blob: 07e62e5d4e8e11e5426f2b50d0c679857203f2aa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/lib/ui/dart_ui.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <string_view>
#include "flutter/common/constants.h"
#include "flutter/common/settings.h"
#include "flutter/fml/build_config.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/compositing/scene.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/compositing/scene_builder.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/dart_runtime_hooks.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/isolate_name_server/isolate_name_server_natives.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/canvas.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/codec.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/color_filter.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/engine_layer.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/fragment_program.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/fragment_shader.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/gradient.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_descriptor.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_filter.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_shader.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/immutable_buffer.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/path.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/path_measure.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/picture.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/picture_recorder.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/vertices.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/semantics_update.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/semantics_update_builder.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/string_attribute.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/text/font_collection.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/text/paragraph.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/text/paragraph_builder.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_configuration.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/converter/dart_converter.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/dart_args.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/logging/dart_error.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/scene/scene_node.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/scene/scene_shader.h"
using tonic::ToDart;
namespace flutter {
typedef CanvasImage Image;
typedef CanvasPathMeasure PathMeasure;
typedef CanvasGradient Gradient;
typedef CanvasPath Path;
// List of native static functions used as @Native functions.
// Items are tuples of ('function_name', 'parameter_count'), where:
// 'function_name' is the fully qualified name of the native function.
// 'parameter_count' is the number of parameters the function has.
// These are used to:
// - Instantiate FfiDispatcher templates to automatically create FFI Native
// bindings.
// If the name does not match a native function, the template will fail to
// instatiate, resulting in a compile time error.
// - Resolve the native function pointer associated with an @Native function.
// If there is a mismatch between name or parameter count an @Native is
// trying to resolve, an exception will be thrown.
/* Constructors */ \
V(Canvas::Create, 6) \
V(ColorFilter::Create, 1) \
V(FragmentProgram::Create, 1) \
V(ReusableFragmentShader::Create, 4) \
V(Gradient::Create, 1) \
V(ImageFilter::Create, 1) \
V(ImageShader::Create, 1) \
V(ParagraphBuilder::Create, 10) \
V(PathMeasure::Create, 3) \
V(Path::Create, 1) \
V(PictureRecorder::Create, 1) \
V(SceneBuilder::Create, 1) \
V(SemanticsUpdateBuilder::Create, 1) \
/* Other */ \
V(FontCollection::LoadFontFromList, 3) \
V(ImageDescriptor::initEncoded, 3) \
V(ImmutableBuffer::init, 3) \
V(ImmutableBuffer::initFromAsset, 3) \
V(ImmutableBuffer::initFromFile, 3) \
V(ImageDescriptor::initRaw, 6) \
V(IsolateNameServerNatives::LookupPortByName, 1) \
V(IsolateNameServerNatives::RegisterPortWithName, 2) \
V(IsolateNameServerNatives::RemovePortNameMapping, 1) \
V(NativeStringAttribute::initLocaleStringAttribute, 4) \
V(NativeStringAttribute::initSpellOutStringAttribute, 3) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::DefaultRouteName, 0) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::ScheduleFrame, 0) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::Render, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::UpdateSemantics, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SetNeedsReportTimings, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SetIsolateDebugName, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::RequestDartPerformanceMode, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::GetPersistentIsolateData, 0) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::ComputePlatformResolvedLocale, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SendPlatformMessage, 3) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::RespondToPlatformMessage, 2) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::GetRootIsolateToken, 0) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::RegisterBackgroundIsolate, 1) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SendPortPlatformMessage, 4) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SendChannelUpdate, 2) \
V(PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::GetScaledFontSize, 2) \
V(DartRuntimeHooks::Logger_PrintDebugString, 1) \
V(DartRuntimeHooks::Logger_PrintString, 1) \
V(DartRuntimeHooks::ScheduleMicrotask, 1) \
V(DartRuntimeHooks::GetCallbackHandle, 1) \
V(DartRuntimeHooks::GetCallbackFromHandle, 1) \
V(DartPluginRegistrant_EnsureInitialized, 0) \
V(Vertices::init, 6)
// List of native instance methods used as @Native functions.
// Items are tuples of ('class_name', 'method_name', 'parameter_count'), where:
// 'class_name' is the name of the class containing the method.
// 'method_name' is the name of the method.
// 'parameter_count' is the number of parameters the method has including the
// implicit `this` parameter.
// These are used to:
// - Instantiate FfiDispatcher templates to automatically create FFI Native
// bindings.
// If the name does not match a native function, the template will fail to
// instatiate, resulting in a compile time error.
// - Resolve the native function pointer associated with an @Native function.
// If there is a mismatch between names or parameter count an @Native is
// trying to resolve, an exception will be thrown.
#define FFI_METHOD_LIST(V) \
V(Canvas, clipPath, 3) \
V(Canvas, clipRect, 7) \
V(Canvas, clipRRect, 3) \
V(Canvas, drawArc, 10) \
V(Canvas, drawAtlas, 10) \
V(Canvas, drawCircle, 6) \
V(Canvas, drawColor, 3) \
V(Canvas, drawDRRect, 5) \
V(Canvas, drawImage, 7) \
V(Canvas, drawImageNine, 13) \
V(Canvas, drawImageRect, 13) \
V(Canvas, drawLine, 7) \
V(Canvas, drawOval, 7) \
V(Canvas, drawPaint, 3) \
V(Canvas, drawPath, 4) \
V(Canvas, drawPicture, 2) \
V(Canvas, drawPoints, 5) \
V(Canvas, drawRRect, 4) \
V(Canvas, drawRect, 7) \
V(Canvas, drawShadow, 5) \
V(Canvas, drawVertices, 5) \
V(Canvas, getDestinationClipBounds, 2) \
V(Canvas, getLocalClipBounds, 2) \
V(Canvas, getSaveCount, 1) \
V(Canvas, getTransform, 2) \
V(Canvas, restore, 1) \
V(Canvas, restoreToCount, 2) \
V(Canvas, rotate, 2) \
V(Canvas, save, 1) \
V(Canvas, saveLayer, 7) \
V(Canvas, saveLayerWithoutBounds, 3) \
V(Canvas, scale, 3) \
V(Canvas, skew, 3) \
V(Canvas, transform, 2) \
V(Canvas, translate, 3) \
V(Codec, dispose, 1) \
V(Codec, frameCount, 1) \
V(Codec, getNextFrame, 2) \
V(Codec, repetitionCount, 1) \
V(ColorFilter, initLinearToSrgbGamma, 1) \
V(ColorFilter, initMatrix, 2) \
V(ColorFilter, initMode, 3) \
V(ColorFilter, initSrgbToLinearGamma, 1) \
V(EngineLayer, dispose, 1) \
V(FragmentProgram, initFromAsset, 2) \
V(ReusableFragmentShader, Dispose, 1) \
V(ReusableFragmentShader, SetImageSampler, 3) \
V(ReusableFragmentShader, ValidateSamplers, 1) \
V(Gradient, initLinear, 6) \
V(Gradient, initRadial, 8) \
V(Gradient, initSweep, 9) \
V(Gradient, initTwoPointConical, 11) \
V(Image, dispose, 1) \
V(Image, width, 1) \
V(Image, height, 1) \
V(Image, toByteData, 3) \
V(Image, colorSpace, 1) \
V(ImageDescriptor, bytesPerPixel, 1) \
V(ImageDescriptor, dispose, 1) \
V(ImageDescriptor, height, 1) \
V(ImageDescriptor, instantiateCodec, 4) \
V(ImageDescriptor, width, 1) \
V(ImageFilter, initBlur, 4) \
V(ImageFilter, initDilate, 3) \
V(ImageFilter, initErode, 3) \
V(ImageFilter, initColorFilter, 2) \
V(ImageFilter, initComposeFilter, 3) \
V(ImageFilter, initMatrix, 3) \
V(ImageShader, dispose, 1) \
V(ImageShader, initWithImage, 6) \
V(ImmutableBuffer, dispose, 1) \
V(ImmutableBuffer, length, 1) \
V(ParagraphBuilder, addPlaceholder, 6) \
V(ParagraphBuilder, addText, 2) \
V(ParagraphBuilder, build, 2) \
V(ParagraphBuilder, pop, 1) \
V(ParagraphBuilder, pushStyle, 16) \
V(Paragraph, alphabeticBaseline, 1) \
V(Paragraph, computeLineMetrics, 1) \
V(Paragraph, didExceedMaxLines, 1) \
V(Paragraph, dispose, 1) \
V(Paragraph, getClosestGlyphInfo, 3) \
V(Paragraph, getGlyphInfoAt, 2) \
V(Paragraph, getLineBoundary, 2) \
V(Paragraph, getLineMetricsAt, 3) \
V(Paragraph, getLineNumberAt, 2) \
V(Paragraph, getNumberOfLines, 1) \
V(Paragraph, getPositionForOffset, 3) \
V(Paragraph, getRectsForPlaceholders, 1) \
V(Paragraph, getRectsForRange, 5) \
V(Paragraph, getWordBoundary, 2) \
V(Paragraph, height, 1) \
V(Paragraph, ideographicBaseline, 1) \
V(Paragraph, layout, 2) \
V(Paragraph, longestLine, 1) \
V(Paragraph, maxIntrinsicWidth, 1) \
V(Paragraph, minIntrinsicWidth, 1) \
V(Paragraph, paint, 4) \
V(Paragraph, width, 1) \
V(PathMeasure, setPath, 3) \
V(PathMeasure, getLength, 2) \
V(PathMeasure, getPosTan, 3) \
V(PathMeasure, getSegment, 6) \
V(PathMeasure, isClosed, 2) \
V(PathMeasure, nextContour, 1) \
V(Path, addArc, 7) \
V(Path, addOval, 5) \
V(Path, addPath, 4) \
V(Path, addPathWithMatrix, 5) \
V(Path, addPolygon, 3) \
V(Path, addRRect, 2) \
V(Path, addRect, 5) \
V(Path, arcTo, 8) \
V(Path, arcToPoint, 8) \
V(Path, clone, 2) \
V(Path, close, 1) \
V(Path, conicTo, 6) \
V(Path, contains, 3) \
V(Path, cubicTo, 7) \
V(Path, extendWithPath, 4) \
V(Path, extendWithPathAndMatrix, 5) \
