebuffer.
/// frag_color = vec4(vec3(1) - color.rgb, color.a);
/// }
/// ```
virtual bool SupportsFramebufferFetch() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports `ComputePass`.
virtual bool SupportsCompute() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports configuring `ComputePass`
/// command subgroups.
virtual bool SupportsComputeSubgroups() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports binding the current
/// `RenderPass` attachments. This is supported if the backend can
/// guarantee that attachment textures will not be mutated until the
/// render pass has fully completed.
/// This is possible because many mobile graphics cards track
/// `RenderPass` attachment state in intermediary tile memory prior to
/// Storing the pass in the heap allocated attachments on DRAM.
/// Metal's hazard tracking and Vulkan's barriers are granular enough
/// to allow for safely accessing attachment textures prior to storage
/// in the same `RenderPass`.
virtual bool SupportsReadFromResolve() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports `SamplerAddressMode::Decal`.
virtual bool SupportsDecalSamplerAddressMode() const = 0;
/// @brief Whether the context backend supports allocating
/// `StorageMode::kDeviceTransient` (aka "memoryless") textures, which
/// are temporary textures kept in tile memory for the duration of the
/// `RenderPass` it's attached to.
/// This feature is especially useful for MSAA and stencils.
virtual bool SupportsDeviceTransientTextures() const = 0;
/// @brief Returns a supported `PixelFormat` for textures that store
/// 4-channel colors (red/green/blue/alpha).
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultColorFormat() const = 0;
/// @brief Returns a supported `PixelFormat` for textures that store stencil
/// information. May include a depth channel if a stencil-only format
/// is not available.
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultStencilFormat() const = 0;
/// @brief Returns a supported `PixelFormat` for textures that store both a
/// stencil and depth component. This will never return a depth-only
/// or stencil-only texture.
/// Returns `PixelFormat::kUnknown` if no suitable depth+stencil
/// format was found.
virtual PixelFormat GetDefaultDepthStencilFormat() const = 0;
Capabilities(const Capabilities&) = delete;
Capabilities& operator=(const Capabilities&) = delete;
class CapabilitiesBuilder {
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsOffscreenMSAA(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsSSBO(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsBufferToTextureBlits(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsTextureToTextureBlits(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsFramebufferFetch(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsCompute(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsComputeSubgroups(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsReadFromResolve(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetDefaultColorFormat(PixelFormat value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetDefaultStencilFormat(PixelFormat value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetDefaultDepthStencilFormat(PixelFormat value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsDecalSamplerAddressMode(bool value);
CapabilitiesBuilder& SetSupportsDeviceTransientTextures(bool value);
std::unique_ptr<Capabilities> Build();
bool supports_offscreen_msaa_ = false;
bool supports_ssbo_ = false;
bool supports_buffer_to_texture_blits_ = false;
bool supports_texture_to_texture_blits_ = false;
bool supports_framebuffer_fetch_ = false;
bool supports_compute_ = false;
bool supports_compute_subgroups_ = false;
bool supports_read_from_resolve_ = false;
bool supports_decal_sampler_address_mode_ = false;
bool supports_device_transient_textures_ = false;
std::optional<PixelFormat> default_color_format_ = std::nullopt;
std::optional<PixelFormat> default_stencil_format_ = std::nullopt;
std::optional<PixelFormat> default_depth_stencil_format_ = std::nullopt;
CapabilitiesBuilder(const CapabilitiesBuilder&) = delete;
CapabilitiesBuilder& operator=(const CapabilitiesBuilder&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller