blob: 166733dd0661b95c82080ddf85d41d11f1e1e96f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "event_sink.h"
namespace flutter {
class EncodableValue;
template <typename T = EncodableValue>
struct StreamHandlerError {
const std::string error_code;
const std::string error_message;
const std::unique_ptr<T> error_details;
StreamHandlerError(const std::string& error_code,
const std::string& error_message,
std::unique_ptr<T>&& error_details)
: error_code(error_code),
error_details(std::move(error_details)) {}
// Handler for stream setup and teardown requests.
// Implementations must be prepared to accept sequences of alternating calls to
// OnListen() and OnCancel(). Implementations should ideally consume no
// resources when the last such call is not OnListen(). In typical situations,
// this means that the implementation should register itself with
// platform-specific event sources OnListen() and deregister again OnCancel().
template <typename T = EncodableValue>
class StreamHandler {
StreamHandler() = default;
virtual ~StreamHandler() = default;
// Prevent copying.
StreamHandler(StreamHandler const&) = delete;
StreamHandler& operator=(StreamHandler const&) = delete;
// Handles a request to set up an event stream. Returns nullptr on success,
// or an error on failure.
// |arguments| is stream configuration arguments and
// |events| is an EventSink for emitting events to the Flutter receiver.
std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<T>> OnListen(
const T* arguments,
std::unique_ptr<EventSink<T>>&& events) {
return OnListenInternal(arguments, std::move(events));
// Handles a request to tear down the most recently created event stream.
// Returns nullptr on success, or an error on failure.
// |arguments| is stream configuration arguments.
std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<T>> OnCancel(const T* arguments) {
return OnCancelInternal(arguments);
// Implementation of the public interface, to be provided by subclasses.
virtual std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<T>> OnListenInternal(
const T* arguments,
std::unique_ptr<EventSink<T>>&& events) = 0;
// Implementation of the public interface, to be provided by subclasses.
virtual std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<T>> OnCancelInternal(
const T* arguments) = 0;
} // namespace flutter