V(Path, getBounds, 1) \
V(Path, getFillType, 1) \
V(Path, lineTo, 3) \
V(Path, moveTo, 3) \
V(Path, op, 4) \
V(Path, quadraticBezierTo, 5) \
V(Path, relativeArcToPoint, 8) \
V(Path, relativeConicTo, 6) \
V(Path, relativeCubicTo, 7) \
V(Path, relativeLineTo, 3) \
V(Path, relativeMoveTo, 3) \
V(Path, relativeQuadraticBezierTo, 5) \
V(Path, reset, 1) \
V(Path, setFillType, 2) \
V(Path, shift, 4) \
V(Path, transform, 3) \
V(PictureRecorder, endRecording, 2) \
V(Picture, GetAllocationSize, 1) \
V(Picture, dispose, 1) \
V(Picture, toImage, 4) \
V(Picture, toImageSync, 4) \
V(SceneBuilder, addPerformanceOverlay, 6) \
V(SceneBuilder, addPicture, 5) \
V(SceneBuilder, addPlatformView, 6) \
V(SceneBuilder, addRetained, 2) \
V(SceneBuilder, addTexture, 8) \
V(SceneBuilder, build, 2) \
V(SceneBuilder, pop, 1) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushBackdropFilter, 5) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushClipPath, 5) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushClipRRect, 5) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushClipRect, 8) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushColorFilter, 4) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushImageFilter, 4) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushOffset, 5) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushOpacity, 6) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushShaderMask, 10) \
V(SceneBuilder, pushTransformHandle, 4) \
V(SceneBuilder, setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers, 2) \
V(SceneBuilder, setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages, 2) \
V(SceneBuilder, setRasterizerTracingThreshold, 2) \
V(Scene, dispose, 1) \
V(Scene, toImage, 4) \
V(Scene, toImageSync, 4) \
V(SemanticsUpdateBuilder, build, 2) \
V(SemanticsUpdateBuilder, updateCustomAction, 5) \
V(SemanticsUpdateBuilder, updateNode, 36) \
V(SemanticsUpdate, dispose, 1) \
V(Vertices, dispose, 1)
V(SceneNode::Create, 1) V(SceneShader::Create, 2)
#define FFI_METHOD_LIST_3D(V) \
V(SceneNode, initFromAsset, 3) \
V(SceneNode, initFromTransform, 2) \
V(SceneNode, AddChild, 2) \
V(SceneNode, SetTransform, 2) \
V(SceneNode, SetAnimationState, 5) \
V(SceneNode, SeekAnimation, 3) \
V(SceneShader, SetCameraTransform, 2) \
V(SceneShader, Dispose, 1)
g_function_dispatchers.insert(std::make_pair( \
std::string_view(#FUNCTION), \
reinterpret_cast<void*>( \
tonic::FfiDispatcher<void, decltype(&FUNCTION), &FUNCTION>::Call)));
g_function_dispatchers.insert( \
std::make_pair(std::string_view(#CLASS "::" #METHOD), \
reinterpret_cast<void*>( \
tonic::FfiDispatcher<CLASS, decltype(&CLASS::METHOD), \
namespace {
std::once_flag g_dispatchers_init_flag;
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, void*> g_function_dispatchers;
void* ResolveFfiNativeFunction(const char* name, uintptr_t args) {
auto it = g_function_dispatchers.find(name);
return (it != g_function_dispatchers.end()) ? it->second : nullptr;
void InitDispatcherMap() {
} // anonymous namespace
void DartUI::InitForIsolate(const Settings& settings) {
std::call_once(g_dispatchers_init_flag, InitDispatcherMap);
auto dart_ui = Dart_LookupLibrary(ToDart("dart:ui"));
if (Dart_IsError(dart_ui)) {
// Set up FFI Native resolver for dart:ui.
Dart_Handle result =
Dart_SetFfiNativeResolver(dart_ui, ResolveFfiNativeFunction);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
if (settings.enable_impeller) {
result = Dart_SetField(dart_ui, ToDart("_impellerEnabled"), Dart_True());
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
result = Dart_SetField(dart_ui, ToDart("_implicitViewId"),
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
} // namespace flutter